Athaliah Ezr_08_07 /^{Athaliah /and with him
seventy males .

Athaliah 2Ki_11_03 /^{Athaliah /did reign over the
land .

Athaliah 2Ki_11_13 /^{Athaliah /heard the noise of
the guard and of the people , she came to the people into the
temple of the LORD .

Athaliah 2Ch_23_12 /^{Athaliah /heard the noise of
the people running and praising the king , she came to the
people into the house of the LORD :

Athaliah 2Ch_22_12 /^{Athaliah /reigned over the
land .

Athaliah 2Ki_11_14 /^{Athaliah /rent her clothes ,
and cried , Treason , Treason .

Athaliah 2Ch_23_13 /^{Athaliah /rent her clothes ,
and said , Treason , Treason .

Athaliah 2Ki_11_02 /^{Athaliah /so that he was not
slain .

Athaliah 2Ch_22_11 /^{Athaliah /so that she slew
him not.

Athaliah 2Ch_24_07 /^{Athaliah /that wicked woman,
had broken up the house of God ; and also all the dedicated
things of the house of the LORD did they bestow upon Baalim .

Athaliah 2Ch_22_02 /^{Athaliah /the daughter of
Omri .

Athaliah 2Ki_08_26 /^{Athaliah /the daughter of
Omri king of Israel .

Athaliah 2Ki_11_01 /^{Athaliah /the mother of
Ahaziah saw that her son was dead , she arose and destroyed all
the seed royal .

Athaliah 2Ch_22_10 /^{Athaliah /the mother of
Ahaziah saw that her son was dead , she arose and destroyed all
the seed royal of the house of Judah .

Athaliah 2Ch_23_21 /^{Athaliah /with the sword .

Athaliah 2Ki_11_20 /^{Athaliah /with the sword
beside the king's house .

Baalshalisha 2Ki_04_42 /^{Baalshalisha /and brought
the man of God bread of the firstfruits , twenty loaves of
barley , and full ears of corn in the husk thereof. And he said ,
Give unto the people , that they may eat .

Hachaliah Neh_01_01 /^{Hachaliah /And it came to
pass in the month Chisleu , in the twentieth year , as I was in
Shushan the palace ,

Hachaliah Neh_10_01 /^{Hachaliah /and Zidkijah ,

Hali Jos_19_25 /^{Hali /and Beten , and
Achshaph ,

haling Act_08_03 /${haling /men and women
committed them to prison .

Mahali Exo_06_19 /^{Mahali /and Mushi : these
are the families of Levi according to their generations .

Nahaliel Num_21_19 /^{Nahaliel /and from Nahaliel
to Bamoth :

Nahaliel Num_21_19 /^{Nahaliel /to Bamoth :

Nephthalim Mat_04_15 /${Nephthalim /by the way of
the sea , beyond Jordan , Galilee of the Gentiles ;

Nepthalim Rev_07_06 /${Nepthalim /were sealed
twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve
thousand .

Shalim 1Sa_09_04 /^{Shalim /and there they were
not: and he passed through the land of the Benjamites , but they
found them not.

Shalisha 1Sa_09_04 /^{Shalisha /but they found
them not: then they passed through the land of Shalim , and
there they were not: and he passed through the land of the
Benjamites , but they found them not.
