Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

hairy 01167 ## ba` al {bah'- al} ; from 01166 ; a master ; hence a husband , or (figuratively) owner (often used with another noun in modifications of this latter sense) : -- + archer , + babbler , + bird , captain , chief man , + confederate , + have to do , + dreamer , those to whom it is due , + furious , those that are given to it , great , + {hairy} , he that hath it , have , + horseman , husband , lord , man , + married , master , person , + sworn , the of .

hairy 08163 ## sa` iyr {saw-eer'} ; or sa` ir {saw-eer'} ; from 08175 ; shaggy ; as noun , a he-goat ; by analogy , a faun : -- devil , goat , {hairy} , kid , rough , satyr .

hairy 5155 - trichinos {trikh'-ee-nos}; from 2359; {hairy}, i.e. made of hair (mohair): -- of hair.