because thou canst not make one hair white or black >

but there shall not an hair

even all his hair he shall shave off

every one could sling stones at an hair

for there shall not an hair fall from

hair is given her for <1CO11 -:15 >

hair thereof be not turned white

hair thereof be turned white

hair white

hath his hair fallen off from

he shall shave all his hair off his head

man whose hair is fallen off his head

there is black hair grown up therein

there shall not an hair <1KI1 -:52 >

there shall not one hair <1SA14 -:45 >

there shall not one hair <2SA14 -:11 >

they had hair as

thine hair is grown

thy hair

thy hair

well set hair baldness

wiped his feet with her hair

wiped his feet with her hair

woman have long hair <1CO11 -:15 >
