Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
hair ^ 46_1CO_11_14 Doth <2228> not even <3761> nature <5449> itself <0846> teach <1321> (5719) you <5209>, that <3754>, if <1437> <3303> a man <0435> have long {hair} <2863> (5725), it is <2076> (5748) a shame <0819> unto him <0846>?

hair ^ 46_1CO_11_15 But <1161> if <1437> a woman <1135> have long hair <2863> (5725), it is <2076> (5748) a glory <1391> to her <0846>: for <3754> her {hair} <2864> is given <1325> (5769) her <0846> for <0473> a covering <4018>.

hair ^ 46_1CO_11_15 But <1161> if <1437> a woman <1135> have long {hair} <2863> (5725), it is <2076> (5748) a glory <1391> to her <0846>: for <3754> her hair <2864> is given <1325> (5769) her <0846> for <0473> a covering <4018>.

hair ^ 60_1PE_03_03 Whose <3739> adorning <2889> let it <2077> <0> not <3756> be <2077> (5749) that outward <1855> adorning of plaiting <1708> the {hair} <2359>, and <2532> of wearing <4025> of gold <5553>, or <2228> of putting on <1745> of apparel <2440>;

hair ^ 54_1TI_02_09 In like manner <5615> also <2532>, that women <1135> adorn <2885> (5721) themselves <1438> in <1722> modest <2887> apparel <2689>, with <3326> shamefacedness <0127> and <2532> sobriety <4997>; not <3361> with <1722> broided {hair} <4117>, or <2228> gold <5557>, or <2228> pearls <3135>, or <2228> costly <4185> array <2441>;

hair ^ 44_ACT_27_34 Wherefore <1352> I pray <3870> (5719) you <5209> to take <4355> (5629) some meat <5160>: for <1063> this <5124> is <5225> (5719) for <4314> your <5212> health <4991>: for <1063> there shall <4098> <0> not <3762> <0> an {hair} <2359> fall <4098> (5695) from <1537> the head <2776> of any <3762> of you <5216>.

hair ^ 43_JOH_11_02 <1161> (It was <2258> (5713) that Mary <3137> which <3588> anointed <0218> (5660) the Lord <2962> with ointment <3464>, and <2532> wiped <1591> (5660) his <0846> feet <4228> with her <0846> {hair} <2359>, whose <3739> brother <0080> Lazarus <2976> was sick <0770> (5707).)

hair ^ 43_JOH_12_03 Then <3767> took <2983> (5631) Mary <3137> a pound <3046> of ointment <3464> of spikenard <3487> <4101>, very costly <4186>, and anointed <0218> (5656) the feet <4228> of Jesus <2424>, and <2532> wiped <1591> (5656) his <0846> feet <4228> with her <0846> {hair} <2359>: and <1161> the house <3614> was filled <4137> (5681) with <1537> the odour <3744> of the ointment <3464>.

hair ^ 42_LUK_21_18 But <2532> there shall not <3364> an {hair} <2359> of <1537> your <5216> head <2776> perish <0622> (5643).

hair ^ 41_MAR_01_06 And <1161> John <2491> was <2258> (5713) clothed <1746> (5765) with camel's <2574> {hair} <2359>, and <2532> with a girdle <2223> of a skin <1193> about <4012> his <0846> loins <3751>; and <2532> he did eat <2068> (5723) locusts <0200> and <2532> wild <0066> honey <3192>;

hair ^ 40_MAT_03_04 And <1161> the same <0846> John <2491> had <2192> (5707) his <0846> raiment <1742> of <0575> camel's <2574> {hair} <2359>, and <2532> a leathern <1193> girdle <2223> about <4012> his <0846> loins <3751>; and <1161> his <0846> meat <5160> was <2258> (5713) locusts <0200> and <2532> wild <0066> honey <3192>.

hair ^ 40_MAT_05_36 Neither <3383> shalt thou swear <3660> (5661) by <1722> thy <4675> head <2776>, because <3754> thou canst <1410> (5736) not <3756> make <4160> (5658) one <3391> {hair} <2359> white <3022> or <2228> black <3189>.

hair ^ 66_REV_06_12 And <2532> I beheld <1492> (5627) when <3753> he had opened <0455> (5656) the sixth <1623> seal <4973>, and <2532>, lo <2400> (5628), there was <1096> (5633) a great <3173> earthquake <4578>; and <2532> the sun <2246> became <1096> (5633) black <3189> as <5613> sackcloth <4526> of {hair} <5155>, and <2532> the moon <4582> became <1096> (5633) as <5613> blood <0129>;

hair ^ 66_REV_09_08 And <2532> they had <2192> (5707) hair <2359> as <5613> the {hair} <2359> of women <1135>, and <2532> their <0846> teeth <3599> were <2258> (5713) as <5613> the teeth of lions <3023>.

hair ^ 66_REV_09_08 And <2532> they had <2192> (5707) {hair} <2359> as <5613> the hair <2359> of women <1135>, and <2532> their <0846> teeth <3599> were <2258> (5713) as <5613> the teeth of lions <3023>.

hairs ^ 42_LUK_12_07 But <0235> even the very <2532> {hairs} <2359> of your <5216> head <2776> are <0705> <0> all <3956> numbered <0705> (5769). Fear <5399> (5737) not <3361> therefore <3767>: ye are of more value <1308> (5719) than many <4183> sparrows <4765>.

hairs ^ 42_LUK_07_44 And <2532> he turned <4762> (5651) to <4314> the woman <1135>, and said <5346> (5713) unto Simon <4613>, Seest thou <0991> (5719) this <5026> woman <1135>? I entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> thine <4675> house <3614>, thou gavest me <1325> (5656) no <3756> water <5204> for <1909> my <3450> feet <4228>: but <1161> she <3778> (5625) <0846> hath washed <1026> (5656) my <3450> feet <4228> with tears <1144>, and <2532> wiped <1591> (5656) them with the {hairs} <2359> of her <0846> head <2776>.

hairs ^ 42_LUK_07_38 And <2532> stood <2476> (5631) at <3844> his <0846> feet <4228> behind <3694> him weeping <2799> (5723), and began <0756> (5662) to wash <1026> (5721) his <0846> feet <4228> with tears <1144>, and <2532> did wipe <1591> (5707) them with the {hairs} <2359> of her <0846> head <2776>, and <2532> kissed <2705> (5707) his <0846> feet <4228>, and <2532> anointed <0218> (5707) them with the ointment <3464>.

hairs ^ 40_MAT_10_30 But <1161> the very <2532> {hairs} <2359> of your <5216> head <2776> are <1526> (5748) all <3956> numbered <0705> (5772).

hairs ^ 66_REV_01_14 <1161> His <0846> head <2776> and <2532> his {hairs} <2359> were white <3022> like <5616> wool <2053>, as white <3022> as <5613> snow <5510>; and <2532> his <0846> eyes <3788> were as <5613> a flame <5395> of fire <4442>;