Zelophehad 6765 ## Ts@lophchad {tsel-of-chawd'}; from the same
as 6764 and 259; Tselophchad, an Israelite: -- {Zelophehad}.[ql

Zurishaddai 6701 ## Tsuwriyshadday {tsoo-ree-shad-dah'-ee}; from
6697 and 7706; rock of (the) Almighty; Tsurishaddai, an
Israelite: -- {Zurishaddai}.[ql

Ammishaddai 5996 ## 5971 and 7706; people of (the) Almighty; Ammishaddai, an
Israelite: -- {Ammishaddai}.[ql

Arphad 0774 ## >Arpad {ar-pawd'}; from 7502; spread out; Arpad,
a place in Syria: -- Arpad, {Arphad}. [ql

Ben-hadad 1130 ## Ben-Hadad {ben-had-ad'}; from 1121 and 1908;
son of Hadad; Ben-Hadad, the name of several Syrian kings: --
{Ben-hadad}. [ql

En-haddah 5876 ## the feminine of a derivative from 2300; fountain of sharpness;
En-Chaddah, a place in Palestine: -- {En-haddah}.[ql

Esar-haddon 0634 ## >Ecar-Chaddown {ay-sar' Chad-dohn'}; of
foreign derivation; Esar-chaddon, an Assyrian king: -- {Esar-
haddon}. [ql

had 0887 ## ba>ash {baw-ash'}; a primitive root; to smell bad;
figuratively, to be offensive morally: -- (make to) be abhorred
({had} in abomination, loathsome, odious), (cause a, make to)
stink(-ing savour), X utterly. [ql

had 1500 ## g@zelah {ghez-ay-law'}; feminine of 1498 and mean
the same: -- that (he {had} robbed) [which he took violently
away], spoil, violence. [ql

had 2007 ## hennah {hane'-naw}; prolongation for 2004;
themselves (often used emphatic for the copula, also in indirect
relation): -- X in, X such (and such things), their, (into) them,
thence, therein, these, they ({had}), on this side, whose,
wherein. [ql

had 3426 ## yesh {yaysh}; perhaps from an unused root meaning to
stand out, or exist; entity; used adverbially or as a copula for
the substantive verb (1961); there is or are (or any other form
of the verb to be, as may suit the connection): -- (there) are,
(he, it, shall, there, there may, there shall, there should) be,
thou do, {had}, hast, (which) hath, (I, shalt, that) have, (he,
it, there) is, substance, it (there) was, (there) were, ye will,
thou wilt, wouldest. [ql

had 3513 ## kabad {kaw-bad'}; or kabed {kaw-bade'}; a primitive
root; to be heavy, i.e . in a bad sense (burdensome, severe,
dull) or in a good sense (numerous, rich, honorable; causatively,
to make weighty (in the same two senses): -- abounding with,
more grievously afflict, boast, be chargeable, X be dim, glorify,
be (make) glorious (things), glory, (very) great, be grievous,
harden, be (make) heavy, be heavier, lay heavily, (bring to,
come to, do, get, be {had} in) honour (self), (be) honourable
(man), lade, X more be laid, make self many, nobles, prevail,
promote (to honour), be rich, be (go) sore, stop. [ql

had 3884 ## luwle> {loo-lay'}; or luwley {loo lay'}; from 3863
and 3808; if not: -- except, {had} not, if (...not), unless,
were it not that. [ql

had 5921 ## preposition (in the singular or plural often with prefix, or as
conjunction with a particle following); above, over, upon, or
against (yet always in this last relation with a downward
aspect) in a great variety of applications (as follow): -- above,
according to(-ly), after, (as) against, among, and, X as, at,
because of, beside (the rest of), between, beyond the time, X
both and, by (reason of), X {had} the charge of, concerning for,
in (that), (forth, out) of, (from) (off), (up-)on, over, than,
through(-out), to, touching, X with.[ql

had 6001 ## laborer; figuratively, sorrowful: -- that laboureth, that is a
misery, {had} taken [labour], wicked, workman.[ql

had 6496 ## paqiyd {paw-keed'}; from 6485; a superintendent
(civil, military or religious): -- which {had} the charge,
governor, office, overseer, [that] was set.[ql

had 7611 ## sh@>eriyth {sheh-ay-reeth'}; from 7604; a remainder
or residual (surviving, final) portion: -- that {had} escaped,
be left, posterity, remain(-der), remnant, residue, rest.[ql

had 8269 ## sar {sar}; from 8323; a head person (of any rank or
class): -- captain (that {had} rule), chief (captain), general,
governor, keeper, lord, ([-task-])master, prince(-ipal), ruler,

had 1438 # heautou {heh-ow-too'} (including all other cases);
from a reflexive pronoun otherwise obsolete and the genitive
case (dative case or accusative case) of 846; him- (her-, it-,
them-, also [in conjunction with the personal pronoun of the
other persons] my-, thy-, our-, your-)self (selves), etc.: --
alone, her (own, -self), (he) himself, his (own), itself, one
(to) another, our (thine) own(-selves), + that she {had}, their
(own, own selves), (of) them(-selves), they, thyself, you, your
(own, own conceits, own selves, -selves).[ql

had 3844 # para {par-ah'}; a primary preposition; properly, near;
i.e. (with genitive case) from beside (literally or
figuratively), (with dative case) at (or in) the vicinity of
(objectively or subjectively), (with accusative case) to the
proximity with (local [especially beyond or opposed to] or
causal [on account of]: -- above, against, among, at, before, by,
contrary to, X friend, from, + give [such things as they], +
that [she] {had}, X his, in, more than, nigh unto, (out) of,
past, save, side...by, in the sight of, than, [there-]fore, with.
In compounds it retains the same variety of application.[ql

had 3885 # paralutikos {par-al-oo-tee-kos'}; from a derivative
of 3886; as if dissolved, i.e. "paralytic": -- that {had} (sick
of) the palsy.[ql

had 5093 # timios {tim'-ee-os}; including the comparative
timioteros {tim-ee-o'-ter-os}; and the superlative timiotatos
{tim-ee-o'-tat-os}; from 5092; valuable, i.e. (objectively)
costly, or (subjectively) honored, esteemed, or (figuratively)
beloved: -- dear, honourable, (more, most) precious, {had} in

had 5613 # hos {hoce}; probably adverb of comparative from 3739;
which how, i.e. in that manner (very variously used, as follows):
-- about, after (that), (according) as (it {had} been, it were),
as soon (as), even as (like), for, how (greatly), like (as,
unto), since, so (that), that, to wit, unto, when([-soever]),
while, X with all speed.[ql

had 5616 # hosei {ho-si'}; from 5613 and 1487; as if: -- about,
as (it {had} been, it were), like (as).[ql

Hadad 0111 ## >Adad {ad-ad'}; probably an orthographical
variation for 2301; Adad (or Hadad), an Edomite: -- {Hadad}. [ql

Hadad 1908 ## Hadad {had-ad'}; probably of foreign origin
[compare 111]; Hadad, the name of an idol, and of several kings
of Edom: -- {Hadad}. [ql

Hadad 2301 ## Chadad {khad-ad'}; from 2300; fierce; Chadad, an
Ishmaelite: -- {Hadad}. [ql

Hadad-rimmon 1910 ## Hadadrimmown {had-ad-rim-mone'}; from 1908
and 7417; Hadad-Rimmon, a place in Palestine: -- {Hadad-rimmon}.

Hadadezer 1909 ## Hadad 5828; Hadad (is his) help; Hadadezer, a Syrian king: --
{Hadadezer}. Compare 1928. [ql

Hadar 1924 ## Hadar {had-ar'}; the same as 1926; Hadar, an
Edomite: -- {Hadar}. [ql

Hadar 2316 ## Chadar {khad-ar'}; another form for 2315; chamber;
Chadar, an Ishmaelite: -- {Hadar}. [ql

Hadarezer 1928 ## Hadar 5828; Hadar (i.e. Hadad, 1908) is his help; Hadarezer (i.e.
Hadadezer, 1909), a Syrian king: -- {Hadarezer}. [ql

Hadashah 2322 ## Chadashah {khad-aw-shaw'}; feminine of 2319;
new; Chadashah, a place in Palestine: -- {Hadashah}. [ql

Hadassah 1919 ## Hadaccah {had-as-saw'}; feminine of 1918;
Hadassah (or Esther): -- {Hadassah}. [ql

Hadattah 2675 ## Chatsowr Chadattah {khaw-tsore' khad-at-taw'};
from 2674 and a Aramaizing form of the feminine of 2319 [compare
2323]; new Chatsor, a place in Palestine: -- Hazor, {Hadattah}
[as if two places]. [ql

Hadid 2307 ## Chadiyd {khaw-deed'}; from 2300; a peak; Chadid, a
place in Palestine: -- {Hadid}. [ql

Hadlai 2311 ## Chadlay {khad-lah'-ee}; from 2309; idle; Chadlai,
an Israelite: -- {Hadlai}. [ql

Hadoram 1913 ## Hadowram {had-o-rawm'}; or Hadoram {had-o-rawm'};
probably of foreign derivation; Hadoram, a son of Joktan, and
the tribe descended from him: -- {Hadoram}. [ql

Hadrach 2317 ## Chadrak {khad-rawk'}; of uncertain derivation;
Chadrak, a Syrian deity: -- {Hadrach}. [ql

if...had 6737 ## tsayar {tsaw-yar'}; a denominative from 6735 in
the sense of ambassador; to make an errand, i.e. betake oneself:
-- make as {if...had} been ambassador.[ql

Jegar-Sahadutha 3026 ## Y@gar Sahaduwtha> (Aramaic) {yegar' sah-
had-oo-thaw'}; from a word derived from an unused root (meaning
to gather) and a derivation of a root corresponding to 7717;
heap of the testimony; Jegar-Sahadutha, a cairn East of the
Jordan: -- {Jegar-Sahadutha}. [ql

Lahad 3855 ## Lahad {lah'-had}; from an unused root meaning to
glow [compare 3851] or else to be earnest [compare 3854]; Lahad,
an Israelite: -- {Lahad}. [ql

Nebuchadnezzar 5019 ## N@buwkadne>tstsar {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'};
or N@bukadne>tstsar (2 Kings 24:1, 10) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'};
or N@buwkadnetstsar (Esther 2:6; Daniel 1:18) {neb-oo-kad-nets-
tsar'}; or N@buwkadre>tstsar {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsar'}; or
N@buwkadre>tstsowr (Ezra 2:1; Jeremiah 49:28) {neb-oo-kad-rets-
tsore'}; or foreign derivation; Nebukadnetstsar (or -retstsar,
or -retstsor), king of Babylon: -- {Nebuchadnezzar},

Nebuchadnezzar 5020 ## N@buwkadnetstsar (Aramaic) {neb-oo-kad-
nets-tsar'}; corresponding to 5019: -- {Nebuchadnezzar}.[ql

Nebuchadrezzar 5019 ## N@buwkadne>tstsar {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'};
or N@bukadne>tstsar (2 Kings 24:1, 10) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'};
or N@buwkadnetstsar (Esther 2:6; Daniel 1:18) {neb-oo-kad-nets-
tsar'}; or N@buwkadre>tstsar {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsar'}; or
N@buwkadre>tstsowr (Ezra 2:1; Jeremiah 49:28) {neb-oo-kad-rets-
tsore'}; or foreign derivation; Nebukadnetstsar (or -retstsar,
or -retstsor), king of Babylon: -- Nebuchadnezzar,

Ohad 0161 ## >Ohad {o'-had}; from an unused root meaning to be
united; unity; Ohad, an Israelite: -- {Ohad}. [ql

overshadow 1982 # episkiazo {ep-ee-skee-ad'-zo}; from 1909 and a
derivative of 4639; to cast a shade upon, i.e. (by analogy) to
envelope in a haze of brilliancy; figuratively, to invest with
preternatural influence: -- {overshadow}.[ql

shade 6738 ## tsel {tsale}; from 6751; shade, whether literal or
figurative: -- defence, {shade}(-ow).[ql

shadow 2927 ## t@lal (Aramaic) {tel-al'}; corresponding to 2926;
to cover with shade: -- have a {shadow}. [ql

shadow 6752 ## tselel {tsay'-lel}; from 6751; shade: -- {shadow}.
[ql shadow 6757 ## tsalmaveth {tsal-maw'-veth}; from 6738 and
4194; shade of death, i.e. the grave (figuratively, calamity): --
{shadow} of death.[ql

shadow 0644 # aposkiasma {ap-os-kee'-as-mah}; from a compound of
575 and a derivative of 4639; a shading off, i.e. obsuration: --

shadow 2683 # kataskiazo {kat-as-kee-ad'-zo}; from 2596 and a
derivative of 4639; to overshade, i.e. cover: -- {shadow}.[ql

shadow 4639 # skia {skee'-ah}; apparently a primary word;
"shade" or a shadow (literally or figuratively [darkness of
error or an adumbration]): -- {shadow}.[ql

shadowing 6751 ## tsalal {tsaw-lal'}; a primitive root
[identical with 6749 through the idea of hovering over (compare
6754)]; to shade, as twilight or an opaque object: -- begin to
be dark, {shadowing}.[ql

shadowing 6767 ## ts@latsal {tsel-aw-tsal'}; from 6750
reduplicated; a clatter, i.e. (abstractly) whirring (of wings);
(concretely) a cricket; also a harpoon (as rattling), a cymbal
(as clanging): -- cymbal, locust, {shadowing}, spear.[ql

Shadrach 7714 ## Shadrak {shad-rak'}; probably of foreign origin;
Shadrak, the Bab. name of one of Daniel's companions: --

Shadrach 7715 ## Shadrak (Aramaic) {shad-rak'}; the same as 7714:
-- {Shadrach}.[ql

shady 6628 ## tse>el {tseh'-el}; from an unused root meaning to
be slender; the lotus tree: -- {shady} tree.[ql

Thaddaeus 2280 # Thaddaios {thad-dah'-yos}; of uncertain origin;
Thaddaeus, one of the Apostles: -- {Thaddaeus}.[ql
