Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
Bethabara ^ 43_JOH_01_28 These things <5023> were done <1096> (5633) in <1722> {Bethabara} <0962> beyond <4008> Jordan <2446>, where <3699> John <2491> was <2258> (5713) baptizing <0907> (5723).

habitation ^ 65_JDE_01_06 And <5037> the angels <0032> which kept <5083> (5660) not <3361> their <1438> first estate <0746>, but <0235> left <0620> (5631) their own <2398> {habitation} <3613>, he hath reserved <5083> (5758) in everlasting <0126> chains <1199> under <5259> darkness <2217> unto <1519> the judgment <2920> of the great <3173> day <2250>.

habitation ^ 49_EPH_02_22 In <1722> whom <3739> ye <5210> also <2532> are builded together <4925> (5743) for <1519> an {habitation} <2732> of God <2316> through <1722> the Spirit <4151>.

habitation ^ 44_ACT_17_26 And <5037> hath made <4160> (5656) of <1537> one <1520> blood <0129> all <3956> nations <1484> of men <0444> for to dwell <2730> (5721) on <1909> all <3956> the face <4383> of the earth <1093>, and hath determined <3724> (5660) the times <2540> before appointed <4384> (5772), and <2532> the bounds <3734> of their <0846> {habitation} <2733>;

habitation ^ 66_REV_18_02 And <2532> he cried <2896> (5656) mightily <2479> with <1722> a strong <3173> voice <5456>, saying <3004> (5723), Babylon <0897> the great <3173> is fallen <4098> (5627), is fallen <4098> (5627), and <2532> is become <1096> (5633) the {habitation} <2732> of devils <1142>, and <2532> the hold <5438> of every <3956> foul <0169> spirit <4151>, and <2532> a cage <5438> of every <3956> unclean <0169> and <2532> hateful <3404> (5772) bird <3732>.

habitation ^ 44_ACT_01_20 For <1063> it is written <1125> (5769) in <1722> the book <0976> of Psalms <5568>, Let <1096> <0> his <0846> {habitation} <1886> be <1096> (5676) desolate <2048>, and <2532> let <2077> (5749) no man <3361> dwell <2730> (5723) therein <1722> <0846>: and <2532> his <0846> bishoprick <1984> let <2983> <0> another <2087> take <2983> (5630).

habitations ^ 42_LUK_16_09 And I <2504> say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Make <4160> (5657) to yourselves <1438> friends <5384> of <1537> the mammon <3126> of unrighteousness <0093>; that <2443>, when <3752> ye fail <1587> (5632), they may receive <1209> (5667) you <5209> into <1519> everlasting <0166> {habitations} <4633>.

inhabitants ^ 66_REV_17_02 With <3326> whom <3739> the kings <0935> of the earth <1093> have committed fornication <4203> (5656), and <2532> the {inhabitants} <2730> (5723) of the earth <1093> have been made drunk <3184> (5681) with <1537> the wine <3631> of her <0846> fornication <4202>.

inhabiters ^ 66_REV_12_12 Therefore <1223> <5124> rejoice <2165> (5744), ye heavens <3772>, and <2532> ye that dwell <4637> (5723) in <1722> them <0846>. Woe <3759> to the {inhabiters} <2730> (5723) of the earth <1093> and <2532> of the sea <2281>! for <3754> the devil <1228> is come down <2597> (5627) unto <4314> you <5209>, having <2192> (5723) great <3173> wrath <2372>, because he knoweth <1492> (5761) that <3754> he hath <2192> (5719) but a short <3641> time <2540>.

inhabiters ^ 66_REV_08_13 And <2532> I beheld <1492> (5627), and <2532> heard <0191> (5656) an <1520> angel <0032> flying <4072> (5740) through <1722> the midst of heaven <3321>, saying <3004> (5723) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, Woe <3759>, woe <3759>, woe <3759>, to the {inhabiters} <2730> (5723) of <1909> the earth <1093> by reason of <1537> the other <3062> voices <5456> of the trumpet <4536> of the three <5140> angels <0032>, which <3588> are yet <3195> (5723) to sound <4537> (5721)!

Rachab ^ 40_MAT_01_05 And <1161> Salmon <4533> begat <1080> (5656) Booz <1003> of <1537> {Rachab} <4477>; and <1161> Booz <1003> begat <1080> (5656) Obed <5601> of <1537> Ruth <4503>; and <1161> Obed <5601> begat <1080> (5656) Jesse <2421>;

Rahab ^ 58_HEB_11_31 By faith <4102> the harlot <4204> {Rahab} <4460> perished <4881> (5639) not <3756> with them that believed not <0544> (5660), when she had received <1209> (5666) the spies <2685> with <3326> peace <1515>.

Rahab ^ 59_JAM_02_25 Likewise <3668> <1161> also <2532> was <1344> <0> not <3756> {Rahab} <4460> the harlot <4204> justified <1344> (5681) by <1537> works <2041>, when she had received <5264> (5666) the messengers <0032>, and <2532> had sent them out <1544> (5631) another <2087> way <3598>?

unquenchable ^ 40_MAT_03_12 Whose <3739> fan <4425> is in <1722> his <0846> hand <5495>, and <2532> he will throughly purge <1245> (5692) his <0846> floor <0257>, and <2532> gather <4863> (5692) his <0846> wheat <4621> into <1519> the garner <0596>; but <1161> he will burn up <2618> (5692) the chaff <0892> with {unquenchable} <0762> fire <4442>.

unquenchable ^ 42_LUK_03_17 Whose <3739> fan <4425> is in <1722> his <0846> hand <5495>, and <2532> he will throughly purge <1245> (5692) his <0846> floor <0257>, and <2532> will gather <4863> (5692) the wheat <4621> into <1519> his <0846> garner <0596>; but <1161> the chaff <0892> he will burn <2618> (5692) with fire <4442> {unquenchable} <0762>.

unsearchable ^ 49_EPH_03_08 Unto me <1698>, who am less than the least <1647> of all <3956> saints <0040>, is <1325> <0> this <3778> grace <5485> given <1325> (5681), that I should preach <2097> (5670) among <1722> the Gentiles <1484> the {unsearchable} <0421> riches <4149> of Christ <5547>;

unsearchable ^ 45_ROM_11_33 O <5599> the depth <0899> of the riches <4149> both <2532> of the wisdom <4678> and <2532> knowledge <1108> of God <2316>! how <5613> {unsearchable} <0419> are his <0846> judgments <2917>, and <2532> his <0846> ways <3598> past finding out <0421>!