Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

Abagtha 0005 ## &Abagtha& {ab-ag-thaw'}; of foreign origin; Abagtha, a eunuch of Xerxes: -- {Abagtha}.

Achmetha 0307 ## &Achm@tha& {akh-me-thaw'}; of Persian derivation; Achmetha (i.e. Ecbatana), the summer capital of Persia: -- {Achmetha}.

Admatha 0133 ## &Admatha& {ad-maw-thaw'}; probably of Persian derivation: Admatha, a Persian nobleman: -- {Admatha}.

aha 1889 ## heach {heh-awkh'}; from 1887 and 253; aha!: -- ah, {aha}, ha.

Alpha 0001 # a {al'-fah}; of Hebrew origin; the first letter of the alphabet; figuratively, only (from its use as a numeral) the first: -- {Alpha}. Often used (usually an, before a vowel) also in composition (as a contraction from 427) in the sense of privation; so, in many words, beginning with this letter; occasionally in the sense of union (as a contraction of 260).

Aridatha 0743 ## &Ariydatha& {ar-ee-daw-thaw'}; of Persian origin; Aridatha, a son of Haman: -- {Aridatha}.

article 4099 ## M@datha {med-aw-thaw'}; of Persian origin; Medatha, the father of Haman: -- Hammedatha [including the {article}].

as 2505 # katha {kath-ah'}; from 2596 and the neuter plural of 3739; according to which things, i.e. just as: -- {as}.

Aspatha 0630 ## &Acpatha& {as-paw-thaw'}; of Persian derivation; Aspatha, a son of Haman: -- {Aspatha}.

Baal-shalisha 1190 ## Ba`al Shalishah {bah'-al shaw-lee-shaw'}; from 1168 and 8031; Baal of Shalishah, Baal-Shalishah, a place in Palestine: -- {Baal-shalisha}.

Baasha 1201 ## Ba`sha& {bah-shaw'}; from an unused root meaning to stink; offensiveness; Basha, a king of Israel: -- {Baasha}.

Beth-rapha 1051 ## Beyth Rapha& {bayth raw-faw'}; from 1004 and 7497; house of (the) giant; Beth-Rapha, an Israelite: -- {Beth-rapha}.

Bigtha 0903 ## Bigtha& {big-thaw'}; of Persian derivation; Bigtha, a eunuch of Xerxes: -- {Bigtha}.

Birsha 1306 ## Birsha` {beer-shah'}; probably from 7562 with a prepositional prefix; with wickedness; Birsha, a king of Gomorrah: -- {Birsha}.

Biztha 0968 ## Biztha& {biz-thaw'}; of Persian origin; Biztha, a eunuch of Xerxes: -- {Biztha}.

bring 1876 ## dasha {daw-shaw'}; a primitive root; to sprout: -- {bring} forth, spring.

Dalmanutha 1148 # Dalmanoutha {dal-man-oo-thah'}; probably of Aramaic origin; Dalmanutha, a place in Palestine: -- {Dalmanutha}.

Easter 3957 # pascha {pas'-khah}; of Aramaic origin [compare 6453]; the Passover (the meal, the day, the festival or the special sacrifices connected with it): -- {Easter}, Passover.

Elisha 0477 ## &Eliysha` {el-ee-shaw'}; contracted for 474.; Elisha, the famous prophet: -- {Elisha}.

Ephphatha 2188 # ephphatha {ef-fath-ah'}; of Aramaic origin [6606]; be opened!: -- {Ephphatha}.

forth 1876 ## dasha {daw-shaw'}; a primitive root; to sprout: -- bring {forth}, spring.

Gabbatha 1042 # gabbatha {gab-bath-ah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 1355]; the knoll; gabbatha, a vernacular term for the Roman tribunal in Jerusalem: -- {Gabbatha}.

Golgotha 1115 # Golgotha {gol-goth-ah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 1538]; the skull; Golgotha, a knoll near Jerusalem: -- {Golgotha}.

Gomorrha 1116 # Gomorrha {gom'-or-hrhah}; of Hebrew origin [6017]; Gomorrha (i.e. Amorah), a place near the Dead Sea: -- {Gomorrha}.

ha 1889 ## heach {heh-awkh'}; from 1887 and 253; aha!: -- ah, aha, {ha}.

Hakupha 2709 ## Chaquwpha& {khah-oo-faw'}; from an unused root probably meaning to bend; crooked; Chakupha, one of the Nethinim: -- {Hakupha}.

Hammedatha 4099 ## M@datha {med-aw-thaw'}; of Persian origin; Medatha, the father of Haman: -- {Hammedatha} [including the article].

haps 5029 # tacha {takh'-ah}; as if neuter plural of 5036 (adverbially); shortly, i.e. (figuratively) possibly: -- peradventure({-haps}).

Harsha 2797 ## Charsha& {khar-shaw'}; from 2792; magician; Charsha, one of the Nethinim: -- {Harsha}.

Hashupha 2817 ## Chasuwpha& {khas-oo-faw'}; or Chasupha& {khas-oo-faw'}; from 2834; nakedness; Chasupha, one of the Nethinim: -- {Hashupha}, Hasupha.

Hasupha 2817 ## Chasuwpha& {khas-oo-faw'}; or Chasupha& {khas-oo-faw'}; from 2834; nakedness; Chasupha, one of the Nethinim: -- Hashupha, {Hasupha}.

Hatipha 2412 ## Chatiypha& {khat-ee-faw'}; from 2414; robber; Chatipha, one of the Nethinim: -- {Hatipha}.

including 4099 ## M@datha {med-aw-thaw'}; of Persian origin; Medatha, the father of Haman: -- Hammedatha [{including} the article].

Japha 3305 ## Yapho {yaw-fo'}; or Yaphow& (Ezra 3:7) {yaw-fo'}; from 3302; beautiful; Japho, a place in Palestine: -- {Japha}, Joppa.

Jarha 3398 ## Yarcha` {yar-khaw'}; probably of Egyptian origin; Jarcha, an Egyptian: -- {Jarha}.

Jegar-Sahadutha 3026 ## Y@gar Sahaduwtha& (Aramaic) {yegar' sah-had-oo-thaw'}; from a word derived from an unused root (meaning to gather) and a derivation of a root corresponding to 7717; heap of the testimony; Jegar-Sahadutha, a cairn East of the Jordan: -- {Jegar-Sahadutha}.

Jerusha 3388 ## Y@ruwsha& {yer-oo-shaw'}; or Yaruwshah {yer-oo-shaw'} feminine passive participle of 3423; possessed; Jerusha or Jerushah, as Israelitess: -- {Jerusha}, Jerushah.

Jerushah 3388 ## Y@ruwsha& {yer-oo-shaw'}; or Yaruwshah {yer-oo-shaw'} feminine passive participle of 3423; possessed; Jerusha or Jerushah, as Israelitess: -- Jerusha, {Jerushah}.

Joha 3109 ## Yowcha& {yo-khaw'}; probably from 3068 and a variation of 2421; Jehovah-revived; Jocha, the name of two Israelites: -- {Joha}.

Lasha 3962 ## Lesha` {leh'-shah}; from an unused root thought to mean to break through; a boiling spring; Lesha, a place probably East of the Jordan: -- {Lasha}

Maran-atha 3134 # maran atha {mar'-an ath'-ah}; of Aramaic origin (meaning our Lord has come); maranatha, i.e. an exclamation of the approaching divine judgment: -- {Maran-atha}.

Martha 3136 # Martha {mar'-thah}; probably of Aramaic origin (meaning mistress); Martha, a Christian woman: -- {Martha}.

Mattatha 3160 # Mattatha {mat-tath-ah'}; probably a shortened form of 3161 [compare 4992]; Mattatha (i.e. Mattithjah), an Israelite: -- {Mattatha}.

Mesha 4331 ## Meysha& {may-shaw'}; from 4185; departure; Mesha, a place in Arabia; also an Israelite: -- {Mesha}.

Mesha 4337 ## Meysha` {may-shah'}; from 3467; safety; Mesha, an Israelite: -- {Mesha}.

Mesha 4338 ## Meysha` {may-shaw'}; a variation for 4337; safety; Mesha, a Moabite: -- {Mesha}.

Mesha 4852 ## Mesha& {may-shaw'}; of foreign derivation; Mesha, a place in Arabia: -- {Mesha}.

Micha 4316 ## Miyka& {mee-kaw'}; a variation for 4318; Mica, the name of two Israelites: -- {Micha}.

onycha 7827 ## sh@cheleth {shekh-ay'-leth}; apparently from the same as 7826 through some obscure idea, perhaps that of peeling off by concussion of sound; a scale or shell, i.e. the aromatic mussel.: -- {onycha}.

Parshandatha 6577 ## Parshandatha& {par-shan-daw-thaw'}; of Persian origin; Parshandatha, a son of Haman: -- {Parshandatha}.

Passover 3957 # pascha {pas'-khah}; of Aramaic origin [compare 6453]; the Passover (the meal, the day, the festival or the special sacrifices connected with it): -- Easter, {Passover}.

peradventure 5029 # tacha {takh'-ah}; as if neuter plural of 5036 (adverbially); shortly, i.e. (figuratively) possibly: -- {peradventure}(-haps).

Pilcha 6401 ## Pilcha& {pil-khaw'}; from 6400; slicing; Pilcha, an Israelite: -- {Pilcha}.

Poratha 6334 ## Powratha& {po-raw-thaw'}; of Persian origin; Poratha, a son of Haman: -- {Poratha}.

Rapha 7497 ## rapha& {raw-faw'}; or raphah {raw-faw'}; from 7495 in the sense of invigorating; a giant: -- giant, {Rapha}, Rephaim(-s). See also 1051.

Rapha 7498 ## Rapha& {raw-faw'}; or Raphah {raw-faw'}; probably the same as 7497; giant; Rapha or Raphah, the name of two Israelites: -- {Rapha}.

Sabtecha 5455 ## Cabt@ka& {sab-tek-aw'}; probably of foreign derivation; Sabteca, the name of a son of Cush, and the region settled by him: -- {Sabtecha}, Sabtechah.

Sara 4564 # Sarrha {sar'-hrah}; of Hebrew origin [8283]; Sarra (i.e. Sarah), the wife of Abraham: -- {Sara}, Sarah.

Sarah 4564 # Sarrha {sar'-hrah}; of Hebrew origin [8283]; Sarra (i.e. Sarah), the wife of Abraham: -- Sara, {Sarah}.

Shalisha 8031 ## Shalishah {shaw-lee-shaw'}; feminine from 8027; trebled land; Shalishah, a place in Palestine: -- {Shalisha}.

Shavsha 7798 ## Shavsha& {shav-shaw'}; from 7797; joyful; Shavsha, an Israelite: -- {Shavsha}.

Shisha 7894 ## Shiysah& {shee-shaw'}; from the same as 7893; whiteness; Shisha, an Israelite: -- {Shisha}.

Siaha 5517 ## Ciy`a& {see-ah'}; or Ciy`aha& {see-ah-haw'}; from an unused root meaning to converse; congregation; Sia or Siaha, one of the Nethinim: -- Sia, {Siaha}.

spring 1876 ## dasha {daw-shaw'}; a primitive root; to sprout: -- bring forth, {spring}.

Tabitha 5000 # Tabitha {tab-ee-thah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 6646]; the gazelle; Tabitha (i.e. Tabjetha), a Christian female: -- {Tabitha}.

talitha 5008 # talitha {tal-ee-thah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 2924]; the fresh, i.e. young girl; talitha (O maiden): -- {talitha}.

Tel-haresha 8521 ## Tel Charsha& {tale khar-shaw'}; from 8510 and the feminine of 2798; mound of workmanship; Tel-Charsha, a place in Babylonia: -- {Tel-haresha}, Tel-harsa.

the 4099 ## M@datha {med-aw-thaw'}; of Persian origin; Medatha, the father of Haman: -- Hammedatha [including {the} article].

thorn 0173 # akantha {ak'-an-thah}; probably from the same as 188; a thorn: -- {thorn}.

Tirshatha 8660 ## Tirshatha& {teer-shaw-thaw'}; of foreign derivation; the title of a Persian deputy or governor: -- {Tirshatha}.

unprofitable 0512 # anopheles {an-o-fel'-ace}; from 1 (as a negative particle) and tha base of 5624; useless or (neuter) inutility: -- {unprofitable}(-ness).

Vajezatha 2055 ## Vay@zatha& {vah-yez-aw'-thaw}; of foreign origin; Vajezatha, a son of Haman: -- {Vajezatha}.

Ziha 6727 ## Tsiycha& {tsee-khaw'}; or Tsicha& {tsee-khaw'}; as if feminine of 6704; drought; Tsicha, the name of two Nethinim: -- {Ziha}.