Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

generally 00117 ## 'addiyr {ad-deer'} ; from 00142 ; wide or ({generally}) large ; figuratively , powerful : -- excellent , famous , gallant , glorious , goodly , lordly , mighty (- ier one) , noble , principal , worthy .

generally 00310 ## 'achar {akh-ar'} ; from 00309 ; properly , the hind part ; {generally} used as an adverb or conjunction , after (in various senses) : -- after (that ,-ward) , again , at , away from , back (from ,-side) , behind , beside , by , follow (after ,-ing) , forasmuch , from , hereafter , hinder end , + out (over) live , + persecute , posterity , pursuing , remnant , seeing , since , thence [-forth ] , when , with .

generally 00312 ## 'acher {akh-air'} ; from 00309 ; properly , hinder ; {generally} , next , other , etc . : -- (an-) other man , following , next , strange .

generally 00314 ## 'acharown {akh-ar-one'} ; or (shortened)'acharon {akh-ar-one'} ; from 00309 ; hinder ; {generally} , late or last ; specifically (as facing the east) western : -- after (- ward) , to come , following , hind (- er ,-ermost ,-most) , last , latter , rereward , ut (ter) most .

generally 00369 ## 'ayin {ah'- yin} ; as if from a primitive root meaning to be nothing or not exist ; a non-entity ; {generally} used as a negative particle : -- else , except , fail , [father-] less , be gone , in [-curable ] , neither , never , no (where) , none , nor , (any , thing) , not , nothing , to nought , past , un (- searchable) , well-nigh , without . Compare 00370 .

generally 00622 ## 'acaph {aw-saf'} ; a primitive root ; to gather for any purpose ; hence , to receive , take away , i . e . remove (destroy , leave behind , put up , restore , etc .) : -- assemble , bring , consume , destroy , felch , gather (in , together , up again) , X {generally} , get (him) , lose , put all together , receive , recover [another from leprosy ] , (be) rereward , X surely , take (away , into , up) , X utterly , withdraw .

generally 00642 ## 'ephuddah {ay-food-daw'} ; feminine of 00646 ; a girding on (of the ephod) ; hence , {generally} , a plating (of metal) : -- ephod , ornament .

generally 00646 ## 'ephowd {ay-fode'} ; rarely'ephod {ay-fode'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; a girdle ; specifically the ephod or high-priest's shoulder-piece ; also {generally} , an image : -- ephod .

generally 00853 ## 'eth {ayth} ; apparent contracted from 00226 in the demonstrative sense of entity ; properly , self (but {generally} used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition , even or namely) : -- [as such unrepresented in English ] .

generally 00854 ## 'eth {ayth} ; probably from 00579 ; properly , nearness (used only as a preposition or an adverb) , near ; hence , {generally} , with , by , at , among , etc . : -- against , among , before , by , for , from , in (- to) , (out) of , with . Often with another prepositional prefix .

generally 00974 ## bachan {baw-khan'} ; a primitive root ; to test (especially metals) ; {generally} and figuratively , to investigate : -- examine , prove , tempt , try (trial) .

generally 00995 ## biyn {bene} ; a primitive root ; to separate mentally (or distinguish) , i . e . ({generally}) understand : -- attend , consider , be cunning , diligently , direct , discern , eloquent , feel , inform , instruct , have intelligence , know , look well to , mark , perceive , be prudent , regard , (can) skill (- full) , teach , think , (cause , make to , get , give , have) understand (- ing) , view , (deal) wise (- ly , man) .

generally 01058 ## bakah {baw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to weep ; {generally} to bemoan : -- X at all , bewail , complain , make lamentation , X more , mourn , X sore , X with tears , weep .

generally 01104 ## bala` {beh'- lah} ; a primitive root ; to make away with (spec . by swallowing) ; {generally} to destroy : -- cover , destroy , devour , eat up , be at end , spend up , swallow down (up) .

generally 01157 ## b@` ad {beh-ad'} ; from 05704 with prepositional prefix ; in up to or over against ; {generally} at , beside , among , behind , for , etc . : -- about , at by (means of) , for , over , through , up (- on) , within .

generally 01234 ## baqa` {baw-kah'} ; a primitive root ; to cleave ; {generally} , to rend , break , rip or open : -- make a breach , break forth (into , out , in pieces , through , up) , be ready to burst , cleave (asunder) , cut out , divide , hatch , rend (asunder) , rip up , tear , win .

generally 01239 ## baqar {baw-kar} ; a primitive root ; properly , to plough , or ({generally}) break forth , i . e . (figuratively) to inspect , admire , care for , consider : -- (make) inquire (- ry) , (make) search , seek out .

generally 01242 ## boqer {bo'- ker} ; from 01239 ; properly , dawn (as the break of day) ; {generally} , morning : -- (+) day , early , morning , morrow .

generally 01397 ## geber {gheh'- ber} ; from 01396 ; properly , a valiant man or warrior ; {generally} , a person simply : -- every one , man , X mighty .

generally 01438 ## gada` {gaw-dah'} ; a primitive root ; to fell a tree ; {generally} , to destroy anything : -- cut (asunder , in sunder , down , off) , hew down .

generally 01518 ## giyach {ghee'- akh} ; or (shortened) goach {go'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to gush forth (as water) , {generally} to issue : -- break forth , labor to bring forth , come forth , draw up , take out .

generally 01598 ## ganan {gaw-nan'} ; a primitive root ; to hedge about , i . e . ({generally}) protect : -- defend .

generally 02398 ## chata'{khaw-taw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to miss ; hence (figuratively and {generally}) to sin ; by inference , to forfeit , lack , expiate , repent , (causatively) lead astray , condemn : -- bear the blame , cleanse , commit [sin ] , by fault , harm he hath done , loss , miss , (make) offend (- er) , offer for sin , purge , purify (self) , make reconciliation , (cause , make) sin (- ful ,-- ness) , trespass .

generally 02834 ## chasaph {khaw-saf'} ; a primitive root ; to strip off , i . e . {generally} to make naked (for exertion or in disgrace) , to drain away or bail up (a liquid) : -- make bare , clean , discover , draw out , take , uncover .

generally 02859 ## chathan {khaw-than'} ; a primitive root ; to give (a daughter) away in marriage ; hence ({generally}) to contract affinity by marriage : -- join in affinity , father in law , make marriages , mother in law , son in law .

generally 02885 ## tabba` ath {tab-bah'- ath} ; from 02883 ; properly , a seal (as sunk into the wax) , i . e . signet (for sealing) ; hence ({generally}) a ring of any kind : -- ring .

generally 03051 ## yahab {yaw-hab'} ; a primitive root ; to give (whether literal or figurative) ; {generally} , to put ; imperatively (reflexive) come : -- ascribe , bring , come on , give , go , set , take .

generally 03537 ## kad {kad} ; from an unused root meaning to deepen ; properly , a pail ; but {generally} of earthenware ; a jar for domestic purposes : -- barrel , pitcher .

generally 03689 ## kecel {keh'- sel} ; from 03688 ; properly , fatness , i . e . by implication (literally) the loin (as the seat of the leaf fat) or ({generally}) the viscera ; also (figuratively) silliness or (in a good sense) trust : -- confidence , flank , folly , hope , loin

generally 03738 ## karah {kaw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to dig ; figuratively , to plot ; {generally} , to bore or open : -- dig , X make (a banquet) , open .

generally 03887 ## luwts {loots} ; a primitive root ; properly , to make mouths at , i . e . to scoff ; hence (from the effort to pronounce a foreign language) to interpret , or ({generally}) intercede : -- ambassador , have in derision , interpreter , make a mock , mocker , scorn (- er ,-- ful) , teacher .

generally 03920 ## lakad {law-kad'} ; a primitive root ; to catch (in a net , trap or pit) ; {generally} , to capture or occupy ; also to choose (by lot) ; figuratively , to cohere : -- X at all , catch (self) , be frozen , be holden , stick together , take

generally 03950 ## laqat {law-kat'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pick up , i . e . ({generally}) to gather ; specifically , to glean : -- gather (up) , glean .

generally 04082 ## m@diynah {med-ee-naw'} ; from 01777 ; properly , a judgeship , i . e . jurisdiction ; by implication , a district (as ruled by a judge) ; {generally} , a region : -- (X every) province .

generally 04301 ## matmown {mat-mone'} ; or matmon {mat-mone'} ; or matmun {mat-moon'} ; from 02934 ; a secret storehouse ; hence , a secreted valuable (buried) ; {generally} money : -- hidden riches , (hid) treasure (- s) .

generally 04349 ## makown {maw-kone'} ; from 03559 ; properly , a fixture , i . e . a basis ; {generally} a place , especially as an abode : -- foundation , habitation , (dwelling-, settled) place .

generally 04399 ## m@la'kah {mel-aw-kaw'} ; from the same as 04397 ; properly , deputyship , i . e . ministry ; {generally} , employment (never servile) or work (abstractly or concretely) ; also property (as the result of labor) : -- business , + cattle , + industrious , occupation , (+-pied) , + officer , thing (made) , use , (manner of) work ([-man ] ,-manship) .

generally 04415 ## m@lach (Aramaic) {mel-akh'} ; corresponding to 04414 ; to eat salt , i . e . ({generally}) subsist : -- + have maintenance .

generally 04421 ## milchamah {mil-khaw-maw'} ; from 03898 (in the sense of fighting) ; a battle (i . e . the engagement) ; {generally} , war (i . e . warfare) : -- battle , fight (- ing) , war ([-rior ]) .

generally 04490 ## manah {maw-naw'} ; from 04487 ; properly , something weighed out , i . e . ({generally}) a division ; specifically (of food) a ration ; also a lot : -- such things as belonged , part , portion .

generally 04639 ## ma` aseh {mah-as-eh'} ; from 06213 ; an action (good or bad) ; generally , a transaction ; abstractly , activity ; by implication , a product (specifically , a poem) or ({generally}) property : -- act , art , + bakemeat , business , deed , do (- ing) , labor , thing made , ware of making , occupation , thing offered , operation , possession , X well , ([handy-, needle-, net-]) work (ing ,-manship) , wrought .

generally 04639 ## ma` aseh {mah-as-eh'} ; from 06213 ; an action (good or bad) ; {generally} , a transaction ; abstractly , activity ; by implication , a product (specifically , a poem) or (generally) property : -- act , art , + bakemeat , business , deed , do (- ing) , labor , thing made , ware of making , occupation , thing offered , operation , possession , X well , ([handy-, needle-, net-]) work (ing ,-manship) , wrought .

generally 04960 ## mishteh {mish-teh'} ; from 08354 ; drink , by implication , drinking (the act) ; also (by implication) a banquet or ({generally}) feast : -- banquet , drank , drink , feast ([-ed ] ,-ing) .

generally 04988 ## mathaq {maw-thawk'} ; from 04985 ; a dainty , i . e . ({generally}) food : -- feed sweetly .

generally 05030 ## nabiy'{naw-bee'} ; from 05012 ; a prophet or ({generally}) inspired man : -- prophecy , that prophesy , prophet .

generally 05031 ## n@biy'ah {neb-ee-yaw'} ; feminine of 05030 ; a prophetess or ({generally}) inspired woman ; by implication , a poetess ; by association a prophet's wife : -- prophetess .

generally 05034 ## nabel {naw-bale'} ; a primitive root ; to wilt ; {generally} , to fall away , fail , faint ; figuratively , to be foolish or (morally) wicked ; causatively , to despise , disgrace : -- disgrace , dishounour , lightly esteem , fade (away ,-ing) , fall (down ,-ling , off) , do foolishly , come to nought , X surely , make vile , wither .

generally 05057 ## nagiyd {naw-gheed'} ; or nagid {naw-gheed'} ; from 05046 ; a commander (as occupying the front) , civil , military or religious ; {generally} (abstractly , plural) , honorable themes : -- captain , chief , excellent thing , (chief) governor , leader , noble , prince , (chief) ruler .

generally 05059 ## nagan {naw-gan'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to thrum , i . e . beat a tune with the fingers ; expec . to play on a stringed instrument ; hence ({generally}) , to make music : -- player on instruments , sing to the stringed instruments , melody , ministrel , play (- er ,-ing) .

generally 05157 ## nachal {naw-khal'} ; a primitive root ; to inherit (as a [figurative ] mode of descent) , or ({generally}) to occupy ; causatively , to bequeath , or (generally) distribute , instate : -- divide , have ([inheritance ]) , take as a heritage , (cause to , give to , make to) inherit , (distribute for , divide [for , for an , by ] , give for , have , leave for , take [for ]) inheritance , (have in , cause to , be made to) possess (- ion) .

generally 05159 ## nachalah {nakh-al-aw'} ; from 05157 (in its usual sense) ; properly , something inherited , i . e . (abstractly) occupancy , or (concretely) an heirloom ; {generally} an estate , patrimony or portion : -- heritage , to inherit , inheritance , possession . Compare 05158 .

generally 05172 ## nachash {naw-khash'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to hiss , i . e . whisper a (magic) spell ; {generally} , to prognosticate : -- X certainly , divine , enchanter , (use) X enchantment , learn by experience , X indeed , diligently observe .

generally 05238 ## n@koth {nek-oth'} ; probably for 05219 ; spicery , i . e . ({generally}) valuables : -- precious things .

generally 05251 ## nec {nace} ; from 05264 ; a flag ; also a sail ; by implication , a flagstaff ; {generally} a signal ; figuratively , a token : -- banner , pole , sail , (en-) sign , standard .

generally 05458 ## c@gowr {seg-ore'} ; from 05462 ; properly , shut up , i . e . the breast (as inclosing the heart) ; also gold (as {generally} shut up safely) : -- caul , gold .

generally 05594 ## caphad {saw-fad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to tear the hair and beat the breasts (as Orientals do in grief) ; {generally} to lament ; by implication , to wail : -- lament , mourn (- er) , wail .

generally 05712 ## ` edah {ay-daw'} ; feminine of 05707 in the original sense of fixture ; a stated assemblage (specifically , a concourse , or {generally} , a family or crowd) : -- assembly , company , congregation , multitude , people , swarm . Compare 05713 .

generally 05716 ## ` adiy {ad-ee'} ; from 05710 in the sense of trappings ; finery ; {generally} an outfit ; specifically , a headstall : -- X excellent , mouth , ornament .

generally 05769 ## ` owlam {o-lawm'} ; or` olam {o-lawm'} ; from 05956 ; properly , concealed , i . e . the vanishing point ; {generally} , time out of mind (past or future) , i . e . (practically) eternity ; frequentatively , adverbial (especially with prepositional prefix) always : -- alway (- s) , ancient (time) , any more , continuance , eternal , (for , [n-]) ever (- lasting ,-more , of old) , lasting , long (time) , (of) old (time) , perpetual , at any time , (beginning of the) world (+ without end) . Compare 05331 , 05703 .

generally 06030 ## ` anah {aw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to eye or ({generally}) to heed , i . e . pay attention ; by implication , to respond ; by extens . to begin to speak ; specifically to sing , shout , testify , announce : -- give account , afflict [by mistake for 06031 ] , (cause to , give) answer , bring low [by mistake for 06031 ] , cry , hear , Leannoth , lift up , say , X scholar , (give a) shout , sing (together by course) , speak , testify , utter , (bear) witness . See also 01042 , 01043 .

generally 06045 ## ` inyan {in-yawn'} ; from 06031 ; ado , i . e . ({generally}) employment or (specifically) an affair : -- business , travail .

generally 06160 ## ` arabah {ar-aw-baw'} ; from 06150 (in the sense of sterility) ; a desert ; especially (with the article prefix) the ({generally}) sterile valley of the Jordan and its continuation to the Red Sea : -- Arabah , champaign , desert , evening , heaven , plain , wilderness . See also 01026 .

generally 06203 ## ` oreph {o-ref'} ; from 06202 ; the nape or back of the neck (as declining) ; hence , the back {generally} (whether literal or figurative) : -- back ([stiff-] neck ([-ed) .

generally 06470 ## pa` am {paw-am'} ; a primitive root ; to tap , i . e . beat regularly ; hence ({generally}) to impel or agitate : -- move , trouble .

generally 06524 ## parach {paw-rakh'} ; a primitive root ; to break forth as a bud , i . e . bloom ; {generally} , to spread ; specifically , to fly (as extending the wings) ; figuratively , to flourish : -- X abroad , X abundantly , blossom , break forth (out) , bud , flourish , make fly , grow , spread , spring (up) .

generally 06525 ## perach {peh'- rakh} ; from 06524 ; a calyx (natural or artificial) ; {generally} , bloom : -- blossom , bud , flower .

generally 06675 ## tsow'ah {tso-aw'} ; or tso'ah {tso-aw'} : feminine of 06674 ; excrement ; {generally} , dirt ; figuratively , pollution : -- dung , filth (- iness) . Marg . for 02716 .

generally 06697 ## tsuwr {tsoor} ; or tsur {tsoor} ; from 06696 ; properly , a cliff (or sharp rock , as compressed) ; {generally} , a rock or boulder ; figuratively , a refuge ; also an edge (as precipitous) : -- edge , X (mighty) God (one) , rock , X sharp , stone , X strength , X strong . See also 01049 .

generally 06718 ## tsayid {tsah'- yid} ; from a form of 06679 and meaning the same ; the chase ; also game (thus taken) ; ({generally}) lunch (especially for a journey) : -- X catcheth , food , X hunter , (that which he took in) hunting , venison , victuals .

generally 06781 ## tsamiyd {tsaw-meed'} ; or tsamid {tsaw-meed'} ; from 06775 ; a bracelet or arm-clasp ; {generally} , a lid : -- bracelet , covering .

generally 07094 ## qatsab {kaw-tsab'} ; a primitive root ; to clip , or ({generally}) chop : -- cut down , shorn .

generally 07219 ## ro'sh {roshe} ; or rowsh (Deut . 32 : 32) {roshe} ; apparently the same as 07218 ; a poisonous plant , probably the poppy (from its conspicuous head) ; {generally} poison (even of serpents) : -- gall , hemlock , poison , venom .

generally 07392 ## rakab {raw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to ride (on an animal or in a vehicle) ; causatively , to place upon (for riding or {generally}) , to despatch : -- bring (on [horse-] back) , carry , get [oneself ] up , on [horse-] back , put , (cause to , make to) ride (in a chariot , on ,-r) , set .

generally 07462 ## ra` ah {raw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to tend a flock ; i . e . pasture it ; intransitively , to graze (literally or figuratively) ; {generally} to rule ; by extension , to associate with (as a friend) : -- X break , companion , keep company with , devour , eat up , evil entreat , feed , use as a friend , make friendship with , herdman , keep [sheep ] (- er) , pastor , + shearing house , shepherd , wander , waste .

generally 07468 ## r@` uwth {reh-ooth'} ; from 07462 in the sense of 07453 ; a female associate ; {generally} an additional one : -- + another , mate , neighbour .

generally 07607 ## sh@'er {sheh-ayr'} ; from 07604 ; flesh (as swelling out) , as living or for food ; {generally} food of any kind ; figuratively , kindred by blood : -- body , flesh , food , (near) kin (- sman ,-swoman) , near (nigh) [of kin ] .

generally 07725 ## shuwb {shoob} ; a primitive root ; to turn back (hence , away) transitively or intransitively , literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point) ; {generally} to retreat ; often adverbial , again : -- send back , set again , slide back , still , X surely , take back (off) , (cause to , make to) turn (again , self again , away , back , back again , backward , from , off) , withdraw .

generally 07789 ## shuwr {shoor} ; a primitive root [identical with 07788 through the idea of going round for inspection ] ; to spy out , i . e . ({generally}) survey , (for evil) lurk for , (for good) care for : -- behold , lay wait , look , observe , perceive , regard , see .

generally 07880 ## siyach {see'- akh} ; from 07878 ; a shoot (as if uttered or put forth) , i . e . ({generally}) shrubbery : -- bush , plant , shrub .

generally 08104 ## shamar {shaw-mar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to hedge about (as with thorns) , i . e . guard ; {generally} , to protect , attend to , etc . : -- beward , be circumspect , take heed (to self) , keep (- er , self) , mark , look narrowly , observe , preserve , regard , reserve , save (self) , sure , (that lay) wait (for) , watch (- man) .

generally 08239 ## shaphath {shaw-fath'} ; a primitive root ; to locate , i . e . ({generally}) hang on or (figuratively) establish , reduce : -- bring , ordain , set on .

generally 1837 - execheomai {ex-ay-kheh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1537 and 2278; to " echo " forth, i.e. resound (be {generally} reported): -- sound forth.

generally 3004 - lego {leg'-o}; a primary verb; properly, to " lay " forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words [usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas 2036 and 5346 {generally} refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while 4483 is properly, to break silence merely, and 2980 means an extended or random harangue]); by implication, to mean: -- ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter.

generally 4525 - saino {sah'-ee-no}; akin to 4579; to wag (as a dog its tail fawningly), i.e. ({generally}) to shake (figuratively, disturb): -- move.

generally 4579 - seio {si'-o}; apparently a primary verb; to rock (vibrate, properly, sideways or to and fro), i.e. ({generally}) to agitate (in any direction; cause to tremble); figuratively, to throw into a tremor (of fear or concern): -- move, quake, shake.

generally 4594 - semeron {say'-mer-on}; neuter (as adverb) of a presumed compound of the art. 3588 and 2250; on the (i.e. this) day (or night current or just passed); {generally}, now (i.e. at present, hitherto): -- this (to-)day.

generally 4735 - stephanos {stef'-an-os}; from an apparently primary stepho (to twine or wreathe); a chaplet (as a badge of royalty, a prize in the public games or a symbol of honor {generally}; but more conspicuous and elaborate than the simple fillet, 1238), literally or figuratively: -- crown.

generally 4931 - sunteleo {soon-tel-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 5055; to complete entirely; {generally}, to execute (literally or figuratively): -- end, finish, fulfil, make.

generally 4969 - sphazo {sfad'-zo}; a primary verb; to butcher (especially an animal for food or in sacrifice) or ({generally}) to slaughter, or (specifically) to maim (violently): -- kill, slay, wound.

generally 4979 - schoinion {skhoy-nee'-on}; diminutive of schoinos (a rush or flag-plant; of uncertain derivation); a rushlet, i.e. grass-withe or tie ({generally}): -- small cord, rope.

generally 5009 - tameion {tam-i'-on}; neuter contraction of a presumed derivative of tamias (a dispenser or distributor; akin to temno, to cut); a dispensary or magazine, i.e. a chamber on the ground-floor or interior of an Oriental house ({generally} used for storage or privacy, a spot for retirement): -- secret chamber, closet, storehouse. ***. tanun. See 3568.

generally 5078 - techne {tekh'-nay}; from the base of 5088; art (as productive), i.e. (specifically) a trade, or ({generally}) skill: -- art, craft, occupation.

generally 5136 - trachelizo {trakh-ay-lid'-zo}; from 5137; to seize by the throat or neck, i.e. to expose the gullet of a victim for killing ({generally}, to lay bare): -- opened.

generally 5176 - trogo {tro'-go}; probably strengthened from a collateral form of the base of 5134 and 5147 through the idea of corrosion or wear; or perhaps rather of a base of 5167 and 5149 through the idea of a crunching sound; to gnaw or chew, i.e. ({generally}) to eat: -- eat.

generally 5257 - huperetes {hoop-ay-ret'-ace}; from 5259 and a derivative of eresso (to row); an under-oarsman, i.e. ({generally}) subordinate (assistant, sexton, constable): -- minister, officer, servant.

generally 5302 - hustereo {hoos-ter-eh'-o}; from 5306; to be later, i.e. (by implication) to be inferior; {generally}, to fall short (be deficient): -- come behind (short), be destitute, fail, lack, suffer need, (be in) want, be the worse.

generally 5350 - phtheggomai {ftheng'-gom-ahee}; probably akin to 5338 and thus to 5346; to utter a clear sound, i.e. ({generally}) to proclaim: -- speak.

generally 5351 - phtheiro {fthi'-ro}; probably strengthened from phthio (to pine or waste); properly, to shrivel or wither, i.e. to spoil (by any process) or ({generally}) to ruin (especially figuratively, by moral influences, to deprave): -- corrupt (self), defile, destroy.

generally 5500 - cheirotoneo {khi-rot-on-eh'-o}; from a comparative of 5495 and teino (to stretch); to be a hand-reacher or voter (by raising the hand), i.e. ({generally}) to select or appoint: -- choose, ordain.

generally 5524 - choregeo {khor-ayg-eh'-o}; from a compound of 5525 and 0071; to be a dance-leader, i.e. ({generally}) to furnish: -- give, minister.

generally 5526 - chortazo {khor-tad'-zo}; from 5528; to fodder, i.e. ({generally}) to gorge (supply food in abundance): -- feed, fill, satisfy.

generally 5537 - chrematizo {khray-mat-id'-zo}; from 5536; to utter an oracle (compare the original sense of 5530), i.e. divinely intimate; by implication (compare the secular sense of 5532) to constitute a firm for business, i.e. ({generally}) bear as a title: -- be called, be admonished (warned) of God, reveal, speak.

generally 5585 - psephizo {psay-fid'-zo}; from 5586; to use pebbles in enumeration, i.e. ({generally}) to compute: -- count.

generally 5595 - psomizo {pso-mid'-zo}; from the base of 5596; to supply with bits, i.e. ({generally}) to nourish: -- (bestow to) feed.