gabbai , NE , 11:8



Gabbai Interlinear Index Study

Gabbai NEH 011 008 And after <00310 +>achar > him {Gabbai}
<01373 +Gabbay > , Sallai <05543 +Calluw > , nine <08672 +tesha<
> hundred <03967 +me>ah > twenty <06242 + and eight
<08083 +sh@moneh > .


- gabbai , 1373 ,



gabbai -1373 {gabbai} ,


Gabbai 1373 -- Gabbay -- {Gabbai}.




Gabbai 1373 ## Gabbay {gab-bah'ee}; from the same as 1354;
collective: -Gabbai, an Israelite: -- {Gabbai}. [ql


Gabbai 011 008 Neh /^{Gabbai /Sallai , nine
hundred twenty and eight .



gabbai And after him {Gabbai}, Sallai, nine hundred

twenty and eight.
