force Deu_34_07 /^{force /abated .

force Heb_09_17 /${force /after men are dead :
otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth .

force Ezr_04_23 /^{force /and power .

force Eze_34_04 /^{force /and with cruelty
have ye ruled them.

force Jer_48_45 /^{force /but a fire shall
come forth out of Heshbon , and a flame from the midst of Sihon ,
and shall devour the corner of Moab , and the crown of the head
of the tumultuous ones .

force Act_23_10 /${force /from among them ,
and to bring him into the castle .

force Deu_22_25 /^{force /her, and lie with
her: then the man only that lay with her shall die :

force Job_40_16 /^{force /is in the navel of
his belly .

force Jer_23_10 /^{force /is not right.

force 2Sa_13_12 /^{force /me; for no such thing
ought to be done in Israel : do not thou this folly .

force Amo_02_14 /^{force /neither shall the
mighty deliver himself :

force Job_30_18 /^{force /of my disease is my
garment changed : it bindeth me about as the collar of my coat .

force Jer_18_21 /^{force /of the sword ; and
let their wives be bereaved of their children, and be widows ;
and let their men be put to death ; let their young men be slain
by the sword in battle .

force Eze_35_05 /^{force /of the sword in the
time of their calamity , in the time that their iniquity had an
end :

force Est_07_08 /^{force /the queen also
before me in the house ? As the word went out of the king's
mouth , they covered Haman's face .

force Gen_31_31 /^{force /thy daughters from

force Joh_06_15 /${force /to make him a king ,
he departed again into a mountain himself alone .

forced 2Sa_13_14 /^{forced /her, and lay with

forced Pro_07_21 /^{forced /him.

forced 2Sa_13_22 /^{forced /his sister Tamar .

forced 2Sa_13_32 /^{forced /his sister Tamar .

forced 1Sa_13_12 /^{forced /myself therefore,
and offered a burnt offering .

forced Jud_20_05 /^{forced /that she is dead .

forced Jud_01_34 /^{forced /the children of Dan
into the mountain : for they would not suffer them to come down
to the valley :

forces Dan_11_38 /^{forces /and a god whom his
fathers knew not shall he honour with gold , and silver , and
with precious stones , and pleasant things .

forces Jer_43_04 /^{forces /and all the people ,
obeyed not the voice of the LORD , to dwell in the land of
Judah .

forces Oba_01_11 /^{forces /and foreigners
entered into his gates , and cast lots upon Jerusalem , even
thou wast as one of them.

forces Jer_42_01 /^{forces /and Johanan the son
of Kareah , and Jezaniah the son of Hoshaiah , and all the
people from the least even unto the greatest , came near ,

forces Dan_11_10 /^{forces /and one shall
certainly come , and overflow , and pass through : then shall he
return , and be stirred up , even to his fortress .

forces 2Ch_17_02 /^{forces /in all the fenced
cities of Judah , and set garrisons in the land of Judah , and
in the cities of Ephraim , which Asa his father had taken .

forces Job_36_19 /^{forces /of strength .

forces Isa_60_11 /^{forces /of the Gentiles ,
and that their kings may be brought .

forces Isa_60_05 /^{forces /of the Gentiles
shall come unto thee.

forces Jer_40_13 /^{forces /that were in the
fields , came to Gedaliah to Mizpah ,

forces Jer_41_16 /^{forces /that were with him,
all the remnant of the people whom he had recovered from Ishmael
the son of Nethaniah , from Mizpah , after that he had slain
Gedaliah the son of Ahikam , even mighty men of war , and the
women , and the children , and the eunuchs , whom he had brought
again from Gibeon :

forces Jer_41_11 /^{forces /that were with him,
heard of all the evil that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah had done

forces Jer_41_13 /^{forces /that were with him,
then they were glad .

forces Jer_43_05 /^{forces /took all the
remnant of Judah , that were returned from all nations , whither
they had been driven , to dwell in the land of Judah ;

forces Jer_40_07 /^{forces /which were in the
fields , even they and their men , heard that the king of
Babylon had made Gedaliah the son of Ahikam governor in the land
, and had committed unto him men , and women , and children ,
and of the poor of the land , of them that were not carried away
captive to Babylon ;

forces Jer_42_08 /^{forces /which were with him,
and all the people from the least even to the greatest ,
