folly 2Co_11_01 /${folly /and indeed bear with
me .

folly Pro_18_13 /^{folly /and shame unto him.

folly Ecc_02_13 /^{folly /as far as light
excelleth darkness .

folly Pro_14_18 /^{folly /but the prudent are
crowned with knowledge .

folly Ecc_07_25 /^{folly /even of foolishness
and madness :

folly Isa_09_17 /^{folly /For all this his
anger is not turned away , but his hand is stretched out still .

folly Ecc_02_12 /^{folly /for what can the man
do that cometh after the king ? even that which hath been
already done .

folly Pro_05_23 /^{folly /he shall go astray .

folly Ecc_10_01 /^{folly /him that is in
reputation for wisdom and honour .

folly Ecc_01_17 /^{folly /I perceived that
this also is vexation of spirit .

folly Deu_22_21 /^{folly /in Israel , to play
the whore in her father's house : so shalt thou put evil away
from among you.

folly Jud_20_06 /^{folly /in Israel .

folly Jos_07_15 /^{folly /in Israel .

folly Gen_34_07 /^{folly /in Israel in lying
with Jacob's daughter ; which thing ought not to be done .

folly Job_42_08 /^{folly /in that ye have not
spoken of me the thing which is right , like my servant Job .

folly Jer_23_13 /^{folly /in the prophets of
Samaria ; they prophesied in Baal , and caused my people Israel
to err .

Folly Pro_15_21 /^{Folly /is joy to him that
is destitute of wisdom : but a man of understanding walketh
uprightly .

Folly Ecc_10_06 /^{Folly /is set in great
dignity , and the rich sit in low place .

folly 1Sa_25_25 /^{folly /is with him: but I
thine handmaid saw not the young men of my lord , whom thou
didst send .

folly Pro_26_05 /^{folly /lest he be wise in
his own conceit .

folly Pro_26_04 /^{folly /lest thou also be
like unto him.

folly Pro_14_08 /^{folly /of fools is deceit .

folly 2Ti_03_09 /${folly /shall be manifest
unto all men, as theirs also was .

folly Jud_20_10 /^{folly /that they have
wrought in Israel .

folly Ecc_02_03 /^{folly /till I might see
what was that good for the sons of men , which they should do
under the heaven all the days of their life .

folly Job_24_12 /^{folly /to them.

folly Psa_49_13 /^{folly /yet their posterity
approve their sayings . Selah .
