fine Rev_01_15 /${fine /brass , as if they
burned in a furnace ; and his voice as the sound of many waters .

fine Rev_02_18 /${fine /brass ;

fine Ezr_08_27 /^{fine /copper , precious as
gold .

fine Isa_19_09 /^{fine /flax , and they that
weave networks , shall be confounded .

fine Lev_24_05 /^{fine /flour , and bake
twelve cakes thereof: two tenth deals shall be in one cake .

fine Eze_16_13 /^{fine /flour , and honey ,
and oil : and thou wast exceeding beautiful , and thou didst
prosper into a kingdom .

fine Eze_16_19 /^{fine /flour , and oil , and
honey , wherewith I fed thee, thou hast even set it before them
for a sweet savour : and thus it was, saith the Lord GOD .

fine 1Ch_09_29 /^{fine /flour , and the wine ,
and the oil , and the frankincense , and the spices .

fine 1Ki_04_22 /^{fine /flour , and
threescore measures of meal ,

fine Rev_18_13 /${fine /flour , and wheat ,
and beasts , and sheep , and horses , and chariots , and slaves ,
and souls of men .

fine Lev_07_12 /^{fine /flour , fried .

fine Eze_46_14 /^{fine /flour ; a meat
offering continually by a perpetual ordinance unto the LORD .

fine Lev_02_01 /^{fine /flour ; and he shall
pour oil upon it, and put frankincense thereon:

fine Lev_23_17 /^{fine /flour ; they shall be
baken with leaven ; they are the firstfruits unto the LORD .

fine 2Ki_07_01 /^{fine /flour be sold for a
shekel , and two measures of barley for a shekel , in the gate
of Samaria .

fine Lev_14_10 /^{fine /flour for a meat
offering , mingled with oil , and one log of oil .

fine Lev_06_20 /^{fine /flour for a meat
offering perpetual , half of it in the morning , and half
thereof at night .

fine 2Ki_07_18 /^{fine /flour for a shekel ,
shall be to morrow about this time in the gate of Samaria :

fine Lev_05_11 /^{fine /flour for a sin
offering ; he shall put no oil upon it, neither shall he put any
frankincense thereon: for it is a sin offering .

fine 1Ch_23_29 /^{fine /flour for meat
offering , and for the unleavened cakes , and for that which is
baked in the pan , and for that which is fried , and for all
manner of measure and size ;

fine Lev_23_13 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil , an offering made by fire unto the LORD for a sweet savour :
and the drink offering thereof shall be of wine , the fourth
part of an hin .

fine Num_08_08 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil , and another young bullock shalt thou take for a sin
offering .

fine Num_06_15 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil , and wafers of unleavened bread anointed with oil , and
their meat offering , and their drink offerings .

fine Lev_02_04 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil , or unleavened wafers anointed with oil .

fine Lev_14_21 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil for a meat offering , and a log of oil ;

fine Num_07_79 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil for a meat offering :

fine Num_07_49 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil for a meat offering :

fine Num_07_67 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil for a meat offering :

fine Num_07_19 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil for a meat offering :

fine Num_07_31 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil for a meat offering :

fine Num_07_73 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil for a meat offering :

fine Num_07_61 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil for a meat offering :

fine Num_07_55 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil for a meat offering :

fine Num_07_43 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil for a meat offering :

fine Num_07_25 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil for a meat offering :

fine Num_07_37 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil for a meat offering :

fine Num_07_13 /^{fine /flour mingled with
oil for a meat offering :

fine Lev_02_05 /^{fine /flour unleavened ,
mingled with oil .

fine 2Ki_07_16 /^{fine /flour was sold for a
shekel , and two measures of barley for a shekel , according to
the word of the LORD .

fine Lev_02_07 /^{fine /flour with oil .

fine 2Ch_02_08 /^{fine /gold , amounting to
six hundred talents .

fine 2Ch_02_05 /^{fine /gold , and set thereon
palm trees and chains .

fine Dan_02_32 /^{fine /gold , his breast and
his arms of silver , his belly and his thighs of brass ,

fine Son_05_11 /^{fine /gold , his locks are
bushy , and black as a raven .

fine Lam_04_02 /^{fine /gold , how are they
esteemed as earthen pitchers , the work of the hands of the
potter !

fine Pro_25_12 /^{fine /gold , so is a wise
reprover upon an obedient ear .

fine Job_31_24 /^{fine /gold , Thou art my
confidence ;

fine Pro_03_14 /^{fine /gold .

fine Psa_119_012 /^{fine /gold .

fine Job_28_17 /^{fine /gold .

fine Son_05_15 /^{fine /gold : his
countenance is as Lebanon , excellent as the cedars .

fine Psa_19_10 /^{fine /gold : sweeter also
than honey and the honeycomb .

fine Pro_08_19 /^{fine /gold ; and my revenue
than choice silver .

fine Isa_13_12 /^{fine /gold ; even a man
than the golden wedge of Ophir .

fine Zec_09_03 /^{fine /gold as the mire of
the streets .

fine Lam_04_01 /^{fine /gold changed ! the
stones of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of every
street .

fine Dan_10_05 /^{fine /gold of Uphaz :

fine Job_28_01 /^{fine /it.

fine 1Ch_15_27 /^{fine /linen , and all the
Levites that bare the ark , and the singers , and Chenaniah the
master of the song with the singers : David also had upon him an
ephod of linen .

fine Eze_27_16 /^{fine /linen , and coral ,
and agate .

fine Luk_16_19 /${fine /linen , and fared
sumptuously every day :

fine Exo_35_06 /^{fine /linen , and goats

fine Exo_25_04 /^{fine /linen , and goats

fine Exo_35_23 /^{fine /linen , and goats
hair, and red skins of rams , and badgers skins , brought them.

fine Exo_39_28 /^{fine /linen , and goodly
bonnets of fine linen , and linen breeches of fine twined linen ,

fine Eze_16_10 /^{fine /linen , and I covered
thee with silk .

fine 2Ch_02_14 /^{fine /linen , and in crimson
; also to grave any manner of graving , and to find out every
device which shall be put to him, with thy cunning men , and
with the cunning men of my lord David thy father .

fine Exo_39_28 /^{fine /linen , and linen
breeches of fine twined linen ,

fine Exo_35_35 /^{fine /linen , and of the
weaver , even of them that do any work , and of those that
devise cunning work .

fine Rev_18_16 /${fine /linen , and purple ,
and scarlet , and decked with gold , and precious stones , and
pearls !

fine Rev_18_12 /${fine /linen , and purple ,
and silk , and scarlet , and all thyine wood , and all manner
vessels of ivory , and all manner vessels of most precious wood ,
and of brass , and iron , and marble ,

fine Gen_41_42 /^{fine /linen , and put a
gold chain about his neck ;

fine Pro_31_24 /^{fine /linen , and selleth
it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant .

fine Eze_16_13 /^{fine /linen , and silk ,
and broidered work ; thou didst eat fine flour , and honey , and
oil : and thou wast exceeding beautiful , and thou didst prosper
into a kingdom .

fine Isa_03_23 /^{fine /linen , and the hoods
, and the vails .

fine Exo_28_39 /^{fine /linen , and thou
shalt make the girdle of needlework .

fine Exo_28_39 /^{fine /linen , and thou
shalt make the mitre of fine linen , and thou shalt make the
girdle of needlework .

fine Mar_15_46 /${fine /linen , and took him
down , and wrapped him in the linen , and laid him in a
sepulchre which was hewn out of a rock , and rolled a stone unto
the door of the sepulchre .

fine 2Ch_02_14 /^{fine /linen , and wrought
cherubims thereon.

fine Rev_19_08 /${fine /linen , clean and
white : for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints .

fine 1Ch_04_21 /^{fine /linen , of the house
of Ashbea ,

fine Rev_19_14 /${fine /linen , white and
clean .

fine Exo_39_03 /^{fine /linen , with cunning
work .

fine Exo_28_05 /^{fine /linen .

fine Exo_35_25 /^{fine /linen .

fine Exo_38_23 /^{fine /linen .

fine Est_08_15 /^{fine /linen and purple :
and the city of Shushan rejoiced and was glad .

fine Est_01_06 /^{fine /linen and purple to
silver rings and pillars of marble : the beds were of gold and
silver , upon a pavement of red , and blue , and white , and
black , marble .

fine Rev_19_08 /${fine /linen is the
righteousness of saints .

fine Pro_07_16 /^{fine /linen of Egypt .

fine Exo_39_27 /^{fine /linen of woven work
for Aaron , and for his sons ,

Fine Eze_27_07 /^{Fine /linen with broidered
work from Egypt was that which thou spreadest forth to be thy
sail ; blue and purple from the isles of Elishah was that which
covered thee.

fine Gen_18_06 /^{fine /meal , knead it, and
make cakes upon the hearth .

fine Exo_39_28 /^{fine /twined linen ,

fine Exo_38_09 /^{fine /twined linen , an
hundred cubits :

fine Exo_39_29 /^{fine /twined linen , and
blue , and purple , and scarlet , of needlework ; as the LORD
commanded Moses .

fine Exo_36_08 /^{fine /twined linen , and
blue , and purple , and scarlet : with cherubims of cunning work
made he them.

fine Exo_26_01 /^{fine /twined linen , and
blue , and purple , and scarlet : with cherubims of cunning work
shalt thou make them.

fine Exo_27_18 /^{fine /twined linen , and
their sockets of brass .

fine Exo_36_37 /^{fine /twined linen , of
needlework ;

fine Exo_28_15 /^{fine /twined linen , shalt
thou make it.

fine Exo_28_06 /^{fine /twined linen , with
cunning work .

fine Exo_26_36 /^{fine /twined linen ,
wrought with needlework .

fine Exo_27_16 /^{fine /twined linen ,
wrought with needlework : and their pillars shall be four , and
their sockets four .

fine Exo_39_08 /^{fine /twined linen .

fine Exo_38_16 /^{fine /twined linen .

fine Exo_39_02 /^{fine /twined linen .

fine Exo_28_08 /^{fine /twined linen .

fine Exo_38_18 /^{fine /twined linen : and
twenty cubits was the length , and the height in the breadth was
five cubits , answerable to the hangings of the court .

fine Exo_36_35 /^{fine /twined linen : with
cherubims made he it of cunning work .

fine Exo_39_05 /^{fine /twined linen ; as the
LORD commanded Moses .

fine Exo_27_09 /^{fine /twined linen of an
hundred cubits long for one side :

fine Exo_26_31 /^{fine /twined linen of
cunning work : with cherubims shall it be made :

finest Psa_147_14 /^{finest /of the wheat .

finest Psa_81_16 /^{finest /of the wheat : and
with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee.

refine Zec_13_09 /^{refine /them as silver is
refined , and will try them as gold is tried : they shall call
on my name , and I will hear them: I will say , It is my people :
and they shall say , The LORD is my God .

refined Zec_13_09 /^{refined /and will try them
as gold is tried : they shall call on my name , and I will hear
them: I will say , It is my people : and they shall say , The
LORD is my God .

refined 1Ch_28_18 /^{refined /gold by weight ;
and gold for the pattern of the chariot of the cherubims , that
spread out their wings, and covered the ark of the covenant of
the LORD .

refined 1Ch_29_04 /^{refined /silver , to
overlay the walls of the houses withal:

refined Isa_48_10 /^{refined /thee, but not with
silver ; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction .

refiner Mal_03_03 /^{refiner /and purifier of
silver : and he shall purify the sons of Levi , and purge them
as gold and silver , that they may offer unto the LORD an
offering in righteousness .

refiner's Mal_03_02 /^{refiner's /fire , and like
fullers soap :
