Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

1024 + space + a little + him a little + unto you in few +/ . brachus {brakh-ooce'}; of uncertain affinity; short (of time, place, quantity, or number): --few words, little (space, while) .

3640 + faith + O ye of little + unto them O ye of little + clothe you O ye of little + unto him O thou of little + will he clothe you O ye of little +/ . oligopistos {ol-ig-op'-is-tos}; from 3641 + few + long + a few + small + in few + almost + little + Almost + a short + a while + briefly + but few + and few + are few + with few + a little + and a few + not a few + for a few + upon a few + but a short + out a little + for a season + for a little + are there few + and he that had gathered little +/ and 4102 + faith + fidelity + in faith + my faith + by faith + to faith + of faith + By faith + our faith + thy faith + was faith + Thy faith + the faith + and faith + his faith + but faith + assurance + and belief + thou faith + from faith + with faith + that faith + is of faith + their faith + is in faith + of thy faith + is thy faith + of our faith + to the faith + by the faith + for by faith + and of faith + not of faith + in the faith + of the faith + me thy faith + of that faith + not the faith + thee my faith + for the faith + and the faith + Through faith + of me in faith + even our faith + thing in faith + from the faith + it is of faith + us in the faith + is not of faith + it not by faith + but by the faith + and not by faith + which is of faith + fast in the faith + which is by faith + up unto the faith + thy way thy faith + ye be in the faith + men have not faith + thy way ; thy faith + But after that faith + which is of the faith + of him which believeth + for thee that thy faith + but of them that believe + then they which be of faith + that they which are of faith +/ ; incredulous, i .e . lacking confidence (in Christ): --of little faith .

3641 + few + long + a few + small + in few + almost + little + Almost + a short + a while + briefly + but few + and few + are few + with few + a little + and a few + not a few + for a few + upon a few + but a short + out a little + for a season + for a little + are there few + and he that had gathered little +/ . oligos {ol-ee'-gos}; of uncertain affinity; puny (in extent, degree, number, duration or value); especially neuter (adverbial) somewhat: --+ almost, brief[-ly], few, (a) little, + long, a season, short, small, a while .

3642 + the feebleminded +/ . oligopsuchos {ol-ig-op'-soo-khos}; from 3641 + few + long + a few + small + in few + almost + little + Almost + a short + a while + briefly + but few + and few + are few + with few + a little + and a few + not a few + for a few + upon a few + but a short + out a little + for a season + for a little + are there few + and he that had gathered little +/ and 6590; little-spirited, i .e . faint-hearted: --feebleminded .

3643 + despise +/ . oligoreo {ol-ig-o-reh'-o}; from a compound of 3641 + few + long + a few + small + in few + almost + little + Almost + a short + a while + briefly + but few + and few + are few + with few + a little + and a few + not a few + for a few + upon a few + but a short + out a little + for a season + for a little + are there few + and he that had gathered little +/ and ora ("care"); to have little regard for, i .e . to disesteem: --despise .

4935 + a few +/ . suntomos {soon-tom'-oce}; adverb from a derivative of 4932 + and cut + a short + it short +/ ; concisely (briefly): --a few words .