defenced Jer_08_14 /^{defenced /cities , and let
us be silent there: for the LORD our God hath put us to silence ,
and given us water of gall to drink , because we have sinned
against the LORD .

defenced Jer_04_05 /^{defenced /cities .

defenced Isa_37_26 /^{defenced /cities into
ruinous heaps .

defenced Isa_36_01 /^{defenced /cities of Judah ,
and took them.

defenced Jer_34_07 /^{defenced /cities remained
of the cities of Judah .

defenced Jer_01_18 /^{defenced /city , and an
iron pillar , and brasen walls against the whole land , against
the kings of Judah , against the princes thereof, against the
priests thereof, and against the people of the land .

defenced Isa_25_02 /^{defenced /city a ruin : a
palace of strangers to be no city ; it shall never be built .

defenced Isa_27_10 /^{defenced /city shall be
desolate , and the habitation forsaken , and left like a
wilderness : there shall the calf feed , and there shall he lie
down , and consume the branches thereof.

fenced Eze_36_35 /^{fenced /and are inhabited .

fenced Jer_15_20 /^{fenced /brasen wall : and
they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail
against thee: for I am with thee to save thee and to deliver
thee, saith the LORD .

fenced Zep_01_16 /^{fenced /cities , and
against the high towers .

fenced 2Sa_20_06 /^{fenced /cities , and escape
us .

fenced 1Sa_06_18 /^{fenced /cities , and of
country villages , even unto the great stone of Abel , whereon
they set down the ark of the LORD : which stone remaineth unto
this day in the field of Joshua , the Bethshemite .

fenced 2Ch_32_01 /^{fenced /cities , and thought
to win them for himself.

fenced Jer_05_17 /^{fenced /cities , wherein
thou trustedst , with the sword .

fenced 2Ch_08_05 /^{fenced /cities , with walls ,
gates , and bars ;

fenced 2Ch_11_10 /^{fenced /cities .

fenced Jos_10_20 /^{fenced /cities .

fenced Num_32_36 /^{fenced /cities : and folds
for sheep .

fenced Dan_11_15 /^{fenced /cities : and the
arms of the south shall not withstand , neither his chosen
people , neither shall there be any strength to withstand .

fenced Hos_08_14 /^{fenced /cities : but I will
send a fire upon his cities , and it shall devour the palaces

fenced Jos_19_35 /^{fenced /cities are Ziddim ,
Zer , and Hammath , Rakkath , and Chinnereth ,

fenced Num_32_17 /^{fenced /cities because of
the inhabitants of the land .

fenced 2Ch_21_03 /^{fenced /cities in Judah :
but the kingdom gave he to Jehoram ; because he was the
firstborn .

fenced 2Ch_14_06 /^{fenced /cities in Judah :
for the land had rest , and he had no war in those years ;
because the LORD had given him rest .

fenced 2Ki_19_25 /^{fenced /cities into ruinous
heaps .

fenced 2Ch_17_02 /^{fenced /cities of Judah ,
and set garrisons in the land of Judah , and in the cities of
Ephraim , which Asa his father had taken .

fenced 2Ki_18_13 /^{fenced /cities of Judah ,
and took them.

fenced 2Ch_19_05 /^{fenced /cities of Judah ,
city by city ,

fenced 2Ch_33_14 /^{fenced /cities of Judah .

fenced 2Ch_17_19 /^{fenced /cities throughout
all Judah .

fenced 2Ch_12_04 /^{fenced /cities which
pertained to Judah , and came to Jerusalem .

fenced 2Ki_03_19 /^{fenced /city , and every
choice city , and shall fell every good tree , and stop all
wells of water , and mar every good piece of land with stones .

fenced 2Ki_18_08 /^{fenced /city .

fenced 2Ki_17_09 /^{fenced /city .

fenced 2Ch_11_23 /^{fenced /city : and he gave
them victual in abundance . And he desired many wives .

fenced 2Ki_10_02 /^{fenced /city also, and
armour ;

fenced Jos_14_12 /^{fenced /if so be the LORD
will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out , as the
LORD said .

fenced Isa_05_02 /^{fenced /it, and gathered
out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest vine ,
and built a tower in the midst of it, and also made a winepress
therein: and he looked that it should bring forth grapes , and
it brought forth wild grapes .

fenced Job_10_11 /^{fenced /me with bones and
sinews .

fenced Job_19_08 /^{fenced /up my way that I
cannot pass , and he hath set darkness in my paths .

fenced Deu_09_01 /^{fenced /up to heaven ,

fenced Isa_02_15 /^{fenced /wall ,

fenced Deu_28_52 /^{fenced /walls come down ,
wherein thou trustedst , throughout all thy land : and he shall
besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land , which
the LORD thy God hath given thee.

fenced Deu_03_05 /^{fenced /with high walls ,
gates , and bars ; beside unwalled towns a great many .

fenced 2Sa_23_07 /^{fenced /with iron and the
staff of a spear ; and they shall be utterly burned with fire in
the same place .
