Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0305 + Go + came + rise + went + grew + Come + I go + rose + we go + arise + going + ascend + I went + cometh + coming + sprung + it came + he went + are come + and gone + was come + and went + ascended + they went + were gone + ascendeth + ascending + the rising + And I went + it groweth + he ascended + and climbed + that sprang + And he went + and entered + shall ascend + in they went + have entered + Wilt thou go + And he goeth + but climbeth + him not to go + that ascended + And they went + hath ascended + old they went + unto them Come + they were come + that ascendeth + them that came + and there arose + is not ascended + When he ascended + of them should go + And they ascended + unto them I ascend + that he would come + Now that he ascended + that he should not go + was and is not ; and shall ascend +/ . anabaino {an-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 0303 + each + every + apiece + through +/ and the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; to go up (literally or figuratively): --arise, ascend (up), climb (go, grow, rise, spring) up, come (up) .

0307 + they drew +/ . anabibazo {an-ab-ee-bad'-zo}; from 0303 + each + every + apiece + through +/ and a derivative of the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; to cause to go up, i .e . haul (a net): --draw .

0405 + for menstealers +/ . andrapodistes {an-drap-od-is-tace'}; from a derivative of a compound of 0435 + Men + man + men + sirs + Sirs + a man + Ye men + of men + of man + the man + fellows + husband + the men + The men + out Men + that men + to a man + Husbands + husbands + For a man + in to men + for a man + the man s + not a man + shall men + to the men + with a man + thou O man + of the man + of the men + and of men + unto a man + is the man + an husband + was the man + And the men + her husband + ye husbands + the husband + by that man + thy husband + for the man + For the man + with the men + over the man + When the men + unto them Men + they were men + is of the man + of her husband + by the husband + as her husband + unto them Sirs + to her husband + their husbands + thing for a man + there was a man + with an husband + Let the husband + be the husbands + but the husband + for her husband + For the husband + unto the husband + unto them Ye men + And when the men + from her husband + of them were men + while her husband + her by her husband + is not thy husband + and let not the husband +/ and 4228 + feet + foot + my feet + thy foot + her feet + the foot + thy feet + his feet + and feet + and foot + the feet + our feet + his foot + Their feet + their feet + in his feet + and my feet + to the feet + of his feet + for my feet + not my feet + and his feet + are the feet + And his feet + from thy feet + of their feet + upon thy feet + upon their feet + him by the feet + were as the feet +/ ; an enslaver (as bringing men to his feet): --menstealer .

0576 + were gone + shall turn + as they were come + And it shall turn +/ . apobaino {ap-ob-ah'-ee-no}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; literally, to disembark; figuratively, to eventuate: --become, go out, turn .

0901 + is deep + into a deep +/ . bathus {bath-oos'}; from the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; profound (as going down), literally or figuratively: --deep, very early .

0902 + branches +/ . baion {bah-ee'-on}; a diminutive of a derivative probably of the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; a palm twig (as going out far): --branch .

0922 + burden + weight + burdens + the burden + have been burdensome +/ . baros {bar'-os}; probably from the same as 0939 + his feet +/ (through the notion of going down; compare 0899 + depth + the deep + deepness + and depth + the depths + O the depth + and their deep +/ ); weight; in the N .T . only figuratively, a load, abundance, authority: --burden(-some), weight .

0931 + of torment + in torments + and torments +/ . basanos {bas'-an-os}; perhaps remotely from the same as 0939 + his feet +/ (through the notion of going to the bottom); a touch-stone, i .e . (by analogy) torture: --torment .

0935 + king + KING + King + kings + a king + a king + a King + O king + is King + the King + the king + thy King + as kings + us kings + And king + THE KING + OF KINGS + of kings + and King + and kings + thou King + the kings + sake king + The kings + For kings + him a king + the king s + thou a king + is the King + be the King + thee O king + IS THE KING + of the king + And the king + And the King + not The King + For the king + of the kings + do the kings + and the kings + of the king s + unto the King + unto the king + thou the King + And the kings + unto the kings + shall the King + he be the King + to be their king + thou be the king + But when the king + unto you the King + And when the king + it be to the king + with him the king + unto them The kings + of it and the kings + clothing are in kings +/ . basileus {bas-il-yooce'}; probably from 0939 + his feet +/ (through the notion of a foundation of power); a sovereign (abstractly, relatively, or figuratively): --king .

0939 + his feet +/ . basis {bas'-ece}; from baino (to walk); a pace ("base"), i .e . (by implication) the foot: --foot .

0941 + Bear + took + bear + Carry + bearing + to bear + not bear + and bare + that bare + have borne + was carried + that carrieth + me for I bear + doth not bear + man shall bear + And hast borne + And he bearing + thou have borne + unto me to bear + and they that bare + thou boast thou bearest + it was that he was borne +/ . bastazo {bas-tad'-zo}; perhaps remotely derived from the base of 0939 + his feet +/ (through the idea of removal); to lift, literally or figuratively (endure, declare, sustain, receive, etc .): --bear, carry, take up .

0949 + firm + sure + stedfast + is of force + a more sure + and stedfast + was stedfast + might be sure + of you is stedfast +/ . bebaios {beb'-ah-yos}; from the base of 0939 + his feet +/ (through the idea of basality); stable (literally or figuratively): --firm, of force, stedfast, sure .

0952 + profane + and profane +/ . bebelos {beb'-ay-los}; from the base of 0939 + his feet +/ and belos (a threshold); accessible (as by crossing the door-way), i .e . (by implication of Jewish notions) heathenish, wicked: --profane (person) .

0968 + seat + judgment + the judgment + upon his throne + in the judgment + him to the judgment + them from the judgment + in it no not so much as to set +/ . bema {bay'-ma}; from the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; a step, i .e . foot-breath; by implication, a rostrum, i .e . a tribunal: --judgment-seat, set [foot] on, throne .

1041 + an altar +/ . bomos {bo'-mos}; from the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; properly, a stand, i .e . (specially) an altar: --altar .

1224 + over + pass + Come + through + they passed +/ . diabaino {dee-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 1223 + after + in at + cause + though + because + through + Through + Because + to avoid + ye in at + by reason + throughout + is through + we through + up because + me through + in because + and within + you through + of me among + and because + not because + And because + him because + and through + not because + him because + man because + one because + day through + For through + but through + but because + men through + And through + for because + that through + them because + away because + who by reason + but by reason + For I through + And by reason + might through + season because + that by reason + for us through + not in because + him in because + but by occasion + that we through + unto him through + And that because + with him through + unto them Because + unto them because + him ; but because + of them who through + For of him and through + that is in them because + up after that he through +/ and the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; to cross: --come over, pass (through) .

1545 + a way + the end + to escape +/ . ekbasis {ek'-bas-is}; from a compound of 1537 + at + on + off + over + among + Since + you on + through + thou on + betwixt + because + and over + by reason + hand and on + hand and on + for he is on + unto them on + ye out among + not unto you at + shall there be among +/ and the base of 0939 + his feet +/ (meaning to go out); an exit (literally or figuratively): --end, way to escape .

1684 + to get + stepped + he entered + And entered + and he went + that he went + were entered + And he entered + that he entered + them and entering + And when he was come + And when he was entered + And when they were come +/ . embaino {em-ba'-hee-no}; from 1722 + at + On + on + At + over + used + into + sake + Among + us at + is at + me at + among + after + out at + having + him at + and on + yet at + Not on + toward + are at + And at + not at + within + namely + by way + was at + against + through + they on + were at + That at + because + up into + between + them on + Through + be about + I say at + ye among + in among + you into + up among + as among + man among + fields on + things on + for us at + him among + and is on + and ye on + and among + to pass on + that is at + throughout + him out on + us through + unto me at + them under + things into + thing among + And through + them before + that was at + for them at + unto you at + there is at + But that on + not accused + which are at + wilt thou at + them through + himself into + they were at + that were at + there was at + which were at + And it was at + to thee among + of throughout + that it was at + unto you Among + things through + shall it be at + let us wait on + and throughout + esteemed among + there is among + ye and believe + thyself wholly + art thou among + which is among + he which among + in you through + unto us through + to pass that on + with us through + which are among + sake . And be at + unto you through + man that is among + to you that are at + not for him and at + of men we were among + And when they were at + shall it not be among + to them who are under + that whilst we are at + for you and for them at +/ and the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; to walk on, i .e . embark (aboard a vessel), reach (a pool): --come (get) into, enter (into), go (up) into, step in, take ship .

1687 + intruding +/ . embateuo {em-bat-yoo'-o}; from 1722 + at + On + on + At + over + used + into + sake + Among + us at + is at + me at + among + after + out at + having + him at + and on + yet at + Not on + toward + are at + And at + not at + within + namely + by way + was at + against + through + they on + were at + That at + because + up into + between + them on + Through + be about + I say at + ye among + in among + you into + up among + as among + man among + fields on + things on + for us at + him among + and is on + and ye on + and among + to pass on + that is at + throughout + him out on + us through + unto me at + them under + things into + thing among + And through + them before + that was at + for them at + unto you at + there is at + But that on + not accused + which are at + wilt thou at + them through + himself into + they were at + that were at + there was at + which were at + And it was at + to thee among + of throughout + that it was at + unto you Among + things through + shall it be at + let us wait on + and throughout + esteemed among + there is among + ye and believe + thyself wholly + art thou among + which is among + he which among + in you through + unto us through + to pass that on + with us through + which are among + sake . And be at + unto you through + man that is among + to you that are at + not for him and at + of men we were among + And when they were at + shall it not be among + to them who are under + that whilst we are at + for you and for them at +/ and a presumed derivative of the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; equivalent to 1684 + to get + stepped + he entered + And entered + and he went + that he went + were entered + And he entered + that he entered + them and entering + And when he was come + And when he was entered + And when they were come +/ ; to intrude on (figuratively): --intrude into .

1910 + aboard + we went + was come + and sitting + that I came + And entering +/ . epibaino {ep-ee-bah'-ee-no}; from 1909 + at + on + into + over + over + above + be on + ye at + Above + under + being + among + us on + up on + it on + about + after + are at + behalf + not on + before + are on + beside + was at + toward + and at + him on + old on + but on + And on + and on + They on + that on + down at + down on + them on + foot on + thee on + even at + against + as long + is over + because + up into + through + and over + are over + the time + him over + is above + touching + us and on + the space + And above + for under + for under + is against + but toward + but before + up against + And beside + to believe + he were on + throughout + them as on + to pass on + in the days + in the time + And through + as touching + by the space + unto thee on + of it and on + things before + I made before + for the space + out as against + was throughout + unto them over + and not before + out as against + that was about + had the charge + and that before + divided against + that were under + and he anointed + me is with me on + not on things on + in and out among + And when he was at + Let him which is on + to pass in the days + that were with him at + And let him that is on +/ and the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; to walk upon, i .e . mount, ascend, embark, arrive: --come (into), enter into, go abroad, sit upon, take ship .

1913 + on + and set + thereon + and they set + that they may set +/ . epibibazo {ep-ee-bee-bad'-zo}; from 1909 + at + on + into + over + over + above + be on + ye at + Above + under + being + among + us on + up on + it on + about + after + are at + behalf + not on + before + are on + beside + was at + toward + and at + him on + old on + but on + And on + and on + They on + that on + down at + down on + them on + foot on + thee on + even at + against + as long + is over + because + up into + through + and over + are over + the time + him over + is above + touching + us and on + the space + And above + for under + for under + is against + but toward + but before + up against + And beside + to believe + he were on + throughout + them as on + to pass on + in the days + in the time + And through + as touching + by the space + unto thee on + of it and on + things before + I made before + for the space + out as against + was throughout + unto them over + and not before + out as against + that was about + had the charge + and that before + divided against + that were under + and he anointed + me is with me on + not on things on + in and out among + And when he was at + Let him which is on + to pass in the days + that were with him at + And let him that is on +/ and a redupl . deriv . of the base of 0939 + his feet +/ [compare 0307 + they drew +/ ]; to cause to mount (an animal): --set on .

2597 + come + down + went + came + to go + going + coming + cometh + I came + not go + descend + to come + falling + and get + is come + he went + man went + and come + was come + and came + are come + not come + steppeth + thee down + they went + descended + which came + that goeth + descending + there came + shall come + For I came + and am come + And he came + And he went + and they went + shall descend + and there came + And there fell + and descending + And as they came + but he that came + let him not come + When he was come + He that descended + when they were come + him that he would come +/ . katabaino {kat-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; to descend (literally or figuratively): --come (get, go, step) down, fall (down) .

2601 + down + shalt be thrust + shalt be brought +/ . katabibazo {kat-ab-ib-ad'-zo}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and a derivative of the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; to cause to go down, i .e . precipitate: --bring (thrust) down .

3327 + Go + Remove + departed + he departed + but is passed + unto him Depart + that we have passed + that he should depart + him that he would depart + And when he was departed + place ; and it shall remove +/ . metabaino {met-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 3326 + on + when + among + after + After + again + between + against + But after + and after + one after + And after + not among + but after + was since + that after + and against + and setting + he and after + them without + that followed + with him after + with them after + him which after + to us for after + to pass that after +/ and the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; to change place: --depart, go, pass, remove .

3538 + wash + I wash + to wash + and wash + they wash + and washed + have washed + and I washed + he had washed + for they wash + dost thou wash + she have washed +/ . nipto {nip'-to}; to cleanse (especially the hands or the feet or the face); ceremonially, to perform ablution: --wash . Compare 3068 + washed + and washed + us and washed + that was washed + to him He that is washed + whom when they had washed +/ .

3716 + not uprightly + that they walked +/ . orthopodeo {or-thop-od-eh'-o}; from a compound of 3717 + upright + straight +/ and 4228 + feet + foot + my feet + thy foot + her feet + the foot + thy feet + his feet + and feet + and foot + the feet + our feet + his foot + Their feet + their feet + in his feet + and my feet + to the feet + of his feet + for my feet + not my feet + and his feet + are the feet + And his feet + from thy feet + of their feet + upon thy feet + upon their feet + him by the feet + were as the feet +/ ; to be straight-footed, i .e . (figuratively) to go directly forward: --walk uprightly .

3845 + transgresseth 3845- transgresseth 3845- transgress + by transgression +/ . parabaino {par-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 3844 + at + more + nigh + side + than + above + among + it at + before + down at + against + contrary + them before + that she had + them down at + stripes save + in the sight + unto you than + of himself more + when she was past + And when his friends + that which is against + unto him and he was nigh + such things as they give +/ and the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; to go contrary to, i .e . violate a command: --(by) transgress(-ion) .

3976 + of balances + with fetters + and in fetters + by him and the fetters +/ . pede {ped'-ay}; ultimately from 4228 + feet + foot + my feet + thy foot + her feet + the foot + thy feet + his feet + and feet + and foot + the feet + our feet + his foot + Their feet + their feet + in his feet + and my feet + to the feet + of his feet + for my feet + not my feet + and his feet + are the feet + And his feet + from thy feet + of their feet + upon thy feet + upon their feet + him by the feet + were as the feet +/ ; a shackle for the feet: --fetter .

3977 + in the plain +/ . pedinos {ped-ee-nos'}; from a derivative of 4228 + feet + foot + my feet + thy foot + her feet + the foot + thy feet + his feet + and feet + and foot + the feet + our feet + his foot + Their feet + their feet + in his feet + and my feet + to the feet + of his feet + for my feet + not my feet + and his feet + are the feet + And his feet + from thy feet + of their feet + upon thy feet + upon their feet + him by the feet + were as the feet +/ (meaning the ground); level (as easy for the feet): --plain .

3979 + foot + afoot + him on +/ . peze {ped-zay'}; dative case feminine of a derivative of 4228 + feet + foot + my feet + thy foot + her feet + the foot + thy feet + his feet + and feet + and foot + the feet + our feet + his foot + Their feet + their feet + in his feet + and my feet + to the feet + of his feet + for my feet + not my feet + and his feet + are the feet + And his feet + from thy feet + of their feet + upon thy feet + upon their feet + him by the feet + were as the feet +/ (as adverb); foot-wise, i .e . by walking: --a- (on) foot .

4158 + with a garment + down to the foot + that by the space +/ . poderes {pod-ay'-race}; from 4228 + feet + foot + my feet + thy foot + her feet + the foot + thy feet + his feet + and feet + and foot + the feet + our feet + his foot + Their feet + their feet + in his feet + and my feet + to the feet + of his feet + for my feet + not my feet + and his feet + are the feet + And his feet + from thy feet + of their feet + upon thy feet + upon their feet + him by the feet + were as the feet +/ and another element of uncertain affinity; a dress ( 2066 + robe + apparel + raiment + clothing +/ implied) reaching the ankles: --garment down to the foot .

4228 + feet + foot + my feet + thy foot + her feet + the foot + thy feet + his feet + and feet + and foot + the feet + our feet + his foot + Their feet + their feet + in his feet + and my feet + to the feet + of his feet + for my feet + not my feet + and his feet + are the feet + And his feet + from thy feet + of their feet + upon thy feet + upon their feet + him by the feet + were as the feet +/ . pous {pooce}; a primary word; a "foot" (figuratively or literally): --foot(-stool) .

4260 + well + further + stricken + And going + were now well + And when he had gone +/ . probaino {prob-ah'-ee-no}; from 4253 + ago + ever + above + before + us before + And above + of before + But above + me before + you before + was before + But before + For before + were before + which before + him and we or + him for before + unto him Before + with you before + And he is before + us in him before + with thee before + that were before +/ and the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; to walk forward, i .e . advance (literally, or in years): --+ be of a great age, go farther (on), be well stricken .

4692 + make + haste + with haste + And he made + unto me Make + for he hasted + for and hasting +/ . speudo {spyoo'-do}; probably strengthened from 4228 + feet + foot + my feet + thy foot + her feet + the foot + thy feet + his feet + and feet + and foot + the feet + our feet + his foot + Their feet + their feet + in his feet + and my feet + to the feet + of his feet + for my feet + not my feet + and his feet + are the feet + And his feet + from thy feet + of their feet + upon thy feet + upon their feet + him by the feet + were as the feet +/ ; to "speed" ("study"), i .e . urge on (diligently or earnestly); by implication, to await eagerly: --(make, with) haste unto .

4819 + so + happen + befell + thing happened + things happened + But it is happened + that which had happened + things which had happened +/ . sumbaino {soom-bah'-ee-no}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; to walk (figuratively, transpire) together, i .e . concur (take place): --be(-fall), happen (unto) .

4822 + proving + and knit + together + gathering + assuredly + being knit + and compacted + that he may instruct +/ . sumbibazo {soom-bib-ad'-zo}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and bibazo (to force; causative [by reduplication] of the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ); to drive together, i .e . unite (in association or affection), (mentally) to infer, show, teach: --compact, assuredly gather, intrust, knit together, prove .

5074 + beasts + fourfooted + of fourfooted + and fourfooted +/ . tetrapous {tet-rap'-ooce}; from 5064 + four + of four + by four + and four + The four + the four + were four + at the four + to the four + of the four + him to four + And the four + and the four + from the four + and of the four + are in the four +/ and 4228 + feet + foot + my feet + thy foot + her feet + the foot + thy feet + his feet + and feet + and foot + the feet + our feet + his foot + Their feet + their feet + in his feet + and my feet + to the feet + of his feet + for my feet + not my feet + and his feet + are the feet + And his feet + from thy feet + of their feet + upon thy feet + upon their feet + him by the feet + were as the feet +/ ; a quadruped: --fourfooted beast .

5233 + beyond + man go +/ . huperbaino {hoop-er-bah'-ee-no}; from 5228 + on + more + than + over + above + stead + behalf + is above + us is on + the very + exceeding + them very + I am more + but above + our behalf + concerning + of me above + mind toward + is not above + of men above + in the behalf + yea and beyond + with me that in thy stead +/ and the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; to transcend, i .e . (figuratively) to overreach: --go beyond .

5286 + my footstool + his footstool + thy footstool + is my footstool + for it is his footstool +/ . hupopodion {hoop-op-od'-ee-on}; neuter of a compound of 5259 + into + under + among + as under + is under + it under + but under + are under + were under + to be under + But is under + as are under + things under + which is under + ye are not under + we are not under + them that are under + them that were under + to them that are under + out of the one part under + unto the other part under + over you for ye are not under +/ and 4228 + feet + foot + my feet + thy foot + her feet + the foot + thy feet + his feet + and feet + and foot + the feet + our feet + his foot + Their feet + their feet + in his feet + and my feet + to the feet + of his feet + for my feet + not my feet + and his feet + are the feet + And his feet + from thy feet + of their feet + upon thy feet + upon their feet + him by the feet + were as the feet +/ ; something under the feet, i .e . a foot-rest (figuratively): --footstool .

5291 + they spread +/ . hupostronnumi {hoop-os-trone'-noo-mee}; from 5259 + into + under + among + as under + is under + it under + but under + are under + were under + to be under + But is under + as are under + things under + which is under + ye are not under + we are not under + them that are under + them that were under + to them that are under + out of the one part under + unto the other part under + over you for ye are not under +/ and 4766 + spread + thy bed + and make + furnished + and strawed + room furnished +/ ; to strew underneath (the feet as a carpet): --spread .