became fat

because ye are grown fat as

bones fat

but jeshurun waxed fat

fat calf <1SA28 -:24 >

fat cattle <1KI1 -:19 >

fat cattle <1KI1 -:25 >

fat cattle

fat cattle by <1KI1 -:9 >

fat closed upon

fat for

fat is taken away from off

fat kine

fat land

fat land which thou gavest before them

fat on

fat ones shall strangers eat

fat or lean

fat pasture shall they feed upon

fat pastures

fat presently <1SA2 -:16 >

fat thereof

fat thereof

fat thereof

fat thereof

fat thereof

fat things

fat things full

fat until night <2CH35 -:14 >

fat upon

fat upon

fat upon

fat upon earth shall eat

fat valleys

fat with

first seven fat kine

he shall burn all his fat upon

he shall take all his fat from him

it is made fat with fatness

make fat thy bones

make yourselves fat with <1SA2 -:29 >

nor thy fat deu

pressfat for

send among his fat ones leanness

ten fat oxen <1KI4 -:23 >

their dust made fat with fatness

their fat

their fat

their heart is as fat as grease

their own fat

they are waxen fat

they found fat pasture <1CH4 -:40 >

they shall be fat

this people fat

thou art waxen fat

very fat man

waxen fat

with fat

ye eat neither fat nor blood

ye shall eat fat till ye be full

your fat beasts
