dureth , MT , 13:21

endureth , 1CO , 13:7

endureth , 1CH , 16:34 , 1CH , 16:41

endureth , 1PE , 1:25

endureth , 2CH , 5:13 , 2CH , 7:3 , 2CH , 7:6 , 2CH , 20:21

endureth , EZR , 3:11

endureth , JAS , 1:12

endureth , JER , 33:11

endureth , JOH , 6:27

endureth , MT , 10:22

endureth , PS , 30:5 , PS , 52:1 , PS , 72:7 , PS , 100:5 ,
PS , 106:1 , PS , 107:1 , PS , 111:3 , PS , 111:10 , PS ,
112:3 , PS , 112:9 , PS , 117:2 , PS , 118:1 , PS , 118:2 ,
PS , 118:3 , PS , 118:4 , PS , 118:29 , PS , 119:160 , PS ,
135:13 , PS , 136:1 , PS , 136:2 , PS , 136:3 , PS , 136:4 ,
PS , 136:5 , PS , 136:6 , PS , 136:7 , PS , 136:8 , PS ,
136:9 , PS , 136:10 , PS , 136:11 , PS , 136:12 , PS , 136:
13 , PS , 136:14 , PS , 136:15 , PS , 136:16 , PS , 136:17 ,
PS , 136:18 , PS , 136:19 , PS , 136:20 , PS , 136:21 , PS ,
136:22 , PS , 136:23 , PS , 136:24 , PS , 136:25 , PS , 136:
26 , PS , 138:8 , PS , 145:13



dureth Interlinear Index Study

dureth MAT 013 021 Yet <1161 -de -> hath <2192 -echo -> he not
root <4491 -rhiza -> in himself <1438 -heautou -> , but {dureth}
<2076 -esti -> for a while <4340 -proskairos -> : for when
tribulation <2347 -thlipsis -> or <2228 -e -> persecution <1375 -
diogmos -> ariseth <1096 -ginomai -> because <1223 -dia -> of
the word <3056 -logos -> , by and by he is offended <4624 -
skandalizo -> .


but dureth for

endureth all things <1CO13 -:7 >

endureth but

endureth temptation

his praise endureth for ever

his righteousness endureth for ever

his righteousness endureth for ever

his righteousness endureth for ever

lord endureth for ever <1PE1 -:25 >

meat which endureth unto everlasting life

* dureth , 2076 ,

- endureth , 1097 , 5975 ,

* endureth , 3306 , 5278 ,

* dureth , 2076 esti ,

* endureth , 3306 meno , 5278 hupomeno ,


dureth -2076 been, called, {dureth}, endure, hast, have, mean,
meaneth, owneth, profiteth, which,

endureth -3306 abide, abideth, abiding, abode, continue,
continued, continueth, continuing, dwell, dwellest, dwelleth,
dwelt, {endureth}, enduring, present, remain, remained,
remaineth, remaining, tarried, tarry,

endureth -5278 abode, endure, endured, {endureth}, patiently,


endureth -1097 cannot , corruption , {endureth} , lack , no ,
none , want , without ,

endureth -5975 abide , abideth , able , abode , appoint ,
appointed , arise , arose , behind , ceased , confirmed ,
continue , continued , continueth , dwell , employed , endure ,
{endureth} , enduring , establish , established , establisheth ,
forth , left , made , ordained , over , placed , present ,
presented , raised , raiseth , remain , remained , remaineth ,
repair , serve , served , set , setteth , settle , settled ,
stablished , stand , standest , standeth , standing , stay ,
stayed , still , stood , stoodest , tarried , tarry , the ,
waited , withstand , withstood ,



dureth ......... but dureth 2076 -esti->

endureth ......... endureth 3306 -meno->

endureth ......... sake : but he that endureth 5278 -hupomeno->

endureth ......... that endureth 5278 -hupomeno->

endureth ......... things , endureth 5278 -hupomeno->




dureth 013 021 Mat /${dureth /for a while :
for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word ,
by and by he is offended .

endureth 013 007 ICo /${endureth /all things .

endureth 030 005 Psa /^{endureth /but a moment ;
in his favour is life : weeping may endure for a night , but joy
cometh in the morning .

endureth 052 001 Psa /^{endureth /continually .

endureth 007 006 IICh /^{endureth /for ever , when
David praised by their ministry ; and the priests sounded
trumpets before them, and all Israel stood .

endureth 136 005 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 118 003 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 136 002 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 020 021 IICh /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 136 001 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 136 015 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 007 003 IICh /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 112 003 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 136 016 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 111 010 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 136 026 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 136 024 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 107 001 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 016 034 ICh /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 106 001 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 136 012 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 118 004 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 118 029 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 136 003 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 119 016 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 136 025 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 111 003 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 136 006 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 136 022 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 136 009 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 118 002 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 136 004 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 118 001 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .

endureth 001 025 IPe /${endureth /for ever . And
this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you .

endureth 117 002 Psa /^{endureth /for ever .
Praise ye the LORD .

endureth 136 014 Psa /^{endureth /for ever :

endureth 136 013 Psa /^{endureth /for ever :

endureth 136 007 Psa /^{endureth /for ever :

endureth 136 019 Psa /^{endureth /for ever :

endureth 136 011 Psa /^{endureth /for ever :

endureth 136 017 Psa /^{endureth /for ever :

endureth 136 020 Psa /^{endureth /for ever :

endureth 136 008 Psa /^{endureth /for ever :

endureth 136 023 Psa /^{endureth /for ever :

endureth 136 021 Psa /^{endureth /for ever :

endureth 136 010 Psa /^{endureth /for ever :

endureth 136 018 Psa /^{endureth /for ever :

endureth 033 011 Jer /^{endureth /for ever : and
of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house
of the LORD . For I will cause to return the captivity of the
land , as at the first , saith the LORD .

endureth 138 008 Psa /^{endureth /for ever :
forsake not the works of thine own hands .

endureth 005 013 IICh /^{endureth /for ever : that
then the house was filled with a cloud , even the house of the

endureth 016 041 ICh /^{endureth /for ever ;

endureth 135 013 Psa /^{endureth /for ever ; and
thy memorial , O LORD , throughout all generations .

endureth 112 009 Psa /^{endureth /for ever ; his
horn shall be exalted with honour .

endureth 003 011 Ezr /^{endureth /for ever toward
Israel . And all the people shouted with a great shout , when
they praised the LORD , because the foundation of the house of
the LORD was laid .

endureth 001 012 Jam /${endureth /temptation :
for when he is tried , he shall receive the crown of life ,
which the Lord hath promised to them that love him .

endureth 145 013 Psa /^{endureth /throughout all
generations .

endureth 100 005 Psa /^{endureth /to all
generations .

endureth 010 022 Mat /${endureth /to the end
shall be saved .

endureth 006 027 Joh /${endureth /unto
everlasting life , which the Son of man shall give unto you :
for him hath God the Father sealed .


endureth 59 -


dureth Yet hath he not root in himself, but
{dureth} for a while: for when tribulation or persecution
ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended.
