drawn Jer_22_19 /^{drawn /and cast forth
beyond the gates of Jerusalem .

drawn Job_20_25 /^{drawn /and cometh out of
the body ; yea, the glittering sword cometh out of his gall :
terrors are upon him.

drawn Deu_30_17 /^{drawn /away , and worship
other gods , and serve them;

drawn Jos_08_16 /^{drawn /away from the city .

drawn Jud_20_31 /^{drawn /away from the city ;
and they began to smite of the people , and kill , as at other
times , in the highways , of which one goeth up to the house of
God , and the other to Gibeah in the field , about thirty men of
Israel .

drawn Jam_01_14 /${drawn /away of his own lust
, and enticed .

drawn Lam_02_03 /^{drawn /back his right hand
from before the enemy , and he burned against Jacob like a
flaming fire , which devoureth round about .

drawn Eze_21_28 /^{drawn /for the slaughter it
is furbished , to consume because of the glittering :

drawn Eze_21_05 /^{drawn /forth my sword out
of his sheath : it shall not return any more.

drawn Isa_28_09 /^{drawn /from the breasts .

drawn Jos_18_17 /^{drawn /from the north , and
went forth to Enshemesh , and went forth toward Geliloth , which
is over against the going up of Adummim , and descended to the
stone of Bohan the son of Reuben ,

drawn Jos_15_09 /^{drawn /from the top of the
hill unto the fountain of the water of Nephtoah , and went out
to the cities of mount Ephron ; and the border was drawn to
Baalah , which is Kirjathjearim :

drawn Num_22_31 /^{drawn /in his hand : and he
bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face .

drawn Jos_05_13 /^{drawn /in his hand : and
Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for
our adversaries ?

drawn Num_22_23 /^{drawn /in his hand : and
the ass turned aside out of the way , and went into the field :
and Balaam smote the ass , to turn her into the way .

drawn Deu_21_03 /^{drawn /in the yoke ;

drawn Psa_37_14 /^{drawn /out the sword , and
have bent their bow , to cast down the poor and needy , and to
slay such as be of upright conversation .

drawn Isa_21_15 /^{drawn /sword , and from the
bent bow , and from the grievousness of war .

drawn 1Ch_21_16 /^{drawn /sword in his hand
stretched out over Jerusalem . Then David and the elders of
Israel, who were clothed in sackcloth , fell upon their faces .

drawn Psa_55_21 /^{drawn /swords .

drawn Jer_31_03 /^{drawn /thee.

drawn Jos_08_06 /^{drawn /them from the city ;
for they will say , They flee before us, as at the first :
therefore we will flee before them.

drawn Jos_18_14 /^{drawn /thence, and
compassed the corner of the sea southward , from the hill that
lieth before Bethhoron southward ; and the goings out thereof
were at Kirjathbaal , which is Kirjathjearim , a city of the
children of Judah : this was the west quarter .

drawn Jos_15_09 /^{drawn /to Baalah , which is
Kirjathjearim :

drawn Jos_15_11 /^{drawn /to Shicron , and
passed along to mount Baalah , and went out unto Jabneel ; and
the goings out of the border were at the sea .

drawn Pro_24_11 /^{drawn /unto death , and
those that are ready to be slain ;

drawn Act_11_10 /${drawn /up again into heaven

withdrawn Luk_22_41 /${withdrawn /from them about
a stone's cast , and kneeled down , and prayed ,

withdrawn Hos_05_06 /^{withdrawn /himself from

withdrawn Son_05_06 /^{withdrawn /himself, and was
gone : my soul failed when he spake : I sought him, but I could
not find him; I called him, but he gave me no answer .

withdrawn Lam_02_08 /^{withdrawn /his hand from
destroying : therefore he made the rampart and the wall to
lament ; they languished together .

withdrawn Eze_18_08 /^{withdrawn /his hand from
iniquity , hath executed true judgment between man and man ,

withdrawn Deu_13_13 /^{withdrawn /the inhabitants
of their city , saying , Let us go and serve other gods , which
ye have not known ;
