English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number.

English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number
abaddon - 0003 {abaddon},

ado - 2350 {ado}, make, making, noise, set, trouble, uproar,

adoption - 5206 {adoption}, children, sons,

adorn - 2885 {adorn}, adorned, garnish, garnished, trimmed, world,

adorned - 2885 adorn, {adorned}, garnish, garnished, trimmed, world,

adorning - 2889 {adorning}, clean,world,

ambassador - 4243 {ambassador}, ambassadors,

ambassadors - 4243 ambassador, {ambassadors},

armageddon - 0717 {armageddon},

cappadocia - 2587 {cappadocia},

chalcedony - 5472 {chalcedony},

do - 0014 {do}, good,

do - 0015 did, {do}, doeth, doing, good, well,

do - 0017 {do}, well,

do - 0091 did, {do}, doeth, done, hurt, injured, offender, unjust, wrong, wronged,

do - 1107 certify, declare, declared, {do}, known, made, make, understand, wit, wot,

do - 1398 bondage, {do}, doing, serve, served, service, serving,

do - 1754 {do}, effectual, effectually, forth, healed, mighty, shew, work, worketh, wrought,

do - 2038 commit, {do}, labour, minister, trade, traded, work, worketh, working, wrought,

do - 2140 {do}, good,

do - 2192 able, accompany, art, been, began, being, could, count, counted, diseased, {do}, eat, fear, had, hast, hath, have, having, held, hold, holding, lieth, next, possessed, retain, took, uncircumcised, using,

do - 2480 able, availeth, can, could, couldest, {do}, good, might, prevailed, righteous, strength, whole, work,

do - 2554 {do}, doeth, doing, evil,

do - 2698 {do}, laid, shew,

do - 3056 account, cause, communication, concerning, {do}, doctrine, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, reckoneth, say, saying, sayings, shew, speaker, speech, talk, thing, things, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, words,

do - 4160 abode, agree, appointed, bare, bear, been, bring, bringeth, bringing, brought, cause, caused, causeth, commit, committed, committeth, content, continue, did, {do}, doest, doeth, doing, done, execute, exerciseth, forth, fulfil, fulfilling, gave,

do - 4238 commit, committed, did, {do}, doest, doeth, done, keep, used,

do - 4704 diligence, diligent, {do}, endeavour, endeavoured, endeavouring, forward, labour, study,

do - 4982 {do}, healed, made, preserve, save, saved, well, whole,

doctor - 3547 {doctor},law,

doctrine - 1319 {doctrine}, doctrines,

doctrine - 1322 {doctrine}, doctrines, taught,

doctrine - 3056 account, cause, communication, concerning, do, {doctrine}, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, reckoneth, say, saying, sayings, shew, speaker, speech, talk, thing, things, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, words,

doctrines - 1319 doctrine, {doctrines},

doctrines - 1322 doctrine, {doctrines}, taught,

doer - 2557 {doer}, evil,

doer - 4163 {doer}, doers, poets,

doers - 4163 doer, {doers}, poets,

doest - 4160 abode, agree, appointed, bare, bear, been, bring, bringeth, bringing, brought, cause, caused, causeth, commit, committed, committeth, content, continue, did, do, {doest}, doeth, doing, done, execute, exerciseth, forth, fulfil, fulfilling, gave,

doest - 4238 commit, committed, did, do, {doest}, doeth, done, keep, used,

doeth - 0015 did, do, {doeth}, doing, good, well,

doeth - 0091 did, do, {doeth}, done, hurt, injured, offender, unjust, wrong, wronged,

doeth - 2554 do, {doeth}, doing, evil,

doeth - 4160 abode, agree, appointed, bare, bear, been, bring, bringeth, bringing, brought, cause, caused, causeth, commit, committed, committeth, content, continue, did, do, doest, {doeth}, doing, done, execute, exerciseth, forth, fulfil, fulfilling, gave,

doeth - 4238 commit, committed, did, do, doest, {doeth}, done, keep, used,

doeth - 4374 bring, brought, dealeth, {doeth}, offer, offered, offering, presented, put,

dog - 2965 {dog}, dogs,

dogs - 2952 {dogs},

dogs - 2965 dog, {dogs},

doing - 0015 did, do, doeth, {doing}, good, well,

doing - 0016 {doing}, well,

doing - 0092 {doing}, evil, iniquities, wrong,

doing - 1096 abroad, ariseth, arose, assembled, became, become, becometh, been, befell, behaved, being, brought, came, camest, come, cometh, coming, continued, divided, {doing}, done, drawing, ended, even, falling, fell, finished, followed, forbid, found,

doing - 1398 bondage, do, {doing}, serve, served, service, serving,

doing - 2041 deed, deeds, {doing}, labour, work, works,

doing - 2109 {doing},good,

doing - 2554 do, doeth, {doing}, evil,

doing - 2569 {doing}, well,

doing - 4160 abode, agree, appointed, bare, bear, been, bring, bringeth, bringing, brought, cause, caused, causeth, commit, committed, committeth, content, continue, did, do, doest, doeth, {doing}, done, execute, exerciseth, forth, fulfil, fulfilling, gave,

dominion - 2634 {dominion}, exercise, lords, lordship, over, overcame,

dominion - 2904 {dominion}, mightily, power,

dominion - 2961 {dominion}, lords,

dominion - 2963 {dominion}, dominions, government,

dominions - 2963 dominion, {dominions}, government,

done - 0091 did, do, doeth, {done}, hurt, injured, offender, unjust, wrong, wronged,

done - 1096 abroad, ariseth, arose, assembled, became, become, becometh, been, befell, behaved, being, brought, came, camest, come, cometh, coming, continued, divided, doing, {done}, drawing, ended, even, falling, fell, finished, followed, forbid, found,

done - 1796 despite, {done},

done - 2673 abolished, away, become, bring, ceased, come, destroy, destroyed, {done}, down, effect, fail, made, make, no, none, nought, put, vanish, void, without,

done - 2716 causeth, {done}, work, worketh, working, wrought,

done - 2763 {done}, potter,

done - 4160 abode, agree, appointed, bare, bear, been, bring, bringeth, bringing, brought, cause, caused, causeth, commit, committed, committeth, content, continue, did, do, doest, doeth, doing, {done}, execute, exerciseth, forth, fulfil, fulfilling, gave,

done - 4238 commit, committed, did, do, doest, doeth, {done}, keep, used,

door - 2374 {door}, doors, gate,

door - 2377 {door}, kept, porter,

doors - 2374 door, {doors}, gate,

dorcas - 1393 {dorcas},

doting - 3552 {doting},

double - 1362 {double},

double - 1363 {double},

double - 1374 {double}, minded,

doubletongued - 1351 {doubletongued},

doubt - 0639 {doubt}, doubted, doubting, perplexed,stand,

doubt - 1063 because, {doubt}, even, indeed, no, seeing, then, therefore, verily, what, why, yet,

doubt - 1252 contended, contending, differ, difference, discern, discerning, {doubt}, doubting, judge, maketh, making, partial, put, staggered, wavereth, wavering,

doubt - 1280 {doubt},doubted,

doubt - 1365 {doubt}, doubted,

doubt - 3843 all, altogether, at, {doubt}, means, needs, no, wise,

doubt - 5590 {doubt}, heart, heartily, life, lives, mind, minds, soul, souls,

doubted - 0639 doubt, {doubted}, doubting, perplexed, stand,

doubted - 1280 doubt, {doubted},

doubted - 1365 doubt, {doubted},

doubting - 0639 doubt, doubted, {doubting}, perplexed, stand,

doubting - 1252 contended, contending, differ, difference, discern, discerning, doubt, {doubting}, judge, maketh, making, partial, put, staggered, wavereth, wavering,

doubting - 1261 disputings, {doubting}, imaginations, thoughts,

doubtless - 1065 {doubtless}, more, wherefore,

doubtless - 1211 also, {doubtless}, therefore,

doubtless - 3304 {doubtless},

dove - 4058 {dove}, doves,

doves - 4058 dove, {doves},

down - 0345 at, {down}, guests, leaning, lying, sat, set, table,

down - 0347 {down}, make, sit,

down - 0377 {down}, leaned, sat, set, sit,

down - 0387 {down}, madest, trouble, turned, uproar,

down - 1308 better, carry, differeth, {down}, driven, excellent, maketh, matter, more, published, value,

down - 1581 cut, {down}, hewn, hindered, off,

down - 1931 {down}, go,

down - 2504 also, {down}, even, like, so,

down - 2506 destruction, {down}, pulling,

down - 2507 casting, destroyed, {down}, take, took,

down - 2521 {down}, sat, set, sit, sittest, sitteth, sitting,

down - 2523 continued, {down}, sat, set, sit, sitteth, sitting,

down - 2524 {down}, let,

down - 2596 about, according, affairs, after, against, alone, among, at, before, cause, concerning, covered, {down}, every, into, matter, on, over, own, particularly, respect, state, through, throughout, touching, toward, yet,

down - 2597 came, come, cometh, coming, descend, descended, descending, {down}, fell, get, go, goeth, going, steppeth, went,

down - 2598 cast, {down}, laying,

down - 2601 brought, {down},

down - 2609 bring, brought, {down}, forth, landed, landing, touched,

down - 2647 come, destroy, destroyed, destroyest, dissolved, {down}, nought, overthrow, thrown,

down - 2667 {down},fallen,

down - 2673 abolished, away, become, bring, ceased, come, destroy, destroyed, done, {down}, effect, fail, made, make, no, none, nought, put, vanish, void, without,

down - 2701 {down}, have, ran,

down - 2718 came, come, departed, descendeth, {down}, landed, went,

down - 2736 beneath, bottom, {down}, under,

down - 2875 cut, {down}, lament, lamented, mourn, wail,

down - 3879 {down}, look, looketh, stooped, stooping,

down - 3935 {down}, hang,

down - 4098 {down}, fall, fallen, falleth, falling, fell, light,

down - 4496 abroad, cast, {down}, off, scattered,

down - 4782 {down}, go,

down - 5011 base, cast, degree, {down}, humble, low, lowly,

down - 5465 {down}, let, strake,

euroclydon - 2148 {euroclydon},

evildoers - 2555 {evildoers}, malefactor,

freedom - 4174 commonwealth, {freedom},

idol - 1493 {idol},

idol - 1494 {idol}, idols, offered, sacrifice, sacrificed,

idol - 1497 {idol}, idols,

idolater - 1496 {idolater}, idolaters,

idolaters - 1496 idolater, {idolaters},

idolatries - 1495 {idolatries}, idolatry,

idolatry - 1495 idolatries, {idolatry},

idolatry - 2712 {idolatry},

idols - 1494 idol, {idols}, offered, sacrifice, sacrificed,

idols - 1497 idol, {idols},

kingdom - 0932 {kingdom}, kingdoms,reigneth,

kingdoms - 0932 kingdom, {kingdoms}, reigneth,

macedonia - 3109 {macedonia},

macedonia - 3110 {macedonia}, macedonian,

macedonian - 3110 macedonia, {macedonian},

odour - 3744 {odour}, savour,

odours - 2368 incense, {odours},

overshadow - 1982 {overshadow}, overshadowed,

overshadowed - 1982 overshadow, {overshadowed},

redound - 4052 abound, abounded, aboundeth, abounding, abundance, abundant, better, exceed, excel, increase, increased, left, make, over, {redound}, remain, remained,

sadoc - 4524 {sadoc},

sardonyx - 4557 {sardonyx},

shadow - 0644 {shadow},

shadow - 4639 {shadow},

shadowing - 2683 {shadowing},

sidon - 4605 {sidon},thought,

sodom - 4670 {sodom},

widow - 5503 {widow}, widows,

widows - 5503 widow, {widows},

window - 2376 {window},

wisdom - 4678 {wisdom},