ditch Interlinear Index Study

ditch JOB 009 031 Yet <00227 +>az > shalt thou plunge <02881
+tabal > me in the {ditch} <07845 +shachath > , and mine own
clothes <08008 +salmah > shall abhor <08581 +ta me .

ditch PSA 007 015 He made <03738 +karah > a pit <00953 +bowr > ,
and digged <02658 +chaphar > it , and is fallen <05307 +naphal >
into the {ditch} <07845 +shachath > [ which ] he made <06466
+pa .

ditch PRO 023 027 For a whore <02181 +zanah > [ is ] a deep
<06013 + {ditch} <07745 +shuwchah > ; and a strange
<05237 +nokriy > woman [ is ] a narrow <06862 +tsar > pit <00875
+@>er > .

ditch ISA 022 011 Ye made <06213 + also a {ditch} <04724
+miqvah > between <00996 +beyn > the two walls <02346 +chowmah >
for the water <04325 +mayim > of the old <03465 +yashan > pool
<01295 +b@rekah > : but ye have not looked <05027 +nabat > unto
the maker <06213 + thereof , neither <03808 +lo> > had
respect <07200 +ra>ah > unto him that fashioned <03335 +yatsar >
it long <07350 +rachowq > ago <07350 +rachowq > .

ditch MAT 015 014 Let <0863 -aphiemi -> them alone <0863 -
aphiemi -> : they be blind <5185 -tuphlos -> leaders <3595 -
hodegos -> of the blind <5185 -tuphlos -> . And if <1437 -ean ->
the blind <5185 -tuphlos -> lead <3594 -hodegeo -> the blind
<5185 -tuphlos -> , both <0297 -amphoteros -> shall fall <4098 -
pipto -> into <1519 -eis -> the {ditch} <0999 -bothunos -> .

ditch LUK 006 039 And he spake 2036 -epo - a parable 3850 -
parabole - unto them , Can 1410 -dunamai - the blind 5185 -
tuphlos - lead 3594 -hodegeo - the blind 5185 -tuphlos - ? shall
they not both LUK 0297 -amphoteros - fall 4098 -pipto - into
1519 -eis - the {ditch} LUK 0999 -bothunos - ?
