discern 1Ki_03_09 /^{discern /between good and
bad : for who is able to judge this thy so great a people ?

discern 2Sa_19_35 /^{discern /between good and
evil ? can thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink ? can I
hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women ?
wherefore then should thy servant be yet a burden unto my lord
the king ?

discern Mal_03_18 /^{discern /between the
righteous and the wicked , between him that serveth God and him
that serveth him not.

discern Eze_44_23 /^{discern /between the
unclean and the clean .

discern Jon_04_11 /^{discern /between their
right hand and their left hand ; and also much cattle ?

discern Heb_05_14 /${discern /both good and evil

discern 2Sa_14_17 /^{discern /good and bad :
therefore the LORD thy God will be with thee.

Discern Gen_38_25 /^{Discern /I pray thee, whose
are these, the signet , and bracelets , and staff .

discern 1Ki_03_11 /^{discern /judgment ;

discern Job_06_30 /^{discern /perverse things ?

discern Mat_16_03 /${discern /the face of the
sky ; but can ye not discern the signs of the times ?

discern Luk_12_56 /${discern /the face of the
sky and of the earth ; but how is it that ye do not discern this
time ?

discern Job_04_16 /^{discern /the form thereof:
an image was before mine eyes , there was silence , and I heard
a voice , saying,

discern Ezr_03_13 /^{discern /the noise of the
shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people : for
the people shouted with a loud shout , and the noise was heard
afar off .

discern Mat_16_03 /${discern /the signs of the
times ?

discern Luk_12_56 /${discern /this time ?

discern Gen_31_32 /^{discern /thou what is thine
with me, and take it to thee. For Jacob knew not that Rachel had
stolen them.

discerned Pro_07_07 /^{discerned /among the youths
, a young man void of understanding ,

discerned Gen_27_23 /^{discerned /him not, because
his hands were hairy , as his brother Esau's hands : so he
blessed him.

discerned 1Ki_20_41 /^{discerned /him that he was
of the prophets .

discerner Heb_04_12 /${discerner /of the thoughts
and intents of the heart .

discerneth Ecc_08_05 /^{discerneth /both time and
judgment .

discerning 1Co_12_10 /${discerning /of spirits ; to
another divers kinds of tongues ; to another the interpretation
of tongues :

discerning 1Co_11_29 /${discerning /the Lord's body
