dignity Interlinear Index Study

dignity GEN 049 003 Reuben <07205 +R@>uwben > , thou [ art ] my
firstborn <01060 +b@kowr > , my might <03581 +koach > , and the
beginning <07225 +re>shiyth > of my strength <00202 +>own > ,
the excellency <03499 +yether > of {dignity} <07613 +s@>eth > ,
and the excellency <03499 +yether > of power <05794 + :

dignity EST 006 003 And the king <04428 +melek > said <00559
+>amar > , What <04100 +mah > honour <03366 +y@qar > and
{dignity} <01420 +g@duwlah > hath been done <06213 + to
Mordecai <04782 +Mord@kay > for this <02088 +zeh > ? Then said
<00559 +>amar > the king s <04428 +melek > servants <05288
+na that ministered <08334 +sharath > unto him , There is
nothing done <06213 + for him .

dignity ECC 010 006 Folly <05529 +cekel > is set <05414 +nathan
> in great <07227 +rab > {dignity} <04791 +marowm > , and the
rich <06223 + sit <03427 +yashab > in low <08216
+shephel > place .

dignity HAB 001 007 They [ are ] terrible <00366 +>ayom > and
dreadful <03372 +yare> > : their judgment <04941 +mishpat > and
their {dignity} <07613 +s@>eth > shall proceed <03318 +yatsa> >
of themselves .
