dignity 1420 ## g@duwlah {ghed-oo-law'}; or (shortened) g@dullah
{ghed-ool-law'}; or (less accurately) g@duwllah {ghed-ool-law'};
feminine of 1419; greatness; (concretely) mighty acts: --
{dignity}, great things(-ness), majesty. [ql

dignity 4791 ## marowm {maw-rome'}; from 7311; altitude, i.e.
concretely (an elevated place), abstractly (elevation,
figuratively (elation), or adverbially (aloft): -- (far) above,
{dignity}, haughty, height, (most, on) high (one, place),
loftily, upward.[ql

dignity 7613 ## s@>eth {seh-ayth'}; from 5375; an elevation or
leprous scab; figuratively, elation or cheerfulness; exaltation
in rank or character: -- be accepted, {dignity}, excellency,
highness, raise up self, rising.[ql

dignity 1391 # doxa {dox'-ah}; from the base of 1380; glory (as
very apparent), in a wide application (literal or figurative,
objective or subjective): -- {dignity}, glory(-ious), honour,
praise, worship.[ql
