burden EXO 018 022 And let them judge <08199 +shaphat > the
people <05971 + at all <03605 +kol > seasons <06256
+ : and it shall be , [ that ] every <03605 +kol >
great <01419 +gadowl > matter <01697 +dabar > they shall bring
<00935 +bow> > unto thee , but every <03605 +kol > small
<06996 +qatan > matter <01697 +dabar > they shall judge <08199
+shaphat > : so shall it be easier <07043 +qalal > for thyself
, and they shall bear <05375 +nasa> > [ the {burden} ] with
thee .

burden EXO 023 005 If <03588 +kiy > thou see <07200 +ra>ah >
the ass <02543 +chamowr > of him that hateth <08130 +sane> >
thee lying <07257 +rabats > under <08478 +tachath > his
{burden} <04853 +massa> > , and wouldest forbear <02308
+chadal > to help <05800 + him , thou shalt surely help
<05800 + with him .

burden NUM 004 015 And when Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > and his
sons <01121 +ben > have made an end <03615 +kalah > of
covering <03680 +kacah > the sanctuary <06944 +qodesh > , and
all <03605 +kol > the vessels <03627 +k@liy > of the sanctuary
<06944 +qodesh > , as the camp <04264 +machaneh > is to set
<05265 +naca< > forward <05265 +naca< > ; after <00310
+>achar > that , the sons <01121 +ben > of Kohath <06955
+Q@hath > shall come <00935 +bow> > to bear <05375 +nasa> > [
it ] : but they shall not touch <05060 +naga< > [ any ] holy
<06944 +qodesh > thing , lest they die <04191 +muwth > .
These <00428 +>el - leh > [ things are ] the {burden} <04853
+massa> > of the sons <01121 +ben > of Kohath <06955 +Q@hath >
in the tabernacle <00168 +>ohel > of the congregation <04150
+mow .

burden NUM 004 019 But thus do <06213 + unto them ,
that they may live <02421 +chayah > , and not die <04191
+muwth > , when they approach <05066 +nagash > unto the most
<06944 +qodesh > holy <06944 +qodesh > things : Aaron <00175
+>Aharown > and his sons <01121 +ben > shall go <00935 +bow> >
in , and appoint <07760 +suwm > them every <00376 +>iysh >
one <00376 +>iysh > to his service <05656 + and to
his {burden} <04853 +massa> > :

burden NUM 004 031 And this <02063 +zo>th > [ is ] the
charge <04931 +mishmereth > of their {burden} <04853 +massa> >
, according to all <03605 +kol > their service <05656
+ in the tabernacle <00168 +>ohel > of the
congregation <04150 +mow ; the boards <07175 +qeresh >
of the tabernacle <04908 +mishkan > , and the bars <01280
+b@riyach > thereof , and the pillars <05982 +
thereof , and sockets <00134 +>eden > thereof ,

burden NUM 004 032 And the pillars <05982 + of the
court <02691 +chatser > round <05439 +cabiyb > about , and
their sockets <00134 +>eden > , and their pins <03489 +yathed
> , and their cords <04340 +meythar > , with all <03605 +kol
> their instruments <03627 +k@liy > , and with all <03605
+kol > their service <05656 + : and by name <08034
+shem > ye shall reckon <06485 +paqad > the instruments <03627
+k@liy > of the charge <04931 +mishmereth > of their {burden}
<04853 +massa> > .

burden NUM 004 047 From thirty <07970 +sh@lowshiym > years
<08141 +shaneh > old <01121 +ben > and upward <04605 +ma
even unto fifty <02572 +chamishshiym > years <08141 +shaneh >
old <01121 +ben > , every <03605 +kol > one that came <00935
+bow> > to do <05647 + the service <05656 + of
the ministry <05656 + , and the service <05656
+ of the {burden} <04853 +massa> > in the tabernacle
<00168 +>ohel > of the congregation <04150 +mow ,

burden NUM 004 049 According <05921 + to the commandment
<06310 +peh > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > they were numbered
<06485 +paqad > by the hand <03027 +yad > of Moses <04872
+Mosheh > , every <00376 +>iysh > one <00376 +>iysh >
according <05921 + to his service <05656 + ,
and according <05921 + to his {burden} <04853 +massa> > :
thus were they numbered <06485 +paqad > of him , as the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > commanded <06680 +tsavah > Moses <04872
+Mosheh > .

burden NUM 011 011 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > said <00559
+>amar > unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , Wherefore <04100
+mah > hast thou afflicted <07489 +ra thy servant <05650
+ ? and wherefore <04100 +mah > have I not found <04672
+matsa> > favour <02580 +chen > in thy sight <05869 + ,
that thou layest <07760 +suwm > the {burden} <04853 +massa>
> of all <03605 +kol > this <02088 +zeh > people <05971 + > upon me ?

burden NUM 011 017 And I will come <03381 +yarad > down <03381
+yarad > and talk <01696 +dabar > with thee there <08033
+sham > : and I will take <00680 +>atsal > of the spirit <07307
+ruwach > which <00834 +>aher > [ is ] upon thee , and will
put <07760 +suwm > [ it ] upon them ; and they shall bear
<05375 +nasa> > the {burden} <04853 +massa> > of the people
<05971 + with thee , that thou bear <05375 +nasa> > [
it ] not thyself alone <00905 +bad > .

burden DEU 001 012 How <00349 +>eyk > can I myself alone
<00905 +bad > bear <05375 +nasa> > your cumbrance <02960
+torach > , and your {burden} <04853 +massa> > , and your
strife <07379 +riyb > ?

burdens GEN 049 014 Issachar <03485 +Yissaskar > [ is ] a
strong <01634 +gerem > ass <02543 +chamowr > couching <07257
+rabats > down between <00996 +beyn > two {burdens} <04942
+mishpath > :

burdens EXO 001 011 Therefore they did set <07760 +suwm > over
<05921 + them taskmasters to afflict <06031 + them
with their {burdens} <05450 +c@balah > . And they built <01129
+banah > for Pharaoh <06547 +Par treasure <04543
+mick@nah > cities <05892 + , Pithom <06619 +Pithom >
and Raamses <07486 +Ra .

burdens EXO 002 011 . And it came <01961 +hayah > to pass in
those <01992 +hem > days <03117 +yowm > , when Moses <04872
+Mosheh > was grown <01431 +gadal > , that he went <03318
+yatsa> > out unto his brethren <00251 +>ach > , and looked
<07200 +ra>ah > on their {burdens} <05450 +c@balah > : and he
spied <07200 +ra>ah > an Egyptian <04713 +Mitsriy > smiting
<05221 +nakah > an Hebrew <05680 + , one of his
brethren <00251 +>ach > .

burdens EXO 005 004 And the king <04428 +melek > of Egypt
<04714 +Mitsrayim > said <00559 +>amar > unto them ,
Wherefore <04100 +mah > do ye , Moses <04872 +Mosheh > and
Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > , let <06544 +para< > the people
<05971 + from their works <04639 +ma ? get <03212
+yalak > you unto your {burdens} <05450 +c@balah > .

burdens EXO 005 005 And Pharaoh <06547 +Par said <00559
+>amar > , Behold <02005 +hen > , the people <05971 +
of the land <00776 +>erets > now <06258 + [ are ]
many <07227 +rab > , and ye make them rest <07673 +shabath >
from their {burdens} <05450 +c@balah > .

burdens EXO 006 006 Wherefore <03651 +ken > say <00559 +>amar
> unto the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el >
, I [ am ] the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and I will bring
<03318 +yatsa> > you out from under <08478 +tachath > the
{burdens} <05450 +c@balah > of the Egyptians <04714 +Mitsrayim
> , and I will rid <05337 +natsal > you out of their bondage
<05656 + , and I will redeem <01350 +ga>al > you
with a stretched <05186 +natah > out arm <02220 +z@rowa< > ,
and with great <01419 +gadowl > judgments <08201 +shephet > :

burdens EXO 006 007 And I will take <03947 +laqach > you to me
for a people <05971 + , and I will be to you a God <00430
+>elohiym > : and ye shall know <03045 +yada< > that I [ am ]
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > your God <00430 +>elohiym > ,
which <00834 +>aher > bringeth <03318 +yatsa> > you out from
under <08478 +tachath > the {burdens} <05450 +c@balah > of the
Egyptians <04714 +Mitsrayim > .

burdens NUM 004 024 This <02063 +zo>th > [ is ] the service
<05656 + of the families <04940 +mishpachah > of the
Gershonites <01649 +Ger@shunniy > , to serve <05647 + ,
and for {burdens} <04853 +massa> > :

burdens NUM 004 027 At <05921 + the appointment <06310
+peh > of Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > and his sons <01121 +ben >
shall be all <03605 +kol > the service <05656 + of
the sons <01121 +ben > of the Gershonites <01649 +Ger@shunniy
> , in all <03605 +kol > their burdens <04853 +massa> > ,
and in all <03605 +kol > their service <05656 + : and
ye shall appoint <06485 +paqad > unto them in charge <04931
+mishmereth > all <03605 +kol > their {burdens} <04853 +massa>
> .

burdens NUM 004 027 At <05921 + the appointment <06310
+peh > of Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > and his sons <01121 +ben >
shall be all <03605 +kol > the service <05656 + of
the sons <01121 +ben > of the Gershonites <01649 +Ger@shunniy
> , in all <03605 +kol > their {burdens} <04853 +massa> > ,
and in all <03605 +kol > their service <05656 + : and
ye shall appoint <06485 +paqad > unto them in charge <04931
+mishmereth > all <03605 +kol > their burdens <04853 +massa> >

denied GEN 018 015 Then Sarah <08283 +Sarah > {denied} <03584
+kachash > , saying <00559 +>amar > , I laughed <06711
+tsachaq > not ; for she was afraid <03372 +yare> > . And he
said <00559 +>amar > , Nay <03808 +lo> > ; but thou didst
laugh <06711 +tsachaq > .

denounce DEU 030 018 I {denounce} <05046 +nagad > unto you
this day <03117 +yowm > , that ye shall surely <03588 +kiy >
perish <6> , [ and that ] ye shall not prolong <00748 +>arak
> [ your ] days <03117 +yowm > upon the land <00127 +>adamah
> , whither thou passest <05674 + over <05674 +
Jordan <03383 +Yarden > to go <00935 +bow> > to possess <03423
+yarash > it .

Eden GEN 002 008 . And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430
+>elohiym > planted <05193 +nata< > a garden <01588 +gan >
eastward <06924 +qedem > in Eden <05731 +<{Eden} > ; and
there <08033 +sham > he put <07760 +suwm > the man <00120
+>adam > whom <00834 +>aher > he had formed <03335 +yatsar > .

Eden GEN 002 008 . And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430
+>elohiym > planted <05193 +nata< > a garden <01588 +gan >
eastward <06924 +qedem > in {Eden} <05731 + ; and
there <08033 +sham > he put <07760 +suwm > the man <00120
+>adam > whom <00834 +>aher > he had formed <03335 +yatsar > .

Eden GEN 002 010 And a river <05104 +nahar > went <03318
+yatsa> > out of Eden <05731 +<{Eden} >to water <08248 +shaqah
> the garden <01588 +gan > ; and from thence <08033 +sham >
it was parted <06504 +parad > , and became <01961 +hayah >
into four <00702 +>arba< > heads <07218 +ro>sh > .

Eden GEN 002 010 And a river <05104 +nahar > went <03318
+yatsa> > out of {Eden} <05731 +to water <08248 +shaqah
> the garden <01588 +gan > ; and from thence <08033 +sham >
it was parted <06504 +parad > , and became <01961 +hayah >
into four <00702 +>arba< > heads <07218 +ro>sh > .

Eden GEN 002 015 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430
+>elohiym > took <03947 +laqach > the man <00120 +>adam > ,
and put <03240 +yanach > him into the garden <01588 +gan > of
Eden <05731 +<{Eden} > to dress <05647 + it and to keep
<08104 +shamar > it .

Eden GEN 002 015 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430
+>elohiym > took <03947 +laqach > the man <00120 +>adam > ,
and put <03240 +yanach > him into the garden <01588 +gan > of
{Eden} <05731 + to dress <05647 + it and to keep
<08104 +shamar > it .

Eden GEN 003 023 Therefore the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God
<00430 +>elohiym > sent <07971 +shalach > him forth from the
garden <01588 +gan > of Eden <05731 +<{Eden} > , to till
<05647 + the ground <00127 +>adamah > from whence he
was taken <03947 +laqach > .

Eden GEN 003 023 Therefore the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God
<00430 +>elohiym > sent <07971 +shalach > him forth from the
garden <01588 +gan > of {Eden} <05731 + , to till
<05647 + the ground <00127 +>adamah > from whence he
was taken <03947 +laqach > .

Eden GEN 003 024 So he drove <01644 +garash > out the man
<00120 +>adam > ; and he placed <07931 +shakan > at the east
<06924 +qedem > of the garden <01588 +gan > of Eden <05731
+<{Eden} > Cherubims <03742 +k@ruwb > , and a flaming <03858
+lahat > sword <02719 +chereb > which turned <02015 +haphak >
every way , to keep <08104 +shamar > the way of the tree
<06086 + of life <02416 +chay > .

Eden GEN 003 024 So he drove <01644 +garash > out the man
<00120 +>adam > ; and he placed <07931 +shakan > at the east
<06924 +qedem > of the garden <01588 +gan > of {Eden} <05731
+ Cherubims <03742 +k@ruwb > , and a flaming <03858
+lahat > sword <02719 +chereb > which turned <02015 +haphak >
every way , to keep <08104 +shamar > the way of the tree
<06086 + of life <02416 +chay > .

Eden GEN 004 016 . And Cain <07014 +Qayin > went <03318
+yatsa> > out from the presence <06440 +paniym > of the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > , and dwelt <03427 +yashab > in the land
<00776 +>erets > of Nod <05113 +Nowd > , on the east <06926
+qidmah > of Eden <05731 +<{Eden} > .

Eden GEN 004 016 . And Cain <07014 +Qayin > went <03318
+yatsa> > out from the presence <06440 +paniym > of the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > , and dwelt <03427 +yashab > in the land
<00776 +>erets > of Nod <05113 +Nowd > , on the east <06926
+qidmah > of {Eden} <05731 + .

eden GEN 018 012 Therefore Sarah <08283 +Sarah > laughed
<06711 +tsachaq > within <07130 +qereb > herself , saying
<00559 +>amar > , After <00310 +>achar > I am waxed old
<04086 +Madmen > shall I have pleasure <05730 +<{eden} > , my
lord <00113 +>adown > being old <02204 +zaqen > also ?

forbidden LEV 005 017 And if <03588 +kiy > a soul <05315
+nephesh > sin <02398 +chata> > , and commit <06213 +
any <00259 +>echad > of these things which <00834 +>aher > are
{forbidden} <03808 +lo> > to be done <06213 + by the
commandments <04687 +mitsvah > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ;
though he wist <03045 +yada< > [ it ] not , yet is he
guilty <00816 +>asham > , and shall bear <05375 +nasa> > his
iniquity <05771 + .

forbidden DEU 004 023 Take heed <08104 +shamar > unto
yourselves , lest <06435 +pen > ye forget <07911 +shakach >
the covenant <01285 +b@riyth > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
your God <00430 +>elohiym > , which <00834 +>aher > he made
with you , and make <06213 + you a graven <06459
+pecel > image , [ or ] the likeness <08544 +t@muwnah > of
any <03605 +kol > [ thing ] , which <00834 +>aher > the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > hath
{forbidden} <06680 +tsavah > thee .

garden GEN 002 008 . And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God
<00430 +>elohiym > planted <05193 +nata< > a {garden} <01588
+gan > eastward <06924 +qedem > in Eden <05731 + ; and
there <08033 +sham > he put <07760 +suwm > the man <00120
+>adam > whom <00834 +>aher > he had formed <03335 +yatsar > .

garden GEN 002 009 And out of the ground <00127 +>adamah >
made the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430 +>elohiym > to grow
<06779 +tsamach > every <03605 +kol > tree <06086 +
that is pleasant <02530 +chamad > to the sight <04758 +mar>eh
> , and good <02896 +towb > for food <03978 +ma>akal > ; the
tree <06086 + of life <02416 +chay > also in the midst
<08432 +tavek > of the {garden} <01588 +gan > , and the tree
<06086 + of knowledge <01847 +da of good <02896
+towb > and evil <07451 +ra< > .

garden GEN 002 010 And a river <05104 +nahar > went <03318
+yatsa> > out of Eden <05731 +to water <08248 +shaqah >
the {garden} <01588 +gan > ; and from thence <08033 +sham >
it was parted <06504 +parad > , and became <01961 +hayah >
into four <00702 +>arba< > heads <07218 +ro>sh > .

garden GEN 002 015 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430
+>elohiym > took <03947 +laqach > the man <00120 +>adam > ,
and put <03240 +yanach > him into the {garden} <01588 +gan >
of Eden <05731 + to dress <05647 + it and to
keep <08104 +shamar > it .

garden GEN 002 016 . And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God
<00430 +>elohiym > commanded <06680 +tsavah > the man <00120
+>adam > , saying <00559 +>amar > , Of every <03605 +kol >
tree <06086 + of the {garden} <01588 +gan > thou mayest
freely eat <00398 +>akal > :

garden GEN 003 001 . Now the serpent <05175 +nachash > was
more subtil <06175 + than any <03605 +kol > beast
<02416 +chay > of the field <07704 +sadeh > which <00834
+>aher > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430 +>elohiym > had
made <06213 + . And he said <00559 +>amar > unto the
woman <00802 +>ishshah > , Yea , hath God <00430 +>elohiym >
said <00559 +>amar > , Ye shall not eat <00398 +>akal > of
every <03605 +kol > tree <06086 + of the {garden} <01588
+gan > ?

garden GEN 003 002 And the woman <00802 +>ishshah > said
<00559 +>amar > unto the serpent <05175 +nachash > , We may
eat <00398 +>akal > of the fruit <06529 +p@riy > of the trees
<06086 + of the {garden} <01588 +gan > :

garden GEN 003 003 But of the fruit <06529 +p@riy > of the
tree <06086 + which <00834 +>aher > [ is ] in the
midst <08432 +tavek > of the {garden} <01588 +gan > , God
<00430 +>elohiym > hath said <00559 +>amar > , Ye shall not
eat <00398 +>akal > of it , neither shall ye touch <05060
+naga< > it , lest <06435 +pen > ye die <04191 +muwth > .

garden GEN 003 008 And they heard <08085 +shama< > the voice
<06963 +qowl > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430
+>elohiym > walking <01980 +halak > in the garden <01588 +gan
> in the cool <07307 +ruwach > of the day <03117 +yowm > : and
Adam <00120 +>adam > and his wife <00802 +>ishshah > hid
<2244> themselves from the presence <06440 +paniym > of the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430 +>elohiym > amongst <08432
+tavek > the trees <06086 + of the {garden} <01588 +gan
> .

garden GEN 003 008 And they heard <08085 +shama< > the voice
<06963 +qowl > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430
+>elohiym > walking <01980 +halak > in the {garden} <01588
+gan > in the cool <07307 +ruwach > of the day <03117 +yowm > :
and Adam <00120 +>adam > and his wife <00802 +>ishshah > hid
<2244> themselves from the presence <06440 +paniym > of the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430 +>elohiym > amongst <08432
+tavek > the trees <06086 + of the garden <01588 +gan > .

garden GEN 003 010 And he said <00559 +>amar > , I heard
<08085 +shama< > thy voice <06963 +qowl > in the {garden}
<01588 +gan > , and I was afraid <03372 +yare> > , because
<03588 +kiy > I [ was ] naked <05903 + ; and I hid
<2244> myself .

garden GEN 003 023 Therefore the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God
<00430 +>elohiym > sent <07971 +shalach > him forth from the
{garden} <01588 +gan > of Eden <05731 + , to till
<05647 + the ground <00127 +>adamah > from whence he
was taken <03947 +laqach > .

garden GEN 003 024 So he drove <01644 +garash > out the man
<00120 +>adam > ; and he placed <07931 +shakan > at the east
<06924 +qedem > of the {garden} <01588 +gan > of Eden <05731
+ Cherubims <03742 +k@ruwb > , and a flaming <03858
+lahat > sword <02719 +chereb > which turned <02015 +haphak >
every way , to keep <08104 +shamar > the way of the tree
<06086 + of life <02416 +chay > .

garden GEN 013 010 . And Lot <03876 +Lowt > lifted <05375
+nasa> > up his eyes <05869 + , and beheld <07200
+ra>ah > all <03605 +kol > the plain <03603 +kikkar > of
Jordan <03383 +Yarden > , that it [ was ] well watered
<04945 +mashqeh > every <03605 +kol > where , before <06440
+paniym > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > destroyed <07843
+shachath > Sodom <05467 +C@dom > and Gomorrah <06017 + > , [ even ] as the {garden} <01588 +gan > of the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > , like the land <00776 +>erets > of Egypt
<04714 +Mitsrayim > , as thou comest <00935 +bow> > unto Zoar
<06820 +Tso .

garden DEU 011 010 For the land <00776 +>erets > , whither
thou goest <00935 +bow> > in to possess <03423 +yarash > it ,
[ is ] not as the land <00776 +>erets > of Egypt <04714
+Mitsrayim > , from whence ye came <03318 +yatsa> > out ,
where <00834 +>aher > thou sowedst <02232 +zara< > thy seed
<02233 +zera< > , and wateredst <08248 +shaqah > [ it ]
with thy foot <07272 +regel > , as a {garden} <01588 +gan >
of herbs <03419 +yaraq > :

gardens NUM 024 006 As the valleys <05158 +nachal > are they
spread <05186 +natah > forth , as {gardens} <01593 +gannah >
by the river s <05104 +nahar > side , as the trees of lign
aloes <00174 +>ahaliym > which the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > hath
planted <05193 +nata< > , [ and ] as cedar <00730 +>erez >
trees beside <05921 + the waters <04325 +mayim > .

golden GEN 024 022 And it came <01961 +hayah > to pass , as
the camels <01581 +gamal > had done <03615 +kalah > drinking
<08354 +shathah > , that the man <00376 +>iysh > took <03947
+laqach > a {golden} <02091 +zahab > earring <05141 +nexem >
of half <01235 +beqa< > a shekel <01235 +beqa< > weight <04948
+mishqal > , and two <08147 +sh@nayim > bracelets <06781
+tsamiyd > for her hands <03027 +yad > of ten <06235 +
[ shekels <08255 +sheqel > ] weight <04948 +mishqal > of gold
<02091 +zahab > ;

golden EXO 025 025 And thou shalt make <06213 + unto it
a border <04526 +micgereth > of an hand <02948 +tophach >
breadth <02948 +tophach > round <05439 +cabiyb > about , and
thou shalt make <06213 + a {golden} <02091 +zahab >
crown <02213 +zer > to the border <04526 +micgereth > thereof
round <05439 +cabiyb > about .

golden EXO 028 034 A golden <02091 +zahab > bell <06472
+pa and a pomegranate <07416 +rimmown > , a {golden}
<02091 +zahab > bell <06472 +pa and a pomegranate
<07416 +rimmown > , upon the hem <07757 +shuwl > of the robe
<04598 +m@ round <05439 +cabiyb > about .

golden EXO 028 034 A {golden} <02091 +zahab > bell <06472
+pa and a pomegranate <07416 +rimmown > , a golden
<02091 +zahab > bell <06472 +pa and a pomegranate
<07416 +rimmown > , upon the hem <07757 +shuwl > of the robe
<04598 +m@ round <05439 +cabiyb > about .

golden EXO 030 004 And two <08147 +sh@nayim > {golden} <02091
+zahab > rings <02885 +tabba shalt thou make <06213
+ to it under <08478 +tachath > the crown <02213 +zer >
of it , by the two <08147 +sh@nayim > corners <06763 +tsela<
> thereof , upon the two <08147 +sh@nayim > sides <06654
+tsad > of it shalt thou make <06213 + [ it ] ; and
they shall be for places <01004 +bayith > for the staves <00905
+bad > to bear <05375 +nasa> > it withal <01992 +hem > .

golden EXO 032 002 And Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > said <00559
+>amar > unto them , Break <06561 +paraq > off the {golden}
<02091 +zahab > earrings <05141 +nexem > , which <00834
+>aher > [ are ] in the ears <00241 +>ozen > of your wives
<00802 +>ishshah > , of your sons <01121 +ben > , and of
your daughters <01121 +ben > , and bring <00935 +bow> > [
them ] unto me .

golden EXO 032 003 And all <03605 +kol > the people <05971
+ brake <06561 +paraq > off the {golden} <02091 +zahab >
earrings <05141 +nexem > which <00834 +>aher > [ were ] in
their ears <00241 +>ozen > , and brought <00935 +bow> > [
them ] unto Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > .

golden EXO 039 020 And they made <06213 + two <08147
+sh@nayim > [ other ] {golden} <02091 +zahab > rings <02885
+tabba , and put <05414 +nathan > them on <05921 +
the two <08147 +sh@nayim > sides <03802 +katheph > of the
ephod <00646 +>ephowd > underneath <04295 +mattah > , toward
<04136 +muwl > the forepart <06440 +paniym > of it , over
<05980 + against <05980 + the [ other ]
coupling <04225 +machbereth > thereof , above <04605 +ma
the curious girdle <02805 +chesheb > of the ephod <00646
+>ephowd > .

golden EXO 039 038 And the {golden} <02091 +zahab > altar
<04196 +mizbeach > , and the anointing <04888 +mishchah > oil
<08081 +shemen > , and the sweet <05561 +cam > incense <07004
+q@toreth > , and the hanging <04539 +macak > for the
tabernacle <00168 +>ohel > door <06607 +pethach > ,

golden EXO 040 026 And he put <07760 +suwm > the {golden}
<02091 +zahab > altar <04196 +mizbeach > in the tent <00168
+>ohel > of the congregation <04150 +mow before <06440
+paniym > the vail <06532 +poreketh > :

golden LEV 008 009 And he put <07760 +suwm > the mitre <04701
+mitsnepheth > upon his head <07218 +ro>sh > ; also upon the
mitre <04701 +mitsnepheth > , [ even ] upon his forefront ,
did he put <07760 +suwm > the {golden} <02091 +zahab > plate
<06731 +tsiyts > , the holy <06944 +qodesh > crown <05145
+nezer > ; as the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > commanded <06680
+tsavah > Moses <04872 +Mosheh > .

golden NUM 004 011 And upon the {golden} <02091 +zahab > altar
<04196 +mizbeach > they shall spread <06566 +paras > a cloth
<00899 +beged > of blue <08504 +t@keleth > , and cover <03680
+kacah > it with a covering <04372 +mikceh > of badgers <08476
+tachash > skins <05785 + , and shall put <07725
+shuwb > to the staves <00905 +bad > thereof :

golden NUM 007 026 One <00259 +>echad > {golden} <02091
+zahab > spoon <03709 +kaph > of ten <06235 + [
shekels ] , full <04392 +male> > of incense <07004 +q@toreth
> :

golden NUM 007 032 One <00259 +>echad > {golden} <02091
+zahab > spoon <03709 +kaph > of ten <06235 + [
shekels ] , full <04392 +male> > of incense <07004 +q@toreth
> :

golden NUM 007 038 One <00259 +>echad > {golden} <02091
+zahab > spoon <03709 +kaph > of ten <06235 + [
shekels ] , full <04392 +male> > of incense <07004 +q@toreth
> :

golden NUM 007 044 One <00259 +>echad > {golden} <02091
+zahab > spoon <03709 +kaph > of ten <06235 + [
shekels ] , full <04392 +male> > of incense <07004 +q@toreth
> :

golden NUM 007 050 One <00259 +>echad > {golden} <02091
+zahab > spoon <03709 +kaph > of ten <06235 + [
shekels ] , full <04392 +male> > of incense <07004 +q@toreth
> :

golden NUM 007 056 One <00259 +>echad > {golden} <02091
+zahab > spoon <03709 +kaph > of ten <06235 + [
shekels ] , full <04392 +male> > of incense <07004 +q@toreth
> :

golden NUM 007 062 One <00259 +>echad > {golden} <02091
+zahab > spoon <03709 +kaph > of ten <06235 + [
shekels ] , full <04392 +male> > of incense <07004 +q@toreth
> :

golden NUM 007 068 One <00259 +>echad > {golden} <02091
+zahab > spoon <03709 +kaph > of ten <06235 + [
shekels ] , full <04392 +male> > of incense <07004 +q@toreth
> :

golden NUM 007 074 One <00259 +>echad > {golden} <02091
+zahab > spoon <03709 +kaph > of ten <06235 + [
shekels ] , full <04392 +male> > of incense <07004 +q@toreth
> :

golden NUM 007 080 One <00259 +>echad > {golden} <02091
+zahab > spoon <03709 +kaph > of ten <06235 + [
shekels ] , full <04392 +male> > of incense <07004 +q@toreth
> :

golden NUM 007 086 The {golden} <02091 +zahab > spoons <03709
+kaph > [ were ] twelve , full <04392 +male> > of incense
<07004 +q@toreth > , [ weighing ] ten <06235 + [
shekels ] apiece , after the shekel <08255 +sheqel > of the
sanctuary <06944 +qodesh > : all <03605 +kol > the gold <02091
+zahab > of the spoons <03709 +kaph > [ was ] an hundred
<03967 +me>ah > and twenty <06242 + [ shekels ] .

handmaidens GEN 033 006 Then the {handmaidens} <08198
+shiphchah > came <05066 +nagash > near <05066 +nagash > ,
they and their children <03206 +yeled > , and they bowed
<07812 +shachah > themselves .

harden EXO 004 021 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said <00559
+>amar > unto Moses <04872 +Mosheh > , When thou goest <03212
+yalak > to return <07725 +shuwb > into Egypt <04714
+Mitsrayim > , see <07200 +ra>ah > that thou do <06213 + > all <03605 +kol > those wonders <04159 +mowpheth > before
<06440 +paniym > Pharaoh <06547 +Par , which <00834
+>aher > I have put <07760 +suwm > in thine hand <03027 +yad >
: but I will {harden} <02388 +chazaq > his heart <03820 +leb >
, that he shall not let the people <05971 + go <07971
+shalach > .

harden EXO 007 003 And I will {harden} <07185 +qashah >
Pharaoh s <06547 +Par heart <03820 +leb > , and multiply
<07235 +rabah > my signs <00226 +>owth > and my wonders <04159
+mowpheth > in the land <00776 +>erets > of Egypt <04714
+Mitsrayim > .

harden EXO 014 004 And I will {harden} <02388 +chazaq >
Pharaoh s <06547 +Par heart <03820 +leb > , that he
shall follow <07291 +radaph > after <00310 +>achar > them ;
and I will be honoured <03513 +kabad > upon Pharaoh <06547
+Par , and upon all <03605 +kol > his host <02428
+chayil > ; that the Egyptians <04714 +Mitsrayim > may know
<03045 +yada< > that I [ am ] the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .
And they did <06213 + so <03651 +ken > .

harden EXO 014 017 And I , behold <02005 +hen > , I will
{harden} <02388 +chazaq > the hearts <03820 +leb > of the
Egyptians <04714 +Mitsrayim > , and they shall follow <00310
+>achar > them : and I will get <03513 +kabad > me honour
<03513 +kabad > upon Pharaoh <06547 +Par , and upon all
<03605 +kol > his host <02428 +chayil > , upon his chariots
<07393 +rekeb > , and upon his horsemen <06571 +parash > .

harden DEU 015 007 If <03588 +kiy > there be among you a poor
<34> man of one <00259 +>echad > of thy brethren <00251 +>ach
> within any <00259 +>echad > of thy gates <08179 +sha in
thy land <00776 +>erets > which <00834 +>aher > the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > giveth <05414
+nathan > thee , thou shalt not {harden} <00533 +>ammiyts >
thine heart <03824 +lebab > , nor <03808 +lo> > shut <07092
+qaphats > thine hand <03027 +yad > from thy poor <34> brother
<00251 +>ach > :

hardened EXO 007 013 And he {hardened} <02388 +chazaq >
Pharaoh s <06547 +Par heart <03820 +leb > , that he
hearkened <08085 +shama< > not unto them ; as the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > had said <01696 +dabar > .

hardened EXO 007 014 . And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said
<00559 +>amar > unto Moses <04872 +Mosheh > , Pharaoh s
<06547 +Par heart <03820 +leb > [ is ] {hardened}
<03515 +kabed > , he refuseth <03985 +ma>en > to let the
people <05971 + go <07971 +shalach > .

hardened EXO 007 022 And the magicians <02748 +chartom > of
Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > did <06213 + so <03651 +ken
> with their enchantments <03909 +lat > : and Pharaoh s <06547
+Par heart <03820 +leb > was {hardened} <02388 +chazaq > ,
neither <03808 +lo> > did <06213 + he hearken <08085
+shama< > unto them ; as the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > had said
<01696 +dabar > .

hardened EXO 008 015 But when Pharaoh <06547 +Par saw
<07200 +ra>ah > that there was respite <07309 +r@vachah > ,
he {hardened} <03515 +kabed > his heart <03820 +leb > , and
hearkened <08085 +shama< > not unto them ; as the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > had said <01696 +dabar > .

hardened EXO 008 019 Then the magicians <02748 +chartom > said
<01696 +dabar > unto Pharaoh <06547 +Par , This <01931
+huw> > [ is ] the finger <00676 +>etsba< > of God <00430
+>elohiym > : and Pharaoh s <06547 +Par heart <03820 +leb
> was {hardened} <02388 +chazaq > , and he hearkened <08085
+shama< > not unto them ; as the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > had
said <01696 +dabar > .

hardened EXO 008 032 And Pharaoh <06547 +Par {hardened}
<03513 +kabad > his heart <03820 +leb > at this <02063 +zo>th
> time <06471 +pa also <01571 +gam > , neither <03808
+lo> > would he let the people <05971 + go <07971
+shalach > .

hardened EXO 009 007 And Pharaoh <06547 +Par sent <07971
+shalach > , and , behold <02009 +hinneh > , there was not
one <00259 +>echad > of the cattle <04735 +miqneh > of the
Israelites <03478 +Yisra>el > dead <04191 +muwth > . And the
heart <03820 +leb > of Pharaoh <06547 +Par was {hardened}
<03515 +kabed > , and he did not let the people <05971 +
go <07971 +shalach > .

hardened EXO 009 012 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > {hardened}
<02388 +chazaq > the heart <03820 +leb > of Pharaoh <06547
+Par , and he hearkened <08085 +shama< > not unto them ;
as the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > had spoken <01696 +dabar > unto
Moses <04872 +Mosheh > .

hardened EXO 009 034 And when Pharaoh <06547 +Par saw
<07200 +ra>ah > that the rain <04306 +matar > and the hail
<01259 +barad > and the thunders <06963 +qowl > were ceased
<02308 +chadal > , he sinned <02398 +chata> > yet more <03254
+yacaph > , and {hardened} <03513 +kabad > his heart <03820
+leb > , he and his servants <05650 + .

hardened EXO 009 035 And the heart <03820 +leb > of Pharaoh
<06547 +Par was {hardened} <02388 +chazaq > , neither
<03808 +lo> > would he let the children <01121 +ben > of
Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > go <07971 +shalach > ; as the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > had spoken <01696 +dabar > by Moses <04872
+Mosheh > .

hardened EXO 010 001 . And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said
<00559 +>amar > unto Moses <04872 +Mosheh > , Go <00935
+bow> > in unto Pharaoh <06547 +Par : for I have
{hardened} <03513 +kabad > his heart <03820 +leb > , and the
heart <03820 +leb > of his servants <05650 + , that I
might shew <07896 +shiyth > these <00428 +>el - leh > my signs
<00226 +>owth > before <07130 +qereb > him :

hardened EXO 010 020 But the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > {hardened}
<02388 +chazaq > Pharaoh s <06547 +Par heart <03820 +leb
> , so that he would not let the children <01121 +ben > of
Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > go <07971 +shalach > .

hardened EXO 010 027 But the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > {hardened}
<02388 +chazaq > Pharaoh s <06547 +Par heart <03820 +leb
> , and he would <14> not let them go <07971 +shalach > .

hardened EXO 011 010 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > and Aaron
<00175 +>Aharown > did <06213 + all <03605 +kol >
these <00428 +>el - leh > wonders <04159 +mowpheth > before
<06440 +paniym > Pharaoh <06547 +Par : and the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > {hardened} <02388 +chazaq > Pharaoh s <06547
+Par heart <03820 +leb > , so that he would not let the
children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > go <07971
+shalach > out of his land <00776 +>erets > .

hardened EXO 014 008 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > {hardened}
<02388 +chazaq > the heart <03820 +leb > of Pharaoh <06547
+Par king <04428 +melek > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > ,
and he pursued <07291 +radaph > after <00310 +>achar > the
children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > : and the
children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > went
<03318 +yatsa> > out with an high <07311 +ruwm > hand <03027
+yad > .

hardened DEU 002 030 But Sihon <05511 +Ciychown > king <04428
+melek > of Heshbon <02809 +Cheshbown > would <14> not let us
pass <05674 + by him : for the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
thy God <00430 +>elohiym > {hardened} <07185 +qashah > his
spirit <07307 +ruwach > , and made his heart <03824 +lebab >
obstinate <00553 +>amats > , that he might deliver <05414
+nathan > him into thy hand <03027 +yad > , as [ appeareth ]
this <02088 +zeh > day <03117 +yowm > .

hidden LEV 005 002 Or <00176 +>ow > if <00834 +>aher > a soul
<05315 +nephesh > touch <05060 +naga< > any <03605 +kol >
unclean <02931 +tame> > thing <01697 +dabar > , whether
<00176 +>ow > [ it be ] a carcase <05038 +n@belah > of an
unclean <02931 +tame> > beast <02416 +chay > , or <00176
+>ow > a carcase <05038 +n@belah > of unclean <02931 +tame> >
cattle <00929 +b@hemah > , or <00176 +>ow > the carcase
<05038 +n@belah > of unclean <02931 +tame> > creeping <08318
+sherets > things , and [ if ] it be {hidden} <05956 + > from him ; he also shall be unclean <02931 +tame> > , and
guilty <00816 +>asham > .

hidden DEU 030 011 . For this <02063 +zo>th > commandment
<04687 +mitsvah > which <00834 +>aher > I command <06680
+tsavah > thee this day <03117 +yowm > , it [ is ] not
{hidden} <06381 +pala> > from thee , neither <03808 +lo> > [
is ] it far <07350 +rachowq > off .

laden GEN 045 023 And to his father <1> he sent <07971
+shalach > after this <02063 +zo>th > [ manner ] ; ten
<06235 + asses <00860 +>athown > laden <05375 +nasa> >
with the good <02898 +tuwb > things of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim
> , and ten <06235 + she asses <02543 +chamowr >
{laden} <05375 +nasa> > with corn <01250 +bar > and bread
<03899 +lechem > and meat <04202 +mazown > for his father <1>
by the way <01870 +derek > .

laden GEN 045 023 And to his father <1> he sent <07971
+shalach > after this <02063 +zo>th > [ manner ] ; ten
<06235 + asses <00860 +>athown > {laden} <05375 +nasa>
> with the good <02898 +tuwb > things of Egypt <04714
+Mitsrayim > , and ten <06235 + she asses <02543
+chamowr > laden <05375 +nasa> > with corn <01250 +bar > and
bread <03899 +lechem > and meat <04202 +mazown > for his
father <1> by the way <01870 +derek > .

maiden GEN 030 018 And Leah <03812 +Le>ah > said <00559
+>amar > , God <00430 +>elohiym > hath given <05414 +nathan >
me my hire <07937 +shakar > , because <00834 +>aher > I have
given <05414 +nathan > my {maiden} <08198 +shiphchah > to my
husband <00376 +>iysh > : and she called <07121 +qara> > his
name <08034 +shem > Issachar <03485 +Yissaskar > .

maidens EXO 002 005 . And the daughter <01323 +bath > of
Pharaoh <06547 +Par came <03381 +yarad > down <03381
+yarad > to wash <07364 +rachats > [ herself ] at <05921
+ the river <02975 +y@ ; and her {maidens} <05291
+na walked <01980 +halak > along by the river s <02975
+y@ side <03027 +yad > ; and when she saw <07200 +ra>ah
> the ark <08392 +tebah > among <08432 +tavek > the flags
<05488 +cuwph > , she sent <07971 +shalach > her maid <00519
+>amah > to fetch <03947 +laqach > it .

ridden NUM 022 030 And the ass <00860 +>athown > said <00559
+>amar > unto Balaam <01109 +Bil , [ Am ] not I thine
ass <00860 +>athown > , upon which <00834 +>aher > thou hast
{ridden} <07392 +rakab > ever <05750 + since <05750
+ [ I was ] thine unto this <02088 +zeh > day <03117
+yowm > ? was I ever wont <05532 +cakan > to do <06213 + > so unto thee ? And he said <00559 +>amar > , Nay <03808
+lo> > .

sodden EXO 012 009 Eat <00398 +>akal > not of it raw <04995
+na> > , nor {sodden} <01310 +bashal > at all with water
<04325 +mayim > , but roast <06748 +tsaliy > [ with ] fire
<00784 +>esh > ; his head <07218 +ro>sh > with his legs
<03767 +kara< > , and with the purtenance <07130 +qereb >
thereof .

sodden LEV 006 028 But the earthen <02789 +cheres > vessel
<03627 +k@liy > wherein <00834 +>aher > it is sodden <01310
+bashal > shall be broken <07665 +shabar > : and if <00518
+>im > it be {sodden} <01310 +bashal > in a brasen <05178
+n@chosheth > pot <03627 +k@liy > , it shall be both scoured
<04838 +maraq > , and rinsed <07857 +shataph > in water
<04325 +mayim > .

sodden LEV 006 028 But the earthen <02789 +cheres > vessel
<03627 +k@liy > wherein <00834 +>aher > it is {sodden} <01310
+bashal > shall be broken <07665 +shabar > : and if <00518
+>im > it be sodden <01310 +bashal > in a brasen <05178
+n@chosheth > pot <03627 +k@liy > , it shall be both scoured
<04838 +maraq > , and rinsed <07857 +shataph > in water
<04325 +mayim > .

sodden NUM 006 019 And the priest <03548 +kohen > shall take
<03947 +laqach > the {sodden} <01311 +bashel > shoulder <02220
+z@rowa< > of the ram <00352 +>ayil > , and one <00259
+>echad > unleavened <04682 +matstsah > cake <02471 +challah >
out of the basket <05536 +cal > , and one <00259 +>echad >
unleavened <04682 +matstsah > wafer <07550 +raqiyq > , and
shall put <05414 +nathan > [ them ] upon the hands <03709
+kaph > of the Nazarite <05139 +naziyr > , after <00310
+>achar > [ the hair of ] his separation <05145 +nezer > is
shaven <01548 +galach > :

suddenly NUM 006 009 And if <03588 +kiy > any man die <04191
+muwth > very <06621 +petha< > {suddenly} <06597 +pith>owm >
by him , and he hath defiled <02930 +tame> > the head <07218
+ro>sh > of his consecration <05145 +nezer > ; then he shall
shave <01548 +galach > his head <07218 +ro>sh > in the day
<03117 +yowm > of his cleansing <02893 +tohorah > , on the
seventh <07637 +sh@biy day <03117 +yowm > shall he shave
<01548 +galach > it .

suddenly NUM 012 004 . And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > spake
<00559 +>amar > {suddenly} <06597 +pith>owm > unto Moses
<04872 +Mosheh > , and unto Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > , and
unto Miriam <04813 +Miryam > , Come <03318 +yatsa> > out ye
three <07969 +shalowsh > unto the tabernacle <00168 +>ohel >
of the congregation <04150 +mow . And they three <07969
+shalowsh > came <03318 +yatsa> > out .

suddenly NUM 035 022 But if <00518 +>im > he thrust <01920
+Hadaph > him {suddenly} <06621 +petha< > without <03808 +lo>
> enmity , or <00176 +>ow > have cast <07993 +shalak > upon
him any <03605 +kol > thing <03627 +k@liy > without <03808
+lo> > laying of wait <06660 +ts@diyah > ,

suddenly DEU 007 004 For they will turn <05493 +cuwr > away
thy son <01121 +ben > from following <00310 +>achar > me ,
that they may serve <05647 + other <00312 +>acher >
gods <00430 +>elohiym > : so will the anger <00639 +>aph > of
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > be kindled <02734 +charah > against
you , and destroy <08045 +shamad > thee {suddenly} <04118
+maher > .

trodden DEU 001 036 Save <02108 +zuwlah > Caleb <03612 +Kaleb
> the son <01121 +ben > of Jephunneh <03312 +Y@phunneh > ; he
shall see <07200 +ra>ah > it , and to him will I give <05414
+nathan > the land <00776 +>erets > that he hath {trodden}
<01869 +darak > upon , and to his children <01121 +ben > ,
because he hath wholly <04390 +male> > followed <00310 +>achar
> the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .
