deep Eze_32_14 /^{deep /and cause their
rivers to run like oil , saith the Lord GOD .

deep Amo_07_04 /^{deep /and did eat up a part

deep Luk_06_48 /${deep /and laid the
foundation on a rock : and when the flood arose , the stream
beat vehemently upon that house , and could not shake it : for
it was founded upon a rock .

deep Isa_30_33 /^{deep /and large : the pile
thereof is fire and much wood ; the breath of the LORD , like a
stream of brimstone , doth kindle it.

deep Eze_23_32 /^{deep /and large : thou
shalt be laughed to scorn and had in derision ; it containeth
much .

deep Luk_05_04 /${deep /and let down your
nets for a draught .

deep Dan_02_22 /^{deep /and secret things :
he knoweth what is in the darkness , and the light dwelleth with
him .

deep Gen_01_02 /^{deep /And the Spirit of God
moved upon the face of the waters .

deep Gen_08_02 /^{deep /and the windows of
heaven were stopped , and the rain from heaven was restrained ;

deep Isa_63_13 /^{deep /as an horse in the
wilderness , that they should not stumble ?

deep Psa_104_06 /^{deep /as with a garment :
the waters stood above the mountains .

deep Psa_42_07 /^{deep /at the noise of thy
waterspouts : all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

deep Isa_44_27 /^{deep /Be dry , and I will
dry up thy rivers :

deep Gen_07_11 /^{deep /broken up , and the
windows of heaven were opened .

Deep Psa_42_07 /^{Deep /calleth unto deep at
the noise of thy waterspouts : all thy waves and thy billows are
gone over me.

deep Pro_23_27 /^{deep /ditch ; and a strange
woman is a narrow pit .

deep Eze_31_15 /^{deep /for him, and I
restrained the floods thereof, and the great waters were stayed :
and I caused Lebanon to mourn for him, and all the trees of the
field fainted for him.

deep Joh_04_11 /${deep /from whence then hast
thou that living water ?

deep Jon_02_03 /^{deep /in the midst of the
seas ; and the floods compassed me about: all thy billows and
thy waves passed over me.

deep Job_38_30 /^{deep /is frozen .

deep Psa_69_02 /^{deep /mire , where there is
no standing : I am come into deep waters , where the floods
overflow me.

deep Jer_49_08 /^{deep /O inhabitants of
Dedan ; for I will bring the calamity of Esau upon him, the time
that I will visit him.

deep Psa_36_06 /^{deep /O LORD , thou
preservest man and beast .

deep Jer_49_30 /^{deep /O ye inhabitants of
Hazor , saith the LORD ; for Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath
taken counsel against you, and hath conceived a purpose against

deep Pro_22_14 /^{deep /pit : he that is
abhorred of the LORD shall fall therein.

deep Psa_140_10 /^{deep /pits , that they
rise not up again .

deep Psa_135_06 /^{deep /places .

deep Psa_95_04 /^{deep /places of the earth :
the strength of the hills is his also.

deep 2Co_08_02 /${deep /poverty abounded unto
the riches of their liberality .

deep Psa_80_09 /^{deep /root , and it filled
the land .

deep Eze_31_04 /^{deep /set him up on high
with her rivers running round about his plants , and sent out
her little rivers unto all the trees of the field .

deep Isa_29_10 /^{deep /sleep , and hath
closed your eyes : the prophets and your rulers , the seers hath
he covered .

deep Act_20_09 /${deep /sleep : and as Paul
was long preaching , he sunk down with sleep , and fell down
from the third loft , and was taken up dead .

deep Pro_19_15 /^{deep /sleep ; and an idle
soul shall suffer hunger .

deep Job_04_13 /^{deep /sleep falleth on men ,

deep Job_33_15 /^{deep /sleep falleth upon
men , in slumberings upon the bed ;

deep Gen_15_12 /^{deep /sleep fell upon Abram
; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him.

deep 1Sa_26_12 /^{deep /sleep from the LORD
was fallen upon them.

deep Dan_10_09 /^{deep /sleep on my face ,
and my face toward the ground .

deep Dan_08_18 /^{deep /sleep on my face
toward the ground : but he touched me, and set me upright .

deep Gen_02_21 /^{deep /sleep to fall upon
Adam , and he slept : and he took one of his ribs , and closed
up the flesh instead thereof;

deep Psa_69_15 /^{deep /swallow me up , and
let not the pit shut her mouth upon me.

deep Deu_33_13 /^{deep /that coucheth beneath

deep Isa_51_10 /^{deep /that hath made the
depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over ?

deep Gen_49_25 /^{deep /that lieth under,
blessings of the breasts , and of the womb :

deep 1Co_02_10 /${deep /things of God .

deep Job_12_22 /^{deep /things out of
darkness , and bringeth out to light the shadow of death .

deep Job_41_32 /^{deep /to be hoary .

deep Job_41_31 /^{deep /to boil like a pot :
he maketh the sea like a pot of ointment .

deep Rom_10_07 /${deep /to bring up Christ
again from the dead .

deep Isa_29_15 /^{deep /to hide their counsel
from the LORD , and their works are in the dark , and they say ,
Who seeth us? and who knoweth us?

deep Eze_26_19 /^{deep /upon thee, and great
waters shall cover thee;

deep Hab_03_10 /^{deep /uttered his voice ,
and lifted up his hands on high .

deep Pro_20_05 /^{deep /water ; but a man of
understanding will draw it out .

deep Pro_18_04 /^{deep /waters , and the
wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook .

deep Eze_34_18 /^{deep /waters , but ye must
foul the residue with your feet ?

deep Psa_69_02 /^{deep /waters , where the
floods overflow me.

deep Psa_69_14 /^{deep /waters .

deep Ecc_07_24 /^{deep /who can find it out ?

deeper Isa_33_19 /^{deeper /speech than thou
canst perceive ; of a stammering tongue , that thou canst not
understand .

deeper Job_11_08 /^{deeper /than hell ; what
canst thou know ?

deeper Lev_13_31 /^{deeper /than the skin , and
that there is no black hair in it; then the priest shall shut up
him that hath the plague of the scall seven days :

deeper Lev_13_04 /^{deeper /than the skin , and
the hair thereof be not turned white ; then the priest shall
shut up him that hath the plague seven days :

deeper Lev_13_32 /^{deeper /than the skin ;

deeper Lev_13_30 /^{deeper /than the skin ; and
there be in it a yellow thin hair ; then the priest shall
pronounce him unclean : it is a dry scall , even a leprosy upon
the head or beard .

deeper Lev_13_25 /^{deeper /than the skin ; it
is a leprosy broken out of the burning : wherefore the priest
shall pronounce him unclean : it is the plague of leprosy .

deeper Lev_13_34 /^{deeper /than the skin ;
then the priest shall pronounce him clean : and he shall wash
his clothes , and be clean .

deeper Lev_13_03 /^{deeper /than the skin of
his flesh , it is a plague of leprosy : and the priest shall
look on him, and pronounce him unclean .

deeply Hos_09_09 /^{deeply /corrupted
themselves, as in the days of Gibeah : therefore he will
remember their iniquity , he will visit their sins .

deeply Mar_08_12 /${deeply /in his spirit , and
saith , Why doth this generation seek after a sign ? verily I
say unto you , There shall no sign be given unto this generation

deeply Isa_31_06 /^{deeply /revolted .

deepness Mat_13_05 /${deepness /of earth :

deeps Neh_09_11 /^{deeps /as a stone into the
mighty waters .

deeps Zec_10_11 /^{deeps /of the river shall
dry up : and the pride of Assyria shall be brought down , and
the sceptre of Egypt shall depart away .
