debts , MT , 6:12

debts , PR , 22:26



debts Interlinear Index Study

debts PRO 022 026 . Be not thou [ one ] of them that strike
<08628 +taqa< > hands <03709 +kaph > , [ or ] of them that are
sureties <06148 + for {debts} <04859 +mashsha>ah > .

debts MAT 006 012 And forgive <0863 -aphiemi -> us our {debts}
<3783 -opheilema -> , as we forgive <0863 -aphiemi -> our
debtors <3781 -opheiletes -> .


* debts , 3783 ,

- debts , 4859 ,

* debts , 3783 opheilema ,


debts -3783 debt, {debts},


debts -4859 {debts} , thing ,



debts ......... us our debts 3783 -opheilema->




debts 006 012 Mat /${debts /as we forgive our
debtors .


debts 2 -


debts Be not thou [one] of them that strike hands,

of them that are sureties for {debts}.

debts And forgive us our {debts}, as we forgive our

