among them all was found none like daniel

babylon daniel had

but daniel

but daniel purposed

by daniel

by daniel

daniel alone saw

daniel answered

daniel answered

daniel before

daniel continued

daniel fainted

daniel had understanding

daniel looked

daniel spake

daniel understood by books

daniel was grieved

daniel was mourning three full weeks

find occasion against daniel concerning

found daniel praying

last daniel came

now god had brought daniel into favour

now let daniel be called

now when daniel knew

purpose might not be changed concerning daniel

so daniel was taken up out

so this daniel prospered

then daniel

then daniel answered

then daniel answered with counsel

then daniel blessed

then daniel requested

then daniel went

then daniel went

then said daniel

then said daniel unto

then this daniel was preferred above

then was daniel brought

therefore daniel went

they brought daniel

they brought those men which had accused daniel

they clothed daniel with scarlet

they should take daniel up out

they sought daniel

thing was revealed unto daniel

we shall not find any occasion against this daniel

who hath delivered daniel from

whom daniel

wiser than daniel
