Abidan Num_07_60 /^{Abidan /the son of Gideoni ,
prince of the children of Benjamin , offered:

Abidan Num_10_24 /^{Abidan /the son of Gideoni .

Abidan Num_07_65 /^{Abidan /the son of Gideoni .

Abidan Num_01_11 /^{Abidan /the son of Gideoni .

Abidan Num_02_22 /^{Abidan /the son of Gideoni .

abundance Est_01_07 /^{abundance /according to the
state of the king .

abundance 2Co_08_14 /${abundance /also may be a
supply for your want : that there may be equality :

abundance 2Ch_18_02 /^{abundance /and for the
people that he had with him, and persuaded him to go up with him
to Ramothgilead .

abundance 1Ki_01_25 /^{abundance /and hath called
all the king's sons , and the captains of the host , and
Abiathar the priest ; and, behold, they eat and drink before him,
and say , God save king Adonijah .

abundance 1Ki_01_19 /^{abundance /and hath called
all the sons of the king , and Abiathar the priest , and Joab
the captain of the host : but Solomon thy servant hath he not
called .

abundance 2Ch_11_23 /^{abundance /And he desired
many wives .

abundance 2Ch_18_01 /^{abundance /and joined
affinity with Ahab .

abundance 2Ch_09_01 /^{abundance /and precious
stones : and when she was come to Solomon , she communed with
him of all that was in her heart .

abundance 2Ch_09_09 /^{abundance /and precious
stones : neither was there any such spice as the queen of Sheba
gave king Solomon .

abundance 2Ch_14_15 /^{abundance /and returned to
Jerusalem .

abundance 2Ch_20_25 /^{abundance /both riches with
the dead bodies , and precious jewels , which they stripped off
for themselves, more than they could carry away : and they were
three days in gathering of the spoil , it was so much .

abundance Mat_25_29 /${abundance /but from him
that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath .

abundance Mar_12_44 /${abundance /but she of her
want did cast in all that she had , even all her living .

abundance Mat_13_12 /${abundance /but whosoever
hath not , from him shall be taken away even that he hath .

abundance Luk_21_04 /${abundance /cast in unto the
offerings of God : but she of her penury hath cast in all the
living that she had .

abundance 1Ch_29_21 /^{abundance /for all Israel :

abundance 2Ch_32_29 /^{abundance /for God had given
him substance very much .

abundance 2Ch_02_09 /^{abundance /for the house
which I am about to build shall be wonderful great .

abundance 1Ch_22_03 /^{abundance /for the nails
for the doors of the gates , and for the joinings ; and brass in
abundance without weight ;

abundance 003 018 IICh /^{abundance /for the weight
of the brass could not be found out .

abundance 1Ch_22_04 /^{abundance /for the
Zidonians and they of Tyre brought much cedar wood to David .

abundance 1Ch_22_15 /^{abundance /hewers and
workers of stone and timber , and all manner of cunning men for
every manner of work .

abundance Psa_105_30 /^{abundance /in the chambers
of their kings .

abundance 2Co_08_14 /${abundance /may be a supply
for their want , that their abundance also may be a supply for
your want : that there may be equality :

abundance Deu_28_47 /^{abundance /of all things;

abundance Rom_05_17 /${abundance /of grace and of
the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one , Jesus
Christ .

abundance Rev_18_03 /${abundance /of her
delicacies .

abundance Isa_66_11 /^{abundance /of her glory .

abundance Eze_26_10 /^{abundance /of his horses
their dust shall cover thee: thy walls shall shake at the noise
of the horsemen , and of the wheels , and of the chariots , when
he shall enter into thy gates , as men enter into a city wherein
is made a breach .

abundance Psa_52_07 /^{abundance /of his riches ,
and strengthened himself in his wickedness .

abundance Eze_16_49 /^{abundance /of idleness was
in her and in her daughters , neither did she strengthen the
hand of the poor and needy .

abundance Isa_07_22 /^{abundance /of milk that
they shall give he shall eat butter : for butter and honey shall
every one eat that is left in the land .

abundance 1Sa_01_16 /^{abundance /of my complaint
and grief have I spoken hitherto.

abundance Psa_37_11 /^{abundance /of peace .

abundance Jer_33_06 /^{abundance /of peace and
truth .

abundance Psa_72_07 /^{abundance /of peace so long
as the moon endureth.

abundance 1Ki_18_41 /^{abundance /of rain .

abundance 1Ki_10_10 /^{abundance /of spices as
these which the queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon .

abundance Luk_06_45 /${abundance /of the heart his
mouth speaketh .

abundance Mat_12_34 /${abundance /of the heart the
mouth speaketh .

abundance 2Co_12_07 /${abundance /of the
revelations , there was given to me a thorn in the flesh , the
messenger of Satan to buffet me , lest I should be exalted above
measure .

abundance Ecc_05_12 /^{abundance /of the rich will
not suffer him to sleep .

abundance Isa_60_05 /^{abundance /of the sea shall
be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come
unto thee.

abundance Deu_33_19 /^{abundance /of the seas ,
and of treasures hid in the sand .

abundance Luk_12_15 /${abundance /of the things
which he possesseth .

abundance 2Co_08_02 /${abundance /of their joy and
their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality .

abundance Isa_47_09 /^{abundance /of thine
enchantments .

abundance Job_22_11 /^{abundance /of waters cover

abundance Job_38_34 /^{abundance /of waters may
cover thee?

abundance Neh_09_25 /^{abundance /so they did eat ,
and were filled , and became fat , and delighted themselves in
thy great goodness .

abundance 2Ch_31_05 /^{abundance /the firstfruits
of corn , wine , and oil , and honey , and of all the increase
of the field ; and the tithe of all things brought they in
abundantly .

abundance Isa_15_07 /^{abundance /they have gotten
, and that which they have laid up , shall they carry away to
the brook of the willows .

abundance 1Ch_22_14 /^{abundance /timber also and
stone have I prepared ; and thou mayest add thereto.

abundance 2Ch_15_09 /^{abundance /when they saw
that the LORD his God was with him.

abundance 2Co_08_20 /${abundance /which is
administered by us :

abundance Ecc_05_10 /^{abundance /with increase :
this is also vanity .

abundance 2Ch_29_35 /^{abundance /with the fat of
the peace offerings , and the drink offerings for every burnt
offering . So the service of the house of the LORD was set in
order .

abundance 1Ch_22_03 /^{abundance /without weight ;

abundant 2Co_09_12 /${abundant /also by many
thanksgivings unto God ;

abundant 1Co_12_23 /${abundant /comeliness .

abundant 2Co_04_15 /${abundant /grace might
through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God .

abundant 1Co_12_23 /${abundant /honour ; and our
uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness .

abundant 1Co_12_24 /${abundant /honour to that
part which lacked :

abundant Exo_34_06 /^{abundant /in goodness and
truth ,

abundant Php_01_26 /${abundant /in Jesus Christ
for me by my coming to you again .

abundant 2Co_11_23 /${abundant /in stripes above
measure , in prisons more frequent , in deaths oft .

abundant Jer_51_13 /^{abundant /in treasures ,
thine end is come , and the measure of thy covetousness .

abundant 1Pe_01_03 /${abundant /mercy hath
begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of
Jesus Christ from the dead ,

abundant 2Co_07_15 /${abundant /toward you ,
whilst he remembereth the obedience of you all , how with fear
and trembling ye received him .

abundant 1Ti_01_14 /${abundant /with faith and
love which is in Christ Jesus .

abundantly Eph_03_20 /${abundantly /above all that
we ask or think , according to the power that worketh in us ,

abundantly Gen_01_21 /^{abundantly /after their
kind , and every winged fowl after his kind : and God saw that
it was good .

abundantly 1Ch_22_08 /^{abundantly /and hast made
great wars : thou shalt not build an house unto my name ,
because thou hast shed much blood upon the earth in my sight .

abundantly Exo_01_07 /^{abundantly /and multiplied ,
and waxed exceeding mighty ; and the land was filled with them.

abundantly Isa_35_02 /^{abundantly /and rejoice
even with joy and singing : the glory of Lebanon shall be given
unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon , they shall see
the glory of the LORD , and the excellency of our God .

abundantly Num_20_11 /^{abundantly /and the
congregation drank , and their beasts also.

abundantly 1Ch_22_05 /^{abundantly /before his
death .

abundantly Psa_132_15 /^{abundantly /bless her
provision : I will satisfy her poor with bread .

abundantly 1Ch_12_40 /^{abundantly /for there was
joy in Israel .

abundantly 2Co_12_15 /${abundantly /I love you , the
less I be loved .

abundantly Gen_08_17 /^{abundantly /in the earth ,
and be fruitful , and multiply upon the earth .

abundantly Gen_09_07 /^{abundantly /in the earth ,
and multiply therein.

abundantly 2Pe_01_11 /${abundantly /into the
everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ .

abundantly Son_05_01 /^{abundantly /O beloved .

abundantly Isa_55_07 /^{abundantly /pardon .

abundantly Psa_36_08 /^{abundantly /satisfied with
the fatness of thy house ; and thou shalt make them drink of the
river of thy pleasures .

abundantly 1Co_15_10 /${abundantly /than they all :
yet not I , but the grace of God which was with me .

abundantly Gen_01_20 /^{abundantly /the moving
creature that hath life , and fowl that may fly above the earth
in the open firmament of heaven .

abundantly Psa_65_10 /^{abundantly /thou settlest
the furrows thereof: thou makest it soft with showers : thou
blessest the springing thereof.

abundantly Tit_03_06 /${abundantly /through Jesus
Christ our Saviour ;

abundantly 1Th_02_17 /${abundantly /to see your
face with great desire .

abundantly Heb_06_17 /${abundantly /to shew unto
the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel , confirmed
it by an oath :

abundantly 2Co_01_12 /${abundantly /to you-ward .

abundantly 2Co_02_04 /${abundantly /unto you .

abundantly Psa_145_07 /^{abundantly /utter the
memory of thy great goodness , and shall sing of thy
righteousness .

abundantly Exo_08_03 /^{abundantly /which shall go
up and come into thine house , and into thy bedchamber , and
upon thy bed , and into the house of thy servants , and upon thy
people , and into thine ovens , and into thy kneadingtroughs :

Addan Ezr_02_59 /^{Addan /and Immer : but they
could not shew their father's house , and their seed , whether
they were of Israel :

Dan 008 016 {Dan} /^{Dan /set forward , which was the
rereward of all the camps throughout their hosts : and over
his host was Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai .

attendance Heb_07_13 /${attendance /at the altar .

attendance 1Ki_10_05 /^{attendance /of his
ministers , and their apparel , and his cupbearers , and his
ascent by which he went up unto the house of the LORD ; there
was no more spirit in her.

attendance 2Ch_09_04 /^{attendance /of his ministers
, and their apparel ; his cupbearers also, and their apparel ;
and his ascent by which he went up into the house of the LORD ;
there was no more spirit in her.

attendance 1Ti_04_13 /${attendance /to reading , to
exhortation , to doctrine .

Baladan Isa_39_01 /^{Baladan /king of Babylon ,
sent letters and a present to Hezekiah : for he had heard that
he had been sick , and was recovered .

Baladan 2Ki_20_12 /^{Baladan /king of Babylon ,
sent letters and a present unto Hezekiah : for he had heard that
Hezekiah had been sick .

Bedan 1Sa_12_11 /^{Bedan /and Jephthah , and
Samuel , and delivered you out of the hand of your enemies on
every side , and ye dwelled safe .

Bedan 1Ch_07_17 /^{Bedan /These were the sons
of Gilead , the son of Machir , the son of Manasseh .

Dan 004 015 {Dan} /^{Dan /even to Beersheba , all the days
of Solomon .

Dan 003 010 {Dan} /^{Dan /even to Beersheba knew that
Samuel was established to be a prophet of the LORD .

Berodachbaladan 2Ki_20_12 /^{Berodachbaladan /the son of
Baladan , king of Babylon , sent letters and a present unto
Hezekiah : for he had heard that Hezekiah had been sick .

Dan Jos_19_48 /^{Dan /according to their
families , these cities with their villages .

Dan Jos_19_40 /^{Dan /according to their
families .

Dan Jud_18_29 /^{Dan /after the name of Dan
their father , who was born unto Israel : howbeit the name of
the city was Laish at the first .

Dan Jos_19_47 /^{Dan /after the name of Dan
their father .

Dan Num_26_42 /^{Dan /after their families .

Dan Num_26_42 /^{Dan /after their families :
of Shuham , the family of the Shuhamites . These are the
families of Dan after their families .

Dan Eze_27_19 /^{Dan /also and Javan going
to and fro occupied in thy fairs : bright iron , cassia , and
calamus , were in thy market .

Dan Num_13_12 /^{Dan /Ammiel the son of
Gemalli .

Dan Exo_38_23 /^{Dan /an engraver , and a
cunning workman , and an embroiderer in blue , and in purple ,
and in scarlet , and fine linen .

Dan 1Ki_15_20 /^{Dan /and Abelbethmaachah ,
and all Cinneroth , with all the land of Naphtali .

Dan 2Ch_16_04 /^{Dan /and Abelmaim , and all
the store cities of Naphtali .

Dan 1Ch_21_02 /^{Dan /and bring the number
of them to me, that I may know it.

Dan Exo_31_06 /^{Dan /and in the hearts of
all that are wise hearted I have put wisdom , that they may make
all that I have commanded thee;

Dan Deu_27_13 /^{Dan /and Naphtali .

Dan Gen_35_25 /^{Dan /and Naphtali :

Dan Jos_21_05 /^{Dan /and out of the half
tribe of Manasseh , ten cities .

Dan Jud_18_23 /^{Dan /And they turned their
faces , and said unto Micah , What aileth thee, that thou comest
with such a company ?

Dan 1Ch_27_22 /^{Dan /Azareel the son of
Jeroham . These were the princes of the tribes of Israel .

Dan Jud_13_25 /^{Dan /between Zorah and
Eshtaol .

Dan Num_34_22 /^{Dan /Bukki the son of Jogli

Dan Num_01_38 /^{Dan /by their generations ,
after their families , by the house of their fathers , according
to the number of the names , from twenty years old and upward ,
all that were able to go forth to war ;

Dan Jos_21_23 /^{Dan /Eltekeh with her
suburbs , Gibbethon with her suburbs ,

Dan 2Sa_24_02 /^{Dan /even to Beersheba , and
number ye the people , that I may know the number of the people .

Dan 2Sa_17_11 /^{Dan /even to Beersheba , as
the sand that is by the sea for multitude ; and that thou go to
battle in thine own person .

Dan Jud_20_01 /^{Dan /even to Beersheba ,
with the land of Gilead , unto the LORD in Mizpeh .

Dan Dan_02_31 /^{Dan /even to Beersheba .

Dan 2Sa_24_15 /^{Dan /even to Beersheba
seventy thousand men .

Dan Eze_48_02 /^{Dan /from the east side
unto the west side , a portion for Asher .

Dan Deu_33_22 /^{Dan /he said , Dan is a
lion's whelp : he shall leap from Bashan .

Dan Gen_46_23 /^{Dan /Hushim .

Dan Dan_01_12 /^{Dan /into the mountain :
for they would not suffer them to come down to the valley :

Dan Deu_33_22 /^{Dan /is a lion's whelp : he
shall leap from Bashan .

Dan Dan_02_01 /^{Dan /Joseph , and Benjamin ,
Naphtali , Gad , and Asher .

Dan Dan_08_01 /^{Dan /liveth ; and, The
manner of Beersheba liveth ; even they shall fall , and never
rise up again.

Dan Dan_05_17 /^{Dan /offered:

Dan Dan_04_25 /^{Dan /remain in ships ?
Asher continued on the sea shore , and abode in his breaches

Dan Jud_18_25 /^{Dan /said unto him, Let not
thy voice be heard among us, lest angry fellows run upon thee,
and thou lose thy life , with the lives of thy household .

Dan Jud_18_02 /^{Dan /sent of their family
five men from their coasts , men of valour , from Zorah , and
from Eshtaol , to spy out the land , and to search it; and they
said unto them, Go , search the land : who when they came to
mount Ephraim , to the house of Micah , they lodged there.

Dan Jud_18_30 /^{Dan /set up the graven
image : and Jonathan , the son of Gershom , the son of Manasseh ,
he and his sons were priests to the tribe of Dan until the day
of the captivity of the land .

Dan Gen_49_17 /^{Dan /shall be a serpent by
the way , an adder in the path , that biteth the horse heels ,
so that his rider shall fall backward .

Dan Num_02_25 /^{Dan /shall be Ahiezer the
son of Ammishaddai .

Dan Dan_02_14 /^{Dan /shall be on the north
side by their armies : and the captain of the children of Dan
shall be Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai .

Dan Gen_49_16 /^{Dan /shall judge his people
, as one of the tribes of Israel .

Dan Jud_18_16 /^{Dan /stood by the entering
of the gate .

Dan 2Ch_30_05 /^{Dan /that they should come
to keep the passover unto the LORD God of Israel at Jerusalem :
for they had not done it of a long time in such sort as it was
written .

Dan Jud_18_29 /^{Dan /their father , who was
born unto Israel : howbeit the name of the city was Laish at the
first .

Dan Jos_19_47 /^{Dan /their father .

Dan Jud_18_30 /^{Dan /until the day of the
captivity of the land .

Dan Jos_19_47 /^{Dan /went out too little
for them: therefore the children of Dan went up to fight against
Leshem , and took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword ,
and possessed it, and dwelt therein, and called Leshem , Dan ,
after the name of Dan their father .

Dan Jud_18_26 /^{Dan /went their way : and
when Micah saw that they were too strong for him, he turned and
went back unto his house .

Dan Jos_19_47 /^{Dan /went up to fight
against Leshem , and took it, and smote it with the edge of the
sword , and possessed it, and dwelt therein, and called Leshem ,
Dan , after the name of Dan their father .

Dan Num_01_39 /^{Dan /were threescore and
two thousand and seven hundred .

dance Jer_31_13 /^{dance /both young men and
old together : for I will turn their mourning into joy , and
will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow .

dance Jud_21_21 /^{dance /in dances , then
come ye out of the vineyards , and catch you every man his wife
of the daughters of Shiloh , and go to the land of Benjamin .

dance Lam_05_15 /^{dance /is turned into
mourning .

dance Psa_149_03 /^{dance /let them sing
praises unto him with the timbrel and harp .

dance Psa_150_04 /^{dance /praise him with
stringed instruments and organs .

dance Isa_13_21 /^{dance /there.

danced Mar_06_22 /${danced /and pleased Herod
and them that sat with him , the king said unto the damsel , Ask
of me whatsoever thou wilt , and I will give it thee .

danced 2Sa_06_14 /^{danced /before the LORD with
all his might ; and David was girded with a linen ephod .

danced Mat_14_06 /${danced /before them , and
pleased Herod .

danced Luk_07_32 /${danced /we have mourned to
you , and ye have not wept .

danced Mat_11_17 /${danced /we have mourned
unto you , and ye have not lamented .

danced Jud_21_23 /^{danced /whom they caught :
and they went and returned unto their inheritance , and repaired
the cities , and dwelt in them.

dances Jud_11_34 /^{dances /and she was his
only child ; beside her he had neither son nor daughter .

dances Jer_31_04 /^{dances /of them that make
merry .

dances 1Sa_21_11 /^{dances /saying , Saul hath
slain his thousands , and David his ten thousands ?

dances 1Sa_29_05 /^{dances /saying , Saul slew
his thousands , and David his ten thousands ?

dances Jud_21_21 /^{dances /then come ye out of
the vineyards , and catch you every man his wife of the
daughters of Shiloh , and go to the land of Benjamin .

dancing Exo_32_19 /^{dancing /and Moses anger
waxed hot , and he cast the tables out of his hands , and brake
them beneath the mount .

dancing 1Ch_15_29 /^{dancing /and playing : and
she despised him in her heart .

dancing 1Sa_30_16 /^{dancing /because of all the
great spoil that they had taken out of the land of the
Philistines , and out of the land of Judah .

dancing 2Sa_06_16 /^{dancing /before the LORD ;
and she despised him in her heart .

dancing Psa_30_11 /^{dancing /thou hast put off
my sackcloth , and girded me with gladness ;

dancing 1Sa_18_06 /^{dancing /to meet king Saul ,
with tabrets , with joy , and with instruments of musick .

dandled Isa_66_12 /^{dandled /upon her knees .

danger Mar_03_29 /${danger /of eternal
damnation :

danger Mat_05_22 /${danger /of hell fire .

danger Mat_05_22 /${danger /of the council :
but whosoever shall say , Thou fool , shall be in danger of hell
fire .

danger Mat_05_21 /${danger /of the judgment :

danger Mat_05_22 /${danger /of the judgment :
and whosoever shall say to his brother , Raca , shall be in
danger of the council : but whosoever shall say , Thou fool ,
shall be in danger of hell fire .

danger Act_19_40 /${danger /to be called in
question for this day's uproar , there being no cause whereby we
may give an account of this concourse .

danger Act_19_27 /${danger /to be set at nought
; but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be
despised , and her magnificence should be destroyed , whom all
Asia and the world worshippeth .

dangerous Act_27_09 /${dangerous /because the fast
was now already past , Paul admonished them,

Daniel Dan_02_48 /^{Daniel /a great man , and
gave him many great gifts , and made him ruler over the whole
province of Babylon , and chief of the governors over all the
wise men of Babylon .

Daniel Dan_10_11 /^{Daniel /a man greatly
beloved , understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand
upright : for unto thee am I now sent . And when he had spoken
this word unto me, I stood trembling .

Daniel Dan_08_01 /^{Daniel /after that which
appeared unto me at the first .

Daniel Dan_10_07 /^{Daniel /alone saw the
vision : for the men that were with me saw not the vision ; but
a great quaking fell upon them, so that they fled to hide

Daniel Dan_06_16 /^{Daniel /and cast him into
the den of lions . Now the king spake and said unto Daniel , Thy
God whom thou servest continually , he will deliver thee.

Daniel Dan_02_46 /^{Daniel /and commanded that
they should offer an oblation and sweet odours unto him.

Daniel Dan_02_18 /^{Daniel /and his fellows
should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon .

Daniel Dan_02_13 /^{Daniel /and his fellows to
be slain .

Daniel Eze_14_20 /^{Daniel /and Job , were in
it , as I live , saith the Lord GOD , they shall deliver neither
son nor daughter ; they shall but deliver their own souls by
their righteousness .

Daniel Eze_14_14 /^{Daniel /and Job , were in
it , they should deliver but their own souls by their
righteousness , saith the Lord GOD .

Daniel Dan_02_47 /^{Daniel /and said , Of a
truth it is, that your God is a God of gods , and a Lord of
kings , and a revealer of secrets , seeing thou couldest reveal
this secret .

Daniel Dan_06_20 /^{Daniel /and the king spake
and said to Daniel , O Daniel , servant of the living God , is
thy God , whom thou servest continually , able to deliver thee
from the lions ?

Daniel Dan_06_24 /^{Daniel /and they cast them
into the den of lions , them , their children , and their wives ;
and the lions had the mastery of them, and brake all their
bones in pieces or ever they came at the bottom of the den .

Daniel Dan_02_20 /^{Daniel /answered and said ,
Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever : for wisdom and
might are his:

Daniel Dan_05_17 /^{Daniel /answered and said
before the king , Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give thy
rewards to another ; yet I will read the writing unto the king ,
and make known to him the interpretation .

Daniel Dan_02_27 /^{Daniel /answered in the
presence of the king , and said , The secret which the king hath
demanded cannot the wise men, the astrologers , the magicians ,
the soothsayers , shew unto the king ;

Daniel Dan_02_14 /^{Daniel /answered with
counsel and wisdom to Arioch the captain of the king's guard ,
which was gone forth to slay the wise men of Babylon :

Daniel Dan_05_13 /^{Daniel /Art thou that
Daniel , which art of the children of the captivity of Judah ,
whom the king my father brought out of Jewry ?

Daniel Dan_05_12 /^{Daniel /be called , and he
will shew the interpretation .

Daniel Dan_02_25 /^{Daniel /before the king in
haste , and said thus unto him, I have found a man of the
captives of Judah , that will make known unto the king the
interpretation .

Daniel Dan_02_19 /^{Daniel /blessed the God of
heaven .

Daniel Dan_05_13 /^{Daniel /brought in before
the king . And the king spake and said unto Daniel , Art thou
that Daniel , which art of the children of the captivity of
Judah , whom the king my father brought out of Jewry ?

Daniel Dan_04_08 /^{Daniel /came in before me ,
whose name was Belteshazzar , according to the name of my god ,
and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods : and before him I
told the dream , saying,

Daniel Dan_06_04 /^{Daniel /concerning the
kingdom ; but they could find none occasion nor fault ;
forasmuch as he was faithful , neither was there any error or
fault found in him .

Daniel Dan_01_21 /^{Daniel /continued even unto
the first year of king Cyrus .

Daniel Dan_06_05 /^{Daniel /except we find it
against him concerning the law of his God .

Daniel Dan_08_27 /^{Daniel /fainted , and was
sick certain days ; afterward I rose up , and did the king's
business ; and I was astonished at the vision , but none
understood it.

Daniel Dan_10_12 /^{Daniel /for from the first
day that thou didst set thine heart to understand , and to
chasten thyself before thy God , thy words were heard , and I am
come for thy words .

Daniel Dan_06_26 /^{Daniel /for he is the
living God , and stedfast for ever , and his kingdom that which
shall not be destroyed , and his dominion shall be even unto the
end .

Daniel Dan_12_09 /^{Daniel /for the words are
closed up and sealed till the time of the end .

Daniel Dan_06_27 /^{Daniel /from the power of
the lions .

Daniel Neh_10_06 /^{Daniel /Ginnethon , Baruch ,

Daniel Dan_07_01 /^{Daniel /had a dream and
visions of his head upon his bed : then he wrote the dream , and
told the sum of the matters .

Daniel Dan_08_15 /^{Daniel /had seen the vision
, and sought for the meaning , then, behold, there stood before
me as the appearance of a man .

Daniel Dan_01_17 /^{Daniel /had understanding
in all visions and dreams .

Daniel Dan_01_11 /^{Daniel /Hananiah , Mishael ,
and Azariah ,

Daniel Dan_01_06 /^{Daniel /Hananiah , Mishael ,
and Azariah :

Daniel Dan_01_19 /^{Daniel /Hananiah , Mishael ,
and Azariah : therefore stood they before the king .

Daniel Dan_09_22 /^{Daniel /I am now come forth
to give thee skill and understanding .

Daniel Dan_01_10 /^{Daniel /I fear my lord the
king , who hath appointed your meat and your drink : for why
should he see your faces worse liking than the children which
are of your sort ? then shall ye make me endanger my head to the
king .

Daniel Dan_02_19 /^{Daniel /in a night vision .
Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven .

Daniel Dan_01_09 /^{Daniel /into favour and
tender love with the prince of the eunuchs .

Daniel Dan_06_10 /^{Daniel /knew that the
writing was signed , he went into his house ; and his windows
being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem , he kneeled upon his
knees three times a day , and prayed , and gave thanks before
his God , as he did aforetime .

Daniel Dan_12_05 /^{Daniel /looked , and,
behold, there stood other two , the one on this side of the bank
of the river , and the other on that side of the bank of the
river .

Daniel Dan_07_28 /^{Daniel /my cogitations much
troubled me, and my countenance changed in me : but I kept the
matter in my heart .

Daniel Dan_06_20 /^{Daniel /O Daniel , servant
of the living God , is thy God , whom thou servest continually ,
able to deliver thee from the lions ?

Daniel 1Ch_03_01 /^{Daniel /of Abigail the
Carmelitess :

Daniel Ezr_08_02 /^{Daniel /of the sons of
David ; Hattush .

Daniel Dan_06_11 /^{Daniel /praying and making
supplication before his God .

Daniel Dan_06_28 /^{Daniel /prospered in the
reign of Darius , and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian .

Daniel Dan_01_08 /^{Daniel /purposed in his
heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the
king's meat , nor with the wine which he drank : therefore he
requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile

Daniel Dan_02_49 /^{Daniel /requested of the
king , and he set Shadrach , Meshach , and Abednego , over the
affairs of the province of Babylon : but Daniel sat in the gate
of the king .

Daniel Dan_02_49 /^{Daniel /sat in the gate of
the king .

Daniel Dan_06_20 /^{Daniel /servant of the
living God , is thy God , whom thou servest continually , able
to deliver thee from the lions ?

Daniel Dan_12_04 /^{Daniel /shut up the words ,
and seal the book , even to the time of the end : many shall run
to and fro , and knowledge shall be increased .

Daniel Dan_07_02 /^{Daniel /spake and said , I
saw in my vision by night , and, behold , the four winds of the
heaven strove upon the great sea .

Daniel Dan_01_07 /^{Daniel /the name of
Belteshazzar ; and to Hananiah , of Shadrach ; and to Mishael ,
of Meshach ; and to Azariah , of Abednego .

Daniel Mat_24_15 /${Daniel /the prophet , stand
in the holy place , , let him understand :

Daniel Mar_13_14 /${Daniel /the prophet ,
standing where it ought not , understand , then let them that be
in Judaea flee to the mountains :

Daniel Eze_28_03 /^{Daniel /there is no secret
that they can hide from thee:

Daniel Dan_06_16 /^{Daniel /Thy God whom thou
servest continually , he will deliver thee.

Daniel Dan_06_14 /^{Daniel /to deliver him: and
he laboured till the going down of the sun to deliver him.

Daniel Dan_01_11 /^{Daniel /to Melzar , whom
the prince of the eunuchs had set over Daniel , Hananiah ,
Mishael , and Azariah ,

Daniel Dan_09_02 /^{Daniel /understood by books
the number of the years , whereof the word of the LORD came to
Jeremiah the prophet , that he would accomplish seventy years in
the desolations of Jerusalem .

Daniel Dan_06_21 /^{Daniel /unto the king , O
king , live for ever .

Daniel Dan_06_23 /^{Daniel /up out of the den .
So Daniel was taken up out of the den , and no manner of hurt
was found upon him, because he believed in his God .

Daniel Dan_06_02 /^{Daniel /was first : that
the princes might give accounts unto them, and the king should
have no damage .

Daniel Dan_07_15 /^{Daniel /was grieved in my
spirit in the midst of my body , and the visions of my head
troubled me.

Daniel Dan_10_02 /^{Daniel /was mourning three
full weeks .

Daniel Dan_06_03 /^{Daniel /was preferred above
the presidents and princes , because an excellent spirit was in
him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm .

Daniel Dan_06_23 /^{Daniel /was taken up out of
the den , and no manner of hurt was found upon him, because he
believed in his God .

Daniel Dan_02_16 /^{Daniel /went in , and
desired of the king that he would give him time , and that he
would shew the king the interpretation .

Daniel Dan_02_24 /^{Daniel /went in unto Arioch
, whom the king had ordained to destroy the wise men of Babylon :
he went and said thus unto him; Destroy not the wise men of
Babylon : bring me in before the king , and I will shew unto the
king the interpretation .

Daniel Dan_02_17 /^{Daniel /went to his house ,
and made the thing known to Hananiah , Mishael , and Azariah ,
his companions :

Daniel Dan_05_13 /^{Daniel /which art of the
children of the captivity of Judah , whom the king my father
brought out of Jewry ?

Daniel Dan_06_13 /^{Daniel /which is of the
children of the captivity of Judah , regardeth not thee , O king
, nor the decree that thou hast signed , but maketh his petition
three times a day .

Daniel Dan_05_12 /^{Daniel /whom the king named
Belteshazzar : now let Daniel be called , and he will shew the
interpretation .

Daniel Dan_02_26 /^{Daniel /whose name was
Belteshazzar , Art thou able to make known unto me the dream
which I have seen , and the interpretation thereof?

Daniel Dan_04_19 /^{Daniel /whose name was
Belteshazzar , was astonied for one hour , and his thoughts
troubled him. The king spake , and said , Belteshazzar , let not
the dream , or the interpretation thereof, trouble thee.
Belteshazzar answered and said , My lord , the dream be to them
that hate thee, and the interpretation thereof to thine enemies .

Daniel Dan_10_01 /^{Daniel /whose name was
called Belteshazzar ; and the thing was true , but the time
appointed was long : and he understood the thing , and had
understanding of the vision .

Daniel Dan_05_29 /^{Daniel /with scarlet , and
put a chain of gold about his neck , and made a proclamation
concerning him, that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom

Danites 1Ch_12_35 /^{Danites /expert in war
twenty and eight thousand and six hundred .

Danites Jud_18_11 /^{Danites /out of Zorah and
out of Eshtaol , six hundred men appointed with weapons of war .

Danites Jud_18_01 /^{Danites /sought them an
inheritance to dwell in ; for unto that day all their
inheritance had not fallen unto them among the tribes of Israel .

Danites Jud_13_02 /^{Danites /whose name was
Manoah ; and his wife was barren , and bare not.

Danjaan 2Sa_24_06 /^{Danjaan /and about to Zidon ,

Dannah Jos_15_49 /^{Dannah /and Kirjathsannah ,
which is Debir ,

Dedan Jer_25_23 /^{Dedan /and Tema , and Buz ,
and all that are in the utmost corners ,

Dedan Eze_38_13 /^{Dedan /and the merchants of
Tarshish , with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee,
Art thou come to take a spoil ? hast thou gathered thy company
to take a prey ? to carry away silver and gold , to take away
cattle and goods , to take a great spoil ?

Dedan Gen_25_03 /^{Dedan /And the sons of
Dedan were Asshurim , and Letushim , and Leummim .

Dedan Jer_49_08 /^{Dedan /for I will bring the
calamity of Esau upon him, the time that I will visit him.

Dedan Eze_25_13 /^{Dedan /shall fall by the
sword .

Dedan Eze_27_20 /^{Dedan /was thy merchant in
precious clothes for chariots .

Dedan Gen_25_03 /^{Dedan /were Asshurim , and
Letushim , and Leummim .

Dedan Eze_27_15 /^{Dedan /were thy merchants ;
many isles were the merchandise of thine hand : they brought
thee for a present horns of ivory and ebony .

Dan 008 014 {Dan} /^{Dan /the whole land trembled at the
sound of the neighing of his strong ones ; for they are come ,
and have devoured the land , and all that is in it; the city ,
and those that dwell therein.

endanger Dan_01_10 /^{endanger /my head to the
king .

endangered Ecc_10_09 /^{endangered /thereby.

Dan 002 002 {Dan} /^{Dan /and his father was a man of Tyre ,
skilful to work in gold , and in silver , in brass , in iron ,
in stone , and in timber , in purple , in blue , and in fine
linen , and in crimson ; also to grave any manner of graving ,
and to find out every device which shall be put to him, with thy
cunning men , and with the cunning men of my lord David thy
father .

Hashbadana Neh_08_04 /^{Hashbadana /Zechariah , and
Meshullam .

Hemdan Gen_36_26 /^{Hemdan /and Eshban , and
Ithran , and Cheran .

Dan 002 025 {Dan} /^{Dan /were an hundred thousand and
fifty and seven thousand and six hundred . They shall go
hindmost with their standards .

Dan 003 020 {Dan} /^{Dan /and publisheth affliction from
mount Ephraim .

Jehoaddan 2Ki_14_02 /^{Jehoaddan /of Jerusalem .

Jehoaddan 2Ch_25_01 /^{Jehoaddan /of Jerusalem .

Jordan Jos_22_25 /^{Jordan /a border between us
and you, ye children of Reuben and children of Gad ; ye have no
part in the LORD : so shall your children make our children
cease from fearing the LORD .

Jordan Jos_22_10 /^{Jordan /a great altar to
see to .

Jordan 2Ki_05_14 /^{Jordan /according to the
saying of the man of God : and his flesh came again like unto
the flesh of a little child , and he was clean .

Jordan Jer_49_19 /^{Jordan /against the
habitation of the strong : but I will suddenly make him run away
from her: and who is a chosen man, that I may appoint over her?
for who is like me? and who will appoint me the time ? and who
is that shepherd that will stand before me?

Jordan Jos_03_17 /^{Jordan /and all the
Israelites passed over on dry ground , until all the people were
passed clean over Jordan .

Jordan 2Sa_10_17 /^{Jordan /and came to Helam .
And the Syrians set themselves in array against David , and
fought with him.

Jordan 027 011 Jos /^{Jordan /and came unto
Jericho : and the men of Jericho fought against you, the
Amorites , and the Perizzites , and the Canaanites , and the
Hittites , and the Girgashites , the Hivites , and the Jebusites
; and I delivered them into your hand .

Jordan 1Ch_19_17 /^{Jordan /and came upon them,
and set the battle in array against them. So when David had put
the battle in array against the Syrians , they fought with him.

Jordan Deu_12_10 /^{Jordan /and dwell in the
land which the LORD your God giveth you to inherit , and when he
giveth you rest from all your enemies round about , so that ye
dwell in safety ;

Jordan 2Ki_02_06 /^{Jordan /And he said , As the
LORD liveth , and as thy soul liveth , I will not leave thee.
And they two went on .

Jordan Jos_13_27 /^{Jordan /and his border ,
even unto the edge of the sea of Chinnereth on the other side
Jordan eastward .

Jordan 1Ki_02_08 /^{Jordan /and I sware to him
by the LORD , saying , I will not put thee to death with the
sword .

Jordan 2Sa_19_15 /^{Jordan /And Judah came to
Gilgal , to go to meet the king , to conduct the king over
Jordan .

Jordan Gen_13_11 /^{Jordan /and Lot journeyed
east : and they separated themselves the one from the other .

Jordan Gen_32_10 /^{Jordan /and now I am become
two bands .

Jordan Psa_42_06 /^{Jordan /and of the
Hermonites , from the hill Mizar .

Jordan Jud_08_04 /^{Jordan /and passed over ,
he, and the three hundred men that were with him, faint , yet
pursuing them.

Jordan 2Sa_24_05 /^{Jordan /and pitched in Aroer
, on the right side of the city that lieth in the midst of the
river of Gad , and toward Jazer :

Jordan 2Ki_06_02 /^{Jordan /and take thence
every man a beam , and let us make us a place there, where we
may dwell . And he answered , Go ye.

Jordan Jos_04_05 /^{Jordan /and take ye up
every man of you a stone upon his shoulder , according unto the
number of the tribes of the children of Israel :

Jordan Deu_04_21 /^{Jordan /and that I should
not go in unto that good land , which the LORD thy God giveth
thee for an inheritance :

Jordan Jos_13_23 /^{Jordan /and the border
thereof. This was the inheritance of the children of Reuben
after their families , the cities and the villages thereof.

Jordan Jos_18_12 /^{Jordan /and the border went
up to the side of Jericho on the north side, and went up through
the mountains westward ; and the goings out thereof were at the
wilderness of Bethaven .

Jordan Deu_03_17 /^{Jordan /and the coast
thereof, from Chinnereth even unto the sea of the plain , even
the salt sea , under Ashdothpisgah eastward .

Jordan Jos_03_15 /^{Jordan /and the feet of the
priests that bare the ark were dipped in the brim of the water ,
all his banks all the time of harvest ,

Jordan Num_34_12 /^{Jordan /and the goings out
of it shall be at the salt sea : this shall be your land with
the coasts thereof round about .

Jordan Mar_10_01 /${Jordan /and the people
resort unto him again ; and , as he was wont , he taught them
again .

Jordan Jos_03_14 /^{Jordan /and the priests
bearing the ark of the covenant before the people ;

Jordan Jos_04_18 /^{Jordan /and the soles of
the priests feet were lifted up unto the dry land , that the
waters of Jordan returned unto their place , and flowed over all
his banks , as they did before .

Jordan Jos_15_05 /^{Jordan /And their border in
the north quarter was from the bay of the sea at the uttermost
part of Jordan :

Jordan Deu_03_20 /^{Jordan /and then shall ye
return every man unto his possession , which I have given you.

Jordan Jud_12_06 /^{Jordan /and there fell at
that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand .

Jordan Gen_50_10 /^{Jordan /and there they
mourned with a great and very sore lamentation : and he made a
mourning for his father seven days .

Jordan Mar_03_08 /${Jordan /and they about Tyre
and Sidon , a great multitude , when they had heard what great
things he did , came unto him .

Jordan 027 008 Jos /^{Jordan /and they fought
with you: and I gave them into your hand , that ye might possess
their land ; and I destroyed them from before you.

Jordan Num_35_14 /^{Jordan /and three cities
shall ye give in the land of Canaan , which shall be cities of
refuge .

Jordan Luk_04_01 /${Jordan /and was led by the
Spirit into the wilderness ,

Jordan 2Sa_02_29 /^{Jordan /and went through all
Bithron , and they came to Mahanaim .

Jordan 2Sa_19_39 /^{Jordan /And when the king
was come over , the king kissed Barzillai , and blessed him; and
he returned unto his own place .

Jordan Jud_05_17 /^{Jordan /and why did Dan
remain in ships ? Asher continued on the sea shore , and abode
in his breaches .

Jordan 2Ki_07_15 /^{Jordan /and, lo, all the way
was full of garments and vessels , which the Syrians had cast
away in their haste . And the messengers returned , and told the
king .

Jordan Jos_04_08 /^{Jordan /as the LORD spake
unto Joshua , according to the number of the tribes of the
children of Israel , and carried them over with them unto the
place where they lodged , and laid them down there.

Jordan Jos_22_11 /^{Jordan /at the passage of
the children of Israel .

Jordan Jud_12_05 /^{Jordan /before the
Ephraimites : and it was so, that when those Ephraimites which
were escaped said , Let me go over ; that the men of Gilead said
unto him, Art thou an Ephraimite ? If he said , Nay;

Jordan 2Sa_19_17 /^{Jordan /before the king .

Jordan Num_32_21 /^{Jordan /before the LORD ,
until he hath driven out his enemies from before him,

Jordan Jos_14_03 /^{Jordan /but unto the
Levites he gave none inheritance among them.

Jordan Deu_04_22 /^{Jordan /but ye shall go
over , and possess that good land .

Jordan Jos_01_14 /^{Jordan /but ye shall pass
before your brethren armed , all the mighty men of valour , and
help them;

Jordan Jos_13_32 /^{Jordan /by Jericho ,
eastward .

Jordan 1Ch_06_78 /^{Jordan /by Jericho , on the
east side of Jordan , were given them out of the tribe of Reuben
, Bezer in the wilderness with her suburbs , and Jahzah with her
suburbs ,

Jordan Jos_16_01 /^{Jordan /by Jericho , unto
the water of Jericho on the east , to the wilderness that goeth
up from Jericho throughout mount Bethel ,

Jordan Num_22_01 /^{Jordan /by Jericho .

Jordan Jos_20_08 /^{Jordan /by Jericho eastward
, they assigned Bezer in the wilderness upon the plain out of
the tribe of Reuben , and Ramoth in Gilead out of the tribe of
Gad , and Golan in Bashan out of the tribe of Manasseh .

Jordan 2Sa_17_22 /^{Jordan /by the morning light
there lacked not one of them that was not gone over Jordan .

Jordan Deu_11_30 /^{Jordan /by the way where
the sun goeth down , in the land of the Canaanites , which dwell
in the champaign over against Gilgal , beside the plains of
Moreh ?

Jordan Mar_01_05 /${Jordan /confessing their
sins .

Jordan Mat_03_06 /${Jordan /confessing their
sins .

Jordan Jos_04_20 /^{Jordan /did Joshua pitch in
Gilgal .

Jordan 1Ki_07_46 /^{Jordan /did the king cast
them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zarthan .

Jordan 2Ch_03_17 /^{Jordan /did the king cast
them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredathah .

Jordan 2Ki_10_33 /^{Jordan /eastward , all the
land of Gilead , the Gadites , and the Reubenites , and the
Manassites , from Aroer , which is by the river Arnon , even
Gilead and Bashan .

Jordan Jos_13_08 /^{Jordan /eastward , even as
Moses the servant of the LORD gave them;

Jordan Deu_04_49 /^{Jordan /eastward , even
unto the sea of the plain , under the springs of Pisgah .

Jordan Num_32_19 /^{Jordan /eastward .

Jordan Jos_13_27 /^{Jordan /eastward .

Jordan 2Sa_20_02 /^{Jordan /even to Jerusalem .

Jordan Num_32_29 /^{Jordan /every man armed to
battle , before the LORD , and the land shall be subdued before
you; then ye shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession

Jordan Jos_05_01 /^{Jordan /from before the
children of Israel , until we were passed over , that their
heart melted , neither was there spirit in them any more,
because of the children of Israel .

Jordan Jos_04_23 /^{Jordan /from before you,
until ye were passed over , as the LORD your God did to the Red
sea , which he dried up from before us, until we were gone over :

Jordan Num_33_49 /^{Jordan /from Bethjesimoth
even unto Abelshittim in the plains of Moab .

Jordan Eze_47_18 /^{Jordan /from the border
unto the east sea . And this is the east side .

Jordan Deu_03_08 /^{Jordan /from the river of
Arnon unto mount Hermon ;

Jordan Mat_04_15 /${Jordan /Galilee of the
Gentiles ;

Jordan Jos_03_01 /^{Jordan /he and all the
children of Israel , and lodged there before they passed over .

Jordan 2Sa_17_24 /^{Jordan /he and all the men
of Israel with him.

Jordan Isa_09_01 /^{Jordan /in Galilee of the
nations .

Jordan 1Ch_12_15 /^{Jordan /in the first month ,
when it had overflown all his banks ; and they put to flight
all them of the valleys , both toward the east , and toward the
west .

Jordan Jos_09_01 /^{Jordan /in the hills , and
in the valleys , and in all the coasts of the great sea over
against Lebanon , the Hittite , and the Amorite , the Canaanite ,
the Perizzite , the Hivite , and the Jebusite , heard thereof;

Jordan Deu_01_05 /^{Jordan /in the land of Moab
, began Moses to declare this law , saying ,

Jordan Jud_10_08 /^{Jordan /in the land of the
Amorites , which is in Gilead .

Jordan Jos_04_09 /^{Jordan /in the place where
the feet of the priests which bare the ark of the covenant stood
: and they are there unto this day .

Jordan Deu_04_46 /^{Jordan /in the valley over
against Bethpeor , in the land of Sihon king of the Amorites ,
who dwelt at Heshbon , whom Moses and the children of Israel
smote , after they were come forth out of Egypt :

Jordan Deu_01_01 /^{Jordan /in the wilderness ,
in the plain over against the Red sea, between Paran , and
Tophel , and Laban , and Hazeroth , and Dizahab .

Jordan Job_40_23 /^{Jordan /into his mouth .

Jordan Num_33_51 /^{Jordan /into the land of
Canaan ;

Jordan Num_35_10 /^{Jordan /into the land of
Canaan ;

Jordan Deu_02_29 /^{Jordan /into the land which
the LORD our God giveth us.

Jordan Joh_10_40 /${Jordan /into the place
where John at first baptized ; and there he abode .

Jordan Zec_11_03 /^{Jordan /is spoiled .

Jordan Num_32_32 /^{Jordan /may be ours.

Jordan Num_26_03 /^{Jordan /near Jericho ,
saying ,

Jordan Num_35_01 /^{Jordan /near Jericho ,
saying ,

Jordan Num_33_50 /^{Jordan /near Jericho ,
saying ,

Jordan Num_26_63 /^{Jordan /near Jericho .

Jordan Num_33_48 /^{Jordan /near Jericho .

Jordan Num_31_12 /^{Jordan /near Jericho .

Jordan Num_36_13 /^{Jordan /near Jericho .

Jordan Num_34_15 /^{Jordan /near Jericho
eastward , toward the sunrising .

Jordan Jud_11_13 /^{Jordan /now therefore
restore those lands again peaceably .

Jordan 1Ch_12_37 /^{Jordan /of the Reubenites ,
and the Gadites , and of the half tribe of Manasseh , with all
manner of instruments of war for the battle , an hundred and
twenty thousand .

Jordan Jos_04_22 /^{Jordan /on dry land .

Jordan Jos_18_07 /^{Jordan /on the east , which
Moses the servant of the LORD gave them.

Jordan Jos_04_19 /^{Jordan /on the tenth day of
the first month , and encamped in Gilgal , in the east border of
Jericho .

Jordan Jos_12_07 /^{Jordan /on the west , from
Baalgad in the valley of Lebanon even unto the mount Halak ,
that goeth up to Seir ; which Joshua gave unto the tribes of
Israel for a possession according to their divisions ;

Jordan Num_32_19 /^{Jordan /or forward ;
because our inheritance is fallen to us on this side Jordan
eastward .

Jordan Jos_04_03 /^{Jordan /out of the place
where the priests feet stood firm , twelve stones , and ye
shall carry them over with you, and leave them in the lodging
place , where ye shall lodge this night .

Jordan Luk_03_03 /${Jordan /preaching the
baptism of repentance for the remission of sins ;

Jordan Jos_04_18 /^{Jordan /returned unto their
place , and flowed over all his banks , as they did before .

Jordan 1Sa_31_07 /^{Jordan /saw that the men of
Israel fled , and that Saul and his sons were dead , they
forsook the cities , and fled ; and the Philistines came and
dwelt in them.

Jordan 2Ki_05_10 /^{Jordan /seven times , and
thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean .

Jordan Jos_03_13 /^{Jordan /shall be cut off
from the waters that come down from above ; and they shall stand
upon an heap .

Jordan Jos_02_10 /^{Jordan /Sihon and Og , whom
ye utterly destroyed .

Jordan Deu_27_12 /^{Jordan /Simeon , and Levi ,
and Judah , and Issachar , and Joseph , and Benjamin :

Jordan Jos_19_22 /^{Jordan /sixteen cities with
their villages .

Jordan Jos_22_10 /^{Jordan /that are in the
land of Canaan , the children of Reuben and the children of Gad
and the half tribe of Manasseh built there an altar by Jordan ,
a great altar to see to .

Jordan Deu_03_25 /^{Jordan /that goodly
mountain , and Lebanon .

Jordan Gen_13_10 /^{Jordan /that it was well
watered every where, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and
Gomorrah , even as the garden of the LORD , like the land of
Egypt , as thou comest unto Zoar .

Jordan Jos_04_01 /^{Jordan /that the LORD spake
unto Joshua , saying ,

Jordan Jos_03_13 /^{Jordan /that the waters of
Jordan shall be cut off from the waters that come down from
above ; and they shall stand upon an heap .

Jordan Psa_114_05 /^{Jordan /that thou wast
driven back ?

Jordan Deu_27_04 /^{Jordan /that ye shall set
up these stones , which I command you this day , in mount Ebal ,
and thou shalt plaister them with plaister .

Jordan Jos_04_07 /^{Jordan /the waters of
Jordan were cut off : and these stones shall be for a memorial
unto the children of Israel for ever .

Jordan Jud_07_24 /^{Jordan /Then all the men of
Ephraim gathered themselves together , and took the waters unto
Bethbarah and Jordan .

Jordan 2Ki_06_04 /^{Jordan /they cut down wood .

Jordan Deu_09_01 /^{Jordan /this day , to go in
to possess nations greater and mightier than thyself, cities
great and fenced up to heaven ,

Jordan Jos_18_19 /^{Jordan /this was the south
coast .

Jordan Jos_01_02 /^{Jordan /thou, and all this
people , unto the land which I do give to them, even to the
children of Israel .

Jordan Jos_07_07 /^{Jordan /to deliver us into
the hand of the Amorites , to destroy us? would to God we had
been content , and dwelt on the other side Jordan !

Jordan Jud_10_09 /^{Jordan /to fight also
against Judah , and against Benjamin , and against the house of
Ephraim ; so that Israel was sore distressed .

Jordan Jos_01_11 /^{Jordan /to go in to possess
the land , which the LORD your God giveth you to possess it.

Jordan Deu_11_31 /^{Jordan /to go in to possess
the land which the LORD your God giveth you, and ye shall
possess it, and dwell therein.

Jordan Deu_30_18 /^{Jordan /to go to possess it.

Jordan Deu_32_47 /^{Jordan /to possess it.

Jordan Deu_31_13 /^{Jordan /to possess it.

Jordan Deu_04_26 /^{Jordan /to possess it; ye
shall not prolong your days upon it, but shall utterly be
destroyed .

Jordan Jos_09_10 /^{Jordan /to Sihon king of
Heshbon , and to Og king of Bashan , which was at Ashtaroth .

Jordan 1Sa_13_07 /^{Jordan /to the land of Gad
and Gilead . As for Saul , he was yet in Gilgal , and all the
people followed him trembling .

Jordan Joh_03_26 /${Jordan /to whom thou barest
witness , behold , the same baptizeth , and all men come to him .

Jordan Jud_03_28 /^{Jordan /toward Moab , and
suffered not a man to pass over .

Jordan Jos_12_01 /^{Jordan /toward the rising
of the sun , from the river Arnon unto mount Hermon , and all
the plain on the east :

Jordan Jos_19_34 /^{Jordan /toward the
sunrising .

Jordan Jos_01_15 /^{Jordan /toward the
sunrising .

Jordan Deu_04_47 /^{Jordan /toward the
sunrising ;

Jordan Deu_04_41 /^{Jordan /toward the
sunrising ;

Jordan Jos_04_10 /^{Jordan /until every thing
was finished that the LORD commanded Joshua to speak unto the
people , according to all that Moses commanded Joshua : and the
people hasted and passed over .

Jordan Mat_03_13 /${Jordan /unto John , to be
baptized of him .

Jordan Jos_02_07 /^{Jordan /unto the fords :
and as soon as they which pursued after them were gone out ,
they shut the gate .

Jordan Jer_50_44 /^{Jordan /unto the habitation
of the strong : but I will make them suddenly run away from her:
and who is a chosen man, that I may appoint over her? for who is
like me? and who will appoint me the time ? and who is that
shepherd that will stand before me?

Jordan Deu_27_02 /^{Jordan /unto the land which
the LORD thy God giveth thee, that thou shalt set thee up great
stones , and plaister them with plaister :

Jordan Psa_114_03 /^{Jordan /was driven back .

Jordan Jos_18_20 /^{Jordan /was the border of
it on the east side . This was the inheritance of the children
of Benjamin , by the coasts thereof round about , according to
their families .

Jordan Jos_04_07 /^{Jordan /were cut off : and
these stones shall be for a memorial unto the children of Israel
for ever .

Jordan Jos_04_07 /^{Jordan /were cut off before
the ark of the covenant of the LORD ; when it passed over Jordan
, the waters of Jordan were cut off : and these stones shall be
for a memorial unto the children of Israel for ever .

Jordan 1Ch_06_78 /^{Jordan /were given them out
of the tribe of Reuben , Bezer in the wilderness with her
suburbs , and Jahzah with her suburbs ,

Jordan Jos_05_01 /^{Jordan /westward , and all
the kings of the Canaanites , which were by the sea , heard that
the LORD had dried up the waters of Jordan from before the
children of Israel , until we were passed over , that their
heart melted , neither was there spirit in them any more,
because of the children of Israel .

Jordan Jos_22_07 /^{Jordan /westward . And when
Joshua sent them away also unto their tents , then he blessed

Jordan 1Ch_26_30 /^{Jordan /westward in all the
business of the LORD , and in the service of the king .

Jordan Joh_01_28 /${Jordan /where John was
baptizing .

Jordan Jos_23_04 /^{Jordan /with all the
nations that I have cut off , even unto the great sea westward .

Jordan 2Sa_19_31 /^{Jordan /with the king , to
conduct him over Jordan .

Jordan 2Sa_19_36 /^{Jordan /with the king : and
why should the king recompense it me with such a reward ?

Jordan Jos_03_08 /^{Jordan /ye shall stand
still in Jordan .

Laadan 1Ch_23_07 /^{Laadan /and Shimei .

Laadan 1Ch_26_21 /^{Laadan /chief fathers ,
even of Laadan the Gershonite , were Jehieli .

Laadan 1Ch_07_26 /^{Laadan /his son , Ammihud
his son , Elishama his son ,

Laadan 1Ch_23_08 /^{Laadan /the chief was
Jehiel , and Zetham , and Joel , three .

Laadan 1Ch_26_21 /^{Laadan /the Gershonite ,
were Jehieli .

Laadan 1Ch_26_21 /^{Laadan /the sons of the
Gershonite Laadan , chief fathers , even of Laadan the
Gershonite , were Jehieli .

Mahanehdan Jud_18_12 /^{Mahanehdan /unto this day :
behold, it is behind Kirjathjearim .

Medan Gen_25_02 /^{Medan /and Midian , and
Ishbak , and Shuah .

Medan 1Ch_01_32 /^{Medan /and Midian , and
Ishbak , and Shuah . And the sons of Jokshan ; Sheba , and Dedan

Merodachbaladan Isa_39_01 /^{Merodachbaladan /the son of
Baladan , king of Babylon , sent letters and a present to
Hezekiah : for he had heard that he had been sick , and was
recovered .

Nebuzaradan 2Ki_25_08 /^{Nebuzaradan /captain of the
guard , a servant of the king of Babylon , unto Jerusalem :

Nebuzaradan Jer_52_12 /^{Nebuzaradan /captain of the
guard , which served the king of Babylon , into Jerusalem ,

Nebuzaradan 2Ki_25_20 /^{Nebuzaradan /captain of the
guard took these, and brought them to the king of Babylon to
Riblah :

Nebuzaradan Jer_39_11 /^{Nebuzaradan /the captain of
the guard , saying ,

Nebuzaradan Jer_52_15 /^{Nebuzaradan /the captain of
the guard carried away captive certain of the poor of the people
, and the residue of the people that remained in the city , and
those that fell away , that fell to the king of Babylon , and
the rest of the multitude .

Nebuzaradan Jer_39_09 /^{Nebuzaradan /the captain of
the guard carried away captive into Babylon the remnant of the
people that remained in the city , and those that fell away ,
that fell to him, with the rest of the people that remained .

Nebuzaradan Jer_52_30 /^{Nebuzaradan /the captain of
the guard carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred forty
and five persons : all the persons were four thousand and six
hundred .

Nebuzaradan 2Ki_25_11 /^{Nebuzaradan /the captain of
the guard carry away .

Nebuzaradan Jer_41_10 /^{Nebuzaradan /the captain of
the guard had committed to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam : and
Ishmael the son of Nethaniah carried them away captive , and
departed to go over to the Ammonites .

Nebuzaradan Jer_43_06 /^{Nebuzaradan /the captain of
the guard had left with Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of
Shaphan , and Jeremiah the prophet , and Baruch the son of
Neriah .

Nebuzaradan Jer_40_01 /^{Nebuzaradan /the captain of
the guard had let him go from Ramah , when he had taken him
being bound in chains among all that were carried away captive
of Jerusalem and Judah , which were carried away captive unto
Babylon .

Nebuzaradan Jer_52_16 /^{Nebuzaradan /the captain of
the guard left certain of the poor of the land for vinedressers
and for husbandmen .

Nebuzaradan Jer_39_10 /^{Nebuzaradan /the captain of
the guard left of the poor of the people , which had nothing ,
in the land of Judah , and gave them vineyards and fields at the
same time .

Nebuzaradan Jer_39_13 /^{Nebuzaradan /the captain of
the guard sent , and Nebushasban , Rabsaris , and Nergalsharezer
, Rabmag , and all the king of Babylon's princes ;

Nebuzaradan Jer_52_26 /^{Nebuzaradan /the captain of
the guard took them, and brought them to the king of Babylon to
Riblah .

Padan Gen_48_07 /^{Padan /Rachel died by me in
the land of Canaan in the way , when yet there was but a little
way to come unto Ephrath : and I buried her there in the way of
Ephrath ; the same is Bethlehem .

Padanaram Gen_35_09 /^{Padanaram /and blessed him.

Padanaram Gen_33_18 /^{Padanaram /and pitched his
tent before the city .

Padanaram Gen_31_18 /^{Padanaram /for to go to
Isaac his father in the land of Canaan .

Padanaram Gen_25_20 /^{Padanaram /the sister to
Laban the Syrian .

Padanaram Gen_28_06 /^{Padanaram /to take him a
wife from thence; and that as he blessed him he gave him a
charge , saying , Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of
Canaan ;

Padanaram Gen_28_02 /^{Padanaram /to the house of
Bethuel thy mother's father ; and take thee a wife from thence
of the daughters of Laban thy mother's brother .

Padanaram Gen_28_05 /^{Padanaram /unto Laban , son
of Bethuel the Syrian , the brother of Rebekah , Jacob's and
Esau's mother .

Padanaram Gen_46_15 /^{Padanaram /with his
daughter Dinah : all the souls of his sons and his daughters
were thirty and three .

riddance Zep_01_18 /^{riddance /of all them that
dwell in the land .

riddance Lev_23_22 /^{riddance /of the corners of
thy field when thou reapest , neither shalt thou gather any
gleaning of thy harvest : thou shalt leave them unto the poor ,
and to the stranger : I am the LORD your God .

Dan 001 001 {Dan} /^{Dan /and Naphtali , Gad , and Asher .

Dan 001 004 {Dan} /^{Dan /Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai .
