Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
curseth ^ 41_MAR_07_10 For <1063> Moses <3475> said <2036> (5627), Honour <5091> (5720) thy <4675> father <3962> and <2532> thy <4675> mother <3384>; and <2532>, Whoso {curseth} <2551> (5723) father <3962> or <2228> mother <3384>, let him die <5053> (5720) the death <2288>:

curseth ^ 40_MAT_15_04 For <1063> God <2316> commanded <1781> (5662), saying <3004> (5723), Honour <5091> (5720) thy <4675> father <3962> and <2532> mother <3384>: and <2532>, He that {curseth} <2551> (5723) father <3962> or <2228> mother <3384>, let him die <5053> (5720) the death <2288>.