Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0388 + afresh + seeing they crucify +/ . anastauroo {an-as-tow-ro'-o}; from 0303 + each + every + apiece + through +/ and 4717 + Crucify + crucified + to crucify + and crucify + him crucify + is crucified + ye crucified + was crucified + have crucified + and to crucify + they crucified + to be crucified + with him crucify + and be crucified + he was crucified + ye have crucified + and him crucified + they had crucified + ye him and crucify + and they crucified + him out to crucify + and have crucified + And they crucified + him to be crucified + him to be crucified + Let him be crucified + unto them Shall I crucify + And with him they crucify + unto them to be crucified + that he might be crucified + And when they had crucified + unto him Let him be crucified + it they would not have crucified +/ ; to recrucify (figuratively): --crucify afresh .

4717 + Crucify + crucified + to crucify + and crucify + him crucify + is crucified + ye crucified + was crucified + have crucified + and to crucify + they crucified + to be crucified + with him crucify + and be crucified + he was crucified + ye have crucified + and him crucified + they had crucified + ye him and crucify + and they crucified + him out to crucify + and have crucified + And they crucified + him to be crucified + him to be crucified + Let him be crucified + unto them Shall I crucify + And with him they crucify + unto them to be crucified + that he might be crucified + And when they had crucified + unto him Let him be crucified + it they would not have crucified +/ . stauroo {stow-ro'-o}; from 4716 + his cross + the cross + up his cross + by the cross + of his cross + of the cross + in the cross + up the cross + for the cross + not his cross + from the cross + upon the cross + it to his cross +/ ; to impale on the cross; figuratively, to extinguish (subdue) passion or selfishness: --crucify .

4957 + is crucified + was crucified + were crucified + I am crucified + And they that were crucified +/ . sustauroo {soos-tow-ro'-o}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 4717 + Crucify + crucified + to crucify + and crucify + him crucify + is crucified + ye crucified + was crucified + have crucified + and to crucify + they crucified + to be crucified + with him crucify + and be crucified + he was crucified + ye have crucified + and him crucified + they had crucified + ye him and crucify + and they crucified + him out to crucify + and have crucified + And they crucified + him to be crucified + him to be crucified + Let him be crucified + unto them Shall I crucify + And with him they crucify + unto them to be crucified + that he might be crucified + And when they had crucified + unto him Let him be crucified + it they would not have crucified +/ ; to impale in company with (literally or figuratively): --crucify with .