* consenting , 4909 suneudokeo ,


consenting -4909 {consenting}, pleased, pleasure,




consenting ......... by , and consenting 4909 -suneudokeo->

consenting ......... was consenting 4909 -suneudokeo->




consenting 022 020 Act /${consenting /unto his
death , and kept the raiment of them that slew him .

consenting 008 001 Act /${consenting /unto his
death . And at that time there was a great persecution against
the church which was at Jerusalem ; and they were all scattered
abroad throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria , except the
apostles .


consenting 2 -


consenting , AC , 8:1 , AC , 22:20



consenting Interlinear Index Study

consenting ACT 008 001 . And Saul <4569 -Saulos -> was
{consenting} <4909 -suneudokeo -> unto his death <0336 -
anairesis -> . And at <1722 -en -> that time <2250 -hemera ->
there was a great <3173 -megas -> persecution <1375 -diogmos ->
against <1909 -epi -> the church <1577 -ekklesia -> which <3588 -
ho -> was at <1722 -en -> Jerusalem <2414 -Hierosoluma -> ; and
they were all <3956 -pas -> scattered <1289 -diaspeiro -> abroad
<1289 -diaspeiro -> throughout <2596 -kata -> the regions <5561 -
chora -> of Judaea <2449 -Ioudaia -> and Samaria <4540 -Samareia
-> , except <4133 -plen -> the apostles <0652 -apostolos -> .

consenting ACT 022 020 And when <3753 -hote -> the blood <0129 -
haima -> of thy martyr <3144 -martus -> Stephen <4736 -Stephanos
-> was shed <1632 -ekcheo -> , I also <2532 -kai -> was standing
<2186 -ephistemi -> by , and {consenting} <4909 -suneudokeo ->
unto his death <0336 -anairesis -> , and kept <5442 -phulasso ->
the raiment <2440 -himation -> of them that slew <0337 -anaireo -
> him .


saul was consenting unto his death