coast Interlinear Index Study

coast EXO 010 004 Else <03588 +kiy > , if <00518 +>im > thou
refuse <03986 +ma>en > to let my people <05971 + go <07971
+shalach > , behold <02005 +hen > , to morrow <04279 +machar >
will I bring <00935 +bow> > the locusts <00697 +>arbeh > into
thy {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > :

coast NUM 013 029 The Amalekites <06003 + dwell
<03427 +yashab > in the land <00776 +>erets > of the south
<05045 +negeb > : and the Hittites <02850 +Chittiy > , and the
Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy > , and the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy
> , dwell <03427 +yashab > in the mountains <02022 +har > : and
the Canaanites <03669 +K@na dwell <03427 +yashab > by the
sea <03220 +yam > , and by the {coast} <03027 +yad > of Jordan
<03383 +Yarden > .

coast NUM 020 023 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > spake <00559
+>amar > unto Moses <04872 +Mosheh > and Aaron <00175 +>Aharown
> in mount <02022 +har > Hor <02023 +Hor > , by the {coast}
<01366 +g@buwl > of the land <00776 +>erets > of Edom <00123
+>Edom > , saying <00559 +>amar > ,

coast NUM 022 036 . And when Balak <01111 +Balaq > heard <08085
+shama< > that Balaam <01109 +Bil was come <00935 +bow> > ,
he went <03318 +yatsa> > out to meet <07125 +qir>ah > him unto a
city <05892 + of Moab <04124 +Mow>ab > , which <00834
+>aher > [ is ] in the border <01366 +g@buwl > of Arnon <00769
+>Arnown > , which <00834 +>aher > [ is ] in the utmost <07097
+qatseh > {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > .

coast NUM 024 024 And ships <06716 +tsiy > [ shall come ] from
the {coast} <03027 +yad > of Chittim <03794 +Kittiy > , and
shall afflict <06031 + Asshur <00804 +>Ashshuwr > , and
shall afflict <06031 + Eber <05677 + , and he also
<01571 +gam > shall perish <8> for ever <05703 + .

coast NUM 034 003 Then your south <05045 +negeb > quarter <06285
+pe>ah > shall be from the wilderness <04057 +midbar > of Zin
<06790 +Tsin > along by the coast <03027 +yad > of Edom <00123
+>Edom > , and your south <05045 +negeb > border <01366 +g@buwl
> shall be the outmost <07097 +qatseh > {coast} <07097 +qatseh >
of the salt <04417 +melach > sea <03220 +yam > eastward <06924
+qedem > :

coast NUM 034 003 Then your south <05045 +negeb > quarter <06285
+pe>ah > shall be from the wilderness <04057 +midbar > of Zin
<06790 +Tsin > along by the {coast} <03027 +yad > of Edom <00123
+>Edom > , and your south <05045 +negeb > border <01366 +g@buwl
> shall be the outmost <07097 +qatseh > coast <07097 +qatseh >
of the salt <04417 +melach > sea <03220 +yam > eastward <06924
+qedem > :

coast NUM 034 011 And the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > shall go
<03381 +yarad > down <03381 +yarad > from Shepham <08221
+Sh@pham > to Riblah <07247 +Riblah > , on the east <06924
+qedem > side <06924 +qedem > of Ain <05871 + ; and the
border <01366 +g@buwl > shall descend <03381 +yarad > , and
shall reach <04229 +machah > unto the side <03802 +katheph > of
the sea <03220 +yam > of Chinnereth <03672 +Kinn@rowth >
eastward <06924 +qedem > :

coast DEU 002 004 And command <06680 +tsavah > thou the people
<05971 + , saying <00559 +>amar > , Ye [ are ] to pass
<05674 + through the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > of your
brethren <00251 +>ach > the children <01121 +ben > of Esau
<06215 + , which dwell <03427 +yashab > in Seir <08165
+Se ; and they shall be afraid <03372 +yare> > of you :
take ye good <03966 +m@ heed <08104 +shamar > unto
yourselves therefore :

coast DEU 002 018 Thou art to pass <05674 + over <05674
+ through Ar <06144 + , the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl >
of Moab <04124 +Mow>ab > , this day <03117 +yowm > :

coast DEU 003 017 The plain <06160 + also , and Jordan
<03383 +Yarden > , and the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > [ thereof ] ,
from Chinnereth <03672 +Kinn@rowth > even unto the sea <03220
+yam > of the plain <06160 + , [ even ] the salt
<04417 +melach > sea <03220 +yam > , under <08478 +tachath >
Ashdothpisgah eastward <04217 +mizrach > .

coast DEU 011 024 Every <03605 +kol > place <04725 +maqowm >
whereon <00834 +>aher > the soles <03709 +kaph > of your feet
<07272 +regel > shall tread <01869 +darak > shall be yours :
from the wilderness <04057 +midbar > and Lebanon <03844
+L@banown > , from the river <05104 +nahar > , the river <05104
+nahar > Euphrates <06578 +P@rath > , even unto the uttermost
<00314 +>acharown > sea <03220 +yam > shall your {coast} <01366
+g@buwl > be .

coast DEU 016 004 And there shall be no <03808 +lo> > leavened
<07603 +s@>or > bread seen <07200 +ra>ah > with thee in all
<03605 +kol > thy {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > seven <07651 +sheba<
> days <03117 +yowm > ; neither <03808 +lo> > shall there [ any
thing ] of the flesh <01320 +basar > , which <00834 +>aher >
thou sacrificedst <02076 +zabach > the first <07223 +ri>shown >
day <03117 +yowm > at even <06153 + , remain <03885 +luwn
> all <03885 +luwn > night until the morning <01242 +boqer > .

coast DEU 019 008 And if <00518 +>im > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah
> thy God <00430 +>elohiym > enlarge <07337 +rachab > thy
{coast} <01366 +g@buwl > , as he hath sworn <07650 +shaba< >
unto thy fathers <1> , and give <05414 +nathan > thee all <03605
+kol > the land <00776 +>erets > which <00834 +>aher > he
promised <01696 +dabar > to give <05414 +nathan > unto thy
fathers <1> ;

coast JOS 001 004 From the wilderness <04057 +midbar > and this
<02088 +zeh > Lebanon <03844 +L@banown > even unto the great
<01419 +gadowl > river <05104 +nahar > , the river <05104 +nahar
> Euphrates <06578 +P@rath > , all <03605 +kol > the land <00776
+>erets > of the Hittites <02850 +Chittiy > , and unto the great
<01419 +gadowl > sea <03220 +yam > toward the going <03996
+mabow> > down <03996 +mabow> > of the sun <08121 +shemesh > ,
shall be your {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > .

coast JOS 012 004 And the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > of Og <05747
+ king <04428 +melek > of Bashan <01316 +Bashan > , [
which was ] of the remnant <03499 +yether > of the giants <07497
+rapha> > , that dwelt <03427 +yashab > at Ashtaroth <06252
+ and at Edrei <00154 +>edre ,

coast JOS 012 023 The king <04428 +melek > of Dor <01756 +Dowr >
in the {coast} <05299 +naphah > of Dor <01756 +Dowr > , one
<00259 +>echad > ; the king <04428 +melek > of the nations
<01471 +gowy > of Gilgal <01537 +Gilgal > , one <00259 +>echad >

coast JOS 013 016 And their {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > was from
Aroer <06177 + , that [ is ] on <05921 + the bank
<08193 +saphah > of the river <05158 +nachal > Arnon <00769
+>Arnown > , and the city <05892 + that [ is ] in the
midst <08432 +tavek > of the river <05158 +nachal > , and all
<03605 +kol > the plain <04334 +miyshowr > by Medeba <04311
+Meyd@ba> > ;

coast JOS 013 025 And their {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > was Jazer
<03270 +Ya , and all <03605 +kol > the cities <05892
+ of Gilead <01568 +Gil , and half <02677 +chetsiy >
the land <00776 +>erets > of the children <01121 +ben > of Ammon
<05983 + , unto Aroer <06177 + that [ is ]
before Rabbah <07237 +Rabbah > ;

coast JOS 013 030 And their {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > was from
Mahanaim <04266 +Machanayim > , all <03605 +kol > Bashan <01316
+Bashan > , all <03605 +kol > the kingdom <04468 +mamlakuwth >
of Og <05747 + king <04428 +melek > of Bashan <01316
+Bashan > , and all <03605 +kol > the towns <02333 +chavvah > of
Jair <02971 +Ya>iyr > , which <00834 +>aher > [ are ] in Bashan
<01316 +Bashan > , threescore <08346 +shishshiym > cities <05892
+ :

coast JOS 015 001 . [ This ] then was the lot <01486 +gowral >
of the tribe <04294 +matteh > of the children <01121 +ben > of
Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > by their families <04940 +mishpachah > ;
[ even ] to the border <01366 +g@buwl > of Edom <00123 +>Edom
> the wilderness <04057 +midbar > of Zin <06790 +Tsin >
southward <08486 +teyman > [ was ] the uttermost <07097 +qatseh
> part of the south <05045 +negeb > {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > .

coast JOS 015 004 [ From thence ] it passed <05674 +
toward Azmon <06111 + , and went <03318 +yatsa> > out
unto the river <05158 +nachal > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > ;
and the goings <08444 +towtsa>ah > out of that coast <01366
+g@buwl > were at the sea <03220 +yam > : this <02088 +zeh >
shall be your south <05045 +negeb > {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > .

coast JOS 015 004 [ From thence ] it passed <05674 +
toward Azmon <06111 + , and went <03318 +yatsa> > out
unto the river <05158 +nachal > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > ;
and the goings <08444 +towtsa>ah > out of that {coast} <01366
+g@buwl > were at the sea <03220 +yam > : this <02088 +zeh >
shall be your south <05045 +negeb > coast <01366 +g@buwl > .

coast JOS 015 012 And the west <03220 +yam > border <01366
+g@buwl > [ was ] to the great <01419 +gadowl > sea <03220 +yam
> , and the coast <01366 +g@buwl > [ thereof ] . This <02088
+zeh > [ is ] the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > of the children
<01121 +ben > of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > round <05439 +cabiyb >
about according to their families <04940 +mishpachah > .

coast JOS 015 012 And the west <03220 +yam > border <01366
+g@buwl > [ was ] to the great <01419 +gadowl > sea <03220 +yam
> , and the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > [ thereof ] . This <02088
+zeh > [ is ] the coast <01366 +g@buwl > of the children <01121
+ben > of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > round <05439 +cabiyb > about
according to their families <04940 +mishpachah > .

coast JOS 015 021 And the uttermost <07097 +qatseh > cities
<05892 + of the tribe <04294 +matteh > of the children
<01121 +ben > of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > toward <00413 +>el >
the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > of Edom <00123 +>Edom > southward
<05045 +negeb > were Kabzeel <06909 +Qabts@>el > , and Eder
<05740 + , and Jagur <03017 +Yaguwr > ,

coast JOS 016 003 And goeth <03381 +yarad > down <03381 +yarad >
westward <03220 +yam > to the coast <01366 +g@buwl > of Japhleti
<03311 +Yaphletiy > , unto the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > of
Bethhoron <01032 +Beyth Chowrown > the nether <08481 +tachtown >
, and to Gezer <01507 +Gezer > : and the goings <08444
+towtsa>ah > out thereof are at the sea <03220 +yam > .

coast JOS 016 003 And goeth <03381 +yarad > down <03381 +yarad >
westward <03220 +yam > to the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > of
Japhleti <03311 +Yaphletiy > , unto the coast <01366 +g@buwl >
of Bethhoron <01032 +Beyth Chowrown > the nether <08481
+tachtown > , and to Gezer <01507 +Gezer > : and the goings
<08444 +towtsa>ah > out thereof are at the sea <03220 +yam > .

coast JOS 017 007 . And the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > of Manasseh
<04519 +M@nashsheh > was from Asher <00836 +>Asher > to
Michmethah <04366 +Mikm@thath > , that [ lieth ] before Shechem
<07927 +Sh@kem > ; and the border <01366 +g@buwl > went <01980
+halak > along on <00413 +>el > the right <03225 +yamiyn > hand
<03225 +yamiyn > unto the inhabitants <03427 +yashab > of
Entappuah <05887 + .

coast JOS 017 009 And the coast <01366 +g@buwl > descended
<03381 +yarad > unto the river <05158 +nachal > Kanah <07071
+Qanah > , southward <05045 +negeb > of the river <05158 +nachal
> : these <00428 +>el - leh > cities <05892 + of Ephraim
<00669 +>Ephrayim > [ are ] among <08432 +tavek > the cities
<05892 + of Manasseh <04519 +M@nashsheh > : the {coast}
<01366 +g@buwl > of Manasseh <04519 +M@nashsheh > also [ was ]
on the north <06828 +tsaphown > side of the river <05158 +nachal
> , and the outgoings <08444 +towtsa>ah > of it were at the sea
<03220 +yam > :

coast JOS 017 009 And the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > descended
<03381 +yarad > unto the river <05158 +nachal > Kanah <07071
+Qanah > , southward <05045 +negeb > of the river <05158 +nachal
> : these <00428 +>el - leh > cities <05892 + of Ephraim
<00669 +>Ephrayim > [ are ] among <08432 +tavek > the cities
<05892 + of Manasseh <04519 +M@nashsheh > : the coast
<01366 +g@buwl > of Manasseh <04519 +M@nashsheh > also [ was ]
on the north <06828 +tsaphown > side of the river <05158 +nachal
> , and the outgoings <08444 +towtsa>ah > of it were at the sea
<03220 +yam > :

coast JOS 018 005 And they shall divide <02505 +chalaq > it into
seven <07651 +sheba< > parts <02506 +cheleq > : Judah <03063
+Y@huwdah > shall abide <05975 + in their {coast} <01366
+g@buwl > on the south <05045 +negeb > , and the house <01004
+bayith > of Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > shall abide <05975 + > in their coasts <01366 +g@buwl > on the north <06828 +tsaphown
> .

coast JOS 018 011 . And the lot <01486 +gowral > of the tribe
<04294 +matteh > of the children <01121 +ben > of Benjamin
<01144 +Binyamiyn > came <05927 + up according to their
families <04940 +mishpachah > : and the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl >
of their lot <01486 +gowral > came <03318 +yatsa> > forth <03318
+yatsa> > between <00996 +beyn > the children <01121 +ben > of
Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > and the children <01121 +ben > of
Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > .

coast JOS 018 019 And the border <01366 +g@buwl > passed <05674
+ along to the side <03802 +katheph > of Bethhoglah
<01031 +Beyth Choglah > northward <06828 +tsaphown > : and the
outgoings <08444 +towtsa>ah > of the border <01366 +g@buwl >
were at the north <06828 +tsaphown > bay <03956 +lashown > of
the salt <04417 +melach > sea <03220 +yam > at the south <05045
+negeb > end <07097 +qatseh > of Jordan <03383 +Yarden > : this
<02088 +zeh > [ was ] the south <05045 +negeb > {coast} <01366
+g@buwl > .

coast JOS 019 022 And the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > reacheth
<06293 +paga< > to Tabor <08396 +Tabowr > , and Shahazimah
<07831 +Shachatsowm > , and Bethshemesh <01053 +Beyth Shemesh > ;
and the outgoings <08444 +towtsa>ah > of their border <01366
+g@buwl > were at Jordan <03383 +Yarden > : sixteen cities
<05892 + with their villages <02691 +chatser > .

coast JOS 019 029 And [ then ] the coast <01366 +g@buwl >
turneth <07725 +shuwb > to Ramah <07414 +Ramah > , and to the
strong <04013 +mibtsar > city <05892 + Tyre <06865 +Tsor >
; and the coast <01366 +g@buwl > turneth <07725 +shuwb > to
Hosah <02621 +Chocah > ; and the outgoings <08444 +towtsa>ah >
thereof are at the sea <03220 +yam > from the {coast} <02256
+chebel > to Achzib <00392 +>Akziyb > :

coast JOS 019 029 And [ then ] the coast <01366 +g@buwl >
turneth <07725 +shuwb > to Ramah <07414 +Ramah > , and to the
strong <04013 +mibtsar > city <05892 + Tyre <06865 +Tsor >
; and the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > turneth <07725 +shuwb > to
Hosah <02621 +Chocah > ; and the outgoings <08444 +towtsa>ah >
thereof are at the sea <03220 +yam > from the coast <02256
+chebel > to Achzib <00392 +>Akziyb > :

coast JOS 019 029 And [ then ] the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl >
turneth <07725 +shuwb > to Ramah <07414 +Ramah > , and to the
strong <04013 +mibtsar > city <05892 + Tyre <06865 +Tsor >
; and the coast <01366 +g@buwl > turneth <07725 +shuwb > to
Hosah <02621 +Chocah > ; and the outgoings <08444 +towtsa>ah >
thereof are at the sea <03220 +yam > from the coast <02256
+chebel > to Achzib <00392 +>Akziyb > :

coast JOS 019 033 And their {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > was from
Heleph <02501 +Cheleph > , from Allon <00438 +>Allown > to
Zaanannim , and Adami <00129 +>Adamiy > , Nekeb <05346 +Neqeb > ,
and Jabneel <02995 +Yabn@>el > , unto Lakum <03946 +Laqquwm > ;
and the outgoings <08444 +towtsa>ah > thereof were at Jordan
<03383 +Yarden > :

coast JOS 019 034 And [ then ] the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl >
turneth <07725 +shuwb > westward <03220 +yam > to Aznothtabor
<00243 +>Aznowth Tabowr > , and goeth <03318 +yatsa> > out from
thence <08033 +sham > to Hukkok <02712 +Chuqqog > , and reacheth
<06293 +paga< > to Zebulun <02074 +Z@buwluwn > on the south
<05045 +negeb > side , and reacheth <06293 +paga< > to Asher
<00836 +>Asher > on the west <03220 +yam > side , and to Judah
<03063 +Y@huwdah > upon Jordan <03383 +Yarden > toward the
sunrising .

coast JOS 019 041 And the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > of their
inheritance <05159 +nachalah > was Zorah <06681 +tsavach > , and
Eshtaol <00847 +>Eshta>ol > , and Irshemesh <05905 + > ,

coast JOS 019 047 And the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > of the
children <01121 +ben > of Dan <01835 +Dan > went <03318 +yatsa>
> out [ too little ] for them : therefore the children <01121
+ben > of Dan <01835 +Dan > went <05927 + up to fight
<03898 +lacham > against <05973 + Leshem <03959 +Leshem > ,
and took <03920 +lakad > it , and smote <05221 +nakah > it with
the edge <06310 +peh > of the sword <02719 +chereb > , and
possessed <03423 +yarash > it , and dwelt <03427 +yashab >
therein , and called <07121 +qara> > Leshem <03959 +Leshem > ,
Dan <01835 +Dan > , after the name <08034 +shem > of Dan <01835
+Dan > their father <1> .

coast JUDG 001 018 Also Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > took <03920
+lakad > Gaza <05804 + with the coast <01366 +g@buwl >
thereof , and Askelon <00831 +>Ashq@lown > with the coast <01366
+g@buwl > thereof , and Ekron <06138 + with the {coast}
<01366 +g@buwl > thereof .

coast JUDG 001 018 Also Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > took <03920
+lakad > Gaza <05804 + with the coast <01366 +g@buwl >
thereof , and Askelon <00831 +>Ashq@lown > with the {coast}
<01366 +g@buwl > thereof , and Ekron <06138 + with the
coast <01366 +g@buwl > thereof .

coast JUDG 001 018 Also Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > took <03920
+lakad > Gaza <05804 + with the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl >
thereof , and Askelon <00831 +>Ashq@lown > with the coast <01366
+g@buwl > thereof , and Ekron <06138 + with the coast
<01366 +g@buwl > thereof .

coast JUDG 001 036 And the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > of the
Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > [ was ] from the going <04608
+ma up to Akrabbim <06137 + , from the rock
<05553 +cela< > , and upward <04605 +ma .

coast JUDG 011 020 But Sihon <05511 +Ciychown > trusted <00539
+>aman > not Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > to pass <05674 +
through his {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > : but Sihon <05511
+Ciychown > gathered <00622 +>acaph > all <03605 +kol > his
people <05971 + together , and pitched <02583 +chanah > in
Jahaz <03096 +Yahats > , and fought <03898 +lacham > against
<05973 + Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > .

coast 1SA 006 009 And see <07200 +ra>ah > , if <00518 +>im > it
goeth <05927 + up by the way <01870 +derek > of his own
{coast} <01366 +g@buwl > to Bethshemesh <01053 +Beyth Shemesh > ,
[ then ] he hath done <06213 + us this <02063 +zo>th >
great <01419 +gadowl > evil <07451 +ra< > : but if <00518 +>im >
not , then we shall know <03045 +yada< > that [ it is ] not his
hand <03027 +yad > [ that ] smote <05060 +naga< > us : it [ was
] a chance <04745 +miqreh > [ that ] happened <01961 +hayah > to
us .

coast 1SA 007 013 . So the Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy > were
subdued <03665 +kana< > , and they came <00935 +bow> > no <03808
+lo> > more into the {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > : and the hand <03027 +yad > of the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > was against the Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy > all
<03605 +kol > the days <03117 +yowm > of Samuel <08050
+Sh@muw>el > .

coast 1SA 027 001 . And David <01732 +David > said <00559 +>amar
> in his heart <03820 +leb > , I shall now <06258 +
perish <05595 +caphah > one <00259 +>echad > day <03117 +yowm >
by the hand <03027 +yad > of Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > : [ there is
] nothing <00369 +>ayin > better <02896 +towb > for me than
<03588 +kiy > that I should speedily <04422 +malat > escape
<04422 +malat > into <00413 +>el > the land <00776 +>erets > of
the Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy > ; and Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl >
shall despair <02976 +ya>ash > of me , to seek <01245 +baqash >
me any <03605 +kol > more <05750 + in any <03605 +kol >
{coast} <01366 +g@buwl > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > : so shall
I escape <04422 +malat > out of his hand <03027 +yad > .

coast 1SA 030 014 We made an invasion <06584 +pashat > [ upon ]
the south <05045 +negeb > of the Cherethites <03774 +K@rethiy > ,
and upon [ the {coast} ] which <00834 +>aher > [ belongeth ] to
Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > , and upon the south <05045 +negeb > of
Caleb <03612 +Kaleb > ; and we burned <08313 +saraph > Ziklag
<06860 +Tsiqlag > with fire <00784 +>esh > .

coast 2KI 014 025 He restored <07725 +shuwb > the {coast} <01366
+g@buwl > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > from the entering <00935
+bow> > of Hamath <02574 +Chamath > unto the sea <03220 +yam >
of the plain <06160 + , according to the word <01697
+dabar > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430 +>elohiym > of
Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , which <00834 +>aher > he spake
<01696 +dabar > by the hand <03027 +yad > of his servant <05650
+ Jonah <03124 +Yonah > , the son <01121 +ben > of
Amittai <00573 +>Amittay > , the prophet <05030 +nabiy> > ,
which <00834 +>aher > [ was ] of Gathhepher <01662 +Gath - ha -
Chepher > .

coast 1CH 004 010 And Jabez <03258 +Ya called <07121
+qara> > on the God <00430 +>elohiym > of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , saying <00559 +>amar > , Oh <00518 +>im > that
thou wouldest bless <01288 +barak > me indeed , and enlarge
<07235 +rabah > my {coast} <01366 +g@buwl > , and that thine
hand <03027 +yad > might be with me , and that thou wouldest
keep <06213 + [ me ] from evil <07451 +ra< > , that it
may not grieve <06087 + me ! And God <00430 +>elohiym >
granted <00935 +bow> > him that which <00834 +>aher > he
requested <07592 +sha>al > .

coast EZE 025 016 Therefore <03651 +ken > thus <03541 +koh >
saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069
+Y@hovih > ; Behold <02005 +hen > , I will stretch <05186 +natah
> out mine hand <03027 +yad > upon the Philistines <06430
+P@lishtiy > , and I will cut <03772 +karath > off the
Cherethims <03774 +K@rethiy > , and destroy <9> the remnant
<07611 +sh@>eriyth > of the sea <03220 +yam > {coast} <02348
+chowph > .

coast EZE 047 016 Hamath <02574 +Chamath > , Berothah <01268
+Berowthah > , Sibraim <05453 +Cibrayim > , which <00834 +>aher
> [ is ] between <00996 +beyn > the border <01366 +g@buwl > of
Damascus <01834 +Dammeseq > and the border <01366 +g@buwl > of
Hamath <02574 +Chamath > ; Hazarhatticon <02694 +Chatsar hat -
Tiykown > , which <00834 +>aher > [ is ] by the {coast} <01366
+g@buwl > of Hauran <02362 +Chavran > .

coast EZE 048 001 . Now these <00428 +>el - leh > [ are ] the
names <08034 +shem > of the tribes<07626 +shebet > . From the
north <06828 +tsaphown > end <07097 +qatseh > to the coast
<03027 +yad > of the way <01870 +derek > of Hethlon <02855
+Chethlon > , as one goeth <00935 +bow> > to Hamath <02574
+Chamath > , Hazarenan <02704 +Chatsar , the border
<01366 +g@buwl > of Damascus <01834 +Dammeseq > northward <06828
+tsaphown > , to the {coast} <03027 +yad > of Hamath <02574
+Chamath > ; for these are his sides <06285 +pe>ah > east <06921
+qadiym > [ and ] west <03220 +yam > ; a [ portion for ] Dan
<01835 +Dan > .

coast EZE 048 001 . Now these <00428 +>el - leh > [ are ] the
names <08034 +shem > of the tribes<07626 +shebet > . From the
north <06828 +tsaphown > end <07097 +qatseh > to the {coast}
<03027 +yad > of the way <01870 +derek > of Hethlon <02855
+Chethlon > , as one goeth <00935 +bow> > to Hamath <02574
+Chamath > , Hazarenan <02704 +Chatsar , the border
<01366 +g@buwl > of Damascus <01834 +Dammeseq > northward <06828
+tsaphown > , to the coast <03027 +yad > of Hamath <02574
+Chamath > ; for these are his sides <06285 +pe>ah > east <06921
+qadiym > [ and ] west <03220 +yam > ; a [ portion for ] Dan
<01835 +Dan > .

coast ZEP 002 005 Woe <01945 +howy > unto the inhabitants <03427
+yashab > of the sea <03220 +yam > {coast} <02256 +chebel > ,
the nation <01471 +gowy > of the Cherethites <03774 +K@rethiy > !
the word <01697 +dabar > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > [ is ]
against <05921 + you ; O Canaan <03667 +K@na , the
land <00776 +>erets > of the Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy > , I
will even destroy <6> thee , that there shall be no <00369
+>ayin > inhabitant <03427 +yashab > .

coast ZEP 002 006 And the sea <03220 +yam > {coast} <02256
+chebel > shall be dwellings <05116 +naveh > [ and ] cottages
<03741 +karah > for shepherds <07462 +ra , and folds <01448
+g@derah > for flocks <06629 +tso>n > .

coast ZEP 002 007 And the {coast} <02256 +chebel > shall be for
the remnant <07611 +sh@>eriyth > of the house <01004 +bayith >
of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > ; they shall feed <07462 +ra
thereupon : in the houses <01004 +bayith > of Ashkelon <00831
+>Ashq@lown > shall they lie <07257 +rabats > down <07257
+rabats > in the evening <06153 + : for the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > their God <00430 +>elohiym > shall visit <06485
+paqad > them , and turn <07725 +shuwb > away their captivity
<07622 +sh@buwth > .

coast MAT 004 013 And leaving <2641 -kataleipo -> Nazareth <3478
-Nazareth -> , he came <2064 -erchomai -> and dwelt <2730 -
katoikeo -> in Capernaum <2584 -Kapernaoum -> , which <3588 -ho -
> is upon the sea <3864 -parathalassios -> {coast} <3864 -
parathalassios -> , in the borders <3725 -horion -> of Zabulon
<2194 -Zaboulon -> and Nephthalim <3508 -Nephthaleim -> :

coast LUK 006 017 And he came 2597 -katabaino - down 2597 -
katabaino - with them , and stood 2476 -histemi - in the plain
3977 -pedinos - , and the company 3793 -ochlos - of his
disciples 3101 -mathetes - , and a great 4183 -polus - multitude
4128 -plethos - of people 2992 -laos - out of all 3956 -pas -
Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia - and Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem - , and
from the sea 3882 -paralios - {coast} 3882 -paralios - of Tyre
5184 -Turos - and Sidon 4605 -Sidon - , which 3739 -hos - came
2064 -erchomai - to hear LUK 0191 -akouo - him , and to be
healed 2390 -iaomai - of their diseases 3554 -nosos - ;
