cleave Deu_10_20 /^{cleave /and swear by his
name .

cleave Job_38_38 /^{cleave /fast together ?

cleave Zec_14_04 /^{cleave /in the midst
thereof toward the east and toward the west , and there shall be
a very great valley ; and half of the mountain shall remove
toward the north , and half of it toward the south .

cleave Lev_01_17 /^{cleave /it with the wings
thereof, but shall not divide it asunder : and the priest shall
burn it upon the altar , upon the wood that is upon the fire :
it is a burnt sacrifice , an offering made by fire , of a sweet
savour unto the LORD .

cleave Deu_13_17 /^{cleave /nought of the
cursed thing to thine hand : that the LORD may turn from the
fierceness of his anger , and shew thee mercy , and have
compassion upon thee, and multiply thee, as he hath sworn unto
thy fathers ;

cleave Dan_02_43 /^{cleave /one to another ,
even as iron is not mixed with clay .

cleave Hab_03_09 /^{cleave /the earth with
rivers .

cleave Psa_74_15 /^{cleave /the fountain and
the flood : thou driedst up mighty rivers .

cleave Mat_19_05 /${cleave /to his wife : and
they twain shall be one flesh ?

cleave Mar_10_07 /${cleave /to his wife ;

cleave Psa_101_03 /^{cleave /to me.

cleave Psa_102_05 /^{cleave /to my skin .

cleave Rom_12_09 /${cleave /to that which is
good .

cleave Isa_14_01 /^{cleave /to the house of
Jacob .

cleave Psa_137_06 /^{cleave /to the roof of my
mouth ; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy .

cleave Eze_03_26 /^{cleave /to the roof of thy
mouth , that thou shalt be dumb , and shalt not be to them a
reprover : for they are a rebellious house .

cleave Dan_11_34 /^{cleave /to them with
flatteries .

cleave Jos_22_05 /^{cleave /unto him, and to
serve him with all your heart and with all your soul .

cleave Deu_13_04 /^{cleave /unto him.

cleave Deu_30_20 /^{cleave /unto him: for he is
thy life , and the length of thy days : that thou mayest dwell
in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers , to Abraham ,
to Isaac , and to Jacob , to give them.

cleave Deu_11_22 /^{cleave /unto him;

cleave Gen_02_24 /^{cleave /unto his wife : and
they shall be one flesh .

cleave Jer_13_11 /^{cleave /unto me the whole
house of Israel and the whole house of Judah , saith the LORD ;
that they might be unto me for a people , and for a name , and
for a praise , and for a glory : but they would not hear .

cleave Act_11_23 /${cleave /unto the Lord .

cleave Jos_23_08 /^{cleave /unto the LORD your
God , as ye have done unto this day .

cleave Deu_04_04 /^{cleave /unto the LORD your
God are alive every one of you this day .

cleave Jos_23_12 /^{cleave /unto the remnant of
these nations , even these that remain among you, and shall make
marriages with them, and go in unto them, and they to you:

cleave 2Ki_05_27 /^{cleave /unto thee, and unto
thy seed for ever . And he went out from his presence a leper as
white as snow .

cleave Deu_28_21 /^{cleave /unto thee, until he
have consumed thee from off the land , whither thou goest to
possess it.

cleave Deu_28_60 /^{cleave /unto thee.

cleaved Job_31_07 /^{cleaved /to mine hands ;

cleaved Job_29_10 /^{cleaved /to the roof of
their mouth .

cleaved 2Ki_03_03 /^{cleaved /unto the sins of
Jeroboam the son of Nebat , which made Israel to sin ; he
departed not therefrom.

cleaveth Psa_41_08 /^{cleaveth /fast unto him:
and now that he lieth he shall rise up no more .

cleaveth Job_16_13 /^{cleaveth /my reins asunder ,
and doth not spare ; he poureth out my gall upon the ground .

cleaveth Luk_10_11 /${cleaveth /on us , we do
wipe off against you : notwithstanding be ye sure of this , that
the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you .

cleaveth Deu_14_06 /^{cleaveth /the cleft into
two claws , and cheweth the cud among the beasts , that ye shall
eat .

cleaveth Psa_22_15 /^{cleaveth /to my jaws ; and
thou hast brought me into the dust of death .

cleaveth Job_19_20 /^{cleaveth /to my skin and to
my flesh , and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth .

cleaveth Jer_13_11 /^{cleaveth /to the loins of a
man , so have I caused to cleave unto me the whole house of
Israel and the whole house of Judah , saith the LORD ; that they
might be unto me for a people , and for a name , and for a
praise , and for a glory : but they would not hear .

cleaveth Lam_04_04 /^{cleaveth /to the roof of
his mouth for thirst : the young children ask bread , and no man
breaketh it unto them.

cleaveth Lam_04_08 /^{cleaveth /to their bones ;
it is withered , it is become like a stick .

cleaveth Psa_119_002 /^{cleaveth /unto the dust :
quicken thou me according to thy word .

cleaveth Psa_44_25 /^{cleaveth /unto the earth .

cleaveth Ecc_10_09 /^{cleaveth /wood shall be
endangered thereby.

cleaveth Psa_141_07 /^{cleaveth /wood upon the
earth .
