chant Amo_06_05 /^{chant /to the sound of the
viol , and invent to themselves instruments of musick , like
David ;

enchanter Deu_18_10 /^{enchanter /or a witch ,

enchanters Jer_27_09 /^{enchanters /nor to your
sorcerers , which speak unto you, saying , Ye shall not serve
the king of Babylon :

enchantment Num_23_23 /^{enchantment /against Jacob ,
neither is there any divination against Israel : according to
this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel , What hath
God wrought !

enchantment Ecc_10_11 /^{enchantment /and a babbler
is no better .

enchantment Lev_19_26 /^{enchantment /nor observe
times .

enchantments Exo_08_07 /^{enchantments /and brought
up frogs upon the land of Egypt .

enchantments 2Ki_21_06 /^{enchantments /and dealt with
familiar spirits and wizards : he wrought much wickedness in the
sight of the LORD , to provoke him to anger .

enchantments Exo_07_22 /^{enchantments /and Pharaoh's
heart was hardened , neither did he hearken unto them; as the
LORD had said .

enchantments 2Ki_17_17 /^{enchantments /and sold
themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD , to provoke him
to anger .

enchantments 2Ch_33_06 /^{enchantments /and used
witchcraft , and dealt with a familiar spirit , and with wizards
: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD , to provoke him
to anger .

enchantments Isa_47_12 /^{enchantments /and with the
multitude of thy sorceries , wherein thou hast laboured from thy
youth ; if so be thou shalt be able to profit , if so be thou
mayest prevail .

enchantments Num_24_01 /^{enchantments /but he set
his face toward the wilderness .

enchantments Exo_08_18 /^{enchantments /to bring
forth lice , but they could not: so there were lice upon man ,
and upon beast .

merchant Eze_27_12 /^{merchant /by reason of the
multitude of all kind of riches ; with silver , iron , tin , and
lead , they traded in thy fairs .

merchant Eze_27_16 /^{merchant /by reason of the
multitude of the wares of thy making : they occupied in thy
fairs with emeralds , purple , and broidered work , and fine
linen , and coral , and agate .

merchant Isa_23_11 /^{merchant /city, to destroy
the strong holds thereof.

merchant Eze_27_20 /^{merchant /in precious
clothes for chariots .

merchant Eze_27_18 /^{merchant /in the multitude
of the wares of thy making , for the multitude of all riches ;
in the wine of Helbon , and white wool .

merchant Mat_13_45 /${merchant /man , seeking
goodly pearls :

merchant Eze_27_03 /^{merchant /of the people for
many isles , Thus saith the Lord GOD ; O Tyrus , thou hast said ,
I am of perfect beauty .

merchant Zep_01_11 /^{merchant /people are cut
down ; all they that bear silver are cut off .

merchant Hos_12_07 /^{merchant /the balances of
deceit are in his hand : he loveth to oppress .

merchantmen 1Ki_10_15 /^{merchantmen /and of the
traffick of the spice merchants , and of all the kings of Arabia
, and of the governors of the country .

merchantmen Gen_37_28 /^{merchantmen /and they drew
and lifted up Joseph out of the pit , and sold Joseph to the
Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver : and they brought
Joseph into Egypt .

merchants Nah_03_16 /^{merchants /above the stars
of heaven : the cankerworm spoileth , and flieth away .

merchants Eze_27_36 /^{merchants /among the people
shall hiss at thee; thou shalt be a terror , and never shalt be
any more .

merchants 1Ki_10_15 /^{merchants /and of all the
kings of Arabia , and of the governors of the country .

merchants Neh_13_20 /^{merchants /and sellers of
all kind of ware lodged without Jerusalem once or twice .

merchants Isa_23_08 /^{merchants /are princes ,
whose traffickers are the honourable of the earth ?

merchants 2Ch_09_14 /^{merchants /brought . And all
the kings of Arabia and governors of the country brought gold
and silver to Solomon .

merchants Isa_47_15 /^{merchants /from thy youth :
they shall wander every one to his quarter ; none shall save

merchants Eze_27_24 /^{merchants /in all sorts of
things, in blue clothes , and broidered work , and in chests of
rich apparel , bound with cords , and made of cedar , among thy
merchandise .

merchants Eze_27_15 /^{merchants /many isles were
the merchandise of thine hand : they brought thee for a present
horns of ivory and ebony .

merchants Eze_27_23 /^{merchants /of Sheba ,
Asshur , and Chilmad , were thy merchants .

merchants Eze_27_22 /^{merchants /of Sheba and
Raamah , they were thy merchants : they occupied in thy fairs
with chief of all spices , and with all precious stones , and
gold .

merchants Eze_38_13 /^{merchants /of Tarshish ,
with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou
come to take a spoil ? hast thou gathered thy company to take a
prey ? to carry away silver and gold , to take away cattle and
goods , to take a great spoil ?

merchants Rev_18_03 /${merchants /of the earth are
waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies .

merchants Rev_18_11 /${merchants /of the earth
shall weep and mourn over her ; for no man buyeth their
merchandise any more :

merchants Rev_18_15 /${merchants /of these things ,
which were made rich by her , shall stand afar off for the fear
of her torment , weeping and wailing ,

merchants Isa_23_02 /^{merchants /of Zidon , that
pass over the sea , have replenished .

merchants Neh_03_31 /^{merchants /over against the
gate Miphkad , and to the going up of the corner .

merchants 2Ch_01_16 /^{merchants /received the
linen yarn at a price .

merchants 1Ki_10_28 /^{merchants /received the
linen yarn at a price .

merchants Pro_31_14 /^{merchants /ships ; she
bringeth her food from afar .

merchants Eze_27_22 /^{merchants /they occupied in
thy fairs with chief of all spices , and with all precious
stones , and gold .

merchants Eze_27_17 /^{merchants /they traded in
thy market wheat of Minnith , and Pannag , and honey , and oil ,
and balm .

merchants Eze_27_13 /^{merchants /they traded the
persons of men and vessels of brass in thy market .

merchants Rev_18_23 /${merchants /were the great
men of the earth ; for by thy sorceries were all nations
deceived .
