Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

1543 + centurions + centurion s + a centurion + the centurion + The centurion + and centurions + to the centurion + of the centurions + But the centurion + unto the centurion + when the centurion + When the centurion + unto him a centurion +/ . hekatontarches {hek-at-on-tar'-khace}; or hekatontarchos {hek-at-on'-tar-khos}; from 1540 + An hundred + an hundred + by hundreds + him an hundred + an hundredfold + but the hundred + and with him an hundred +/ and 0757 + to rule + to reign +/ ; the captain of one hundred men: --centurion .