cease GEN 008 022 While <05750 + the earth <00776
+>erets > remaineth <03117 +yowm > , seedtime <02233 +zera< >
and harvest <07105 +qatsiyr > , and cold <07120 +qor > and
heat <02527 +chom > , and summer <07019 +qayits > and winter
<02779 +choreph > , and day <03117 +yowm > and night <03915
+layil > shall not {cease} <07673 +shabath > .

cease EXO 009 029 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > said <00559
+>amar > unto him , As soon as I am gone <03318 +yatsa> > out
of the city <05892 + , I will spread <06566 +paras >
abroad <06566 +paras > my hands <03709 +kaph > unto the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > ; [ and ] the thunder <06963 +qowl >
shall {cease} <02308 +chadal > , neither <03808 +lo> > shall
there be any <05750 + more <05750 + hail <01259
+barad > ; that thou mayest know <03045 +yada< > how that the
earth <00776 +>erets > [ is ] the LORD S <03068 +Y@hovah > .

cease NUM 008 025 And from the age <01121 +ben > of fifty
<02572 +chamishshiym > years <08141 +shaneh > they shall
{cease} <07725 +shuwb > waiting <06635 +tsaba> > upon the
service <05656 + [ thereof ] , and shall serve
<05647 + no <03808 +lo> > more <05750 + :

cease NUM 011 025 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > came <03381
+yarad > down <03381 +yarad > in a cloud <06051 + ,
and spake <01696 +dabar > unto him , and took <00680 +>atsal
> of the spirit <07307 +ruwach > that [ was ] upon him , and
gave <05414 +nathan > [ it ] unto the seventy <07657
+shib elders <02205 +zaqen > : and it came <01961
+hayah > to pass , [ that ] , when the spirit <07307
+ruwach > rested <05117 +nuwach > upon them , they prophesied
<05012 +naba> > , and did not {cease} <03254 +yacaph > .

cease NUM 017 005 And it shall come <01961 +hayah > to pass ,
[ that ] the man s <00376 +>iysh > rod <04294 +matteh > ,
whom <00834 +>aher > I shall choose <00977 +bachar > , shall
blossom <06524 +parach > : and I will make to {cease} <07918
+shakak > from me the murmurings <08519 +t@luwnah > of the
children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , whereby
<00834 +>aher > they murmur <03885 +luwn > against <05921
+ you .

cease DEU 015 011 For the poor <34> shall never <03808 +lo> >
{cease} <02308 +chadal > out of the land <00776 +>erets > :
therefore I command <06680 +tsavah > thee , saying <00559
+>amar > , Thou shalt open <06605 +pathach > thine hand <03027
+yad > wide <06605 +pathach > unto thy brother <00251 +>ach >
, to thy poor <06041 + , and to thy needy <34> , in
thy land <00776 +>erets > .

cease DEU 032 026 . I said <00559 +>amar > , I would scatter
<06284 +pa>ah > them into corners<06284 +pa>ah > , I would
make the remembrance <02143 +zeker > of them to {cease} <07673
+shabath > from among men <00582 +>enowsh > :

ceased GEN 018 011 Now Abraham <85> and Sarah <08283 +Sarah >
[ were ] old <02205 +zaqen > [ and ] well stricken <00935
+bow> > in age <03117 +yowm > ; [ and ] it {ceased} <02308
+chadal > to be with Sarah <08283 +Sarah > after the manner
<00734 +>orach > of women <00802 +>ishshah > .

ceased EXO 009 033 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > went <03318
+yatsa> > out of the city <05892 + from Pharaoh <06547
+Par , and spread <06566 +paras > abroad <06566 +paras >
his hands <03709 +kaph > unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > : and
the thunders <06963 +qowl > and hail <01259 +barad > {ceased}
<02308 +chadal > , and the rain <04306 +matar > was not
poured <05413 +nathak > upon the earth <00776 +>erets > .

ceased EXO 009 034 And when Pharaoh <06547 +Par saw
<07200 +ra>ah > that the rain <04306 +matar > and the hail
<01259 +barad > and the thunders <06963 +qowl > were {ceased}
<02308 +chadal > , he sinned <02398 +chata> > yet more <03254
+yacaph > , and hardened <03513 +kabad > his heart <03820
+leb > , he and his servants <05650 + .
