cause Lev_24_19 /^{cause /a blemish in his
neighbour ; as he hath done , so shall it be done to him;

cause Exo_29_10 /^{cause /a bullock to be
brought before the tabernacle of the congregation : and Aaron
and his sons shall put their hands upon the head of the bullock .

cause Exo_22_05 /^{cause /a field or vineyard
to be eaten , and shall put in his beast , and shall feed in
another man's field ; of the best of his own field , and of the
best of his own vineyard , shall he make restitution .

cause Psa_43_01 /^{cause /against an ungodly
nation : O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man .

cause Hos_02_11 /^{cause /all her mirth to
cease , her feast days , her new moons , and her sabbaths , and
all her solemn feasts .

cause Eze_14_23 /^{cause /all that I have done
in it, saith the Lord GOD .

cause Eze_32_04 /^{cause /all the fowls of the
heaven to remain upon thee, and I will fill the beasts of the
whole earth with thee.

cause Jer_25_15 /^{cause /all the nations , to
whom I send thee, to drink it.

cause Php_02_18 /${cause /also do ye joy , and
rejoice with me .

cause Rom_15_22 /${cause /also I have been
much hindered from coming to you .

cause 1Th_02_13 /${cause /also thank we God
without ceasing , because , when ye received the word of God
which ye heard of us , ye received it not as the word of men ,
but as it is in truth , the word of God , which effectually
worketh also in you that believe .

cause Jer_49_02 /^{cause /an alarm of war to
be heard in Rabbah of the Ammonites ; and it shall be a desolate
heap , and her daughters shall be burned with fire : then shall
Israel be heir unto them that were his heirs , saith the LORD .

cause Pro_24_28 /^{cause /and deceive not with
thy lips .

cause 1Sa_24_15 /^{cause /and deliver me out
of thine hand .

cause Psa_119_015 /^{cause /and deliver me:
quicken me according to thy word .

cause Mic_07_09 /^{cause /and execute judgment
for me: he will bring me forth to the light , and I shall behold
his righteousness .

cause 2Ch_06_39 /^{cause /and forgive thy
people which have sinned against thee.

cause Pro_22_23 /^{cause /and spoil the soul
of those that spoiled them.

cause Jer_51_36 /^{cause /and take vengeance
for thee ; and I will dry up her sea , and make her springs dry .

cause Psa_69_04 /^{cause /are more than the
hairs of mine head : they that would destroy me, being mine
enemies wrongfully , are mighty : then I restored that which I
took not away .

cause Job_23_04 /^{cause /before him, and fill
my mouth with arguments .

cause Num_27_05 /^{cause /before the LORD .

cause Num_16_11 /^{cause /both thou and all
thy company are gathered together against the LORD : and what is
Aaron , that ye murmur against him?

cause Eze_37_05 /^{cause /breath to enter into
you, and ye shall live :

cause Psa_119_007 /^{cause /but I will
meditate in thy precepts .

cause Psa_119_016 /^{cause /but my heart
standeth in awe of thy word .

cause Joh_18_37 /${cause /came I into the
world , that I should bear witness unto the truth . Every one
that is of the truth heareth my voice .

cause Joh_12_27 /${cause /came I unto this
hour .

cause Dan_08_25 /^{cause /craft to prosper in
his hand ; and he shall magnify himself in his heart , and by
peace shall destroy many : he shall also stand up against the
Prince of princes ; but he shall be broken without hand .

cause Jer_13_16 /^{cause /darkness , and
before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains , and, while ye
look for light , he turn it into the shadow of death , and make
it gross darkness .

cause 2Sa_03_35 /^{cause /David to eat meat
while it was yet day , David sware , saying , So do God to me,
and more also , if I taste bread , or ought else, till the sun
be down .

cause Rom_16_17 /${cause /divisions and
offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned ; and
avoid them .

cause Jer_49_37 /^{cause /Elam to be dismayed
before their enemies , and before them that seek their life :
and I will bring evil upon them, even my fierce anger , saith
the LORD ; and I will send the sword after them, till I have
consumed them:

cause Job_34_11 /^{cause /every man to find
according to his ways .

Cause Gen_45_01 /^{Cause /every man to go out
from me. And there stood no man with him, while Joseph made
himself known unto his brethren .

cause Exo_08_05 /^{cause /frogs to come up
upon the land of Egypt .

cause Eze_24_08 /^{cause /fury to come up to
take vengeance ; I have set her blood upon the top of a rock ,
that it should not be covered .

cause Rom_01_26 /${cause /God gave them up
unto vile affections : for even their women did change the
natural use into that which is against nature :

cause 2Th_02_11 /${cause /God shall send them
strong delusion , that they should believe a lie :

cause Lam_03_32 /^{cause /grief , yet will he
have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies .

Cause Est_05_05 /^{Cause /Haman to make haste ,
that he may do as Esther hath said . So the king and Haman came
to the banquet that Esther had prepared .

cause Exo_09_16 /^{cause /have I raised thee
up , for to shew in thee my power ; and that my name may be
declared throughout all the earth .

cause 1Co_04_17 /${cause /have I sent unto you
Timotheus , who is my beloved son , and faithful in the Lord ,
who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways which be in
Christ , as I teach every where in every church .

cause Psa_35_07 /^{cause /have they hid for me
their net in a pit , which without cause they have digged for my
soul .

cause Heb_02_11 /${cause /he is not ashamed to
call them brethren ,

cause Heb_09_15 /${cause /he is the mediator
of the new testament , that by means of death , for the
redemption of the transgressions that were under the first
testament , they which are called might receive the promise of
eternal inheritance .

cause Isa_13_10 /^{cause /her light to shine .

cause Lev_19_29 /^{cause /her to be a whore ;
lest the land fall to whoredom , and the land become full of
wickedness .

cause Rev_12_15 /${cause /her to be carried
away of the flood .

cause 2Ch_32_20 /^{cause /Hezekiah the king ,
and the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz , prayed and cried to
heaven .

cause Exo_21_19 /^{cause /him to be thoroughly
healed .

cause Num_16_05 /^{cause /him to come near
unto him: even him whom he hath chosen will he cause to come
near unto him.

cause Num_35_30 /^{cause /him to die .

cause Jer_30_21 /^{cause /him to draw near ,
and he shall approach unto me: for who is this that engaged his
heart to approach unto me? saith the LORD .

cause 2Ki_19_07 /^{cause /him to fall by the
sword in his own land .

cause Isa_37_07 /^{cause /him to fall by the
sword in his own land .

cause Job_24_10 /^{cause /him to go naked
without clothing , and they take away the sheaf from the hungry ;

cause Deu_25_02 /^{cause /him to lie down ,
and to be beaten before his face , according to his fault , by a
certain number .

cause Jer_31_02 /^{cause /him to rest .

cause 1Ki_08_31 /^{cause /him to swear , and
the oath come before thine altar in this house :

cause Jer_48_12 /^{cause /him to wander , and
shall empty his vessels , and break their bottles .

cause Psa_67_01 /^{cause /his face to shine
upon us; Selah .

cause Isa_30_30 /^{cause /his glorious voice
to be heard , and shall shew the lighting down of his arm , with
the indignation of his anger , and with the flame of a devouring
fire , with scattering , and tempest , and hailstones .

cause Num_27_08 /^{cause /his inheritance to
pass unto his daughter .

cause Deu_12_11 /^{cause /his name to dwell
there; thither shall ye bring all that I command you; your burnt
offerings , and your sacrifices , your tithes , and the heave
offering of your hand , and all your choice vows which ye vow
unto the LORD :

cause Isa_42_02 /^{cause /his voice to be
heard in the street .

cause 2Ti_01_12 /${cause /I also suffer these
things : nevertheless I am not ashamed : for I know whom I have
believed , and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I
have committed unto him against that day .

cause Eph_03_14 /${cause /I bow my knees unto
the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ,

cause Job_13_18 /^{cause /I know that I shall
be justified .

cause 1Ti_01_16 /${cause /I obtained mercy ,
that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering
, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to
life everlasting .

cause Eph_03_01 /${cause /I Paul , the
prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles ,

cause Rom_15_09 /${cause /I will confess to
thee among the Gentiles , and sing unto thy name .

cause Pro_03_30 /^{cause /if he have done thee
no harm .

cause Jos_20_04 /^{cause /in the ears of the
elders of that city , they shall take him into the city unto
them, and give him a place , that he may dwell among them.

cause Psa_07_04 /^{cause /is mine enemy :

cause Deu_01_38 /^{cause /Israel to inherit it.

cause Isa_10_30 /^{cause /it to be heard unto
Laish , O poor Anathoth .

cause Eze_05_01 /^{cause /it to pass upon
thine head and upon thy beard : then take thee balances to weigh
, and divide the hair.

cause Exo_09_18 /^{cause /it to rain a very
grievous hail , such as hath not been in Egypt since the
foundation thereof even until now.

cause Job_38_26 /^{cause /it to rain on the
earth , where no man is; on the wilderness , wherein there is no
man ;

cause Gen_07_04 /^{cause /it to rain upon the
earth forty days and forty nights ; and every living substance
that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth .

cause Eze_21_30 /^{cause /it to return into
his sheath ? I will judge thee in the place where thou wast
created , in the land of thy nativity .

cause Psa_80_09 /^{cause /it to take deep root
, and it filled the land .

cause Dan_11_18 /^{cause /it to turn upon him.

cause Eze_16_02 /^{cause /Jerusalem to know
her abominations ,

cause Jer_32_35 /^{cause /Judah to sin .

cause Psa_76_08 /^{cause /judgment to be heard
from heaven ; the earth feared , and was still ,

cause Tit_01_05 /${cause /left I thee in Crete
, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting ,
and ordain elders in every city , as I had appointed thee :

cause Eze_23_48 /^{cause /lewdness to cease
out of the land , that all women may be taught not to do after
your lewdness .

cause 1Co_11_30 /${cause /many are weak and
sickly among you , and many sleep .

cause Eze_26_03 /^{cause /many nations to come
up against thee, as the sea causeth his waves to come up .

cause Jer_37_20 /^{cause /me not to return to
the house of Jonathan the scribe , lest I die there.

cause Job_20_02 /^{cause /me to answer , and
for this I make haste .

cause Hab_01_03 /^{cause /me to behold
grievance ? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there
are that raise up strife and contention .

cause 1Sa_28_09 /^{cause /me to die ?

cause Psa_71_02 /^{cause /me to escape :
incline thine ear unto me, and save me.

cause Son_08_13 /^{cause /me to hear it.

Cause Psa_143_08 /^{Cause /me to hear thy
lovingkindness in the morning ; for in thee do I trust : cause
me to know the way wherein I should walk ; for I lift up my soul
unto thee.

cause Psa_143_08 /^{cause /me to know the way
wherein I should walk ; for I lift up my soul unto thee.

cause Jer_38_26 /^{cause /me to return to
Jonathan's house , to die there.

cause Job_06_24 /^{cause /me to understand
wherein I have erred .

cause Eze_36_15 /^{cause /men to hear in thee
the shame of the heathen any more, neither shalt thou bear the
reproach of the people any more, neither shalt thou cause thy
nations to fall any more, saith the Lord GOD .

cause Eze_36_12 /^{cause /men to walk upon you,
even my people Israel ; and they shall possess thee, and thou
shalt be their inheritance , and thou shalt no more henceforth
bereave them of men.

cause 2Sa_15_04 /^{cause /might come unto me,
and I would do him justice !

cause Jer_03_12 /^{cause /mine anger to fall
upon you: for I am merciful , saith the LORD , and I will not
keep anger for ever .

cause Eze_21_17 /^{cause /my fury to rest : I
the LORD have said it.

cause Eze_05_13 /^{cause /my fury to rest upon
them, and I will be comforted : and they shall know that I the
LORD have spoken it in my zeal , when I have accomplished my
fury in them.

cause Psa_35_23 /^{cause /my God and my Lord .

cause Ecc_02_20 /^{cause /my heart to despair
of all the labour which I took under the sun .

cause Jer_23_32 /^{cause /my people to err by
their lies , and by their lightness ; yet I sent them not, nor
commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at
all , saith the LORD .

cause Jer_23_27 /^{cause /my people to forget
my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his
neighbour , as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal .

cause 2Sa_13_13 /^{cause /my shame to go ? and
as for thee, thou shalt be as one of the fools in Israel . Now
therefore, I pray thee, speak unto the king ; for he will not
withhold me from thee.

cause Eze_14_15 /^{cause /noisome beasts to
pass through the land , and they spoil it, so that it be
desolate , that no man may pass through because of the beasts :

cause Psa_35_01 /^{cause /O LORD , with them
that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me.

cause Pro_31_08 /^{cause /of all such as are
appointed to destruction .

cause Exo_22_09 /^{cause /of both parties
shall come before the judges ; and whom the judges shall condemn
, he shall pay double unto his neighbour .

cause Luk_23_22 /${cause /of death in him : I
will therefore chastise him , and let him go .

cause Act_13_28 /${cause /of death in him, yet
desired they Pilate that he should be slain .

cause Act_28_18 /${cause /of death in me .

cause Mat_05_32 /${cause /of fornication ,
causeth her to commit adultery : and whosoever shall marry her
that is divorced committeth adultery .

cause Isa_51_22 /^{cause /of his people ,
Behold, I have taken out of thine hand the cup of trembling ,
even the dregs of the cup of my fury ; thou shalt no more drink
it again :

cause 1Ki_08_59 /^{cause /of his people Israel
at all times , as the matter shall require:

cause 1Ki_08_59 /^{cause /of his servant , and
the cause of his people Israel at all times , as the matter
shall require:

cause Job_31_13 /^{cause /of my manservant or
of my maidservant , when they contended with me;

cause 1Sa_25_39 /^{cause /of my reproach from
the hand of Nabal , and hath kept his servant from evil : for
the LORD hath returned the wickedness of Nabal upon his own head
. And David sent and communed with Abigail , to take her to him
to wife .

cause Psa_140_12 /^{cause /of the afflicted ,
and the right of the poor .

cause Jer_05_28 /^{cause /of the fatherless ,
yet they prosper ; and the right of the needy do they not judge .

cause Pro_29_07 /^{cause /of the poor : but
the wicked regardeth not to know it.

cause Pro_31_09 /^{cause /of the poor and
needy .

cause Jer_22_16 /^{cause /of the poor and
needy ; then it was well with him: was not this to know me?
saith the LORD .

cause Isa_01_23 /^{cause /of the widow come
unto them.

cause 1Ch_21_03 /^{cause /of trespass to
Israel ?

cause 1Co_11_10 /${cause /ought the woman to
have power on her head because of the angels .

cause Rom_13_06 /${cause /pay ye tribute also :
for they are God's ministers , attending continually upon this
very thing .

cause Jer_14_22 /^{cause /rain ? or can the
heavens give showers ? art not thou he, O LORD our God ?
therefore we will wait upon thee: for thou hast made all these

cause Psa_74_22 /^{cause /remember how the
foolish man reproacheth thee daily .

cause Isa_61_11 /^{cause /righteousness and
praise to spring forth before all the nations .

cause Isa_41_21 /^{cause /saith the LORD ;
bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob .

cause Pro_18_17 /^{cause /seemeth just ; but
his neighbour cometh and searcheth him.

cause Mat_19_05 /${cause /shall a man leave
father and mother , and shall cleave to his wife : and they
twain shall be one flesh ?

cause Mar_10_07 /${cause /shall a man leave
his father and mother , and cleave to his wife ;

cause Eph_05_31 /${cause /shall a man leave
his father and mother , and shall be joined unto his wife , and
they two shall be one flesh .

cause Mat_05_22 /${cause /shall be in danger
of the judgment : and whosoever shall say to his brother , Raca ,
shall be in danger of the council : but whosoever shall say ,
Thou fool , shall be in danger of hell fire .

cause Luk_08_47 /${cause /she had touched him ,
and how she was healed immediately .

cause 2Ch_19_10 /^{cause /soever shall come to
you of your brethren that dwell in their cities , between blood
and blood , between law and commandment , statutes and judgments
, ye shall even warn them that they trespass not against the
LORD , and so wrath come upon you, and upon your brethren : this
do , and ye shall not trespass .

cause 1Ki_01_33 /^{cause /Solomon my son to
ride upon mine own mule , and bring him down to Gihon :

cause Pro_04_16 /^{cause /some to fall .

cause Lev_26_16 /^{cause /sorrow of heart :
and ye shall sow your seed in vain , for your enemies shall eat

cause Rev_13_15 /${cause /that as many as
would not worship the image of the beast should be killed .

cause 2Co_07_12 /${cause /that had done the
wrong , nor for his cause that suffered wrong , but that our
care for you in the sight of God might appear unto you .

cause 1Ki_11_27 /^{cause /that he lifted up
his hand against the king : Solomon built Millo , and repaired
the breaches of the city of David his father .

cause Jer_50_34 /^{cause /that he may give
rest to the land , and disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon .

cause Deu_01_17 /^{cause /that is too hard for
you, bring it unto me, and I will hear it.

cause Col_03_16 /${cause /that it be read also
in the church of the Laodiceans ; and that ye likewise read the
epistle from Laodicea .

cause 2Co_07_12 /${cause /that suffered wrong ,
but that our care for you in the sight of God might appear unto
you .

cause Ecc_07_10 /^{cause /that the former days
were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely
concerning this.

cause Jer_30_13 /^{cause /that thou mayest be
bound up : thou hast no healing medicines .

cause Isa_13_11 /^{cause /the arrogancy of the
proud to cease , and will lay low the haughtiness of the
terrible .

cause Eze_44_30 /^{cause /the blessing to rest
in thine house .

cause Jer_33_15 /^{cause /the Branch of
righteousness to grow up unto David ; and he shall execute
judgment and righteousness in the land .

cause Job_38_27 /^{cause /the bud of the
tender herb to spring forth ?

cause Jer_33_07 /^{cause /the captivity of
Judah and the captivity of Israel to return , and will build
them, as at the first .

cause Jer_05_28 /^{cause /the cause of the
fatherless , yet they prosper ; and the right of the needy do
they not judge .

cause Job_34_28 /^{cause /the cry of the poor
to come unto him, and he heareth the cry of the afflicted .

cause Isa_32_06 /^{cause /the drink of the
thirsty to fail .

cause Jer_15_11 /^{cause /the enemy to entreat
thee well in the time of evil and in the time of affliction .

cause Eze_34_25 /^{cause /the evil beasts to
cease out of the land : and they shall dwell safely in the
wilderness , and sleep in the woods .

cause Eze_29_04 /^{cause /the fish of thy
rivers to stick unto thy scales , and I will bring thee up out
of the midst of thy rivers , and all the fish of thy rivers
shall stick unto thy scales .

cause Isa_30_11 /^{cause /the Holy One of
Israel to cease from before us.

cause Eze_29_21 /^{cause /the horn of the
house of Israel to bud forth , and I will give thee the opening
of the mouth in the midst of them; and they shall know that I am
the LORD .

cause Jer_51_27 /^{cause /the horses to come
up as the rough caterpillers .

cause Lev_14_41 /^{cause /the house to be
scraped within round about , and they shall pour out the dust
that they scrape off without the city into an unclean place :

cause Num_27_07 /^{cause /the inheritance of
their father to pass unto them.

cause Dan_02_12 /^{cause /the king was angry
and very furious , and commanded to destroy all the wise men of
Babylon .

cause Exo_27_20 /^{cause /the lamp to burn
always .

cause Lev_24_02 /^{cause /the lamps to burn
continually .

cause Deu_24_04 /^{cause /the land to sin ,
which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance .

cause Lam_03_36 /^{cause /the Lord approveth

cause Job_24_07 /^{cause /the naked to lodge
without clothing , that they have no covering in the cold .

cause Eze_26_13 /^{cause /the noise of thy
songs to cease ; and the sound of thy harps shall be no more
heard .

cause Ecc_10_01 /^{cause /the ointment of the
apothecary to send forth a stinking savour : so doth a little
folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour .

cause Joh_12_18 /${cause /the people also met
him , for that they heard that he had done this miracle .

cause Deu_17_16 /^{cause /the people to return
to Egypt , to the end that he should multiply horses : forasmuch
as the LORD hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return no
more that way .

cause Zec_13_02 /^{cause /the prophets and the
unclean spirit to pass out of the land .

cause Zec_08_12 /^{cause /the remnant of this
people to possess all these things.

cause Dan_11_18 /^{cause /the reproach offered
by him to cease ; without his own reproach he shall cause it to
turn upon him.

cause Dan_09_27 /^{cause /the sacrifice and
the oblation to cease , and for the overspreading of
abominations he shall make it desolate , even until the
consummation , and that determined shall be poured upon the
desolate .

cause Amo_06_03 /^{cause /the seat of violence
to come near ;

cause Eze_34_26 /^{cause /the shower to come
down in his season ; there shall be showers of blessing .

cause Num_28_07 /^{cause /the strong wine to
be poured unto the LORD for a drink offering .

cause Amo_08_09 /^{cause /the sun to go down
at noon , and I will darken the earth in the clear day :

cause Eze_30_22 /^{cause /the sword to fall
out of his hand .

cause Lev_25_09 /^{cause /the trumpet of the
jubile to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month , in the
day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all
your land .

cause Isa_28_12 /^{cause /the weary to rest ;
and this is the refreshing : yet they would not hear .

cause Num_05_24 /^{cause /the woman to drink
the bitter water that causeth the curse : and the water that
causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter .

cause Num_05_26 /^{cause /the woman to drink
the water .

cause Neh_04_11 /^{cause /the work to cease .

cause Deu_28_25 /^{cause /thee to be smitten
before thine enemies : thou shalt go out one way against them,
and flee seven ways before them: and shalt be removed into all
the kingdoms of the earth .

cause Eze_16_41 /^{cause /thee to cease from
playing the harlot , and thou also shalt give no hire any more.

cause Eze_39_02 /^{cause /thee to come up from
the north parts , and will bring thee upon the mountains of
Israel :

cause Son_08_02 /^{cause /thee to drink of
spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate .

cause Isa_03_12 /^{cause /thee to err , and
destroy the way of thy paths .

cause Eze_24_26 /^{cause /thee to hear it with
thine ears ?

cause Jer_18_02 /^{cause /thee to hear my
words .

cause Eze_25_07 /^{cause /thee to perish out
of the countries : I will destroy thee; and thou shalt know that
I am the LORD .

cause Isa_58_14 /^{cause /thee to ride upon
the high places of the earth , and feed thee with the heritage
of Jacob thy father : for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

cause Jer_17_04 /^{cause /thee to serve thine
enemies in the land which thou knowest not: for ye have kindled
a fire in mine anger , which shall burn for ever .

cause Jer_33_26 /^{cause /their captivity to
return , and have mercy on them.

cause Jer_32_44 /^{cause /their captivity to
return , saith the LORD .

cause Eze_30_13 /^{cause /their images to
cease out of Noph ; and there shall be no more a prince of the
land of Egypt : and I will put a fear in the land of Egypt .

cause Eze_32_14 /^{cause /their rivers to run
like oil , saith the Lord GOD .

cause Jer_32_35 /^{cause /their sons and their
daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech ; which I
commanded them not, neither came it into my mind , that they
should do this abomination , to cause Judah to sin .

cause Eze_26_17 /^{cause /their terror to be
on all that haunt it!

cause Eze_27_30 /^{cause /their voice to be
heard against thee, and shall cry bitterly , and shall cast up
dust upon their heads , they shall wallow themselves in the
ashes :

cause Isa_27_06 /^{cause /them that come of
Jacob to take root : Israel shall blossom and bud , and fill the
face of the world with fruit .

Cause Eze_09_01 /^{Cause /them that have
charge over the city to draw near , even every man with his
destroying weapon in his hand .

cause 1Ki_05_09 /^{cause /them to be
discharged there, and thou shalt receive them: and thou shalt
accomplish my desire , in giving food for my household .

cause Mar_13_12 /${cause /them to be put to
death .

cause Mat_10_21 /${cause /them to be put to
death .

cause Jer_15_04 /^{cause /them to be removed
into all kingdoms of the earth , because of Manasseh the son of
Hezekiah king of Judah , for that which he did in Jerusalem .

cause Ezr_05_05 /^{cause /them to cease , till
the matter came to Darius : and then they returned answer by
letter concerning this matter.

cause Eze_34_10 /^{cause /them to cease from
feeding the flock ; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves
any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth , that
they may not be meat for them.

cause Eze_44_23 /^{cause /them to discern
between the unclean and the clean .

cause Jer_32_37 /^{cause /them to dwell safely

cause Jer_19_09 /^{cause /them to eat the
flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters , and they
shall eat every one the flesh of his friend in the siege and
straitness , wherewith their enemies , and they that seek their
lives , shall straiten them.

cause Isa_09_16 /^{cause /them to err ; and
they that are led of them are destroyed .

cause Jer_19_07 /^{cause /them to fall by the
sword before their enemies , and by the hands of them that seek
their lives : and their carcases will I give to be meat for the
fowls of the heaven , and for the beasts of the earth .

cause Deu_31_07 /^{cause /them to inherit it.

cause Deu_03_28 /^{cause /them to inherit the
land which thou shalt see .

cause Jer_16_21 /^{cause /them to know , I
will cause them to know mine hand and my might ; and they shall
know that my name is The LORD .

cause Jer_16_21 /^{cause /them to know mine
hand and my might ; and they shall know that my name is The LORD

cause Eze_20_04 /^{cause /them to know the
abominations of their fathers :

cause Eze_34_15 /^{cause /them to lie down ,
saith the Lord GOD .

cause Eze_16_21 /^{cause /them to pass through
the fire for them?

cause Eze_29_14 /^{cause /them to return into
the land of Pathros , into the land of their habitation ; and
they shall be there a base kingdom .

cause Jer_30_03 /^{cause /them to return to
the land that I gave to their fathers , and they shall possess

cause Jer_34_22 /^{cause /them to return to
this city ; and they shall fight against it, and take it, and
burn it with fire : and I will make the cities of Judah a
desolation without an inhabitant .

cause Dan_11_39 /^{cause /them to rule over
many , and shall divide the land for gain .

cause Jer_31_09 /^{cause /them to walk by the
rivers of waters in a straight way , wherein they shall not
stumble : for I am a father to Israel , and Ephraim is my
firstborn .

cause Act_28_20 /${cause /therefore have I
called for you , to see you, and to speak with you: because that
for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain .

cause Ezr_04_21 /^{cause /these men to cease ,
and that this city be not builded , until another commandment
shall be given from me .

cause Psa_35_07 /^{cause /they have digged for
my soul .

cause Psa_85_04 /^{cause /thine anger toward
us to cease .

cause Eze_39_03 /^{cause /thine arrows to fall
out of thy right hand .

cause Psa_10_17 /^{cause /thine ear to hear :

cause Deu_28_07 /^{cause /thine enemies that
rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face : they shall
come out against thee one way , and flee before thee seven ways .

cause Jer_38_23 /^{cause /this city to be
burned with fire .

cause 2Sa_13_16 /^{cause /this evil in sending
me away is greater than the other that thou didst unto me. But
he would not hearken unto her.

cause Jon_01_07 /^{cause /this evil is upon us.
So they cast lots , and the lot fell upon Jonah .

cause Jon_01_08 /^{cause /this evil is upon us;
What is thine occupation ? and whence comest thou? what is thy
country ? and of what people art thou?

cause Pro_08_21 /^{cause /those that love me
to inherit substance ; and I will fill their treasures .

cause Neh_06_06 /^{cause /thou buildest the
wall , that thou mayest be their king , according to these words

cause Psa_09_04 /^{cause /thou satest in the
throne judging right .

cause Eze_03_03 /^{cause /thy belly to eat ,
and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give thee. Then did I
eat it; and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness .

cause Psa_80_03 /^{cause /thy face to shine ;
and we shall be saved .

cause Psa_80_07 /^{cause /thy face to shine ;
and we shall be saved .

cause Psa_80_19 /^{cause /thy face to shine ;
and we shall be saved .

cause Dan_09_17 /^{cause /thy face to shine
upon thy sanctuary that is desolate , for the Lord's sake.

cause Ecc_05_06 /^{cause /thy flesh to sin ;
neither say thou before the angel , that it was an error :
wherefore should God be angry at thy voice , and destroy the
work of thine hands ?

cause Joe_03_11 /^{cause /thy mighty ones to
come down , O LORD .

cause Eze_32_12 /^{cause /thy multitude to
fall , the terrible of the nations , all of them: and they shall
spoil the pomp of Egypt , and all the multitude thereof shall be
destroyed .

cause Eze_36_15 /^{cause /thy nations to fall
any more, saith the Lord GOD .

cause Jer_29_08 /^{cause /to be dreamed .

cause Luk_21_16 /${cause /to be put to death .

cause Isa_66_09 /^{cause /to bring forth , and
shut the womb? saith thy God .

cause Isa_66_09 /^{cause /to bring forth ?
saith the LORD : shall I cause to bring forth , and shut the
womb? saith thy God .

cause Jer_07_34 /^{cause /to cease from the
cities of Judah , and from the streets of Jerusalem , the voice
of mirth , and the voice of gladness , the voice of the
bridegroom , and the voice of the bride : for the land shall be
desolate .

cause Jer_36_29 /^{cause /to cease from thence
man and beast ?

cause Jer_48_35 /^{cause /to cease in Moab ,
saith the LORD , him that offereth in the high places , and him
that burneth incense to his gods .

cause Jer_16_09 /^{cause /to cease out of this
place in your eyes , and in your days , the voice of mirth , and
the voice of gladness , the voice of the bridegroom , and the
voice of the bride .

cause Hos_01_04 /^{cause /to cease the kingdom
of the house of Israel .

cause Joe_02_23 /^{cause /to come down for you
the rain , the former rain , and the latter rain in the first

cause Num_16_05 /^{cause /to come near unto

cause Jer_50_09 /^{cause /to come up against
Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country :
and they shall set themselves in array against her; from thence
she shall be taken : their arrows shall be as of a mighty expert
man ; none shall return in vain .

cause Exo_23_02 /^{cause /to decline after
many to wrest judgment:

cause Isa_49_08 /^{cause /to inherit the
desolate heritages ;

cause Est_03_13 /^{cause /to perish , all Jews
, both young and old , little children and women , in one day ,
even upon the thirteenth day of the twelfth month , which is the
month Adar , and to take the spoil of them for a prey .

cause Est_08_11 /^{cause /to perish , all the
power of the people and province that would assault them, both
little ones and women , and to take the spoil of them for a prey

cause Jer_33_11 /^{cause /to return the
captivity of the land , as at the first , saith the LORD .

cause Neh_13_26 /^{cause /to sin .

cause Jos_23_07 /^{cause /to swear by them,
neither serve them, nor bow yourselves unto them:

cause Act_25_14 /${cause /unto the king ,
saying , There is a certain man left in bonds by Felix :

cause 1Ki_12_15 /^{cause /was from the LORD ,
that he might perform his saying , which the LORD spake by
Ahijah the Shilonite unto Jeroboam the son of Nebat .

cause 2Ch_10_15 /^{cause /was of God , that the
LORD might perform his word , which he spake by the hand of
Ahijah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat .

cause 1Pe_04_06 /${cause /was the gospel
preached also to them that are dead , that they might be judged
according to men in the flesh , but live according to God in the
spirit .

cause Ezr_04_15 /^{cause /was this city
destroyed .

cause Col_01_09 /${cause /we also , since the
day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you , and to desire
that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all
wisdom and spiritual understanding ;

cause 2Co_04_16 /${cause /we faint not ; but
though our outward man perish , yet the inward man is renewed
day by day .

cause 1Th_03_05 /${cause /when I could no
longer forbear , I sent to know your faith , lest by some means
the tempter have tempted you , and our labour be in vain .

cause Act_19_40 /${cause /whereby we may give
an account of this concourse .

cause Act_23_28 /${cause /wherefore they
accused him , I brought him forth into their council :

cause Act_10_21 /${cause /wherefore ye are
come ?

cause Job_29_16 /^{cause /which I knew not I
searched out .

cause Pro_23_29 /^{cause /who hath redness of
eyes ?

cause Jos_05_04 /^{cause /why Joshua did
circumcise : All the people that came out of Egypt , that were
males , even all the men of war , died in the wilderness by the
way , after they came out of Egypt .

cause Pro_23_11 /^{cause /with thee.

cause Pro_25_09 /^{cause /with thy neighbour
himself; and discover not a secret to another :

cause Psa_35_27 /^{cause /yea, let them say
continually , Let the LORD be magnified , which hath pleasure in
the prosperity of his servant .

cause Eze_37_12 /^{cause /you to come up out
of your graves , and bring you into the land of Israel .

cause Eze_36_33 /^{cause /you to dwell in the
cities , and the wastes shall be builded .

cause Jer_07_07 /^{cause /you to dwell in this
place , in the land that I gave to your fathers , for ever and
ever .

cause Jer_07_03 /^{cause /you to dwell in this
place .

cause Amo_05_27 /^{cause /you to go into
captivity beyond Damascus , saith the LORD , whose name is The
God of hosts .

cause Eze_20_37 /^{cause /you to pass under
the rod , and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant :

cause Jer_42_12 /^{cause /you to return to
your own land .

cause Eze_36_27 /^{cause /you to walk in my
statutes , and ye shall keep my judgments , and do them.
