cane Interlinear Index Study

cane ISA 043 024 Thou hast bought <07069 +qanah > me no <03808
+lo> > sweet {cane} <07070 +qaneh > with money <03701 +keceph > ,
neither <03808 +lo> > hast thou filled <07301 +ravah > me with
the fat <02459 +cheleb > of thy sacrifices <02077 +zebach > :
but thou hast made me to serve <05647 + with thy sins
<02403 +chatta>ah > , thou hast wearied <03021 +yaga< > me with
thine iniquities <05771 + .

cane JER 006 020 To what <04100 +mah > purpose cometh <00935
+bow> > there to me incense <03828 +l@bownah > from Sheba <07614
+Sh@ba> > , and the sweet <02896 +towb > {cane} <07070 +qaneh >
from a far <04801 +merchaq > country <00776 +>erets > ? your
burnt <05930 + offerings [ are ] not acceptable <07522
+ratsown > , nor <03808 +lo> > your sacrifices <02077 +zebach >
sweet <06147 + unto me .
