Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

about 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad {about}, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

and 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to {and} fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

away 1497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'}; a primitive root; to pluck off; specifically to flay, strip or rob: -- catch, consume, exercise [robbery], pluck (off), rob, spoil, take {away} (by force, violence), tear.

Azal 0682 ## &Atsel {aw-tsale'}; from 680; noble; Atsel, the name of an Israelite, and of a place in Palestine: -- {Azal}, Azel.

be 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], {be} gone (spent).

but 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [{but} in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

by 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," {by} others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

by 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered {by} many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

by 1497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'}; a primitive root; to pluck off; specifically to flay, strip or rob: -- catch, consume, exercise [robbery], pluck (off), rob, spoil, take away ({by} force, violence), tear.

catch 1497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'}; a primitive root; to pluck off; specifically to flay, strip or rob: -- {catch}, consume, exercise [robbery], pluck (off), rob, spoil, take away (by force, violence), tear.

cause 5140 ## nazal {naw-zal'}; a primitive root; to drip, or shed by trickling: -- distil, drop, flood, ({cause} to) flow(-ing), gush out, melt, pour (down), running water, stream.

consume 1497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'}; a primitive root; to pluck off; specifically to flay, strip or rob: -- catch, {consume}, exercise [robbery], pluck (off), rob, spoil, take away (by force, violence), tear.

distil 5140 ## nazal {naw-zal'}; a primitive root; to drip, or shed by trickling: -- {distil}, drop, flood, (cause to) flow(-ing), gush out, melt, pour (down), running water, stream.

down 5140 ## nazal {naw-zal'}; a primitive root; to drip, or shed by trickling: -- distil, drop, flood, (cause to) flow(-ing), gush out, melt, pour ({down}), running water, stream.

drop 5140 ## nazal {naw-zal'}; a primitive root; to drip, or shed by trickling: -- distil, {drop}, flood, (cause to) flow(-ing), gush out, melt, pour (down), running water, stream.

exercise 1497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'}; a primitive root; to pluck off; specifically to flay, strip or rob: -- catch, consume, {exercise} [robbery], pluck (off), rob, spoil, take away (by force, violence), tear.

Ezek 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but in {Ezek}. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

fail 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- {fail}, gad about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

flood 5140 ## nazal {naw-zal'}; a primitive root; to drip, or shed by trickling: -- distil, drop, {flood}, (cause to) flow(-ing), gush out, melt, pour (down), running water, stream.

flow 5140 ## nazal {naw-zal'}; a primitive root; to drip, or shed by trickling: -- distil, drop, flood, (cause to) {flow}(-ing), gush out, melt, pour (down), running water, stream.

force 1497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'}; a primitive root; to pluck off; specifically to flay, strip or rob: -- catch, consume, exercise [robbery], pluck (off), rob, spoil, take away (by {force}, violence), tear.

fro 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and {fro} [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

from 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many {"from} Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

gad 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, {gad} about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

go 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, {go} to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

go 0236 ## &azal (Aramaic) {az-al'}; the same as 235; to depart: -- {go} (up).

gone 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be {gone} (spent).

gush 5140 ## nazal {naw-zal'}; a primitive root; to drip, or shed by trickling: -- distil, drop, flood, (cause to) flow(-ing), {gush} out, melt, pour (down), running water, stream.

in 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but {in} Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

is 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word {is} rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

many 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by {many} "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

melt 5140 ## nazal {naw-zal'}; a primitive root; to drip, or shed by trickling: -- distil, drop, flood, (cause to) flow(-ing), gush out, {melt}, pour (down), running water, stream.

off 1497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'}; a primitive root; to pluck off; specifically to flay, strip or rob: -- catch, consume, exercise [robbery], pluck ({off}), rob, spoil, take away (by force, violence), tear.

others 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by {others} "yarn"], be gone (spent).

out 5140 ## nazal {naw-zal'}; a primitive root; to drip, or shed by trickling: -- distil, drop, flood, (cause to) flow(-ing), gush {out}, melt, pour (down), running water, stream.

pluck 1497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'}; a primitive root; to pluck off; specifically to flay, strip or rob: -- catch, consume, exercise [robbery], {pluck} (off), rob, spoil, take away (by force, violence), tear.

pour 5140 ## nazal {naw-zal'}; a primitive root; to drip, or shed by trickling: -- distil, drop, flood, (cause to) flow(-ing), gush out, melt, {pour} (down), running water, stream.

rendered 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is {rendered} by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

rob 1497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'}; a primitive root; to pluck off; specifically to flay, strip or rob: -- catch, consume, exercise [robbery], pluck (off), {rob}, spoil, take away (by force, violence), tear.

robbery 1497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'}; a primitive root; to pluck off; specifically to flay, strip or rob: -- catch, consume, exercise [{robbery}], pluck (off), rob, spoil, take away (by force, violence), tear.

running 5140 ## nazal {naw-zal'}; a primitive root; to drip, or shed by trickling: -- distil, drop, flood, (cause to) flow(-ing), gush out, melt, pour (down), {running} water, stream.

spent 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone ({spent}).

spoil 1497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'}; a primitive root; to pluck off; specifically to flay, strip or rob: -- catch, consume, exercise [robbery], pluck (off), rob, {spoil}, take away (by force, violence), tear.

stream 5140 ## nazal {naw-zal'}; a primitive root; to drip, or shed by trickling: -- distil, drop, flood, (cause to) flow(-ing), gush out, melt, pour (down), running water, {stream}.

take 1497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'}; a primitive root; to pluck off; specifically to flay, strip or rob: -- catch, consume, exercise [robbery], pluck (off), rob, spoil, {take} away (by force, violence), tear.

tear 1497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'}; a primitive root; to pluck off; specifically to flay, strip or rob: -- catch, consume, exercise [robbery], pluck (off), rob, spoil, take away (by force, violence), {tear}.

the 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 {the} word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

to 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go {to} and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

to 5140 ## nazal {naw-zal'}; a primitive root; to drip, or shed by trickling: -- distil, drop, flood, (cause {to}) flow(-ing), gush out, melt, pour (down), running water, stream.

up 0236 ## &azal (Aramaic) {az-al'}; the same as 235; to depart: -- go ({up}).

Uzal 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from {Uzal}," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

violence 1497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'}; a primitive root; to pluck off; specifically to flay, strip or rob: -- catch, consume, exercise [robbery], pluck (off), rob, spoil, take away (by force, {violence}), tear.

water 5140 ## nazal {naw-zal'}; a primitive root; to drip, or shed by trickling: -- distil, drop, flood, (cause to) flow(-ing), gush out, melt, pour (down), running {water}, stream.

wool 2053 # erion {er'-ee-on}; of obscure affinity; wool: -- {wool}. word 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the {word} is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others "yarn"], be gone (spent).

yarn 0235 ## &azal {aw-zal'}; a primitive root; to go away, hence, to disappear: -- fail, gad about, go to and fro [but in Ezek. 27:19 the word is rendered by many "from Uzal," by others {"yarn}"], be gone (spent).