avenged 2Sa_18_19 /^{avenged /him of his enemies .

avenged Act_07_24 /${avenged /him that was
oppressed , and smote the Egyptian :

avenged 1Sa_25_31 /^{avenged /himself: but when
the LORD shall have dealt well with my lord , then remember
thine handmaid .

avenged 2Sa_04_08 /^{avenged /my lord the king
this day of Saul , and of his seed .

avenged 1Sa_18_25 /^{avenged /of the king's
enemies . But Saul thought to make David fall by the hand of the
Philistines .

avenged Jud_16_28 /^{avenged /of the Philistines
for my two eyes .

avenged Jud_15_07 /^{avenged /of you, and after
that I will cease .

avenged 1Sa_14_24 /^{avenged /on mine enemies .
So none of the people tasted any food .

avenged Jer_05_09 /^{avenged /on such a nation
as this?

avenged Jer_05_29 /^{avenged /on such a nation
as this?

avenged Jer_09_09 /^{avenged /on such a nation
as this?

avenged Gen_04_24 /^{avenged /sevenfold , truly
Lamech seventy and sevenfold .

avenged Rev_19_02 /${avenged /the blood of his
servants at her hand .

avenged 2Sa_18_31 /^{avenged /thee this day of
all them that rose up against thee.

avenged Jos_10_13 /^{avenged /themselves upon
their enemies . Is not this written in the book of Jasher ? So
the sun stood still in the midst of heaven , and hasted not to
go down about a whole day .

avenged Rev_18_20 /${avenged /you on her .
