as Hos_04_16 /^{as /a backsliding heifer :
now the LORD will feed them as a lamb in a large place .

as Isa_30_17 /^{as /a beacon upon the top
of a mountain , and as an ensign on an hill .

as Lam_03_10 /^{as /a bear lying in wait ,
and as a lion in secret places .

as 2Sa_17_08 /^{as /a bear robbed of her
whelps in the field : and thy father is a man of war , and will
not lodge with the people .

as Hos_13_08 /^{as /a bear that is bereaved
of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart , and there
will I devour them like a lion : the wild beast shall tear them.

as Psa_73_22 /^{as /a beast before thee.

As Isa_63_14 /^{As /a beast goeth down into
the valley , the Spirit of the LORD caused him to rest : so
didst thou lead thy people , to make thyself a glorious name .

as Heb_12_20 /${as /a beast touch the
mountain , it shall be stoned , or thrust through with a dart :

as Son_05_13 /^{as /a bed of spices , as
sweet flowers : his lips like lilies , dropping sweet smelling
myrrh .

as Isa_01_08 /^{as /a besieged city .

as Pro_06_05 /^{as /a bird from the hand of
the fowler .

as Pro_07_23 /^{as /a bird hasteth to the
snare , and knoweth not that it is for his life .

as Hos_11_11 /^{as /a bird out of Egypt ,
and as a dove out of the land of Assyria : and I will place them
in their houses , saith the LORD .

as Psa_124_07 /^{as /a bird out of the
snare of the fowlers : the snare is broken , and we are escaped .

As Pro_27_08 /^{As /a bird that wandereth
from her nest , so is a man that wandereth from his place .

as Psa_11_01 /^{as /a bird to your mountain

as Amo_08_10 /^{as /a bitter day .

as Lev_25_39 /^{as /a bondservant :

as Job_27_18 /^{as /a booth that the keeper
maketh .

as Psa_62_03 /^{as /a bowing wall shall ye
be, and as a tottering fence .

as Joh_15_06 /${as /a branch , and is
withered ; and men gather them , and cast them into the fire ,
and they are burned .

as Pro_11_28 /^{as /a branch .

as Isa_30_13 /^{as /a breach ready to fall ,
swelling out in a high wall , whose breaking cometh suddenly at
an instant .

as Isa_59_17 /^{as /a breastplate , and an
helmet of salvation upon his head ; and he put on the garments
of vengeance for clothing , and was clad with zeal as a cloke .

as Rev_21_02 /${as /a bride adorned for her
husband .

as Isa_61_10 /^{as /a bride adorneth
herself with her jewels .

as Isa_49_18 /^{as /a bride doeth.

as Psa_19_05 /^{as /a bridegroom coming out
of his chamber , and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race .

as Isa_61_10 /^{as /a bridegroom decketh
himself with ornaments , and as a bride adorneth herself with
her jewels .

as Mic_07_04 /^{as /a brier : the most
upright is sharper than a thorn hedge : the day of thy watchmen
and thy visitation cometh ; now shall be their perplexity .

as Job_06_15 /^{as /a brook , and as the
stream of brooks they pass away ;

as 2Th_03_15 /${as /a brother .

as Jer_31_18 /^{as /a bullock unaccustomed
to the yoke: turn thou me, and I shall be turned ; for thou art
the LORD my God .

as Isa_58_05 /^{as /a bulrush , and to
spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast
, and an acceptable day to the LORD ?

as Pro_16_27 /^{as /a burning fire .

as Jer_20_09 /^{as /a burning fire shut up
in my bones , and I was weary with forbearing , and I could not

as 1Pe_04_15 /${as /a busybody in other
men's matters .

As Jer_05_27 /^{As /a cage is full of birds
, so are their houses full of deceit : therefore they are become
great , and waxen rich .

as Isa_14_19 /^{as /a carcase trodden under
feet .

as Amo_02_13 /^{as /a cart is pressed that
is full of sheaves .

as Psa_73_06 /^{as /a chain ; violence
covereth them as a garment .

as 2Co_11_02 /${as /a chaste virgin to
Christ .

as 1Co_13_11 /${as /a child , I thought as
a child : but when I became a man , I put away childish things .

as 1Co_13_11 /${as /a child , I understood
as a child , I thought as a child : but when I became a man , I
put away childish things .

as 1Co_13_11 /${as /a child : but when I
became a man , I put away childish things .

as Psa_131_02 /^{as /a child that is weaned
of his mother : my soul is even as a weaned child .

as 1Pe_04_16 /${as /a Christian , let him
not be ashamed ; but let him glorify God on this behalf .

as Psa_122_03 /^{as /a city that is compact
together :

as Isa_59_17 /^{as /a cloke .

as Isa_60_08 /^{as /a cloud , and as the
doves to their windows ?

as Isa_44_22 /^{as /a cloud , thy sins :
return unto me; for I have redeemed thee.

as Job_30_15 /^{as /a cloud .

as Pro_16_15 /^{as /a cloud of the latter
rain .

as Eze_38_16 /^{as /a cloud to cover the
land ; it shall be in the latter days , and I will bring thee
against my land , that the heathen may know me, when I shall be
sanctified in thee, O Gog , before their eyes .

as Son_01_14 /^{as /a cluster of camphire
in the vineyards of Engedi .

as Deu_09_03 /^{as /a consuming fire he
shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before thy face
: so shalt thou drive them out , and destroy them quickly , as
the LORD hath said unto thee.

as Isa_01_08 /^{as /a cottage in a vineyard
, as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers , as a besieged city .

as Job_31_36 /^{as /a crown to me.

as Isa_40_22 /^{as /a curtain , and
spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in :

as 2Sa_12_03 /^{as /a daughter .

as Psa_31_12 /^{as /a dead man out of mind :
I am like a broken vessel .

as Psa_38_13 /^{as /a deaf man, heard not;
and I was as a dumb man that openeth not his mouth .

as Gen_27_12 /^{as /a deceiver ; and I
shall bring a curse upon me, and not a blessing .

as Isa_13_06 /^{as /a destruction from the
Almighty .

as Joe_01_15 /^{as /a destruction from the
Almighty shall it come .

as Isa_30_27 /^{as /a devouring fire :

as Mic_05_07 /^{as /a dew from the LORD ,
as the showers upon the grass , that tarrieth not for man , nor
waiteth for the sons of men .

as Jud_07_05 /^{as /a dog lappeth , him
shalt thou set by himself; likewise every one that boweth down
upon his knees to drink .

As Pro_26_11 /^{As /a dog returneth to his
vomit , so a fool returneth to his folly .

as Isa_38_14 /^{as /a dove : mine eyes fail
with looking upward : O LORD , I am oppressed ; undertake for me.

as Hos_11_11 /^{as /a dove out of the land
of Assyria : and I will place them in their houses , saith the

as Rev_13_11 /${as /a dragon .

as Job_20_08 /^{as /a dream , and shall not
be found : yea, he shall be chased away as a vision of the night

as Isa_29_07 /^{as /a dream of a night
vision .

As Psa_73_20 /^{As /a dream when one
awaketh ; so, O Lord , when thou awakest , thou shalt despise
their image .

as Isa_40_15 /^{as /a drop of a bucket ,
and are counted as the small dust of the balance : behold, he
taketh up the isles as a very little thing .

as Isa_19_14 /^{as /a drunken man
staggereth in his vomit .

as Psa_38_13 /^{as /a dumb man that openeth
not his mouth .

as Psa_89_37 /^{as /a faithful witness in
heaven . Selah .

as Isa_34_04 /^{as /a falling fig from the
fig tree .

as Eze_21_23 /^{as /a false divination in
their sight , to them that have sworn oaths : but he will call
to remembrance the iniquity , that they may be taken .

as 1Ti_05_01 /${as /a father ; and the
younger men as brethren ;

as 1Th_02_11 /${as /a father doth his
children ,

as Psa_103_13 /^{as /a father pitieth his
children , so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.

as Pro_03_12 /^{as /a father the son in
whom he delighteth .

as Mic_03_12 /^{as /a field , and Jerusalem
shall become heaps , and the mountain of the house as the high
places of the forest .

as Lev_27_21 /^{as /a field devoted ; the
possession thereof shall be the priest's .

as Job_10_16 /^{as /a fierce lion : and
again thou shewest thyself marvellous upon me.

as Psa_21_09 /^{as /a fiery oven in the
time of thine anger : the LORD shall swallow them up in his
wrath , and the fire shall devour them.

as Rev_06_13 /${as /a fig tree casteth her
untimely figs , when she is shaken of a mighty wind .

as Jer_23_29 /^{as /a fire ? saith the LORD
; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces ?

as Amo_04_11 /^{as /a firebrand plucked out
of the burning : yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the

as Rev_19_12 /${as /a flame of fire , and
on his head were many crowns ; and he had a name written , that
no man knew , but he himself .

as Rev_01_14 /${as /a flame of fire ;

as Hos_07_06 /^{as /a flaming fire .

as Zec_10_02 /^{as /a flock , they were
troubled , because there was no shepherd .

as Son_04_01 /^{as /a flock of goats , that
appear from mount Gilead .

as Son_06_05 /^{as /a flock of goats that
appear from Gilead .

as Son_06_06 /^{as /a flock of sheep which
go up from the washing , whereof every one beareth twins , and
there is not one barren among them.

as Jer_46_07 /^{as /a flood , whose waters
are moved as the rivers ?

as Amo_08_08 /^{as /a flood ; and it shall
be cast out and drowned , as by the flood of Egypt .

as Rev_12_15 /${as /a flood after the woman
, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood .

as Isa_28_02 /^{as /a flood of mighty
waters overflowing , shall cast down to the earth with the hand .

as Psa_103_15 /^{as /a flower of the field ,
so he flourisheth .

as Pro_18_04 /^{as /a flowing brook .

as 2Sa_03_33 /^{as /a fool dieth ?

as 2Co_11_23 /${as /a fool I am more ; in
labours more abundant , in stripes above measure , in prisons
more frequent , in deaths oft .

as 2Co_11_16 /${as /a fool receive me , that
I may boast myself a little .

as Pro_07_22 /^{as /a fool to the
correction of the stocks ;

as Deu_02_05 /^{as /a foot breadth ;
because I have given mount Seir unto Esau for a possession .

as Isa_29_17 /^{as /a forest ?

as Isa_17_09 /^{as /a forsaken bough , and
an uppermost branch , which they left because of the children of
Israel : and there shall be desolation .

As Jer_06_07 /^{As /a fountain casteth out
her waters , so she casteth out her wickedness : violence and
spoil is heard in her; before me continually is grief and wounds

as Psa_128_03 /^{as /a fruitful vine by the
sides of thine house : thy children like olive plants round
about thy table .

as Deu_11_10 /^{as /a garden of herbs :

as Isa_01_30 /^{as /a garden that hath no
water .

as Job_38_14 /^{as /a garment .

as Psa_73_06 /^{as /a garment .

as Isa_50_09 /^{as /a garment ; the moth
shall eat them up .

as Job_13_28 /^{as /a garment that is moth
eaten .

as Nah_03_06 /^{as /a gazingstock .

as Num_18_06 /^{as /a gift for the LORD ,
to do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation .

as Num_08_19 /^{as /a gift to Aaron and to
his sons from among the children of Israel , to do the service
of the children of Israel in the tabernacle of the congregation ,
and to make an atonement for the children of Israel : that
there be no plague among the children of Israel , when the
children of Israel come nigh unto the sanctuary .

as 2Ti_02_03 /${as /a good soldier of Jesus
Christ .

as Zec_09_07 /^{as /a governor in Judah ,
and Ekron as a Jebusite .

as Luk_17_06 /${as /a grain of mustard seed
, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by
the root , and be thou planted in the sea ; and it should obey
you .

as Mat_17_20 /${as /a grain of mustard seed
, ye shall say unto this mountain , Remove hence to yonder place
; and it shall remove ; and nothing shall be impossible unto you

as Jer_06_09 /^{as /a grapegatherer into
the baskets .

as Job_39_20 /^{as /a grasshopper ? the
glory of his nostrils is terrible .

as Num_23_24 /^{as /a great lion , and lift
up himself as a young lion : he shall not lie down until he eat
of the prey , and drink the blood of the slain .

as Num_24_09 /^{as /a great lion : who
shall stir him up ? Blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed
is he that curseth thee.

as Luk_13_34 /${as /a hen doth gather her
brood under her wings , and ye would not !

as Mat_23_37 /${as /a hen gathereth her
chickens under her wings , and ye would not !

as Lev_27_23 /^{as /a holy thing unto the

as Zec_09_07 /^{as /a Jebusite .

as 1Co_09_20 /${as /a Jew , that I might
gain the Jews ; to them that are under the law , as under the
law , that I might gain them that are under the law ;

As Pro_11_22 /^{As /a jewel of gold in a
swine's snout , so is a fair woman which is without discretion .

as 2Sa_24_23 /^{as /a king , give unto the
king . And Araunah said unto the king , The LORD thy God accept

as Job_29_25 /^{as /a king in the army , as
one that comforteth the mourners .

as Job_15_24 /^{as /a king ready to the
battle .

as Hos_04_16 /^{as /a lamb in a large place

as Isa_53_07 /^{as /a lamb to the slaughter
, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb , so he openeth not
his mouth .

as Job_12_05 /^{as /a lamp despised in the
thought of him that is at ease .

as Isa_62_01 /^{as /a lamp that burneth .

as Isa_64_06 /^{as /a leaf ; and our
iniquities , like the wind , have taken us away .

as Hos_13_07 /^{as /a leopard by the way
will I observe them:

as Jer_15_18 /^{as /a liar , and as waters
that fail ?

as Num_24_09 /^{as /a lion , and as a great
lion : who shall stir him up ? Blessed is he that blesseth thee,
and cursed is he that curseth thee.

as Hos_05_14 /^{as /a lion , and as a young
lion to the house of Judah : I, even I, will tear and go away ;
I will take away , and none shall rescue him.

as Gen_49_09 /^{as /a lion , and as an old
lion ; who shall rouse him up ?

as Deu_33_20 /^{as /a lion , and teareth
the arm with the crown of the head .

as Isa_38_13 /^{as /a lion , so will he
break all my bones : from day even to night wilt thou make an
end of me.

as Pro_28_01 /^{as /a lion .

as Hos_13_07 /^{as /a lion : as a leopard
by the way will I observe them:

as Mic_05_08 /^{as /a lion among the beasts
of the forest , as a young lion among the flocks of sheep : who,
if he go through , both treadeth down , and teareth in pieces ,
and none can deliver .

as Psa_10_09 /^{as /a lion in his den : he
lieth in wait to catch the poor : he doth catch the poor , when
he draweth him into his net .

as Lam_03_10 /^{as /a lion in secret places

as Jer_12_08 /^{as /a lion in the forest ;
it crieth out against me: therefore have I hated it.

as Psa_17_12 /^{as /a lion that is greedy
of his prey , and as it were a young lion lurking in secret
places .

as Mar_10_15 /${as /a little child , he
shall not enter therein .

as Luk_18_17 /${as /a little child shall in
no wise enter therein .

as Eze_11_16 /^{as /a little sanctuary in
the countries where they shall come .

as Isa_01_08 /^{as /a lodge in a garden of
cucumbers , as a besieged city .

As Pro_26_18 /^{As /a mad man who casteth
firebrands , arrows , and death ,

as Rom_03_05 /${as /a man

as Dan_07_04 /^{as /a man , and a man's
heart was given to it.

as Rev_04_07 /${as /a man , and the fourth
beast was like a flying eagle .

as Php_02_08 /${as /a man , he humbled
himself , and became obedient unto death , even the death of the
cross .

as Isa_47_03 /^{as /a man .

as 1Co_09_08 /${as /a man ? or saith not
the law the same also ?

as Jer_14_09 /^{as /a man astonied , as a
mighty man that cannot save ? yet thou, O LORD , art in the
midst of us, and we are called by thy name ; leave us not.

as Deu_08_05 /^{as /a man chasteneth his
son , so the LORD thy God chasteneth thee.

as Deu_01_31 /^{as /a man doth bear his son
, in all the way that ye went , until ye came into this place .

as 2Sa_03_34 /^{as /a man falleth before
wicked men , so fellest thou. And all the people wept again over

as Job_16_21 /^{as /a man pleadeth for his
neighbour !

as Mal_03_17 /^{as /a man spareth his own
son that serveth him.

as Exo_33_11 /^{as /a man speaketh unto his
friend . And he turned again into the camp : but his servant
Joshua , the son of Nun , a young man , departed not out of the
tabernacle .

as 1Ki_14_10 /^{as /a man taketh away dung ,
till it be all gone .

as Mar_13_34 /${as /a man taking a far
journey , who left his house , and gave authority to his
servants , and to every man his work , and commanded the porter
to watch .

as Psa_88_04 /^{as /a man that hath no
strength :

as Psa_38_14 /^{as /a man that heareth not,
and in whose mouth are no reproofs .

as Zec_04_01 /^{as /a man that is wakened
out of his sleep ,

as Mat_25_14 /${as /a man travelling into a
far country , who called his own servants , and delivered unto
them his goods .

as 2Ki_21_13 /^{as /a man wipeth a dish ,
wiping it, and turning it upside down .

as Job_07_20 /^{as /a mark against thee, so
that I am a burden to myself?

as Lam_03_12 /^{as /a mark for the arrow .

as 2Co_09_05 /${as /a matter of bounty , and
not as of covetousness .

as Lev_05_13 /^{as /a meat offering .

as Isa_30_22 /^{as /a menstruous cloth ;
thou shalt say unto it, Get thee hence .

as Lam_01_17 /^{as /a menstruous woman
among them.

as Isa_42_13 /^{as /a mighty man , he shall
stir up jealousy like a man of war : he shall cry , yea, roar ;
he shall prevail against his enemies .

as Jer_14_09 /^{as /a mighty man that
cannot save ? yet thou, O LORD , art in the midst of us, and we
are called by thy name ; leave us not.

as Amo_05_24 /^{as /a mighty stream .

as Jer_20_11 /^{as /a mighty terrible one :
therefore my persecutors shall stumble , and they shall not
prevail : they shall be greatly ashamed ; for they shall not
prosper : their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten .

as Job_37_18 /^{as /a molten looking glass ?

as Hos_06_04 /^{as /a morning cloud , and
as the early dew it goeth away .

as Job_27_18 /^{as /a moth , and as a booth
that the keeper maketh .

as Hos_05_12 /^{as /a moth , and to the
house of Judah as rottenness .

as 1Pe_04_15 /${as /a murderer , or as a
thief , or as an evildoer , or as a busybody in other men's
matters .

as Isa_22_23 /^{as /a nail in a sure place ;
and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house .

as Isa_58_02 /^{as /a nation that did
righteousness , and forsook not the ordinance of their God :
they ask of me the ordinances of justice ; they take delight in
approaching to God .

as Isa_10_14 /^{as /a nest the riches of
the people : and as one gathereth eggs that are left , have I
gathered all the earth ; and there was none that moved the wing ,
or opened the mouth , or peeped .

as 1Th_02_07 /${as /a nurse cherisheth her
children :

as Num_11_12 /^{as /a nursing father
beareth the sucking child , unto the land which thou swarest
unto their fathers ?

As Son_06_07 /^{As /a piece of a
pomegranate are thy temples within thy locks .

as Job_41_24 /^{as /a piece of the nether

as Zec_14_10 /^{as /a plain from Geba to
Rimmon south of Jerusalem : and it shall be lifted up , and
inhabited in her place, from Benjamin's gate unto the place of
the first gate , unto the corner gate , and from the tower of
Hananeel unto the king's winepresses .

as Pro_17_08 /^{as /a precious stone in the
eyes of him that hath it: whithersoever it turneth , it
prospereth .

as Psa_124_06 /^{as /a prey to their teeth .

as Gen_32_28 /^{as /a prince hast thou
power with God and with men , and hast prevailed .

as Job_31_37 /^{as /a prince would I go
near unto him.

as Mat_21_26 /${as /a prophet .

as Mat_14_05 /${as /a prophet .

as Eze_12_23 /^{as /a proverb in Israel ;
but say unto them, The days are at hand , and the effect of
every vision .

as Jer_32_31 /^{as /a provocation of mine
anger and of my fury from the day that they built it even unto
this day ; that I should remove it from before my face ,

as Son_05_11 /^{as /a raven .

as Psa_22_13 /^{as /a ravening and a
roaring lion .

as 1Ki_14_15 /^{as /a reed is shaken in the
water , and he shall root up Israel out of this good land ,
which he gave to their fathers , and shall scatter them beyond
the river , because they have made their groves , provoking the
LORD to anger .

as Mal_03_03 /^{as /a refiner and purifier
of silver : and he shall purify the sons of Levi , and purge
them as gold and silver , that they may offer unto the LORD an
offering in righteousness .

as Isa_48_18 /^{as /a river , and thy
righteousness as the waves of the sea :

as Isa_23_10 /^{as /a river , O daughter of
Tarshish : there is no more strength .

As Pro_28_15 /^{As /a roaring lion , and a
ranging bear ; so is a wicked ruler over the poor people .

as 1Pe_05_08 /${as /a roaring lion ,
walketh about , seeking whom he may devour :

as Job_29_14 /^{as /a robe and a diadem .

as Pro_06_05 /^{as /a roe from the hand of
the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler .

as Isa_53_02 /^{as /a root out of a dry
ground : he hath no form nor comeliness ; and when we shall see
him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

as Job_13_28 /^{as /a rotten thing ,
consumeth , as a garment that is moth eaten .

as Isa_34_04 /^{as /a scroll : and all
their host shall fall down , as the leaf falleth off from the
vine , and as a falling fig from the fig tree .

as Rev_06_14 /${as /a scroll when it is
rolled together ; and every mountain and island were moved out
of their places .

as Son_08_06 /^{as /a seal upon thine arm :
for love is strong as death ; jealousy is cruel as the grave :
the coals thereof are coals of fire , which hath a most vehement
flame .

as Son_08_06 /^{as /a seal upon thine heart
, as a seal upon thine arm : for love is strong as death ;
jealousy is cruel as the grave : the coals thereof are coals of
fire , which hath a most vehement flame .

as Phm_01_16 /${as /a servant , but above a
servant , a brother beloved , specially to me , but how much
more unto thee , both in the flesh , and in the Lord ?

as Heb_03_05 /${as /a servant , for a
testimony of those things which were to be spoken after ;

As Job_07_02 /^{As /a servant earnestly
desireth the shadow , and as an hireling looketh for the reward
of his work :

as Num_18_07 /^{as /a service of gift : and
the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death .

as Job_14_02 /^{as /a shadow , and
continueth not.

as 1Ch_29_15 /^{as /a shadow , and there is
none abiding .

as Job_17_07 /^{as /a shadow .

as Ecc_08_13 /^{as /a shadow ; because he
feareth not before God .

as Ecc_06_12 /^{as /a shadow ? for who can
tell a man what shall be after him under the sun ?

as Psa_144_04 /^{as /a shadow that passeth
away .

as Isa_53_07 /^{as /a sheep before her
shearers is dumb , so he openeth not his mouth .

as Isa_13_14 /^{as /a sheep that no man
taketh up : they shall every man turn to his own people , and
flee every one into his own land .

as Act_08_32 /${as /a sheep to the
slaughter ; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer , so opened
he not his mouth :

as Mat_25_32 /${as /a shepherd divideth his
sheep from the goats :

as Jer_31_10 /^{as /a shepherd doth his
flock .

as Jer_43_12 /^{as /a shepherd putteth on
his garment ; and he shall go forth from thence in peace .

As Eze_34_12 /^{As /a shepherd seeketh out
his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are
scattered ; so will I seek out my sheep , and will deliver them
out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy
and dark day .

as Isa_38_12 /^{as /a shepherd's tent : I
have cut off like a weaver my life : he will cut me off with
pining sickness : from day even to night wilt thou make an end
of me.

as Job_05_26 /^{as /a shock of corn cometh
in in his season .

as Hag_02_23 /^{as /a signet : for I have
chosen thee, saith the LORD of hosts .

as Rom_03_07 /${as /a sinner ?

as Psa_90_05 /^{as /a sleep : in the
morning they are like grass which groweth up .

As Psa_58_08 /^{As /a snail which melteth ,
let every one of them pass away : like the untimely birth of a
woman , that they may not see the sun .

as Luk_21_35 /${as /a snare shall it come
on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth .

as Lev_25_40 /^{as /a sojourner , he shall
be with thee, and shall serve thee unto the year of jubile :

as Heb_03_06 /${as /a son over his own
house ; whose house are we , if we hold fast the confidence and
the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end .

as Php_02_22 /${as /a son with the father ,
he hath served with me in the gospel .

as Isa_01_31 /^{as /a spark , and they
shall both burn together , and none shall quench them.

as Psa_102_07 /^{as /a sparrow alone upon
the house top .

as Jer_12_09 /^{as /a speckled bird , the
birds round about are against her; come ye, assemble all the
beasts of the field , come to devour .

as 1Sa_25_37 /^{as /a stone .

as Exo_15_05 /^{as /a stone .

as Exo_15_16 /^{as /a stone ; till thy
people pass over , O LORD , till the people pass over , which
thou hast purchased .

as Job_41_24 /^{as /a stone ; yea, as hard
as a piece of the nether millstone.

as Neh_09_11 /^{as /a stone into the mighty
waters .

as Isa_25_04 /^{as /a storm against the
wall .

as Job_27_21 /^{as /a storm hurleth him out
of his place .

as Hos_08_12 /^{as /a strange thing .

as Jer_14_08 /^{as /a stranger in the land ,
and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night ?

as Psa_19_05 /^{as /a strong man to run a
race .

as Joe_02_05 /^{as /a strong people set in
battle array .

as Job_17_06 /^{as /a tabret .

as Psa_90_09 /^{as /a tale that is told.

as Lev_19_16 /^{as /a talebearer among thy
people : neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy
neighbour : I am the LORD .

as Pro_20_19 /^{as /a talebearer revealeth
secrets : therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his
lips .

as Isa_06_13 /^{as /a teil tree , and as an
oak , whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves:
so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof.

as Isa_28_02 /^{as /a tempest of hail and a
destroying storm , as a flood of mighty waters overflowing ,
shall cast down to the earth with the hand .

as Isa_53_02 /^{as /a tender plant , and as
a root out of a dry ground : he hath no form nor comeliness ;
and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should
desire him.

as Isa_40_22 /^{as /a tent to dwell in :

as Isa_44_22 /^{as /a thick cloud , thy
transgressions , and, as a cloud , thy sins : return unto me;
for I have redeemed thee.

as Rev_03_03 /${as /a thief , and thou
shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee .

as 1Pe_04_15 /${as /a thief , or as an
evildoer , or as a busybody in other men's matters .

as 1Th_05_04 /${as /a thief .

as Job_24_14 /^{as /a thief .

as Rev_16_15 /${as /a thief . Blessed is he
that watcheth , and keepeth his garments , lest he walk naked ,
and they see his shame .

as 1Th_05_02 /${as /a thief in the night .

as 2Pe_03_10 /${as /a thief in the night ;
in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise ,
and the elements shall melt with fervent heat , the earth also
and the works that are therein shall be burned up .

as Isa_41_12 /^{as /a thing of nought .

as 1Co_08_07 /${as /a thing offered unto an
idol ; and their conscience being weak is defiled .

as Psa_143_06 /^{as /a thirsty land . Selah

As Pro_26_09 /^{As /a thorn goeth up into
the hand of a drunkard , so is a parable in the mouth of fools .

as 2Pe_03_08 /${as /a thousand years , and a
thousand years as one day .

as Jud_16_09 /^{as /a thread of tow is
broken when it toucheth the fire . So his strength was not known

as Psa_62_03 /^{as /a tottering fence .

as Son_07_04 /^{as /a tower of ivory ;
thine eyes like the fishpools in Heshbon , by the gate of
Bathrabbim : thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh
toward Damascus .

as Job_24_20 /^{as /a tree .

as Jer_17_08 /^{as /a tree planted by the
waters , and that spreadeth out her roots by the river , and
shall not see when heat cometh , but her leaf shall be green ;
and shall not be careful in the year of drought , neither shall
cease from yielding fruit .

as Pro_25_26 /^{as /a troubled fountain ,
and a corrupt spring .

as Pro_05_04 /^{as /a twoedged sword .

as Isa_40_15 /^{as /a very little thing .

as Eze_33_32 /^{as /a very lovely song of
one that hath a pleasant voice , and can play well on an
instrument : for they hear thy words , but they do them not.

as Hos_08_08 /^{as /a vessel wherein is no
pleasure .

as Psa_102_26 /^{as /a vesture shalt thou
change them, and they shall be changed :

as Heb_01_12 /${as /a vesture shalt thou
fold them up , and they shall be changed : but thou art the same
, and thy years shall not fail .

as Jer_06_09 /^{as /a vine : turn back
thine hand as a grapegatherer into the baskets .

as Job_20_08 /^{as /a vision of the night .

as Isa_16_02 /^{as /a wandering bird cast
out of the nest , so the daughters of Moab shall be at the fords
of Arnon .

as Psa_90_04 /^{as /a watch in the night .

as Jer_31_12 /^{as /a watered garden ; and
they shall not sorrow any more at all.

as Jer_14_08 /^{as /a wayfaring man that
turneth aside to tarry for a night ?

as Psa_131_02 /^{as /a weaned child .

as Eze_32_02 /^{as /a whale in the seas :
and thou camest forth with thy rivers , and troubledst the
waters with thy feet , and fouledst their rivers .

as Jer_04_13 /^{as /a whirlwind : his
horses are swifter than eagles . Woe unto us! for we are spoiled

as Pro_01_27 /^{as /a whirlwind ; when
distress and anguish cometh upon you.

as Hab_03_14 /^{as /a whirlwind to scatter
me: their rejoicing was as to devour the poor secretly .

as Job_30_14 /^{as /a wide breaking in of
waters: in the desolation they rolled themselves upon me.

as Lam_01_01 /^{as /a widow ! she that was
great among the nations , and princess among the provinces , how
is she become tributary !

as Isa_47_08 /^{as /a widow , neither shall
I know the loss of children :

as Eze_16_32 /^{as /a wife that committeth
adultery , which taketh strangers instead of her husband !

as Jer_03_20 /^{as /a wife treacherously
departeth from her husband , so have ye dealt treacherously with
me, O house of Israel , saith the LORD .

as Isa_51_20 /^{as /a wild bull in a net :
they are full of the fury of the LORD , the rebuke of thy God .

as 2Sa_02_18 /^{as /a wild roe .

as Isa_14_17 /^{as /a wilderness , and
destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his
prisoners ?

as Hos_02_03 /^{as /a wilderness , and set
her like a dry land , and slay her with thirst .

as Eze_17_05 /^{as /a willow tree .

as 1Co_03_10 /${as /a wise masterbuilder ,
I have laid the foundation , and another buildeth thereon. But
let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

as Deu_31_21 /^{as /a witness ; for it
shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed : for I
know their imagination which they go about , even now , before I
have brought them into the land which I sware .

as Gen_49_27 /^{as /a wolf : in the morning
he shall devour the prey , and at night he shall divide the
spoil .

as Isa_54_06 /^{as /a woman forsaken and
grieved in spirit , and a wife of youth , when thou wast refused
, saith thy God .

as Jer_30_06 /^{as /a woman in travail ,
and all faces are turned into paleness ?

as Jer_49_24 /^{as /a woman in travail .

as Mic_04_09 /^{as /a woman in travail .

as Jer_13_21 /^{as /a woman in travail ?

as 2Sa_14_02 /^{as /a woman that had a long
time mourned for the dead :

as Isa_13_08 /^{as /a woman that travaileth
: they shall be amazed one at another ; their faces shall be as
flames .

as Isa_26_17 /^{as /a woman with child ,
that draweth near the time of her delivery , is in pain , and
crieth out in her pangs ; so have we been in thy sight , O LORD .

as Psa_71_07 /^{as /a wonder unto many ;
but thou art my strong refuge .

as Lev_25_53 /^{as /a yearly hired servant
shall he be with him: and the other shall not rule with rigour
over him in thy sight .

as Num_23_24 /^{as /a young lion : he shall
not lie down until he eat of the prey , and drink the blood of
the slain .

as Mic_05_08 /^{as /a young lion among the
flocks of sheep : who, if he go through , both treadeth down ,
and teareth in pieces , and none can deliver .

as Hos_05_14 /^{as /a young lion to the
house of Judah : I, even I, will tear and go away ; I will take
away , and none shall rescue him.

as Isa_62_05 /^{as /a young man marrieth a
virgin , so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom
rejoiceth over the bride , so shall thy God rejoice over thee.

as Exo_16_10 /^{as /Aaron spake unto the
whole congregation of the children of Israel , that they looked
toward the wilderness , and, behold, the glory of the LORD
appeared in the cloud .

as Deu_32_50 /^{as /Aaron thy brother died
in mount Hor , and was gathered unto his people :

as Num_27_13 /^{as /Aaron thy brother was
gathered .

as Mar_02_02 /${as /about the door : and he
preached the word unto them .

as Gal_03_06 /${as /Abraham believed God ,
and it was accounted to him for righteousness .

as 2Sa_14_25 /^{as /Absalom for his beauty :
from the sole of his foot even to the crown of his head there
was no blemish in him.

as 2Sa_13_29 /^{as /Absalom had commanded .
Then all the king's sons arose , and every man gat him up upon
his mule , and fled .

as 1Co_05_03 /${as /absent in body , but
present in spirit , have judged already , as though I were
present , concerning him that hath so done this deed ,

as Job_31_33 /^{as /Adam , by hiding mine
iniquity in my bosom :

as Hos_11_08 /^{as /Admah ? how shall I set
thee as Zeboim ? mine heart is turned within me, my repentings
are kindled together .

as Jer_30_20 /^{as /aforetime , and their
congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish
all that oppress them.

as Job_30_05 /^{as /after a thief ;

as Luk_22_52 /${as /against a thief , with
swords and staves ?

as Mar_14_48 /${as /against a thief , with
swords and with staves to take me ?

as Mat_26_55 /${as /against a thief with
swords and staves for to take me ? I sat daily with you teaching
in the temple , and ye laid no hold on me .

as 2Ch_32_19 /^{as /against the gods of the
people of the earth , which were the work of the hands of man .

as Jos_23_15 /^{as /all good things are
come upon you, which the LORD your God promised you; so shall
the LORD bring upon you all evil things , until he have
destroyed you from off this good land which the LORD your God
hath given you.

as Deu_18_07 /^{as /all his brethren the
Levites do, which stand there before the LORD .

as Psa_39_12 /^{as /all my fathers were.

as Job_24_24 /^{as /all other, and cut off
as the tops of the ears of corn .

as 2Ki_07_13 /^{as /all the multitude of the
Israelites that are consumed : and let us send and see .

as Deu_17_14 /^{as /all the nations that
are about me;

as Dan_04_18 /^{as /all the wise men of my
kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation :
but thou art able ; for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.

as Deu_04_08 /^{as /all this law , which I
set before you this day ?

as 1Co_13_12 /${as /also I am known .

As 2Pe_03_16 /${As /also in all his epistles
, speaking in them of these things ; in which are some things
hard to be understood , which they that are unlearned and
unstable wrest , as they do also the other scriptures , unto
their own destruction .

as Heb_03_02 /${as /also Moses was faithful
in all his house .

as 1Co_14_34 /${as /also saith the law .

As Act_22_05 /${As /also the high priest
doth bear me witness , and all the estate of the elders : from
whom also I received letters unto the brethren , and went to
Damascus , to bring them which were there bound unto Jerusalem ,
for to be punished .

as Neh_02_18 /^{as /also the king's words
that he had spoken unto me. And they said , Let us rise up and
build . So they strengthened their hands for this good work.

as Neh_13_15 /^{as /also wine , grapes ,
and figs , and all manner of burdens , which they brought into
Jerusalem on the sabbath day : and I testified against them in
the day wherein they sold victuals .

as 1Th_05_11 /${as /also ye do .

As 2Co_01_14 /${As /also ye have
acknowledged us in part , that we are your rejoicing , even as
ye also are ours in the day of the Lord Jesus .

as Php_01_20 /${as /always , so now also
Christ shall be magnified in my body , whether it be by life ,
or by death .

as Jer_10_07 /^{as /among all the wise men
of the nations , and in all their kingdoms , there is none like
unto thee.

as Rom_01_13 /${as /among other Gentiles .

as Isa_44_04 /^{as /among the grass , as
willows by the water courses .

As Eze_03_09 /^{As /an adamant harder than
flint have I made thy forehead : fear them not, neither be
dismayed at their looks , though they be a rebellious house .

as Zec_07_12 /^{as /an adamant stone , lest
they should hear the law , and the words which the LORD of hosts
hath sent in his spirit by the former prophets : therefore came
a great wrath from the LORD of hosts .

as Lam_02_04 /^{as /an adversary , and slew
all that were pleasant to the eye in the tabernacle of the
daughter of Zion : he poured out his fury like fire .

as Heb_06_19 /${as /an anchor of the soul ,
both sure and stedfast , and which entereth into that within the
veil ;

as Gal_04_14 /${as /an angel of God , even
as Christ Jesus .

as 2Sa_14_17 /^{as /an angel of God , so is
my lord the king to discern good and bad : therefore the LORD
thy God will be with thee.

as 2Sa_19_27 /^{as /an angel of God : do
therefore what is good in thine eyes .

as 1Sa_29_09 /^{as /an angel of God :
notwithstanding the princes of the Philistines have said , He
shall not go up with us to the battle .

as Pro_24_34 /^{as /an armed man .

as Pro_06_11 /^{as /an armed man .

as Son_06_04 /^{as /an army with banners .

as Son_06_10 /^{as /an army with banners ?

as Jer_09_08 /^{as /an arrow shot out ; it
speaketh deceit : one speaketh peaceably to his neighbour with
his mouth , but in heart he layeth his wait .

as Jer_48_40 /^{as /an eagle , and shall
spread his wings over Moab .

as Hos_08_01 /^{as /an eagle against the
house of the LORD , because they have transgressed my covenant ,
and trespassed against my law .

As Deu_32_11 /^{As /an eagle stirreth up
her nest , fluttereth over her young , spreadeth abroad her
wings , taketh them, beareth them on her wings :

as Pro_23_05 /^{as /an eagle toward heaven .

As Pro_25_12 /^{As /an earring of gold ,
and an ornament of fine gold , so is a wise reprover upon an
obedient ear .

as 2Th_03_15 /${as /an enemy , but admonish
him as a brother .

as Lam_02_05 /^{as /an enemy : he hath
swallowed up Israel , he hath swallowed up all her palaces : he
hath destroyed his strong holds , and hath increased in the
daughter of Judah mourning and lamentation .

as Mic_02_08 /^{as /an enemy : ye pull off
the robe with the garment from them that pass by securely as men
averse from war .

as Isa_30_17 /^{as /an ensign on an hill .

as Zec_09_16 /^{as /an ensign upon his land

as Ecc_10_05 /^{as /an error which
proceedeth from the ruler :

as 2Ti_02_09 /${as /an evil doer , even unto
bonds ; but the word of God is not bound .

as 1Pe_04_15 /${as /an evildoer , or as a
busybody in other men's matters .

as Dan_05_12 /^{as /an excellent spirit ,
and knowledge , and understanding , interpreting of dreams , and
shewing of hard sentences , and dissolving of doubts , were
found in the same Daniel , whom the king named Belteshazzar :
now let Daniel be called , and he will shew the interpretation .

as Psa_39_05 /^{as /an handbreadth ; and
mine age is as nothing before thee: verily every man at his best
state is altogether vanity . Selah .

as Eze_16_31 /^{as /an harlot , in that
thou scornest hire ;

as Isa_23_15 /^{as /an harlot .

as Isa_35_06 /^{as /an hart , and the
tongue of the dumb sing : for in the wilderness shall waters
break out , and streams in the desert .

as Exo_15_08 /^{as /an heap , and the
depths were congealed in the heart of the sea .

as Psa_78_13 /^{as /an heap .

as Psa_33_07 /^{as /an heap : he layeth up
the depth in storehouses .

as Mic_01_06 /^{as /an heap of the field ,
and as plantings of a vineyard : and I will pour down the stones
thereof into the valley , and I will discover the foundations

as Psa_102_03 /^{as /an hearth .

as Mat_18_17 /${as /an heathen man and a
publican .

as Num_18_24 /^{as /an heave offering unto
the LORD , I have given to the Levites to inherit : therefore I
have said unto them, Among the children of Israel they shall
have no inheritance .

as Psa_38_04 /^{as /an heavy burden they
are too heavy for me.

as Pro_15_19 /^{as /an hedge of thorns :
but the way of the righteous is made plain .

as Jer_48_34 /^{as /an heifer of three
years old : for the waters also of Nimrim shall be desolate .

as Hos_10_11 /^{as /an heifer that is
taught , and loveth to tread out the corn; but I passed over
upon her fair neck : I will make Ephraim to ride ; Judah shall
plow , and Jacob shall break his clods .

as Psa_119_011 /^{as /an heritage for ever :
for they are the rejoicing of my heart .

as Job_03_16 /^{as /an hidden untimely
birth I had not been; as infants which never saw light .

as Isa_32_02 /^{as /an hiding place from
the wind , and a covert from the tempest ; as rivers of water in
a dry place , as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land .

as Pro_18_11 /^{as /an high wall in his own
conceit .

as Lev_25_40 /^{as /an hired servant , and
as a sojourner , he shall be with thee, and shall serve thee
unto the year of jubile :

as Job_14_06 /^{as /an hireling , his day .

as Job_07_02 /^{as /an hireling looketh for
the reward of his work :

as Pro_05_03 /^{as /an honeycomb , and her
mouth is smoother than oil :

as Pro_16_24 /^{as /an honeycomb , sweet to
the soul , and health to the bones .

as Isa_63_13 /^{as /an horse in the
wilderness , that they should not stumble ?

as Lev_25_46 /^{as /an inheritance for your
children after you, to inherit them for a possession ; they
shall be your bondmen for ever : but over your brethren the
children of Israel , ye shall not rule one over another with
rigour .

as Isa_06_13 /^{as /an oak , whose
substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy
seed shall be the substance thereof.

as Isa_01_30 /^{as /an oak whose leaf
fadeth , and as a garden that hath no water .

as Num_08_21 /^{as /an offering before the
LORD ; and Aaron made an atonement for them to cleanse them.

as Gen_49_09 /^{as /an old lion ; who shall
rouse him up ?

as Jer_05_16 /^{as /an open sepulchre ,
they are all mighty men .

as Hos_07_07 /^{as /an oven , and have
devoured their judges ; all their kings are fallen : there is
none among them that calleth unto me.

as Mal_04_01 /^{as /an oven ; and all the
proud , yea, and all that do wickedly , shall be stubble : and
the day that cometh shall burn them up , saith the LORD of hosts
, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch .

as Hos_07_04 /^{as /an oven heated by the
baker , who ceaseth from raising after he hath kneaded the dough
, until it be leavened .

as Isa_30_28 /^{as /an overflowing stream ,
shall reach to the midst of the neck , to sift the nations with
the sieve of vanity : and there shall be a bridle in the jaws of
the people , causing them to err .

as Job_40_15 /^{as /an ox .

as Pro_07_22 /^{as /an ox goeth to the
slaughter , or as a fool to the correction of the stocks ;

as Isa_64_06 /^{as /an unclean thing, and
all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags ; and we all do fade
as a leaf ; and our iniquities , like the wind , have taken us
away .

as Exo_22_25 /^{as /an usurer , neither
shalt thou lay upon him usury .

as Lev_07_10 /^{as /another .

as Eze_47_14 /^{as /another : concerning
the which I lifted up mine hand to give it unto your fathers :
and this land shall fall unto you for inheritance .

as 2Sa_11_25 /^{as /another : make thy
battle more strong against the city , and overthrow it: and
encourage thou him.

as Jud_16_11 /^{as /another man .

as Jud_16_07 /^{as /another man .

as Act_11_22 /${as /Antioch .

as Gen_43_34 /^{as /any of theirs. And they
drank , and were merry with him.

as Deu_02_30 /^{as /appeareth this day .

as Act_28_15 /${as /Appii forum , and The
three taverns : whom when Paul saw , he thanked God , and took
courage .

as 1Sa_19_20 /^{as /appointed over them,
the Spirit of God was upon the messengers of Saul , and they
also prophesied .

as Pro_31_08 /^{as /are appointed to
destruction .

as Ezr_10_03 /^{as /are born of them,
according to the counsel of my lord , and of those that tremble
at the commandment of our God ; and let it be done according to
the law .

as Zep_01_08 /^{as /are clothed with
strange apparel .

as Isa_10_20 /^{as /are escaped of the
house of Jacob , shall no more again stay upon him that smote
them; but shall stay upon the LORD , the Holy One of Israel , in
truth .

as Jer_43_11 /^{as /are for captivity to
captivity ; and such as are for the sword to the sword .

as Jer_15_02 /^{as /are for death , to
death ; and such as are for the sword , to the sword ; and such
as are for the famine , to the famine ; and such as are for the
captivity , to the captivity .

as Jer_43_11 /^{as /are for death to death ;
and such as are for captivity to captivity ; and such as are
for the sword to the sword .

as Jer_15_02 /^{as /are for the captivity ,
to the captivity .

as Jer_15_02 /^{as /are for the famine , to
the famine ; and such as are for the captivity , to the
captivity .

as Jer_15_02 /^{as /are for the sword , to
the sword ; and such as are for the famine , to the famine ; and
such as are for the captivity , to the captivity .

as Jer_43_11 /^{as /are for the sword to
the sword .

as Rev_05_13 /${as /are in the sea , and
all that are in them , heard I saying , Blessing , and honour ,
and glory , and power , be unto him that sitteth upon the throne
, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever .

as Rom_08_14 /${as /are led by the Spirit
of God , they are the sons of God .

as Jer_21_07 /^{as /are left in this city
from the pestilence , from the sword , and from the famine ,
into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon , and into the
hand of their enemies , and into the hand of those that seek
their life : and he shall smite them with the edge of the sword ;
he shall not spare them, neither have pity , nor have mercy .

as Psa_73_01 /^{as /are of a clean heart .

as Gal_03_10 /${as /are of the works of the
law are under the curse : for it is written , Cursed is every
one that continueth not in all things which are written in the
book of the law to do them .

as Luk_10_08 /${as /are set before you :

as Amo_05_16 /^{as /are skilful of
lamentation to wailing .

as 1Ti_06_01 /${as /are under the yoke
count their own masters worthy of all honour , that the name of
God and his doctrine be not blasphemed .

as Pro_11_20 /^{as /are upright in their
way are his delight .

as Isa_29_02 /^{as /Ariel .

as Isa_10_09 /^{as /Arpad ? is not Samaria
as Damascus ?

As Psa_127_04 /^{As /arrows are in the hand
of a mighty man ; so are children of the youth .

as 1Sa_20_25 /^{as /at other times , even
upon a seat by the wall : and Jonathan arose , and Abner sat by
Saul's side , and David's place was empty .

as Jud_20_31 /^{as /at other times , in the
highways , of which one goeth up to the house of God , and the
other to Gibeah in the field , about thirty men of Israel .

as 1Sa_03_10 /^{as /at other times , Samuel
, Samuel . Then Samuel answered , Speak ; for thy servant
heareth .

as Num_24_01 /^{as /at other times , to
seek for enchantments , but he set his face toward the
wilderness .

as Jud_20_30 /^{as /at other times .

as 1Sa_18_10 /^{as /at other times : and
there was a javelin in Saul's hand .

as Jud_16_20 /^{as /at other times before ,
and shake myself. And he wist not that the LORD was departed
from him.

as 1Ch_17_09 /^{as /at the beginning ,

as Gen_41_21 /^{as /at the beginning . So I
awoke .

as Isa_01_26 /^{as /at the beginning :
afterward thou shalt be called , The city of righteousness , the
faithful city .

as Isa_01_26 /^{as /at the first , and thy
counsellors as at the beginning : afterward thou shalt be called
, The city of righteousness , the faithful city .

as Deu_09_18 /^{as /at the first , forty
days and forty nights : I did neither eat bread , nor drink
water , because of all your sins which ye sinned , in doing
wickedly in the sight of the LORD , to provoke him to anger .

as Jer_33_11 /^{as /at the first , saith
the LORD .

as Jos_08_05 /^{as /at the first , that we
will flee before them,

as Jer_33_07 /^{as /at the first .

as Jud_20_32 /^{as /at the first . But the
children of Israel said , Let us flee , and draw them from the
city unto the highways .

as Jos_08_06 /^{as /at the first :
therefore we will flee before them.

As Isa_23_05 /^{As /at the report
concerning Egypt , so shall they be sorely pained at the report
of Tyre .

as Eze_16_57 /^{as /at the time of thy
reproach of the daughters of Syria , and all that are round
about her, the daughters of the Philistines , which despise thee
round about .

as Jer_44_22 /^{as /at this day .

as Jer_44_06 /^{as /at this day .

as 1Ki_08_61 /^{as /at this day .

as 1Ch_28_07 /^{as /at this day .

as Jer_44_23 /^{as /at this day .

as Jer_32_20 /^{as /at this day ;

as Dan_09_07 /^{as /at this day ; to the
men of Judah , and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem , and unto
all Israel , that are near , and that are far off , through all
the countries whither thou hast driven them, because of their
trespass that they have trespassed against thee.

as Dan_09_15 /^{as /at this day ; we have
sinned , we have done wickedly .

as 1Sa_22_08 /^{as /at this day ?

as 1Sa_22_13 /^{as /at this day ?

as Jud_13_23 /^{as /at this time have told
us such things as these .

As Jer_51_49 /^{As /Babylon hath caused the
slain of Israel to fall , so at Babylon shall fall the slain of
all the earth .

as Num_23_30 /^{as /Balaam had said , and
offered a bullock and a ram on every altar .

as Num_23_02 /^{as /Balaam had spoken ; and
Balak and Balaam offered on every altar a bullock and a ram .

as Ecc_07_26 /^{as /bands : whoso pleaseth
God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.

as Jud_04_22 /^{as /Barak pursued Sisera ,
Jael came out to meet him, and said unto him, Come , and I will
shew thee the man whom thou seekest . And when he came into her
tent, behold, Sisera lay dead , and the nail was in his temples .

as Eze_04_12 /^{as /barley cakes , and thou
shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man , in their sight .

as Act_13_01 /${as /Barnabas , and Simeon
that was called Niger , and Lucius of Cyrene , and Manaen ,
which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch , and Saul .

as Psa_55_20 /^{as /be at peace with him:
he hath broken his covenant .

as Psa_37_22 /^{as /be blessed of him shall
inherit the earth ; and they that be cursed of him shall be cut
off .

as 2Sa_16_02 /^{as /be faint in the
wilderness may drink .

as Psa_34_18 /^{as /be of a contrite spirit

as Psa_37_14 /^{as /be of upright
conversation .

as Php_03_15 /${as /be perfect , be thus
minded : and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded , God shall
reveal even this unto you .

as Job_18_03 /^{as /beasts , and reputed
vile in your sight ?

as Tit_02_03 /${as /becometh holiness , not
false accusers , not given to much wine , teachers of good
things ;

as Rom_16_02 /${as /becometh saints , and
that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you :
for she hath been a succourer of many , and of myself also .

as Eph_05_03 /${as /becometh saints ;

as Deu_01_44 /^{as /bees do , and destroyed
you in Seir , even unto Hormah .

as Gen_31_02 /^{as /before .

as Gen_31_05 /^{as /before ; but the God of
my father hath been with me.

as Dan_06_22 /^{as /before him innocency
was found in me; and also before thee, O king , have I done no
hurt .

as Jud_03_02 /^{as /before knew nothing

as 2Sa_07_10 /^{as /beforetime ,

as 2Ki_13_05 /^{as /beforetime .

as 1Pe_03_07 /${as /being heirs together of
the grace of life ; that your prayers be not hindered .

as 1Pe_05_03 /${as /being lords over God's
heritage , but being ensamples to the flock .

as Heb_13_03 /${as /being yourselves also
in the body .

as Est_02_09 /^{as /belonged to her, and
seven maidens , which were meet to be given her, out of the
king's house : and he preferred her and her maids unto the best
place of the house of the women .

As Isa_31_05 /^{As /birds flying , so will
the LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem ; defending also he will
deliver it; and passing over he will preserve it.

as Lam_04_14 /^{as /blind men in the
streets , they have polluted themselves with blood , so that men
could not touch their garments .

as 2Ki_03_22 /^{as /blood :

as Rev_06_12 /${as /blood ;

as Lev_25_42 /^{as /bondmen .

as Eze_47_22 /^{as /born in the country
among the children of Israel ; they shall have inheritance with
you among the tribes of Israel .

as Php_01_07 /${as /both in my bonds , and
in the defence and confirmation of the gospel , ye all are
partakers of my grace .

as Heb_13_03 /${as /bound with them ; and
them which suffer adversity , as being yourselves also in the
body .

as Lev_26_19 /^{as /brass :

as Psa_27_12 /^{as /breathe out cruelty .

as 1Pe_03_08 /${as /brethren , be pitiful ,
be courteous :

as 1Ti_05_01 /${as /brethren ;

as Son_05_14 /^{as /bright ivory overlaid
with sapphires .

as Isa_62_01 /^{as /brightness , and the
salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth .

as Pro_19_24 /^{as /bring it to his mouth
again .

as Eze_42_11 /^{as /broad as they: and all
their goings out were both according to their fashions , and
according to their doors .

as 001 010 Jud /${as /brute beasts , in
those things they corrupt themselves .

as Jer_50_11 /^{as /bulls ;

as Dan_07_09 /^{as /burning fire .

as Heb_11_29 /${as /by dry land: which the
Egyptians assaying to do were drowned .

as 1Co_03_15 /${as /by fire .

as Rom_05_12 /${as /by one man sin entered
into the world , and death by sin ; and so death passed upon all
men , for that all have sinned :

as Rom_05_19 /${as /by one man's
disobedience many were made sinners , so by the obedience of one
shall many be made righteous .

as Amo_08_08 /^{as /by the flood of Egypt .

as Amo_09_05 /^{as /by the flood of Egypt .

as Rom_05_18 /${as /by the offence of one
judgment came upon all men to condemnation ; even so by the
righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto
justification of life .

as 2Co_03_18 /${as /by the Spirit of the
Lord .

as 1Jo_03_12 /${as /Cain , who was of that
wicked one , and slew his brother . And wherefore slew he him ?
Because his own works were evil , and his brother's righteous .

as Mal_04_02 /^{as /calves of the stall .

as 2Sa_02_23 /^{as /came to the place where
Asahel fell down and died stood still .

as Act_10_45 /${as /came with Peter ,
because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the
Holy Ghost .

as Jos_05_14 /^{as /captain of the host of
the LORD am I now come . And Joshua fell on his face to the
earth , and did worship , and said unto him, What saith my lord
unto his servant ?

as Gen_31_26 /^{as /captives taken with the
sword ?

as Isa_10_09 /^{as /Carchemish ? is not
Hamath as Arpad ? is not Samaria as Damascus ?

as Jer_46_18 /^{as /Carmel by the sea , so
shall he come .

as Num_24_06 /^{as /cedar trees beside the
waters .

as Act_17_28 /${as /certain also of your
own poets have said , For we are also his offspring .

as Isa_41_15 /^{as /chaff .

as Psa_35_05 /^{as /chaff before the wind :
and let the angel of the LORD chase them.

as Isa_29_05 /^{as /chaff that passeth away
: yea, it shall be at an instant suddenly .

as Job_21_18 /^{as /chaff that the storm
carrieth away .

as Isa_27_09 /^{as /chalkstones that are
beaten in sunder , the groves and images shall not stand up .

as 2Co_06_09 /${as /chastened , and not
killed ;

as Jer_13_21 /^{as /chief over thee: shall
not sorrows take thee, as a woman in travail ?

as Eph_05_08 /${as /children of light :

as Amo_09_07 /^{as /children of the
Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel ? saith the LORD . Have
not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt ? and the
Philistines from Caphtor , and the Syrians from Kir ?

as Pro_10_20 /^{as /choice silver : the
heart of the wicked is little worth .

as Eph_05_02 /${as /Christ also hath loved
us , and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice
to God for a sweetsmelling savour .

as Eph_05_25 /${as /Christ also loved the
church , and gave himself for it ;

as Rom_15_07 /${as /Christ also received us
to the glory of God .

as Col_03_13 /${as /Christ forgave you , so
also do ye .

as 1Pe_04_01 /${as /Christ hath suffered
for us in the flesh , arm yourselves likewise with the same mind
: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin ;

as Eph_05_23 /${as /Christ is the head of
the church : and he is the saviour of the body .

as Gal_04_14 /${as /Christ Jesus .

as Rom_06_04 /${as /Christ was raised up
from the dead by the glory of the Father , even so we also
should walk in newness of life .

as Job_38_14 /^{as /clay to the seal ; and
they stand as a garment .

as Jer_04_13 /^{as /clouds , and his
chariots shall be as a whirlwind : his horses are swifter than
eagles . Woe unto us! for we are spoiled .

as Son_07_08 /^{as /clusters of the vine ,
and the smell of thy nose like apples ;

As Pro_26_21 /^{As /coals are to burning
coals , and wood to fire ; so is a contentious man to kindle
strife .

As Pro_25_25 /^{As /cold waters to a
thirsty soul , so is good news from a far country .

as Jer_31_05 /^{as /common things .

as Php_04_15 /${as /concerning giving and
receiving , but ye only .

as Lev_04_26 /^{as /concerning his sin ,
and it shall be forgiven him.

as 2Co_11_21 /${as /concerning reproach , as
though we had been weak . Howbeit whereinsoever any is bold ,
foolishly , I am bold also .

as Act_13_34 /${as /concerning that he
raised him up from the dead , now no more to return to
corruption , he said on this wise , I will give you the sure
mercies of David .

as Rom_09_05 /${as /concerning the flesh
Christ came, who is over all , God blessed for ever . Amen .

As Rom_11_28 /${As /concerning the gospel ,
they are enemies for your sakes : but as touching the election ,
they are beloved for the fathers sakes .

As Dan_07_12 /^{As /concerning the rest of
the beasts , they had their dominion taken away : yet their
lives were prolonged for a season and time .

As 1Ch_26_21 /^{As /concerning the sons of
Laadan ; the sons of the Gershonite Laadan , chief fathers ,
even of Laadan the Gershonite , were Jehieli .

As 1Co_08_04 /${As /concerning therefore
the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto
idols , we know that an idol is nothing in the world , and that
there is none other God but one .

as Act_28_22 /${as /concerning this sect ,
we know that every where it is spoken against .

as Num_11_07 /^{as /coriander seed , and
the colour thereof as the colour of bdellium .

as Isa_37_27 /^{as /corn blasted before it
be grown up .

as 2Ki_19_26 /^{as /corn blasted before it
be grown up .

as Amo_09_09 /^{as /corn is sifted in a
sieve , yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth .

as Psa_144_12 /^{as /corner stones ,
polished after the similitude of a palace :

as Rev_22_01 /${as /crystal , proceeding
out of the throne of God and of the Lamb .

as Rev_21_11 /${as /crystal ;

as Psa_58_07 /^{as /cut in pieces .

as Isa_10_09 /^{as /Damascus ?

as Job_10_22 /^{as /darkness .

as Pro_04_19 /^{as /darkness : they know
not at what they stumble .

as Job_10_22 /^{as /darkness itself; and of
the shadow of death , without any order , and where the light is
as darkness .

as 1Sa_22_14 /^{as /David , which is the
king's son in law , and goeth at thy bidding , and is honourable
in thine house ?

as Zec_12_08 /^{as /David ; and the house
of David shall be as God , as the angel of the LORD before them.

as Rom_04_06 /${as /David also describeth
the blessedness of the man , unto whom God imputeth
righteousness without works ,

as 2Sa_16_13 /^{as /David and his men went
by the way , Shimei went along on the hill's side over against
him, and cursed as he went , and threw stones at him, and cast
dust .

as 1Ch_21_21 /^{as /David came to Ornan ,
Ornan looked and saw David , and went out of the threshingfloor ,
and bowed himself to David with his face to the ground .

as 2Sa_06_18 /^{as /David had made an end of
offering burnt offerings and peace offerings , he blessed the
people in the name of the LORD of hosts .

as 1Ki_11_38 /^{as /David my servant did ;
that I will be with thee, and build thee a sure house , as I
built for David , and will give Israel unto thee.

as 1Sa_17_57 /^{as /David returned from the
slaughter of the Philistine , Abner took him, and brought him
before Saul with the head of the Philistine in his hand .

as 1Ch_17_01 /^{as /David sat in his house ,
that David said to Nathan the prophet , Lo, I dwell in an house
of cedars , but the ark of the covenant of the LORD remaineth
under curtains .

as 2Ch_07_17 /^{as /David thy father walked ,
and do according to all that I have commanded thee, and shalt
observe my statutes and my judgments ;

as 1Ki_09_04 /^{as /David thy father walked
, in integrity of heart , and in uprightness , to do according
to all that I have commanded thee, and wilt keep my statutes and
my judgments :

as Heb_11_12 /${as /dead , so many as the
stars of the sky in multitude , and as the sand which is by the
sea shore innumerable .

as Rev_01_17 /${as /dead . And he laid his
right hand upon me , saying unto me , Fear not ; I am the first
and the last :

as Isa_59_10 /^{as /dead men.

as Mat_28_04 /${as /dead men.

as Eph_05_01 /${as /dear children ;

as Hab_02_05 /^{as /death , and cannot be
satisfied , but gathereth unto him all nations , and heapeth
unto him all people :

as Lam_01_20 /^{as /death .

as Son_08_06 /^{as /death ; jealousy is
cruel as the grave : the coals thereof are coals of fire , which
hath a most vehement flame .

as 2Co_06_08 /${as /deceivers , and yet true

as Pro_18_04 /^{as /deep waters , and the
wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook .

as Gal_06_12 /${as /desire to make a fair
shew in the flesh , they constrain you to be circumcised ; only
lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ .

as Pro_01_27 /^{as /desolation , and your
destruction cometh as a whirlwind ; when distress and anguish
cometh upon you.

as Pro_19_12 /^{as /dew upon the grass .

as 2Ki_21_03 /^{as /did Ahab king of Israel ;
and worshipped all the host of heaven , and served them.

as Act_03_17 /${as /did also your rulers .

as 1Ki_11_06 /^{as /did David his father .

as 1Ki_15_11 /^{as /did David his father .

as 1Ki_11_33 /^{as /did David his father .

as 2Ch_33_22 /^{as /did Manasseh his father :
for Amon sacrificed unto all the carved images which Manasseh
his father had made , and served them;

as 1Ki_21_26 /^{as /did the Amorites , whom
the LORD cast out before the children of Israel .

as 2Ki_17_11 /^{as /did the heathen whom the
LORD carried away before them; and wrought wicked things to
provoke the LORD to anger :

as 2Ch_21_06 /^{as /did the house of Ahab :
for he had the daughter of Ahab to wife : and he wrought that
which was evil in the eyes of the LORD .

as 2Ki_08_27 /^{as /did the house of Ahab :
for he was the son in law of the house of Ahab .

as 2Ki_08_18 /^{as /did the house of Ahab :
for the daughter of Ahab was his wife : and he did evil in the
sight of the LORD .

as 2Ch_24_12 /^{as /did the work of the
service of the house of the LORD , and hired masons and
carpenters to repair the house of the LORD , and also such as
wrought iron and brass to mend the house of the LORD .

as 2Ki_17_41 /^{as /did their fathers , so
do they unto this day .

as 1Th_05_06 /${as /do others ; but let us
watch and be sober .

as Gal_02_14 /${as /do the Jews , why
compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews ?

as Gal_02_14 /${as /do the Jews ?

as 1Ki_08_43 /^{as /do thy people Israel ;
and that they may know that this house , which I have builded ,
is called by thy name .

as Dan_11_32 /^{as /do wickedly against the
covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries : but the people that do
know their God shall be strong , and do exploits.

as 2Ti_02_17 /${as /doth a canker : of whom
is Hymenaeus and Philetus ;

as Heb_01_11 /${as /doth a garment ;

as 2Ch_06_33 /^{as /doth thy people Israel ,
and may know that this house which I have built is called by thy
name .

as Mat_10_16 /${as /doves .

as Isa_41_02 /^{as /driven stubble to his
bow .

as Nah_01_10 /^{as /drunkards , they shall
be devoured as stubble fully dry .

as Psa_83_10 /^{as /dung for the earth .

as Jer_16_04 /^{as /dung upon the face of
the earth : and they shall be consumed by the sword , and by
famine ; and their carcases shall be meat for the fowls of
heaven , and for the beasts of the earth .

as 2Ki_09_37 /^{as /dung upon the face of
the field in the portion of Jezreel ; so that they shall not say
, This is Jezebel .

as Jer_09_22 /^{as /dung upon the open
field , and as the handful after the harvestman , and none shall
gather them.

as Psa_78_27 /^{as /dust , and feathered
fowls like as the sand of the sea :

as Job_22_24 /^{as /dust , and the gold of
Ophir as the stones of the brooks .

as Zep_01_17 /^{as /dust , and their flesh
as the dung .

as Deu_09_21 /^{as /dust : and I cast the
dust thereof into the brook that descended out of the mount .

as Isa_05_24 /^{as /dust : because they
have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts , and despised the
word of the Holy One of Israel .

as Gen_04_20 /^{as /dwell in tents , and of
such as have cattle .

as 2Co_06_09 /${as /dying , and , behold ,
we live ; as chastened , and not killed ;

as Isa_40_31 /^{as /eagles ; they shall run
, and not be weary ; and they shall walk , and not faint .

as Lam_04_02 /^{as /earthen pitchers , the
work of the hands of the potter !

as Mar_03_20 /${as /eat bread .

as Luk_09_54 /${as /Elias did ?

as Gen_48_20 /^{as /Ephraim and as Manasseh
: and he set Ephraim before Manasseh .

as Rom_09_29 /${as /Esaias said before ,
Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed , we had been as
Sodoma , and been made like unto Gomorrha .

as Heb_12_16 /${as /Esau , who for one
morsel of meat sold his birthright .

as Est_05_05 /^{as /Esther hath said . So
the king and Haman came to the banquet that Esther had prepared .

as 1Ch_16_37 /^{as /every day's work
required :

as Act_02_45 /${as /every man had need .

As 1Pe_04_10 /${As /every man hath received
the gift , even so minister the same one to another , as good
stewards of the manifold grace of God .

as Eze_21_10 /^{as /every tree .

as Luk_06_22 /${as /evil , for the Son of
man's sake .

as 1Pe_02_12 /${as /evildoers , they may by
your good works , which they shall behold , glorify God in the
day of visitation .

as Act_11_22 /${as /far as Antioch .

as Act_28_15 /${as /far as Appii forum ,
and The three taverns : whom when Paul saw , he thanked God ,
and took courage .

as Ecc_02_13 /^{as /far as light excelleth
darkness .

as Act_11_19 /${as /far as Phenice , and
Cyprus , and Antioch , preaching the word to none but unto the
Jews only .

As Psa_103_12 /^{As /far as the east is
from the west , so far hath he removed our transgressions from

as Luk_24_50 /${as /far as to Bethany , and
he lifted up his hands , and blessed them .

as 2Co_10_14 /${as /far as to you also in
preaching the gospel of Christ :

as Psa_119_007 /^{as /fat as grease ; but I
delight in thy law .

as Exo_18_21 /^{as /fear God , men of truth
, hating covetousness ; and place such over them, to be rulers
of thousands , and rulers of hundreds , rulers of fifties , and
rulers of tens :

as Jer_05_08 /^{as /fed horses in the
morning : every one neighed after his neighbour's wife .

as Isa_64_06 /^{as /filthy rags ; and we
all do fade as a leaf ; and our iniquities , like the wind ,
have taken us away .

as Isa_33_11 /^{as /fire , shall devour you.

as Job_41_24 /^{as /firm as a stone ; yea,
as hard as a piece of the nether millstone.

as Isa_13_08 /^{as /flames .

as Jud_15_14 /^{as /flax that was burnt
with fire , and his bands loosed from off his hands .

as Lev_26_36 /^{as /fleeing from a sword ;
and they shall fall when none pursueth .

as Mic_03_03 /^{as /flesh within the
caldron .

as Eph_05_15 /${as /fools , but as wise ,

as Pro_23_28 /^{as /for a prey , and
increaseth the transgressors among men .

as Psa_10_05 /^{as /for all his enemies ,
he puffeth at them.

As 2Ch_08_07 /^{As /for all the people that
were left of the Hittites , and the Amorites , and the
Perizzites , and the Hivites , and the Jebusites , which were
not of Israel ,

as Jer_06_26 /^{as /for an only son , most
bitter lamentation : for the spoiler shall suddenly come upon us.

as Job_38_19 /^{as /for darkness , where is
the place thereof,

As 1Ch_06_26 /^{As /for Elkanah : the sons
of Elkanah ; Zophai his son , and Nahath his son ,

As Hos_09_11 /^{As /for Ephraim , their
glory shall fly away like a bird , from the birth , and from the
womb , and from the conception .

As Psa_18_30 /^{As /for God , his way is
perfect : the word of the LORD is tried : he is a buckler to all
those that trust in him.

As 2Sa_22_31 /^{As /for God , his way is
perfect ; the word of the LORD is tried : he is a buckler to all
them that trust in him.

as Isa_13_17 /^{as /for gold , they shall
not delight in it.

as Eze_30_18 /^{as /for her, a cloud shall
cover her, and her daughters shall go into captivity .

as Pro_02_04 /^{as /for hid treasures ;

as Pro_09_16 /^{as /for him that wanteth
understanding , she saith to him,

as Pro_09_04 /^{as /for him that wanteth
understanding , she saith to him,

As Eze_18_18 /^{As /for his father ,
because he cruelly oppressed , spoiled his brother by violence ,
and did that which is not good among his people , lo, even he
shall die in his iniquity .

as Psa_147_20 /^{as /for his judgments ,
they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD .

as 2Sa_22_23 /^{as /for his statutes , I did
not depart from them.

as Gen_17_20 /^{as /for Ishmael , I have
heard thee : Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him
fruitful , and will multiply him exceedingly ; twelve princes
shall he beget , and I will make him a great nation .

As Psa_103_15 /^{As /for man , his days are
as grass : as a flower of the field , so he flourisheth .

As Gen_17_04 /^{As /for me , behold, my
covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many
nations .

as 1Sa_12_23 /^{as /for me , God forbid
that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you:
but I will teach you the good and the right way :

as Dan_02_30 /^{as /for me , this secret is
not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any
living , but for their sakes that shall make known the
interpretation to the king , and that thou mightest know the
thoughts of thy heart .

as Eze_09_10 /^{as /for me also, mine eye
shall not spare , neither will I have pity , but I will
recompense their way upon their head .

as 027 015 Jos /^{as /for me and my house ,
we will serve the LORD .

As Dan_07_28 /^{As /for me Daniel , my
cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me :
but I kept the matter in my heart .

As Jer_26_14 /^{As /for me, behold, I am in
your hand : do with me as seemeth good and meet unto you.

As Jer_40_10 /^{As /for me, behold, I will
dwell at Mizpah to serve the Chaldeans , which will come unto us:
but ye, gather ye wine , and summer fruits , and oil , and put
them in your vessels , and dwell in your cities that ye have
taken .

As 1Ch_28_02 /^{As /for me, I had in mine
heart to build an house of rest for the ark of the covenant of
the LORD , and for the footstool of our God , and had made ready
for the building :

As Jer_17_16 /^{As /for me, I have not
hastened from being a pastor to follow thee: neither have I
desired the woeful day ; thou knowest : that which came out of
my lips was right before thee .

As Psa_17_15 /^{As /for me, I will behold
thy face in righteousness : I shall be satisfied , when I awake ,
with thy likeness .

As Psa_55_16 /^{As /for me, I will call
upon God ; and the LORD shall save me.

as Psa_05_07 /^{as /for me, I will come
into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy : and in thy fear
will I worship toward thy holy temple .

as Psa_26_11 /^{as /for me, I will walk in
mine integrity : redeem me, and be merciful unto me.

As 1Ch_29_17 /^{As /for me, in the
uprightness of mine heart I have willingly offered all these
things: and now have I seen with joy thy people , which are
present here, to offer willingly unto thee.

As Job_21_04 /^{As /for me, is my complaint
to man ? and if it were so, why should not my spirit be troubled

as 1Ch_22_07 /^{as /for me, it was in my
mind to build an house unto the name of the LORD my God :

as Psa_73_02 /^{as /for me, my feet were
almost gone ; my steps had well nigh slipped .

as Psa_69_13 /^{as /for me, my prayer is
unto thee, O LORD , in an acceptable time : O God , in the
multitude of thy mercy hear me, in the truth of thy salvation .

as Dan_10_17 /^{as /for me, straightway
there remained no strength in me, neither is there breath left
in me.

As Isa_59_21 /^{As /for me, this is my
covenant with them, saith the LORD ; My spirit that is upon thee,
and my words which I have put in thy mouth , shall not depart
out of thy mouth , nor out of the mouth of thy seed , nor out of
the mouth of thy seed's seed , saith the LORD , from henceforth
and for ever .

as Psa_41_12 /^{as /for me, thou upholdest
me in mine integrity , and settest me before thy face for ever .

as Gen_48_07 /^{as /for me, when I came
from Padan , Rachel died by me in the land of Canaan in the way ,
when yet there was but a little way to come unto Ephrath : and
I buried her there in the way of Ephrath ; the same is Bethlehem

as Psa_35_13 /^{as /for me, when they were
sick , my clothing was sackcloth : I humbled my soul with
fasting ; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom .

As 2Sa_09_11 /^{As /for Mephibosheth , said
the king, he shall eat at my table , as one of the king's sons .

as Eze_34_19 /^{as /for my flock , they eat
that which ye have trodden with your feet ; and they drink that
which ye have fouled with your feet .

as Job_17_15 /^{as /for my hope , who shall
see it?

As Isa_03_12 /^{As /for my people ,
children are their oppressors , and women rule over them. O my
people , they which lead thee cause thee to err , and destroy
the way of thy paths .

as Lev_24_22 /^{as /for one of your own
country : for I am the LORD your God .

as Isa_59_12 /^{as /for our iniquities , we
know them;

As Isa_47_04 /^{As /for our redeemer , the
LORD of hosts is his name , the Holy One of Israel .

as Psa_65_03 /^{as /for our transgressions ,
thou shalt purge them away .

As Hos_10_07 /^{As /for Samaria , her king
is cut off as the foam upon the water .

As Gen_17_15 /^{As /for Sarai thy wife ,
thou shalt not call her name Sarai , but Sarah shall her name be.

As Act_08_03 /${As /for Saul , he made
havock of the church , entering into every house , and haling
men and women committed them to prison .

As 1Sa_13_07 /^{As /for Saul , he was yet
in Gilgal , and all the people followed him trembling .

As Psa_125_05 /^{As /for such as turn aside
unto their crooked ways , the LORD shall lead them forth with
the workers of iniquity : but peace shall be upon Israel .

As Job_03_06 /^{As /for that night , let
darkness seize upon it; let it not be joined unto the days of
the year , let it not come into the number of the months .

As Eze_07_20 /^{As /for the beauty of his
ornament , he set it in majesty : but they made the images of
their abominations and of their detestable things therein:
therefore have I set it far from them.

as 2Ch_10_17 /^{as /for the children of
Israel that dwelt in the cities of Judah , Rehoboam reigned over

as 1Ki_12_17 /^{as /for the children of
Israel which dwelt in the cities of Judah , Rehoboam reigned
over them.

as Jos_11_13 /^{as /for the cities that
stood still in their strength , Israel burned none of them, save
Hazor only; that did Joshua burn .

As Job_28_05 /^{As /for the earth , out of
it cometh bread : and under it is turned up as it were fire .

as Lev_07_19 /^{as /for the flesh , all
that be clean shall eat thereof.

As Psa_140_09 /^{As /for the head of those
that compass me about , let the mischief of their own lips cover

As Jos_15_63 /^{As /for the Jebusites the
inhabitants of Jerusalem , the children of Judah could not drive
them out : but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Judah at
Jerusalem unto this day .

as 2Ch_34_26 /^{as /for the king of Judah ,
who sent you to enquire of the LORD , so shall ye say unto him,
Thus saith the LORD God of Israel concerning the words which
thou hast heard ;

as Job_29_23 /^{as /for the latter rain .

as Psa_38_10 /^{as /for the light of mine
eyes , it also is gone from me.

As Eze_01_13 /^{As /for the likeness of the
living creatures , their appearance was like burning coals of
fire , and like the appearance of lamps : it went up and down
among the living creatures ; and the fire was bright , and out
of the fire went forth lightning .

As Eze_01_10 /^{As /for the likeness of
their faces , they four had the face of a man , and the face of
a lion , on the right side : and they four had the face of an ox
on the left side ; they four also had the face of an eagle .

As Lev_14_06 /^{As /for the living bird ,
he shall take it, and the cedar wood , and the scarlet , and the
hyssop , and shall dip them and the living bird in the blood of
the bird that was killed over the running water :

as Job_22_08 /^{as /for the mighty man , he
had the earth ; and the honourable man dwelt in it.

As Lev_02_12 /^{As /for the oblation of the
firstfruits , ye shall offer them unto the LORD : but they shall
not be burnt on the altar for a sweet savour .

as Gen_47_21 /^{as /for the people , he
removed them to cities from one end of the borders of Egypt even
to the other end thereof.

as Heb_05_03 /${as /for the people , so
also for himself , to offer for sins .

as 2Ki_25_22 /^{as /for the people that
remained in the land of Judah , whom Nebuchadnezzar king of
Babylon had left , even over them he made Gedaliah the son of
Ahikam , the son of Shaphan , ruler .

as Exo_30_37 /^{as /for the perfume which
thou shalt make , ye shall not make to yourselves according to
the composition thereof: it shall be unto thee holy for the LORD

as Mic_03_03 /^{as /for the pot , and as
flesh within the caldron .

as Jer_23_34 /^{as /for the prophet , and
the priest , and the people , that shall say , The burden of the
LORD , I will even punish that man and his house .

as Pro_21_08 /^{as /for the pure , his work
is right .

as Job_29_23 /^{as /for the rain ; and they
opened their mouth wide as for the latter rain .

As Eze_48_23 /^{As /for the rest of the
tribes , from the east side unto the west side , Benjamin shall
have a portion.

As Num_04_29 /^{As /for the sons of Merari ,
thou shalt number them after their families , by the house of
their fathers ;

as Psa_104_17 /^{as /for the stork , the
fir trees are her house .

as Pro_21_29 /^{as /for the upright , he
directeth his way .

as Num_34_06 /^{as /for the western border ,
ye shall even have the great sea for a border : this shall be
your west border .

As Eze_10_13 /^{As /for the wheels , it was
cried unto them in my hearing , O wheel .

as Eze_33_12 /^{as /for the wickedness of
the wicked , he shall not fall thereby in the day that he
turneth from his wickedness ; neither shall the righteous be
able to live for his righteousness in the day that he sinneth .

As Jer_44_16 /^{As /for the word that thou
hast spoken unto us in the name of the LORD , we will not
hearken unto thee.

as Psa_89_11 /^{as /for the world and the
fulness thereof, thou hast founded them.

As Dan_02_29 /^{As /for thee , O king , thy
thoughts came into thy mind upon thy bed , what should come to
pass hereafter : and he that revealeth secrets maketh known to
thee what shall come to pass .

As Zec_09_11 /^{As /for thee also, by the
blood of thy covenant I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the
pit wherein is no water .

as Exo_09_30 /^{as /for thee and thy
servants , I know that ye will not yet fear the LORD God .

as 2Ch_07_17 /^{as /for thee, if thou wilt
walk before me, as David thy father walked , and do according to
all that I have commanded thee, and shalt observe my statutes
and my judgments ;

as Deu_05_31 /^{as /for thee, stand thou
here by me , and I will speak unto thee all the commandments ,
and the statutes , and the judgments , which thou shalt teach
them, that they may do them in the land which I give them to
possess it.

as Deu_18_14 /^{as /for thee, the LORD thy
God hath not suffered thee so to do.

as 2Sa_13_13 /^{as /for thee, thou shalt be
as one of the fools in Israel . Now therefore, I pray thee,
speak unto the king ; for he will not withhold me from thee.

as Eze_10_10 /^{as /for their appearances ,
they four had one likeness , as if a wheel had been in the midst
of a wheel .

As Eze_01_18 /^{As /for their rings , they
were so high that they were dreadful ; and their rings were full
of eyes round about them four .

as Eze_11_21 /^{as /for them whose heart
walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their
abominations , I will recompense their way upon their own heads ,
saith the Lord GOD .

as Eze_33_17 /^{as /for them, their way is
not equal .

As Dan_01_17 /^{As /for these four children
, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom :
and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams .

as 1Ch_21_17 /^{as /for these sheep , what
have they done ? let thine hand , I pray thee, O LORD my God ,
be on me, and on my father's house ; but not on thy people ,
that they should be plagued .

As Luk_21_06 /${As /for these things which
ye behold , the days will come , in the which there shall not be
left one stone upon another , that shall not be thrown down .

as 1Sa_09_20 /^{as /for thine asses that
were lost three days ago , set not thy mind on them; for they
are found . And on whom is all the desire of Israel ? Is it not
on thee, and on all thy father's house ?

as Joh_09_29 /${as /for this fellow, we
know not from whence he is .

as Exo_32_23 /^{as /for this Moses , the
man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt , we wot not
what is become of him.

as Exo_32_01 /^{as /for this Moses , the
man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt , we wot not
what is become of him.

as Act_07_40 /${as /for this Moses , which
brought us out of the land of Egypt , we wot not what is become
of him .

as Eze_16_04 /^{as /for thy nativity , in
the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut , neither wast thou
washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not salted at all ,
nor swaddled at all .

As Lam_04_17 /^{As /for us, our eyes as yet
failed for our vain help : in our watching we have watched for a
nation that could not save us.

as 2Ch_13_10 /^{as /for us, the LORD is our
God , and we have not forsaken him; and the priests , which
minister unto the LORD , are the sons of Aaron , and the Levites
wait upon their business :

as Eze_34_17 /^{as /for you , O my flock ,
thus saith the Lord GOD ; Behold, I judge between cattle and
cattle , between the rams and the he goats .

as Job_17_10 /^{as /for you all, do ye
return , and come now : for I cannot find one wise man among you.

as Gen_44_17 /^{as /for you, get you up in
peace unto your father .

as Jos_23_09 /^{as /for you, no man hath
been able to stand before you unto this day .

As Eze_20_39 /^{As /for you, O house of
Israel , thus saith the Lord GOD ; Go ye, serve ye every one his
idols , and hereafter also, if ye will not hearken unto me: but
pollute ye my holy name no more with your gifts , and with your
idols .

as Deu_01_40 /^{as /for you, turn you, and
take your journey into the wilderness by the way of the Red sea .

as Gen_50_20 /^{as /for you, ye thought
evil against me; but God meant it unto good , to bring to pass ,
as it is this day , to save much people alive .

as Num_14_32 /^{as /for you, your carcases ,
they shall fall in this wilderness .

As 1Pe_02_16 /${As /free , and not using
your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness , but as the servants
of God .

as 2Th_02_02 /${as /from us , as that the
day of Christ is at hand .

as Deu_06_08 /^{as /frontlets between thine
eyes .

as Deu_11_18 /^{as /frontlets between your
eyes .

as Num_24_06 /^{as /gardens by the river's
side , as the trees of lign aloes which the LORD hath planted ,
and as cedar trees beside the waters .

as Jud_08_33 /^{as /Gideon was dead , that
the children of Israel turned again , and went a whoring after
Baalim , and made Baalberith their god .

as Ecc_12_11 /^{as /goads , and as nails
fastened by the masters of assemblies , which are given from one
shepherd .

as Job_19_22 /^{as /God , and are not
satisfied with my flesh ?

as Zec_12_08 /^{as /God , as the angel of
the LORD before them.

as Rom_01_21 /${as /God , neither were
thankful ; but became vain in their imaginations , and their
foolish heart was darkened .

as 1Ch_14_16 /^{as /God commanded him: and
they smote the host of the Philistines from Gibeon even to Gazer

as Heb_04_10 /${as /God did from his .

as Eph_04_32 /${as /God for Christ's sake
hath forgiven you .

as Act_11_17 /${as /God gave them the like
gift as he did unto us , who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ ;
what was I , that I could withstand God ?

as Gen_21_04 /^{as /God had commanded him.

as Gen_07_16 /^{as /God had commanded him:
and the LORD shut him in .

as Gen_07_09 /^{as /God had commanded Noah .

as Gen_17_23 /^{as /God had said unto him.

as Rom_12_03 /${as /God hath dealt to every
man the measure of faith .

as 1Co_07_17 /${as /God hath distributed to
every man , as the Lord hath called every one , so let him walk .
And so ordain I in all churches .

as 1Co_16_02 /${as /God hath prospered him ,
that there be no gatherings when I come .

as 2Co_06_16 /${as /God hath said , I will
dwell in them , and walk in them; and I will be their God , and
they shall be my people .

as Gen_41_39 /^{as /God hath shewed thee
all this, there is none so discreet and wise as thou art:

as 2Co_01_18 /${as /God is true , our word
toward you was not yea and nay .

As 2Sa_02_27 /^{As /God liveth , unless thou
hadst spoken , surely then in the morning the people had gone up
every one from following his brother .

As Job_27_02 /^{As /God liveth , who hath
taken away my judgment ; and the Almighty , who hath vexed my
soul ;

as Amo_04_11 /^{as /God overthrew Sodom and
Gomorrah , and ye were as a firebrand plucked out of the burning
: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD .

As Jer_50_40 /^{As /God overthrew Sodom and
Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof, saith the LORD ; so
shall no man abide there, neither shall any son of man dwell

as 2Th_02_04 /${as /God sitteth in the
temple of God , shewing himself that he is God .

as Gen_03_05 /^{as /gods , knowing good and
evil .

as Psa_68_21 /^{as /goeth on still in his
trespasses .

as Ezr_08_27 /^{as /gold .

as Job_23_10 /^{as /gold .

as Mal_03_03 /^{as /gold and silver , that
they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness .

as Zec_13_09 /^{as /gold is tried : they
shall call on my name , and I will hear them: I will say , It is
my people : and they shall say , The LORD is my God .

as Son_05_14 /^{as /gold rings set with the
beryl : his belly is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires .

as Zep_02_09 /^{as /Gomorrah , even the
breeding of nettles , and saltpits , and a perpetual desolation :
the residue of my people shall spoil them, and the remnant of
my people shall possess them.

as Jer_23_14 /^{as /Gomorrah .

as Heb_11_12 /${as /good as dead , so many
as the stars of the sky in multitude , and as the sand which is
by the sea shore innumerable .

as 1Pe_04_10 /${as /good stewards of the
manifold grace of God .

as Isa_37_12 /^{as /Gozan , and Haran , and
Rezeph , and the children of Eden which were in Telassar ?

as 2Ki_19_12 /^{as /Gozan , and Haran , and
Rezeph , and the children of Eden which were in Thelasar ?

as 1Pe_01_24 /${as /grass , and all the
glory of man as the flower of grass . The grass withereth , and
the flower thereof falleth away :

as Psa_103_15 /^{as /grass : as a flower of
the field , so he flourisheth .

as Isa_51_12 /^{as /grass ;

as Num_13_33 /^{as /grasshoppers , and so
we were in their sight .

as Isa_40_22 /^{as /grasshoppers ; that
stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain , and spreadeth them out
as a tent to dwell in :

as Jud_06_05 /^{as /grasshoppers for
multitude ; for both they and their camels were without number :
and they entered into the land to destroy it.

as Luk_11_44 /${as /graves which appear not
, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them.

as Psa_119_007 /^{as /grease ; but I
delight in thy law .

as 1Ki_18_32 /^{as /great as would contain
two measures of seed .

as 1Sa_15_22 /^{as /great delight in burnt
offerings and sacrifices , as in obeying the voice of the LORD ?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice , and to hearken than
the fat of rams .

as 2Ki_19_29 /^{as /grow of themselves, and
in the second year that which springeth of the same; and in the
third year sow ye, and reap , and plant vineyards , and eat the
fruits thereof.

as Isa_37_30 /^{as /groweth of itself; and
the second year that which springeth of the same: and in the
third year sow ye, and reap , and plant vineyards , and eat the
fruit thereof.

as Dan_01_04 /^{as /had ability in them to
stand in the king's palace , and whom they might teach the
learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans .

as 1Ch_29_25 /^{as /had not been on any
king before him in Israel .

as Jud_03_01 /^{as /had not known all the
wars of Canaan ;

as Mar_03_10 /${as /had plagues .

as Ezr_06_21 /^{as /had separated
themselves unto them from the filthiness of the heathen of the
land , to seek the LORD God of Israel , did eat ,

as Gen_04_21 /^{as /handle the harp and
organ .

as Job_41_24 /^{as /hard as a piece of the
nether millstone.

as Dan_09_12 /^{as /hath been done upon
Jerusalem .

as Exo_09_18 /^{as /hath not been in Egypt
since the foundation thereof even until now.

as Gal_03_27 /${as /have been baptized into
Christ have put on Christ .

as Gen_04_20 /^{as /have cattle .

as Lev_20_06 /^{as /have familiar spirits ,
and after wizards , to go a whoring after them, I will even set
my face against that soul , and will cut him off from among his
people .

as Heb_05_12 /${as /have need of milk , and
not of strong meat .

as Exo_34_10 /^{as /have not been done in
all the earth , nor in any nation : and all the people among
which thou art shall see the work of the LORD : for it is a
terrible thing that I will do with thee.

as Col_02_01 /${as /have not seen my face
in the flesh ;

as Rev_02_24 /${as /have not this doctrine ,
and which have not known the depths of Satan , as they speak ;
I will put upon you none other burden .

as Rom_02_12 /${as /have sinned in the law
shall be judged by the law ;

as Rom_02_12 /${as /have sinned without law
shall also perish without law : and as many as have sinned in
the law shall be judged by the law ;

as Act_03_24 /${as /have spoken , have
likewise foretold of these days .

as 2Co_06_10 /${as /having nothing , and yet
possessing all things .

as Luk_19_09 /${as /he also is a son of
Abraham .

as Gen_28_06 /^{as /he blessed him he gave
him a charge , saying , Thou shalt not take a wife of the
daughters of Canaan ;

as Lev_04_21 /^{as /he burned the first
bullock : it is a sin offering for the congregation .

as 2Ki_09_17 /^{as /he came , and said , I
see a company . And Joram said , Take an horseman , and send to
meet them, and let him say , Is it peace ?

as Ecc_05_15 /^{as /he came , and shall
take nothing of his labour , which he may carry away in his hand

as Ecc_05_16 /^{as /he came , so shall he
go : and what profit hath he that hath laboured for the wind ?

as 2Sa_16_05 /^{as /he came .

as Luk_15_25 /${as /he came and drew nigh
to the house , he heard musick and dancing .

As Ecc_05_15 /^{As /he came forth of his
mother's womb , naked shall he return to go as he came , and
shall take nothing of his labour , which he may carry away in
his hand .

as Exo_32_19 /^{as /he came nigh unto the
camp , that he saw the calf , and the dancing : and Moses anger
waxed hot , and he cast the tables out of his hands , and brake
them beneath the mount .

as Lev_14_30 /^{as /he can get ;

As Psa_109_18 /^{As /he clothed himself
with cursing like as with his garment , so let it come into his
bowels like water , and like oil into his bones .

as 2Ki_11_08 /^{as /he cometh in .

as Num_20_09 /^{as /he commanded him.

as Eze_37_10 /^{as /he commanded me, and
the breath came into them, and they lived , and stood up upon
their feet , an exceeding great army .

as Gen_50_12 /^{as /he commanded them:

as Zec_07_13 /^{as /he cried , and they
would not hear ; so they cried , and I would not hear , saith
the LORD of hosts :

as Psa_109_17 /^{as /he delighted not in
blessing , so let it be far from him.

as Dan_06_10 /^{as /he did aforetime .

as Eze_46_12 /^{as /he did on the sabbath
day : then he shall go forth ; and after his going forth one
shall shut the gate .

as 1Sa_01_07 /^{as /he did so year by year ,
when she went up to the house of the LORD , so she provoked her;
therefore she wept , and did not eat .

as Deu_31_04 /^{as /he did to Sihon and to
Og , kings of the Amorites , and unto the land of them, whom he
destroyed .

As Deu_02_22 /^{As /he did to the children
of Esau , which dwelt in Seir , when he destroyed the Horims
from before them; and they succeeded them, and dwelt in their
stead even unto this day :

as Jos_10_28 /^{as /he did unto the king of
Jericho .

as Jos_10_30 /^{as /he did unto the king of
Jericho .

as Act_11_17 /${as /he did unto us , who
believed on the Lord Jesus Christ ; what was I , that I could
withstand God ?

as Act_15_08 /${as /he did unto us ;

as Lev_16_15 /^{as /he did with the blood
of the bullock , and sprinkle it upon the mercy seat , and
before the mercy seat :

as Lev_04_20 /^{as /he did with the bullock
for a sin offering , so shall he do with this: and the priest
shall make an atonement for them, and it shall be forgiven them.

as Gen_38_29 /^{as /he drew back his hand ,
that, behold, his brother came out : and she said , How hast
thou broken forth ? this breach be upon thee: therefore his name
was called Pharez .

as Act_07_31 /${as /he drew near to behold
it, the voice of the Lord came unto him ,

as Luk_17_12 /${as /he entered into a
certain village , there met him ten men that were lepers , which
stood afar off :

as Gen_36_24 /^{as /he fed the asses of
Zibeon his father .

as 1Jo_03_23 /${as /he gave us commandment .

as 2Ki_11_08 /^{as /he goeth out and as he
cometh in .

as 1Ki_09_02 /^{as /he had appeared unto
him at Gibeon .

as Act_07_44 /${as /he had appointed ,
speaking unto Moses , that he should make it according to the
fashion that he had seen .

as Job_42_10 /^{as /he had before.

as 2Co_08_06 /${as /he had begun , so he
would also finish in you the same grace also .

as Jos_10_39 /^{as /he had done also to
Libnah , and to her king .

as Jos_10_39 /^{as /he had done to Hebron ,
so he did to Debir , and to the king thereof; as he had done
also to Libnah , and to her king .

as Jos_10_01 /^{as /he had done to Jericho
and her king , so he had done to Ai and her king ; and how the
inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel , and were
among them;

as 2Ki_17_04 /^{as /he had done year by year
: therefore the king of Assyria shut him up , and bound him in
prison .

as Mar_15_08 /${as /he had ever done unto
them .

as Gen_18_33 /^{as /he had left communing
with Abraham : and Abraham returned unto his place .

as Psa_74_05 /^{as /he had lifted up axes
upon the thick trees .

as 1Sa_13_10 /^{as /he had made an end of
offering the burnt offering , behold, Samuel came ; and Saul
went out to meet him, that he might salute him.

as 2Ki_10_25 /^{as /he had made an end of
offering the burnt offering , that Jehu said to the guard and to
the captains , Go in , and slay them; let none come forth . And
they smote them with the edge of the sword ; and the guard and
the captains cast them out , and went to the city of the house
of Baal .

as 2Sa_13_36 /^{as /he had made an end of
speaking , that, behold, the king's sons came , and lifted up
their voice and wept : and the king also and all his servants
wept very sore .

as Num_16_31 /^{as /he had made an end of
speaking all these words , that the ground clave asunder that
was under them:

as Act_04_35 /${as /he had need .

as Mat_18_25 /${as /he had not to pay , his
lord commanded him to be sold , and his wife , and children ,
and all that he had , and payment to be made .

as Gen_21_01 /^{as /he had said , and the
LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken .

as 2Ki_17_23 /^{as /he had said by all his
servants the prophets . So was Israel carried away out of their
own land to Assyria unto this day .

as Joh_18_06 /${as /he had said unto them ,
I am he, they went backward , and fell to the ground .

as Luk_19_32 /${as /he had said unto them .

as Mar_14_16 /${as /he had said unto them :
and they made ready the passover .

as Luk_22_13 /${as /he had said unto them :
and they made ready the passover .

as Mar_01_42 /${as /he had spoken ,
immediately the leprosy departed from him , and he was cleansed .

as Gen_21_01 /^{as /he had spoken .

as Jos_08_19 /^{as /he had stretched out
his hand : and they entered into the city , and took it, and
hasted and set the city on fire .

as Deu_19_19 /^{as /he had thought to have
done unto his brother : so shalt thou put the evil away from
among you.

as Deu_19_06 /^{as /he hated him not in
time past .

as Tit_01_09 /${as /he hath been taught ,
that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to
convince the gainsayers .

as 1Sa_20_13 /^{as /he hath been with my
father .

as Heb_01_04 /${as /he hath by inheritance
obtained a more excellent name than they .

as Lev_24_20 /^{as /he hath caused a
blemish in a man , so shall it be done to him again.

as Eph_01_04 /${as /he hath chosen us in
him before the foundation of the world , that we should be holy
and without blame before him in love :

as Deu_06_25 /^{as /he hath commanded us.

as Rev_10_07 /${as /he hath declared to his
servants the prophets .

as Lev_24_19 /^{as /he hath done , so shall
it be done to him;

As Lev_08_34 /^{As /he hath done this day ,
so the LORD hath commanded to do , to make an atonement for you.

as Pro_24_29 /^{as /he hath done to me: I
will render to the man according to his work .

as Jud_15_10 /^{as /he hath done to us.

as Jos_01_15 /^{as /he hath given you, and
they also have possessed the land which the LORD your God giveth
them: then ye shall return unto the land of your possession ,
and enjoy it, which Moses the LORD'S servant gave you on this
side Jordan toward the sunrising .

as Deu_12_12 /^{as /he hath no part nor
inheritance with you.

as Exo_12_25 /^{as /he hath promised , that
ye shall keep this service .

as Deu_26_18 /^{as /he hath promised thee,
and that thou shouldest keep all his commandments ;

as Deu_12_20 /^{as /he hath promised thee,
and thou shalt say , I will eat flesh , because thy soul longeth
to eat flesh ; thou mayest eat flesh , whatsoever thy soul
lusteth after .

as Deu_01_11 /^{as /he hath promised you!

as Jos_23_10 /^{as /he hath promised you.

as 1Ki_02_31 /^{as /he hath said , and fall
upon him, and bury him; that thou mayest take away the innocent
blood , which Joab shed , from me, and from the house of my
father .

as Jer_40_03 /^{as /he hath said : because
ye have sinned against the LORD , and have not obeyed his voice ,
therefore this thing is come upon you.

as 1Ch_22_11 /^{as /he hath said of thee.

as Deu_29_13 /^{as /he hath said unto thee,
and as he hath sworn unto thy fathers , to Abraham , to Isaac ,
and to Jacob .

as Deu_18_02 /^{as /he hath said unto them.

as Deu_11_25 /^{as /he hath said unto you.

as Deu_26_19 /^{as /he hath spoken .

as Deu_28_09 /^{as /he hath sworn unto thee,
if thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God , and
walk in his ways .

as Deu_19_08 /^{as /he hath sworn unto thy
fathers , and give thee all the land which he promised to give
unto thy fathers ;

as Deu_29_13 /^{as /he hath sworn unto thy
fathers , to Abraham , to Isaac , and to Jacob .

as Deu_13_17 /^{as /he hath sworn unto thy
fathers ;

as Gen_41_13 /^{as /he interpreted to us,
so it was; me he restored unto mine office , and him he hanged .

as 1Jo_04_17 /${as /he is , so are we in
this world .

as 1Jo_03_02 /${as /he is .

as Gal_04_01 /${as /he is a child ,
differeth nothing from a servant , though he be lord of all ;

as Deu_16_17 /^{as /he is able , according
to the blessing of the LORD thy God which he hath given thee.

as Lev_14_31 /^{as /he is able to get , the
one for a sin offering , and the other for a burnt offering ,
with the meat offering : and the priest shall make an atonement
for him that is to be cleansed before the LORD .

as Lev_14_22 /^{as /he is able to get ; and
the one shall be a sin offering , and the other a burnt offering

as Eze_46_11 /^{as /he is able to give ,
and an hin of oil to an ephah .

as 2Co_10_07 /${as /he is Christ's , even so
are we Christ's .

as 1Jo_01_07 /${as /he is in the light , we
have fellowship one with another , and the blood of Jesus Christ
his Son cleanseth us from all sin .

as 1Jo_03_03 /${as /he is pure .

as 1Jo_03_07 /${as /he is righteous .

as 1Co_11_07 /${as /he is the image and
glory of God : but the woman is the glory of the man .

as Luk_10_33 /${as /he journeyed , came
where he was : and when he saw him , he had compassion on him,

as Act_09_03 /${as /he journeyed , he came
near Damascus : and suddenly there shined round about him a
light from heaven :

as Jud_17_08 /^{as /he journeyed .

as Luk_23_07 /${as /he knew that he
belonged unto Herod's jurisdiction , he sent him to Herod , who
himself also was at Jerusalem at that time .

as 1Ki_19_05 /^{as /he lay and slept under
a juniper tree , behold, then an angel touched him, and said
unto him, Arise and eat .

as Lev_20_13 /^{as /he lieth with a woman ,
both of them have committed an abomination : they shall surely
be put to death ; their blood shall be upon them.

as Rom_07_02 /${as /he liveth ; but if the
husband be dead , she is loosed from the law of her husband .

as Rom_07_01 /${as /he liveth ?

as 1Sa_01_28 /^{as /he liveth he shall be
lent to the LORD . And he worshipped the LORD there.

As Psa_109_17 /^{As /he loved cursing , so
let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing , so let
it be far from him.

as 1Sa_20_17 /^{as /he loved his own soul .

as Gen_27_09 /^{as /he loveth :

as Gen_50_06 /^{as /he made thee swear .

as Jer_41_06 /^{as /he met them, he said
unto them, Come to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam .

as Luk_11_08 /${as /he needeth .

as 1Co_08_02 /${as /he ought to know .

as Mar_02_14 /${as /he passed by , he saw
Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the receipt of custom , and
said unto him , Follow me . And he arose and followed him .

as 2Ki_04_08 /^{as /he passed by , he turned
in thither to eat bread .

as Gen_32_31 /^{as /he passed over Penuel
the sun rose upon him, and he halted upon his thigh .

as Luk_09_29 /${as /he prayed , the fashion
of his countenance was altered , and his raiment was white and
glistering .

as 1Ki_02_24 /^{as /he promised , Adonijah
shall be put to death this day .

as 2Ki_08_19 /^{as /he promised him to give
him alway a light , and to his children .

as 1Ki_05_12 /^{as /he promised him: and
there was peace between Hiram and Solomon ; and they two made a
league together .

as Deu_15_06 /^{as /he promised thee: and
thou shalt lend unto many nations , but thou shalt not borrow ;
and thou shalt reign over many nations , but they shall not
reign over thee.

as Jos_22_04 /^{as /he promised them:
therefore now return ye, and get you unto your tents , and unto
the land of your possession , which Moses the servant of the
LORD gave you on the other side Jordan .

as 2Ch_21_07 /^{as /he promised to give a
light to him and to his sons for ever .

as 2Co_09_07 /${as /he purposeth in his
heart , so let him give; not grudgingly , or of necessity : for
God loveth a cheerful giver .

as Act_24_25 /${as /he reasoned of
righteousness , temperance , and judgment to come , Felix
trembled , and answered , Go thy way for this time ; when I have
a convenient season , I will call for thee .

as Deu_30_09 /^{as /he rejoiced over thy
fathers :

as Mat_21_18 /${as /he returned into the
city , he hungered .

as Heb_04_03 /${as /he said , As I have
sworn in my wrath , if they shall enter into my rest : although
the works were finished from the foundation of the world .

as Jos_14_10 /^{as /he said , these forty
and five years , even since the LORD spake this word unto Moses ,
while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness : and
now, lo, I am this day fourscore and five years old .

as Mat_28_06 /${as /he said . Come , see
the place where the Lord lay .

as Luk_11_53 /${as /he said these things
unto them , the scribes and the Pharisees began to urge him
vehemently , and to provoke him to speak of many things :

as Jos_13_33 /^{as /he said unto them.

as Jos_13_14 /^{as /he said unto them.

as Mar_16_07 /${as /he said unto you .

As Heb_05_06 /${As /he saith also in
another place, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of
Melchisedec .

As Rom_09_25 /${As /he saith also in Osee ,
I will call them my people , which were not my people ; and her
beloved , which was not beloved .

as Mar_14_03 /${as /he sat at meat , there
came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard
very precious ; and she brake the box , and poured it on his
head .

as Luk_24_30 /${as /he sat at meat with
them , he took bread , and blessed it, and brake , and gave to
them .

as Mat_26_07 /${as /he sat at meat.

as Luk_22_56 /${as /he sat by the fire ,
and earnestly looked upon him , and said , This man was also
with him .

as 1Sa_19_09 /^{as /he sat in his house
with his javelin in his hand : and David played with his hand .

as 1Ki_16_11 /^{as /he sat on his throne ,
that he slew all the house of Baasha : he left him not one that
pisseth against a wall , neither of his kinsfolks , nor of his
friends .

as Mat_24_03 /${as /he sat upon the mount
of Olives , the disciples came unto him privately , saying ,
Tell us , when shall these things be ? and what shall be the
sign of thy coming , and of the end of the world ?

as Mar_13_03 /${as /he sat upon the mount
of Olives over against the temple , Peter and James and John and
Andrew asked him privately ,

as Eze_46_05 /^{as /he shall be able to
give , and an hin of oil to an ephah .

as Exo_08_27 /^{as /he shall command us.

as Jer_39_12 /^{as /he shall say unto thee.

as Isa_27_07 /^{as /he smote those that
smote him? or is he slain according to the slaughter of them
that are slain by him?

as 2Ch_26_05 /^{as /he sought the LORD , God
made him to prosper .

as Mar_04_04 /${as /he sowed , some fell by
the way side , and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up .

as Luk_08_05 /${as /he sowed , some fell by
the way side ; and it was trodden down , and the fowls of the
air devoured it .

as Luk_11_37 /${as /he spake , a certain
Pharisee besought him to dine with him : and he went in , and
sat down to meat .

as 1Sa_28_17 /^{as /he spake by me : for
the LORD hath rent the kingdom out of thine hand , and given it
to thy neighbour , even to David :

As Luk_01_70 /${As /he spake by the mouth
of his holy prophets , which have been since the world began :

as Luk_11_27 /${as /he spake these things ,
a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice , and said
unto him , Blessed is the womb that bare thee , and the paps
which thou hast sucked .

As Joh_08_30 /${As /he spake these words ,
many believed on him .

As Luk_01_55 /${As /he spake to our fathers
, to Abraham , and to his seed for ever .

as Exo_13_11 /^{as /he sware unto thee and
to thy fathers , and shall give it thee,

as Act_10_27 /${as /he talked with him , he
went in , and found many that were come together .

as 2Ch_25_16 /^{as /he talked with him, that
the king said unto him, Art thou made of the king's counsel ?
forbear ; why shouldest thou be smitten ? Then the prophet
forbare , and said , I know that God hath determined to destroy
thee, because thou hast done this, and hast not hearkened unto
my counsel .

as 1Sa_17_23 /^{as /he talked with them,
behold, there came up the champion , the Philistine of Gath ,
Goliath by name , out of the armies of the Philistines , and
spake according to the same words : and David heard them.

as Joh_07_28 /${as /he taught , saying , Ye
both know me , and ye know whence I am : and I am not come of
myself , but he that sent me is true , whom ye know not .

as Joh_06_59 /${as /he taught in Capernaum .

as Joh_08_20 /${as /he taught in the temple
: and no man laid hands on him ; for his hour was not yet come .

as Luk_20_01 /${as /he taught the people in
the temple , and preached the gospel , the chief priests and the
scribes came upon him with the elders ,

As Pro_26_08 /^{As /he that bindeth a stone
in a sling , so is he that giveth honour to a fool .

as Luk_22_26 /${as /he that doth serve .

as Ecc_09_02 /^{as /he that feareth an oath

as Isa_17_05 /^{as /he that gathereth ears
in the valley of Rephaim .

as Isa_22_16 /^{as /he that heweth him out
a sepulchre on high , and that graveth an habitation for himself
in a rock ?

as Lev_24_16 /^{as /he that is born in the
land , when he blasphemeth the name of the LORD, shall be put to
death .

as Isa_42_19 /^{as /he that is perfect ,
and blind as the LORD'S servant ?

as Job_22_02 /^{as /he that is wise may be
profitable unto himself?

as Pro_23_34 /^{as /he that lieth down in
the midst of the sea , or as he that lieth upon the top of a
mast .

as Pro_23_34 /^{as /he that lieth upon the
top of a mast .

as 1Ki_20_11 /^{as /he that putteth it off .

as Luk_22_27 /${as /he that serveth .

as Jer_05_26 /^{as /he that setteth snares ;
they set a trap , they catch men .

as Isa_25_11 /^{as /he that swimmeth
spreadeth forth his hands to swim : and he shall bring down
their pride together with the spoils of their hands .

As Pro_25_20 /^{As /he that taketh away a
garment in cold weather , and as vinegar upon nitre , so is he
that singeth songs to an heavy heart .

as Jos_08_33 /^{as /he that was born among
them; half of them over against mount Gerizim , and half of them
over against mount Ebal ; as Moses the servant of the LORD had
commanded before , that they should bless the people of Israel .

as Pro_23_07 /^{as /he thinketh in his
heart , so is he: Eat and drink , saith he to thee; but his
heart is not with thee.

as Act_26_24 /${as /he thus spake for
himself , Festus said with a loud voice , Paul , thou art beside
thyself ; much learning doth make thee mad .

as Joh_01_36 /${as /he walked , he saith ,
Behold the Lamb of God !

as 1Jo_02_06 /${as /he walked .

as 1Ki_03_06 /^{as /he walked before thee
in truth , and in righteousness , and in uprightness of heart
with thee; and thou hast kept for him this great kindness , that
thou hast given him a son to sit on his throne , as it is this
day .

as Mar_01_16 /${as /he walked by the sea of
Galilee , he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into
the sea : for they were fishers .

as Act_20_03 /${as /he was about to sail
into Syria , he purposed to return through Macedonia .

as Luk_09_18 /${as /he was alone praying ,
his disciples were with him : and he asked them , saying , Whom
say the people that I am ?

as 2Ki_10_12 /^{as /he was at the shearing
house in the way ,

as Mar_14_45 /${as /he was come , he goeth
straightway to him , and saith , Master , master ; and kissed
him .

as Luk_18_35 /${as /he was come nigh unto
Jericho , a certain blind man sat by the way side begging :

as 2Sa_19_18 /^{as /he was come over Jordan ;

as Num_03_16 /^{as /he was commanded .

as 1Ki_20_36 /^{as /he was departed from
him , a lion found him, and slew him.

as 1Ch_21_15 /^{as /he was destroying , the
LORD beheld , and he repented him of the evil , and said to the
angel that destroyed , It is enough , stay now thine hand . And
the angel of the LORD stood by the threshingfloor of Ornan the
Jebusite .

as 1Ki_20_12 /^{as /he was drinking , he
and the kings in the pavilions , that he said unto his servants ,
Set yourselves in array. And they set themselves in array
against the city .

as Dan_06_04 /^{as /he was faithful ,
neither was there any error or fault found in him .

as 2Ki_02_23 /^{as /he was going up by the
way , there came forth little children out of the city , and
mocked him, and said unto him, Go up , thou bald head ; go up ,
thou bald head .

as Mar_04_36 /${as /he was in the ship .
And there were also with him other little ships .

as 1Ki_16_09 /^{as /he was in Tirzah ,
drinking himself drunk in the house of Arza steward of his house
in Tirzah .

as Joh_04_51 /${as /he was now going down ,
his servants met him , and told him, saying , Thy son liveth .

as Luk_11_01 /${as /he was praying in a
certain place , when he ceased , one of his disciples said unto
him , Lord , teach us to pray , as John also taught his
disciples .

as Dan_08_18 /^{as /he was speaking with me,
I was in a deep sleep on my face toward the ground : but he
touched me, and set me upright .

as Mat_21_23 /${as /he was teaching , and
said , By what authority doest thou these things ? and who gave
thee this authority ?

as Luk_05_17 /${as /he was teaching , that
there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by , which
were come out of every town of Galilee , and Judaea , and
Jerusalem : and the power of the Lord was present to heal them .

as 2Ki_08_05 /^{as /he was telling the king
how he had restored a dead body to life , that, behold, the
woman , whose son he had restored to life , cried to the king
for her house and for her land . And Gehazi said , My lord , O
king , this is the woman , and this is her son , whom Elisha
restored to life .

as Mar_11_27 /${as /he was walking in the
temple , there come to him the chief priests , and the scribes ,
and the elders ,

as Jos_01_17 /^{as /he was with Moses .

as 1Ki_08_57 /^{as /he was with our fathers
: let him not leave us, nor forsake us:

as Mar_10_01 /${as /he was wont , he taught
them again .

as Luk_22_39 /${as /he was wont , to the
mount of Olives ; and his disciples also followed him .

as 2Ki_19_37 /^{as /he was worshipping in
the house of Nisroch his god , that Adrammelech and Sharezer his
sons smote him with the sword : and they escaped into the land
of Armenia . And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead.

as Isa_37_38 /^{as /he was worshipping in
the house of Nisroch his god , that Adrammelech and Sharezer his
sons smote him with the sword ; and they escaped into the land
of Armenia : and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead.

as Luk_09_42 /${as /he was yet a coming ,
the devil threw him down , and tare him. And Jesus rebuked the
unclean spirit , and healed the child , and delivered him again
to his father .

as 2Sa_16_13 /^{as /he went , and threw
stones at him, and cast dust .

as Luk_19_36 /${as /he went , they spread
their clothes in the way .

as 2Sa_18_33 /^{as /he went , thus he said ,
O my son Absalom , my son , my son Absalom ! would God I had
died for thee , O Absalom , my son , my son !

as Jer_41_06 /^{as /he went : and it came
to pass, as he met them, he said unto them, Come to Gedaliah the
son of Ahikam .

as 2Sa_20_08 /^{as /he went forth it fell
out .

as Luk_14_01 /${as /he went into the house
of one of the chief Pharisees to eat bread on the sabbath day,
that they watched him .

as Mar_10_46 /${as /he went out of Jericho
with his disciples and a great number of people , blind
Bartimaeus , the son of Timaeus , sat by the highway side
begging .

as Mar_13_01 /${as /he went out of the
temple , one of his disciples saith unto him , Master , see what
manner of stones and what buildings are here!

as Luk_08_42 /${as /he went the people
thronged him .

as Luk_17_11 /${as /he went to Jerusalem ,
that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee .

as 2Sa_08_03 /^{as /he went to recover his
border at the river Euphrates .

as 1Ch_18_03 /^{as /he went to stablish his
dominion by the river Euphrates .

As 1Ch_12_20 /^{As /he went to Ziklag ,
there fell to him of Manasseh , Adnah , and Jozabad , and
Jediael , and Michael , and Jozabad , and Elihu , and Zilthai ,
captains of the thousands that were of Manasseh .

as 2Sa_15_30 /^{as /he went up , and had his
head covered , and he went barefoot : and all the people that
was with him covered every man his head , and they went up ,
weeping as they went up .

as Act_01_10 /${as /he went up , behold ,
two men stood by them in white apparel ;

as 1Pe_01_15 /${as /he which hath called
you is holy , so be ye holy in all manner of conversation ;

as Heb_03_03 /${as /he who hath builded the
house hath more honour than the house .

as 1Co_12_11 /${as /he will .

as Jud_14_06 /^{as /he would have rent a
kid , and he had nothing in his hand : but he told not his
father or his mother what he had done .

as Gen_32_25 /^{as /he wrestled with him.

as 1Ch_29_11 /^{as /head above all.

as Jer_50_26 /^{as /heaps , and destroy her
utterly : let nothing of her be left .

as Hos_12_11 /^{as /heaps in the furrows of
the fields .

as Mar_04_18 /${as /hear the word ,

as Mar_04_20 /${as /hear the word , and
receive it, and bring forth fruit , some thirtyfold , some sixty
, and some an hundred .

as Act_05_11 /${as /heard these things .

as Act_19_02 /${as /heard whether there be
any Holy Ghost .

as Job_11_08 /^{as /heaven ; what canst
thou do ? deeper than hell ; what canst thou know ?

as Hab_02_05 /^{as /hell , and is as death ,
and cannot be satisfied , but gathereth unto him all nations ,
and heapeth unto him all people :

as Hos_10_04 /^{as /hemlock in the furrows
of the field .

as 1Co_07_39 /${as /her husband liveth ;
but if her husband be dead , she is at liberty to be married to
whom she will ; only in the Lord .

as Gen_35_18 /^{as /her soul was in
departing , that she called his name Benoni : but his father
called him Benjamin .

as Exo_05_07 /^{as /heretofore : let them
go and gather straw for themselves.

as Exo_05_14 /^{as /heretofore ?

as Jer_46_22 /^{as /hewers of wood .

as Job_11_08 /^{as /high as heaven ; what
canst thou do ? deeper than hell ; what canst thou know ?

as Jer_49_16 /^{as /high as the eagle , I
will bring thee down from thence, saith the LORD .

as Mar_12_33 /${as /himself , is more than
all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices .

as Eph_05_33 /${as /himself ; and the wife
see that she reverence her husband .

as Gen_38_11 /^{as /his brethren did. And
Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house .

as Gen_27_23 /^{as /his brother Esau's
hands : so he blessed him.

as Num_16_40 /^{as /his company : as the
LORD said to him by the hand of Moses .

as Luk_04_16 /${as /his custom was , he
went into the synagogue on the sabbath day , and stood up for to
read .

as 2Pe_01_03 /${as /his divine power hath
given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness ,
through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and
virtue :

as Luk_18_13 /${as /his eyes unto heaven ,
but smote upon his breast , saying , God be merciful to me a
sinner .

as Gen_27_14 /^{as /his father loved .

as 2Ki_21_20 /^{as /his father Manasseh did .

as 2Sa_10_02 /^{as /his father shewed
kindness unto me. And David sent to comfort him by the hand of
his servants for his father . And David's servants came into the
land of the children of Ammon .

as 2Ki_15_09 /^{as /his fathers had done :
he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat , who
made Israel to sin .

as Jud_14_20 /^{as /his friend .

as Zec_10_03 /^{as /his goodly horse in the
battle .

as Eze_46_07 /^{as /his hand shall attain
unto, and an hin of oil to an ephah .

as Deu_20_08 /^{as /his heart .

as Mat_10_25 /${as /his lord . If they have
called the master of the house Beelzebub , how much more shall
they call them of his household ?

as Act_17_02 /${as /his manner was , went
in unto them , and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of
the scriptures ,

as Mat_10_25 /${as /his master , and the
servant as his lord . If they have called the master of the
house Beelzebub , how much more shall they call them of his
household ?

as Luk_06_40 /${as /his master .

as Mat_01_18 /${as /his mother Mary was
espoused to Joseph , before they came together , she was found
with child of the Holy Ghost .

as 1Sa_25_25 /^{as /his name is, so is he;
Nabal is his name , and folly is with him: but I thine handmaid
saw not the young men of my lord , whom thou didst send .

as Exo_04_07 /^{as /his other flesh .

as 1Sa_18_01 /^{as /his own soul .

as 1Sa_18_03 /^{as /his own soul .

as 1Sa_30_24 /^{as /his part is that goeth
down to the battle , so shall his part be that tarrieth by the
stuff : they shall part alike .

as Isa_10_26 /^{as /his rod was upon the
sea , so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt .

as Rev_22_12 /${as /his work shall be .

as Rev_10_09 /${as /honey .

as Rev_10_10 /${as /honey : and as soon as
I had eaten it , my belly was bitter .

as Eze_03_03 /^{as /honey for sweetness .

as Joe_02_04 /^{as /horsemen , so shall
they run .

as 1Co_07_08 /${as /I .

as 1Co_11_01 /${as /I also am of Christ .

as 1Co_16_10 /${as /I also do.

as Rev_03_21 /${as /I also overcame , and
am set down with my Father in his throne .

as Act_26_29 /${as /I am , except these
bonds .

as 1Ki_18_12 /^{as /I am gone from thee,
that the Spirit of the LORD shall carry thee whither I know not;
and so when I come and tell Ahab , and he cannot find thee, he
shall slay me: but I thy servant fear the LORD from my youth .

as Exo_09_29 /^{as /I am gone out of the
city , I will spread abroad my hands unto the LORD ; and the
thunder shall cease , neither shall there be any more hail ;
that thou mayest know how that the earth is the LORD'S .

as Joh_09_05 /${as /I am in the world , I
am the light of the world .

as 2Pe_01_13 /${as /I am in this tabernacle ,
to stir you up by putting you in remembrance ;

as Joh_17_16 /${as /I am not of the world .

as Joh_17_14 /${as /I am not of the world .

as Rom_11_13 /${as /I am the apostle of the
Gentiles , I magnify mine office :

as Job_09_32 /^{as /I am, that I should
answer him, and we should come together in judgment .

as Neh_06_11 /^{as /I am, would go into the
temple to save his life ? I will not go in .

as Gal_04_12 /${as /I am; for I am as ye
are: ye have not injured me at all .

as 2Sa_09_08 /^{as /I am?

as Act_11_15 /${as /I began to speak , the
Holy Ghost fell on them , as on us at the beginning .

as Eze_01_15 /^{as /I beheld the living
creatures , behold one wheel upon the earth by the living
creatures , with his four faces .

As 1Ti_01_03 /${As /I besought thee to
abide still at Ephesus , when I went into Macedonia , that thou
mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine ,

as 1Ki_11_38 /^{as /I built for David , and
will give Israel unto thee.

as Gen_44_15 /^{as /I can certainly divine ?

as Lev_08_31 /^{as /I commanded , saying ,
Aaron and his sons shall eat it.

as Lev_10_18 /^{as /I commanded .

as Exo_23_15 /^{as /I commanded thee, in
the time appointed of the month Abib ; for in it thou camest out
from Egypt : and none shall appear before me empty :

as Exo_34_18 /^{as /I commanded thee, in
the time of the month Abib : for in the month Abib thou camest
out from Egypt .

as Deu_24_08 /^{as /I commanded them, so ye
shall observe to do .

as Jer_17_22 /^{as /I commanded your
fathers .

as 1Co_11_02 /${as /I delivered them to you

as Jud_07_17 /^{as /I do , so shall ye do .

as Isa_38_19 /^{as /I do this day : the
father to the children shall make known thy truth .

as 1Ki_14_07 /^{as /I exalted thee from
among the people , and made thee prince over my people Israel ,

as 1Ki_16_02 /^{as /I exalted thee out of
the dust , and made thee prince over my people Israel ; and thou
hast walked in the way of Jeroboam , and hast made my people
Israel to sin , to provoke me to anger with their sins ;

as Deu_09_25 /^{as /I fell down at the
first; because the LORD had said he would destroy you.

as Neh_06_11 /^{as /I flee ? and who is
there, that, being as I am, would go into the temple to save his
life ? I will not go in .

as Amo_07_15 /^{as /I followed the flock ,
and the LORD said unto me, Go , prophesy unto my people Israel .

as Jer_44_30 /^{as /I gave Zedekiah king of
Judah into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon , his
enemy , and that sought his life .

as Tit_01_05 /${as /I had appointed thee :

as Rev_10_10 /${as /I had eaten it , my
belly was bitter .

as Mat_18_33 /${as /I had pity on thee ?

As 2Sa_01_06 /^{As /I happened by chance
upon mount Gilboa , behold, Saul leaned upon his spear ; and, lo,
the chariots and horsemen followed hard after him.

as Gal_05_21 /${as /I have also told you in
time past , that they which do such things shall not inherit the
kingdom of God .

as 2Sa_15_34 /^{as /I have been thy father's
servant hitherto , so will I now also be thy servant : then
mayest thou for me defeat the counsel of Ahithophel .

as 1Sa_29_08 /^{as /I have been with thee
unto this day , that I may not go fight against the enemies of
my lord the king ?

as Jer_32_42 /^{as /I have brought all this
great evil upon this people , so will I bring upon them all the
good that I have promised them.

as Jer_07_15 /^{as /I have cast out all
your brethren , even the whole seed of Ephraim .

as Deu_12_21 /^{as /I have commanded thee,
and thou shalt eat in thy gates whatsoever thy soul lusteth
after .

as Jos_13_06 /^{as /I have commanded thee.

as 2Ch_07_18 /^{as /I have covenanted with
David thy father , saying , There shall not fail thee a man to
be ruler in Israel .

as Jud_01_07 /^{as /I have done , so God
hath requited me. And they brought him to Jerusalem , and there
he died .

as Eze_12_11 /^{as /I have done , so shall
it be done unto them: they shall remove and go into captivity .

as Gen_08_21 /^{as /I have done .

as Eze_24_22 /^{as /I have done : ye shall
not cover your lips , nor eat the bread of men .

as Zec_07_03 /^{as /I have done these so
many years ?

as Jer_07_14 /^{as /I have done to Shiloh .

as Joh_13_15 /${as /I have done to you .

as Isa_10_11 /^{as /I have done unto
Samaria and her idols , so do to Jerusalem and her idols ?

as Jud_09_48 /^{as /I have done.

as Act_03_06 /${as /I have give I thee : In
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk .

as 1Co_16_01 /${as /I have given order to
the churches of Galatia , even so do ye .

as Joh_15_10 /${as /I have kept my Father's
commandments , and abide in his love .

as Joh_13_34 /${as /I have loved you , that
ye also love one another .

as Joh_15_12 /${as /I have loved you .

as Jer_44_13 /^{as /I have punished
Jerusalem , by the sword , by the famine , and by the pestilence

as Jer_50_18 /^{as /I have punished the
king of Assyria .

as Isa_14_24 /^{as /I have purposed , so
shall it stand :

as 2Ki_23_27 /^{as /I have removed Israel ,
and will cast off this city Jerusalem which I have chosen , and
the house of which I said , My name shall be there.

as Job_04_08 /^{as /I have seen , they that
plow iniquity , and sow wickedness , reap the same.

as Psa_63_02 /^{as /I have seen thee in the
sanctuary .

as 2Sa_16_19 /^{as /I have served in thy
father's presence , so will I be in thy presence .

As Heb_04_03 /${As /I have sworn in my
wrath , if they shall enter into my rest : although the works
were finished from the foundation of the world .

as Isa_54_09 /^{as /I have sworn that the
waters of Noah should no more go over the earth ; so have I
sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee.

as Isa_14_24 /^{as /I have thought , so
shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed , so shall it
stand :

as Jer_31_28 /^{as /I have watched over
them, to pluck up , and to break down , and to throw down , and
to destroy , and to afflict ; so will I watch over them, to
build , and to plant , saith the LORD .

as Joh_05_30 /${as /I hear , I judge : and
my judgment is just ; because I seek not mine own will , but the
will of the Father which hath sent me .

as Act_24_10 /${as /I know that thou hast
been of many years a judge unto this nation , I do the more
cheerfully answer for myself :

as Gen_39_18 /^{as /I lifted up my voice
and cried , that he left his garment with me , and fled out .

as Num_14_21 /^{as /I live , all the earth
shall be filled with the glory of the LORD .

As Jer_46_18 /^{As /I live , saith the King
, whose name is the LORD of hosts , Surely as Tabor is among the
mountains , and as Carmel by the sea , so shall he come .

as Num_14_28 /^{as /I live , saith the LORD
, as ye have spoken in mine ears , so will I do to you:

As Rom_14_11 /${As /I live , saith the Lord
, every knee shall bow to me , and every tongue shall confess to
God .

As Isa_49_18 /^{As /I live , saith the LORD
, thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all, as with an
ornament , and bind them on thee, as a bride doeth.

As Jer_22_24 /^{As /I live , saith the LORD
, though Coniah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah were the
signet upon my right hand , yet would I pluck thee thence;

As Eze_33_11 /^{As /I live , saith the Lord
GOD , I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked ; but that
the wicked turn from his way and live : turn ye, turn ye from
your evil ways ; for why will ye die , O house of Israel ?

as Eze_35_11 /^{as /I live , saith the Lord
GOD , I will even do according to thine anger , and according to
thine envy which thou hast used out of thy hatred against them;
and I will make myself known among them, when I have judged thee.

As Eze_20_03 /^{As /I live , saith the Lord
GOD , I will not be enquired of by you.

As Eze_20_31 /^{As /I live , saith the Lord
GOD , I will not be enquired of by you.

as Eze_35_06 /^{as /I live , saith the Lord
GOD , I will prepare thee unto blood , and blood shall pursue
thee: sith thou hast not hated blood , even blood shall pursue

As Eze_16_48 /^{As /I live , saith the Lord
GOD , Sodom thy sister hath not done , she nor her daughters ,
as thou hast done , thou and thy daughters .

As Eze_34_08 /^{As /I live , saith the Lord
GOD , surely because my flock became a prey , and my flock
became meat to every beast of the field , because there was no
shepherd , neither did my shepherds search for my flock , but
the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock ;

As Eze_17_16 /^{As /I live , saith the Lord
GOD , surely in the place where the king dwelleth that made him
king , whose oath he despised , and whose covenant he brake ,
even with him in the midst of Babylon he shall die .

As Eze_20_33 /^{As /I live , saith the Lord
GOD , surely with a mighty hand , and with a stretched out arm ,
and with fury poured out , will I rule over you:

as Eze_14_20 /^{as /I live , saith the Lord
GOD , they shall deliver neither son nor daughter ; they shall
but deliver their own souls by their righteousness .

as Eze_14_18 /^{as /I live , saith the Lord
GOD , they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters , but they
only shall be delivered themselves.

as Eze_14_16 /^{as /I live , saith the Lord
GOD , they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters ; they only
shall be delivered , but the land shall be desolate .

As Eze_18_03 /^{As /I live , saith the Lord
GOD , ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in
Israel .

as Eze_05_11 /^{as /I live , saith the Lord
GOD ; Surely, because thou hast defiled my sanctuary with all
thy detestable things , and with all thine abominations ,
therefore will I also diminish thee; neither shall mine eye
spare , neither will I have any pity .

as Zep_02_09 /^{as /I live , saith the LORD
of hosts , the God of Israel , Surely Moab shall be as Sodom ,
and the children of Ammon as Gomorrah , even the breeding of
nettles , and saltpits , and a perpetual desolation : the
residue of my people shall spoil them, and the remnant of my
people shall possess them.

As Eze_17_19 /^{As /I live , surely mine
oath that he hath despised , and my covenant that he hath broken
, even it will I recompense upon his own head .

As Eze_33_27 /^{As /I live , surely they
that are in the wastes shall fall by the sword , and him that is
in the open field will I give to the beasts to be devoured , and
they that be in the forts and in the caves shall die of the
pestilence .

as Job_27_06 /^{as /I live .

as Psa_116_02 /^{as /I live .

as Psa_104_33 /^{as /I live : I will sing
praise to my God while I have my being .

as Gen_27_04 /^{as /I love , and bring it
to me, that I may eat ; that my soul may bless thee before I die

as Rev_03_19 /${as /I love , I rebuke and
chasten : be zealous therefore , and repent .

as Act_22_06 /${as /I made my journey , and
was come nigh unto Damascus about noon , suddenly there shone
from heaven a great light round about me .

as Heb_07_09 /${as /I may so say , Levi
also , who receiveth tithes , payed tithes in Abraham .

as 1Co_07_07 /${as /I myself . But every
man hath his proper gift of God , one after this manner , and
another after that .

as Gen_41_19 /^{as /I never saw in all the
land of Egypt for badness :

as Col_03_04 /${as /I ought to speak .

as Eph_06_20 /${as /I ought to speak .

as Act_17_23 /${as /I passed by , and
beheld your devotions , I found an altar with this inscription ,
TO THE UNKNOWN GOD . Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship , him
declare I unto you .

as Eze_20_36 /^{as /I pleaded with your
fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt , so will I plead
with you, saith the Lord GOD .

as 1Co_10_33 /${as /I please all men in all
things, not seeking mine own profit , but the profit of many ,
that they may be saved .

as 1Ki_09_05 /^{as /I promised to David thy
father , saying , There shall not fail thee a man upon the
throne of Israel .

as Eze_37_07 /^{as /I prophesied , there
was a noise , and behold a shaking , and the bones came together
, bone to his bone .

as Rev_02_27 /${as /I received of my Father

as 2Co_09_03 /${as /I said , ye may be ready

as Jos_01_03 /^{as /I said unto Moses .

as Joh_13_33 /${as /I said unto the Jews ,
Whither I go , ye cannot come ; so now I say to you .

as Joh_10_26 /${as /I said unto you .

as Eze_08_01 /^{as /I sat in mine house ,
and the elders of Judah sat before me, that the hand of the Lord
GOD fell there upon me.

as Eze_16_50 /^{as /I saw good.

as Hos_09_13 /^{as /I saw Tyrus , is
planted in a pleasant place : but Ephraim shall bring forth his
children to the murderer .

as Est_05_13 /^{as /I see Mordecai the Jew
sitting at the king's gate .

as Php_02_23 /${as /I shall see how it will
go with me .

as 1Pe_05_12 /${as /I suppose , I have
written briefly , exhorting , and testifying that this is the
true grace of God wherein ye stand .

as Act_25_18 /${as /I supposed :

as 1Ki_01_30 /^{as /I sware unto thee by
the LORD God of Israel , saying , Assuredly Solomon thy son
shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne in my
stead; even so will I certainly do this day .

as 1Co_04_17 /${as /I teach every where in
every church .

as Num_33_56 /^{as /I thought to do unto

As Zec_08_14 /^{As /I thought to punish you,
when your fathers provoked me to wrath , saith the LORD of
hosts , and I repented not:

as 1Ch_17_13 /^{as /I took it from him that
was before thee:

as 2Sa_07_15 /^{as /I took it from Saul ,
whom I put away before thee.

as Eze_01_01 /^{as /I was among the
captives by the river of Chebar , that the heavens were opened ,
and I saw visions of God .

as Dan_10_04 /^{as /I was by the side of
the great river , which is Hiddekel ;

as Eze_24_18 /^{as /I was commanded .

as Eze_37_07 /^{as /I was commanded : and
as I prophesied , there was a noise , and behold a shaking , and
the bones came together , bone to his bone .

as Eze_12_07 /^{as /I was commanded : I
brought forth my stuff by day , as stuff for captivity , and in
the even I digged through the wall with mine hand ; I brought it
forth in the twilight , and I bare it upon my shoulder in their
sight .

as Dan_08_05 /^{as /I was considering ,
behold, an he goat came from the west on the face of the whole
earth , and touched not the ground : and the goat had a notable
horn between his eyes .

as Neh_01_01 /^{as /I was in Shushan the
palace ,

as Jos_14_11 /^{as /I was in the day that
Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my strength
now, for war , both to go out , and to come in .

As Job_29_04 /^{As /I was in the days of my
youth , when the secret of God was upon my tabernacle ;

as Act_10_29 /${as /I was sent for : I ask
therefore for what intent ye have sent for me ?

as Jos_03_07 /^{as /I was with Moses , so I
will be with thee.

as Jos_01_05 /^{as /I was with Moses , so I
will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

as Act_26_12 /${as /I went to Damascus with
authority and commission from the chief priests ,

as Mat_26_39 /${as /I will , but as thou

as Exo_10_10 /^{as /I will let you go , and
your little ones : look to it; for evil is before you.

as 2Co_12_20 /${as /I would , and that I
shall be found unto you such as ye would not : lest there be
debates , envyings , wraths , strifes , backbitings ,
whisperings , swellings , tumults :

as Isa_44_07 /^{as /I, shall call , and
shall declare it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed
the ancient people ? and the things that are coming , and shall
come , let them shew unto them.

as Luk_24_11 /${as /idle tales , and they
believed them not .

As Amo_05_19 /^{As /if a man did flee from
a lion , and a bear met him; or went into the house , and leaned
his hand on the wall , and a serpent bit him.

as 2Sa_16_23 /^{as /if a man had enquired at
the oracle of God : so was all the counsel of Ahithophel both
with David and with Absalom .

as Mar_04_26 /${as /if a man should cast
seed into the ground ;

as Eze_10_10 /^{as /if a wheel had been in
the midst of a wheel .

as 2Sa_17_03 /^{as /if all returned : so all
the people shall be in peace .

as Isa_66_03 /^{as /if he blessed an idol .
Yea, they have chosen their own ways , and their soul delighteth
in their abominations .

as Isa_66_03 /^{as /if he cut off a dog's
neck ; he that offereth an oblation , as if he offered swine's
blood ; he that burneth incense , as if he blessed an idol . Yea,
they have chosen their own ways , and their soul delighteth in
their abominations .

as Isa_66_03 /^{as /if he offered swine's
blood ; he that burneth incense , as if he blessed an idol . Yea,
they have chosen their own ways , and their soul delighteth in
their abominations .

as Isa_66_03 /^{as /if he slew a man ; he
that sacrificeth a lamb , as if he cut off a dog's neck ; he
that offereth an oblation , as if he offered swine's blood ; he
that burneth incense , as if he blessed an idol . Yea, they have
chosen their own ways , and their soul delighteth in their
abominations .

as Isa_51_13 /^{as /if he were ready to
destroy ? and where is the fury of the oppressor ?

as 2Co_13_02 /${as /if I were present , the
second time; and being absent now I write to them which
heretofore have sinned , and to all other , that , if I come
again , I will not spare :

as 2Co_10_09 /${as /if I would terrify you
by letters .

as Deu_15_21 /^{as /if it be lame , or
blind , or have any ill blemish , thou shalt not sacrifice it
unto the LORD thy God .

as 1Ki_16_31 /^{as /if it had been a light
thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat ,
that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the
Zidonians , and went and served Baal , and worshipped him.

as Job_38_08 /^{as /if it had issued out of
the womb ?

as Isa_10_15 /^{as /if it were no wood .

as Lam_02_06 /^{as /if it were of a garden :
he hath destroyed his places of the assembly : the LORD hath
caused the solemn feasts and sabbaths to be forgotten in Zion ,
and hath despised in the indignation of his anger the king and
the priest .

as 1Co_11_05 /${as /if she were shaven .

as Eze_16_47 /^{as /if that were a very
little thing, thou wast corrupted more than they in all thy ways

as Isa_10_15 /^{as /if the rod should shake
itself against them that lift it up , or as if the staff should
lift up itself, as if it were no wood .

as Isa_10_15 /^{as /if the staff should
lift up itself, as if it were no wood .

as Rev_01_15 /${as /if they burned in a
furnace ; and his voice as the sound of many waters .

as Jos_09_04 /^{as /if they had been
ambassadors , and took old sacks upon their asses , and wine
bottles , old , and rent , and bound up ;

as Jos_08_15 /^{as /if they were beaten
before them, and fled by the way of the wilderness .

as Jud_09_36 /^{as /if they were men .

as 1Co_04_07 /${as /if thou hadst not
received it?

as Isa_59_10 /^{as /if we had no eyes : we
stumble at noonday as in the night ; we are in desolate places
as dead men.

as 2Co_10_02 /${as /if we walked according
to the flesh .

as Jam_05_05 /${as /in a day of slaughter .

as 2Co_03_18 /${as /in a glass the glory of
the Lord , are changed into the same image from glory to glory ,
even as by the Spirit of the Lord .

as Psa_73_19 /^{as /in a moment ! they are
utterly consumed with terrors .

as Lam_04_06 /^{as /in a moment , and no
hands stayed on her.

as Num_16_45 /^{as /in a moment . And they
fell upon their faces .

as Lam_02_22 /^{as /in a solemn day my
terrors round about , so that in the day of the LORD'S anger
none escaped nor remained : those that I have swaddled and
brought up hath mine enemy consumed .

as Heb_11_09 /${as /in a strange country ,
dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob , the heirs with
him of the same promise :

as Lam_01_15 /^{as /in a winepress .

as 1Co_15_22 /${as /in Adam all die , even
so in Christ shall all be made alive .

as 1Co_14_33 /${as /in all churches of the
saints .

as Psa_119_001 /^{as /in all riches .

as Mal_03_04 /^{as /in former years .

as Luk_11_02 /${as /in heaven , so in earth

as Lev_12_05 /^{as /in her separation : and
she shall continue in the blood of her purifying threescore and
six days .

as Lev_22_13 /^{as /in her youth , she
shall eat of her father's meat : but there shall no stranger eat

as Rom_01_15 /${as /in me is , I am ready
to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also .

as Job_29_02 /^{as /in months past , as in
the days when God preserved me;

as Isa_28_21 /^{as /in mount Perazim , he
shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon , that he may do his
work , his strange work ; and bring to pass his act , his
strange act .

as Php_02_12 /${as /in my presence only ,
but now much more in my absence , work out your own salvation
with fear and trembling .

as 1Sa_15_22 /^{as /in obeying the voice of
the LORD ? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice , and to
hearken than the fat of rams .

as Psa_68_17 /^{as /in Sinai , in the holy

as Isa_51_09 /^{as /in the ancient days ,
in the generations of old . Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab ,
and wounded the dragon ?

as Rom_13_13 /${as /in the day ; not in
rioting and drunkenness , not in chambering and wantonness , not
in strife and envying .

as Lam_02_07 /^{as /in the day of a solemn
feast .

as Eze_30_09 /^{as /in the day of Egypt :
for, lo, it cometh .

as Isa_09_04 /^{as /in the day of Midian .

as Psa_95_08 /^{as /in the day of
temptation in the wilderness :

as Hos_02_03 /^{as /in the day that she was
born , and make her as a wilderness , and set her like a dry
land , and slay her with thirst .

as Hos_02_15 /^{as /in the day when she
came up out of the land of Egypt .

as Hos_09_09 /^{as /in the days of Gibeah :
therefore he will remember their iniquity , he will visit their
sins .

as Hos_02_15 /^{as /in the days of her
youth , and as in the day when she came up out of the land of
Egypt .

as Mal_03_04 /^{as /in the days of old ,
and as in former years .

as Jer_46_26 /^{as /in the days of old ,
saith the LORD .

as Mic_07_14 /^{as /in the days of old .

as Amo_09_11 /^{as /in the days of old :

as Hos_12_09 /^{as /in the days of the
solemn feast .

as Mat_24_38 /${as /in the days that were
before the flood they were eating and drinking , marrying and
giving in marriage , until the day that Noe entered into the ark

as Job_29_02 /^{as /in the days when God
preserved me;

as Jud_20_39 /^{as /in the first battle .

as Zec_08_11 /^{as /in the former days ,
saith the LORD of hosts .

as Job_05_14 /^{as /in the night .

as Isa_59_10 /^{as /in the night ; we are
in desolate places as dead men.

as Isa_30_29 /^{as /in the night when a
holy solemnity is kept ; and gladness of heart , as when one
goeth with a pipe to come into the mountain of the LORD , to the
mighty One of Israel .

as 2Ch_02_16 /^{as /in the oracle , and put
them on the heads of the pillars ; and made an hundred
pomegranates , and put them on the chains .

As Jer_49_18 /^{As /in the overthrow of
Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof, saith the
LORD , no man shall abide there, neither shall a son of man
dwell in it.

as Psa_95_08 /^{as /in the provocation ,
and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness :

as Heb_03_08 /${as /in the provocation , in
the day of temptation in the wilderness :

as Heb_03_15 /${as /in the provocation .

as Isa_28_21 /^{as /in the valley of Gibeon
, that he may do his work , his strange work ; and bring to pass
his act , his strange act .

as 1Sa_19_07 /^{as /in times past .

As Pro_27_19 /^{As /in water face answereth
to face , so the heart of man to man .

as Psa_141_02 /^{as /incense ; and the
lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice .

as Job_03_16 /^{as /infants which never saw
light .

as 1Sa_15_23 /^{as /iniquity and idolatry .
Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD , he hath also
rejected thee from being king .

as Rom_06_13 /${as /instruments of
righteousness unto God .

as Rom_06_13 /${as /instruments of
unrighteousness unto sin : but yield yourselves unto God , as
those that are alive from the dead , and your members as
instruments of righteousness unto God .

as Lev_26_19 /^{as /iron , and your earth
as brass :

as Dan_02_40 /^{as /iron : forasmuch as
iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron
that breaketh all these , shall it break in pieces and bruise .

as Dan_02_40 /^{as /iron breaketh in pieces
and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these ,
shall it break in pieces and bruise .

as Dan_02_43 /^{as /iron is not mixed with
clay .

as Dan_02_40 /^{as /iron that breaketh all
these , shall it break in pieces and bruise .

as 1Co_10_13 /${as /is common to man : but
God is faithful , who will not suffer you to be tempted above
that ye are able ; but will with the temptation also make a way
to escape , that ye may be able to bear it.

as Gen_19_08 /^{as /is good in your eyes :
only unto these men do nothing ; for therefore came they under
the shadow of my roof .

as 1Co_05_01 /${as /is not so much as named
among the Gentiles , that one should have his father's wife .

as Pro_25_16 /^{as /is sufficient for thee,
lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit it.

As 1Co_15_48 /${As /is the earthy , such
are they also that are earthy : and as is the heavenly , such
are they also that are heavenly .

as Ecc_09_02 /^{as /is the good , so is the
sinner ; and he that sweareth , as he that feareth an oath .

as 1Co_15_48 /${as /is the heavenly , such
are they also that are heavenly .

As Eze_16_44 /^{As /is the mother , so is
her daughter .

as Lev_06_17 /^{as /is the sin offering ,
and as the trespass offering .

as Gen_27_30 /^{as /Isaac had made an end
of blessing Jacob , and Jacob was yet scarce gone out from the
presence of Isaac his father , that Esau his brother came in
from his hunting .

as Gal_04_28 /${as /Isaac was , are the
children of promise .

as Deu_02_12 /^{as /Israel did unto the
land of his possession , which the LORD gave unto them.

as Php_01_27 /${as /it becometh the gospel
of Christ : that whether I come and see you , or else be absent ,
I may hear of your affairs , that ye stand fast in one spirit ,
with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel ;

as Mat_28_01 /${as /it began to dawn toward
the first day of the week , came Mary Magdalene and the other
Mary to see the sepulchre .

as 1Th_03_04 /${as /it came to pass , and
ye know .

as Col_01_06 /${as /it doth also in you ,
since the day ye heard of it, and knew the grace of God in truth

as Act_11_05 /${as /it had been a great
sheet , let down from heaven by four corners ; and it came even
to me :

as Act_10_11 /${as /it had been a great
sheet knit at the four corners , and let down to the earth :

as Act_09_18 /${as /it had been scales :
and he received sight forthwith , and arose , and was baptized .

as Rev_05_06 /${as /it had been slain ,
having seven horns and seven eyes , which are the seven Spirits
of God sent forth into all the earth .

as Act_06_15 /${as /it had been the face of
an angel .

As Ecc_02_15 /^{As /it happeneth to the
fool , so it happeneth even to me ; and why was I then more wise
? Then I said in my heart , that this also is vanity .

as 1Co_15_38 /${as /it hath pleased him ,
and to every seed his own body .

as 1Co_12_18 /${as /it hath pleased him .

as 1Jo_02_27 /${as /it hath taught you , ye
shall abide in him .

as Job_26_03 /^{as /it is ?

as Act_13_33 /${as /it is also written in
the second psalm , Thou art my Son , this day have I begotten
thee .

as Heb_09_27 /${as /it is appointed unto
men once to die , but after this the judgment :

as Deu_06_24 /^{as /it is at this day .

as Col_03_18 /${as /it is fit in the Lord .

as Col_01_06 /${as /it is in all the world ;
and bringeth forth fruit , as it doth also in you , since the
day ye heard of it, and knew the grace of God in truth :

as Mat_06_10 /${as /it is in heaven .

as 1Th_02_13 /${as /it is in truth , the
word of God , which effectually worketh also in you that believe

as 2Th_01_03 /${as /it is meet , because
that your faith groweth exceedingly , and the charity of every
one of you all toward each other aboundeth ;

as Php_01_07 /${as /it is meet for me to
think this of you all , because I have you in my heart ;
inasmuch as both in my bonds , and in the defence and
confirmation of the gospel , ye all are partakers of my grace .

as Eph_03_05 /${as /it is now revealed unto
his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit ;

as Heb_04_07 /${as /it is said , To day if
ye will hear his voice , harden not your hearts .

as Gen_22_14 /^{as /it is said to this day ,
In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen .

as Gen_50_20 /^{as /it is this day , to
save much people alive .

as Deu_29_28 /^{as /it is this day .

as 1Ki_03_06 /^{as /it is this day .

as 1Ki_08_24 /^{as /it is this day .

as Deu_10_15 /^{as /it is this day .

as Deu_08_18 /^{as /it is this day .

as Ezr_09_07 /^{as /it is this day .

as Deu_04_38 /^{as /it is this day .

as 2Ch_06_15 /^{as /it is this day .

as Neh_09_10 /^{as /it is this day .

as Jer_11_05 /^{as /it is this day . Then
answered I, and said , So be it , O LORD .

as Ezr_09_15 /^{as /it is this day : behold,
we are before thee in our trespasses : for we cannot stand
before thee because of this.

as Jer_25_18 /^{as /it is this day ;

as 2Th_03_01 /${as /it is with you :

as Gen_23_09 /^{as /it is worth he shall
give it me for a possession of a buryingplace amongst you .

as Act_15_15 /${as /it is written ,

as Joh_12_14 /${as /it is written ,

as Ezr_03_04 /^{as /it is written , and
offered the daily burnt offerings by number , according to the
custom , as the duty of every day required ;

As Rom_09_33 /${As /it is written , Behold ,
I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence : and
whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed .

as 1Co_02_09 /${as /it is written , Eye
hath not seen , nor ear heard , neither have entered into the
heart of man , the things which God hath prepared for them that
love him .

as Rom_15_09 /${as /it is written , For
this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles , and sing
unto thy name .

As Rom_08_36 /${As /it is written , For thy
sake we are killed all the day long ; we are accounted as sheep
for the slaughter .

as Joh_06_31 /${as /it is written , He gave
them bread from heaven to eat .

as 1Co_01_31 /${as /it is written , He that
glorieth , let him glory in the Lord .

As 2Co_08_15 /${As /it is written , He that
had gathered much had nothing over ; and he that had gathered
little had no lack .

as Rom_10_15 /${as /it is written , How
beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace ,
and bring glad tidings of good things !

as 2Co_04_13 /${as /it is written , I
believed , and therefore have I spoken ; we also believe , and
therefore speak ;

As Rom_09_13 /${As /it is written , Jacob
have I loved , but Esau have I hated .

as Rom_03_04 /${as /it is written , That
thou mightest be justified in thy sayings , and mightest
overcome when thou art judged .

as Rom_01_17 /${as /it is written , The
just shall live by faith .

as 1Co_10_07 /${as /it is written , The
people sat down to eat and drink , and rose up to play .

as Rom_15_03 /${as /it is written , The
reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me .

As Rom_03_10 /${As /it is written , There
is none righteous , no, not one :

as Rom_11_26 /${as /it is written , There
shall come out of Sion the Deliverer , and shall turn away
ungodliness from Jacob :

as Mar_07_06 /${as /it is written , This
people honoureth me with their lips , but their heart is far
from me .

as Rom_15_21 /${as /it is written , To whom
he was not spoken of , they shall see : and they that have not
heard shall understand .

as Rom_02_24 /${as /it is written .

as Neh_08_15 /^{as /it is written .

as Ezr_06_18 /^{as /it is written in the
book of Moses .

as 2Ch_35_12 /^{as /it is written in the
book of Moses . And so did they with the oxen .

as Jos_08_31 /^{as /it is written in the
book of the law of Moses , an altar of whole stones , over which
no man hath lift up any iron : and they offered thereon burnt
offerings unto the LORD , and sacrificed peace offerings .

as Act_07_42 /${as /it is written in the
book of the prophets , O ye house of Israel , have ye offered to
me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in
the wilderness ?

As Luk_03_04 /${As /it is written in the
book of the words of Esaias the prophet , saying , The voice of
one crying in the wilderness , Prepare ye the way of the Lord ,
make his paths straight .

as 2Ki_23_21 /^{as /it is written in the
book of this covenant .

as Neh_10_36 /^{as /it is written in the
law , and the firstlings of our herds and of our flocks , to
bring to the house of our God , unto the priests that minister
in the house of our God :

as Neh_10_34 /^{as /it is written in the
law :

as 2Ch_25_04 /^{as /it is written in the law
in the book of Moses , where the LORD commanded , saying , The
fathers shall not die for the children , neither shall the
children die for the fathers , but every man shall die for his
own sin .

As Dan_09_13 /^{As /it is written in the
law of Moses , all this evil is come upon us: yet made we not
our prayer before the LORD our God , that we might turn from our
iniquities , and understand thy truth .

as 1Ki_02_03 /^{as /it is written in the
law of Moses , that thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest ,
and whithersoever thou turnest thyself:

as 2Ch_23_18 /^{as /it is written in the law
of Moses , with rejoicing and with singing , as it was ordained
by David .

as Ezr_03_02 /^{as /it is written in the
law of Moses the man of God .

as 2Ch_31_03 /^{as /it is written in the law
of the LORD .

As Mar_01_02 /${As /it is written in the
prophets , Behold , I send my messenger before thy face , which
shall prepare thy way before thee .

as Mar_09_13 /${as /it is written of him .

as Mar_14_21 /${as /it is written of him :
but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed ! good
were it for that man if he had never been born .

as Mat_26_24 /${as /it is written of him :
but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed ! it
had been good for that man if he had not been born .

as Lev_26_34 /^{as /it lieth desolate , and
ye be in your enemies land ; even then shall the land rest ,
and enjoy her sabbaths .

as Lev_26_35 /^{as /it lieth desolate it
shall rest ; because it did not rest in your sabbaths , when ye
dwelt upon it.

as Est_08_08 /^{as /it liketh you , in the
king's name , and seal it with the king's ring : for the writing
which is written in the king's name , and sealed with the king's
ring , may no man reverse .

as Jon_01_14 /^{as /it pleased thee.

as Gen_16_06 /^{as /it pleaseth thee . And
when Sarai dealt hardly with her, she fled from her face .

as Jos_09_25 /^{as /it seemeth good and
right unto thee to do unto us, do .

as Est_03_11 /^{as /it seemeth good to thee.

as 1Sa_24_04 /^{as /it shall seem good unto
thee . Then David arose , and cut off the skirt of Saul's robe
privily .

as Est_09_27 /^{as /it should not fail ,
that they would keep these two days according to their writing ,
and according to their appointed time every year ;

as Lev_18_28 /^{as /it spued out the
nations that were before you.

as 1Sa_12_15 /^{as /it was against your
fathers .

as 1Ki_13_06 /^{as /it was before .

as Rev_12_04 /${as /it was born .

as Rom_05_16 /${as /it was by one that
sinned , so is the gift : for the judgment was by one to
condemnation , but the free gift is of many offences unto
justification .

as Act_23_31 /${as /it was commanded them ,
took Paul , and brought him by night to Antipatris .

as Exo_38_21 /^{as /it was counted ,
according to the commandment of Moses , for the service of the
Levites , by the hand of Ithamar , son to Aaron the priest .

as Luk_22_66 /${as /it was day , the elders
of the people and the chief priests and the scribes came
together , and led him into their council , saying ,

as Act_12_18 /${as /it was day , there was
no small stir among the soldiers , what was become of Peter .

as Luk_22_22 /${as /it was determined : but
woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed !

as Jos_14_07 /^{as /it was in mine heart .

as Luk_17_28 /${as /it was in the days of
Lot ; they did eat , they drank , they bought , they sold , they
planted , they builded ;

as Luk_17_26 /${as /it was in the days of
Noe , so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man .

as 2Ch_06_08 /^{as /it was in thine heart to
build an house for my name , thou didst well in that it was in
thine heart :

as 2Ch_23_18 /^{as /it was ordained by David

as Exo_27_08 /^{as /it was shewed thee in
the mount , so shall they make it.

as Luk_08_06 /${as /it was sprung up , it
withered away , because it lacked moisture .

As Lev_04_10 /^{As /it was taken off from
the bullock of the sacrifice of peace offerings : and the priest
shall burn them upon the altar of the burnt offering .

as Isa_11_16 /^{as /it was to Israel in the
day that he came up out of the land of Egypt .

as Act_27_25 /${as /it was told me .

as Luk_02_20 /${as /it was told unto them .

as 2Ch_30_05 /^{as /it was written .

as 1Ki_21_11 /^{as /it was written in the
letters which she had sent unto them.

as 2Ki_07_07 /^{as /it was, and fled for
their life .

as Ecc_12_07 /^{as /it was: and the spirit
shall return unto God who gave it.

as Gen_21_16 /^{as /it were a bowshot : for
she said , Let me not see the death of the child . And she sat
over against him, and lift up her voice , and wept .

as Num_11_31 /^{as /it were a day's journey
on the other side , round about the camp , and as it were two
cubits high upon the face of the earth .

as Num_11_31 /^{as /it were a day's journey
on this side , and as it were a day's journey on the other side ,
round about the camp , and as it were two cubits high upon the
face of the earth .

as Rev_08_08 /${as /it were a great
mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea : and the third
part of the sea became blood ;

as Rev_08_10 /${as /it were a lamp , and it
fell upon the third part of the rivers , and upon the fountains
of waters ;

as Rev_14_03 /${as /it were a new song
before the throne , and before the four beasts , and the elders :
and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and
four thousand , which were redeemed from the earth .

as Exo_24_10 /^{as /it were a paved work of
a sapphire stone , and as it were the body of heaven in his
clearness .

as Lev_14_35 /^{as /it were a plague in the
house :

as Eze_10_01 /^{as /it were a sapphire
stone , as the appearance of the likeness of a throne .

as Rev_15_02 /${as /it were a sea of glass
mingled with fire : and them that had gotten the victory over
the beast , and over his image , and over his mark , and over
the number of his name , stand on the sea of glass , having the
harps of God .

as Eze_01_16 /^{as /it were a wheel in the
middle of a wheel .

as Psa_17_12 /^{as /it were a young lion
lurking in secret places .

as 1Sa_14_14 /^{as /it were an half acre of
land , which a yoke of oxen might plow.

as 1Co_04_09 /${as /it were appointed to
death : for we are made a spectacle unto the world , and to
angels , and to men .

as Lev_26_37 /^{as /it were before a sword ,
when none pursueth : and ye shall have no power to stand before
your enemies .

as Rev_09_09 /${as /it were breastplates of
iron ; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots
of many horses running to battle .

as Isa_26_18 /^{as /it were brought forth
wind ; we have not wrought any deliverance in the earth ;
neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen .

as Rom_09_32 /${as /it were by the works of
the law . For they stumbled at that stumblingstone ;

as Rev_09_07 /${as /it were crowns like
gold , and their faces were as the faces of men .

as Job_28_05 /^{as /it were fire .

as Jam_05_03 /${as /it were fire . Ye have
heaped treasure together for the last days .

as 2Co_11_17 /${as /it were foolishly , in
this confidence of boasting .

as Isa_26_20 /^{as /it were for a little
moment , until the indignation be overpast .

as Luk_22_44 /${as /it were great drops of
blood falling down to the ground .

as Joh_07_10 /${as /it were in secret .

as Rev_04_01 /${as /it were of a trumpet
talking with me ; which said , Come up hither , and I will shew
thee things which must be hereafter .

as Phm_01_14 /${as /it were of necessity ,
but willingly .

as Isa_53_03 /^{as /it were our faces from
him; he was despised , and we esteemed him not.

as Eze_01_27 /^{as /it were the appearance
of fire , and it had brightness round about .

as Num_09_15 /^{as /it were the appearance
of fire , until the morning .

as Exo_24_10 /^{as /it were the body of
heaven in his clearness .

As Son_06_13 /^{As /it were the company of
two armies .

as Exo_28_32 /^{as /it were the hole of an
habergeon , that it be not rent .

as Rev_06_01 /${as /it were the noise of
thunder , one of the four beasts saying , Come and see .

as Num_23_22 /^{as /it were the strength of
an unicorn .

as Num_24_08 /^{as /it were the strength of
an unicorn : he shall eat up the nations his enemies , and shall
break their bones , and pierce them through with his arrows .

as Rev_10_01 /${as /it were the sun , and
his feet as pillars of fire :

as Rev_19_06 /${as /it were the voice of a
great multitude , and as the voice of many waters , and as the
voice of mighty thunderings , saying , Alleluia : for the Lord
God omnipotent reigneth .

as Act_17_14 /${as /it were to the sea :
but Silas and Timotheus abode there still .

as Rev_21_21 /${as /it were transparent
glass .

as Num_11_31 /^{as /it were two cubits high
upon the face of the earth .

as Joh_21_08 /${as /it were two hundred
cubits , dragging the net with fishes .

as Isa_05_18 /^{as /it were with a cart
rope :

as Rev_13_03 /${as /it were wounded to
death ; and his deadly wound was healed : and all the world
wondered after the beast .

as 2Ti_03_08 /${as /Jannes and Jambres
withstood Moses , so do these also resist the truth : men of
corrupt minds , reprobate concerning the faith .

as 2Ki_09_31 /^{as /Jehu entered in at the
gate , she said , Had Zimri peace , who slew his master ?

as Son_06_04 /^{as /Jerusalem , terrible as
an army with banners .

as 1Sa_17_20 /^{as /Jesse had commanded him;
and he came to the trench , as the host was going forth to the
fight , and shouted for the battle .

as Mat_21_06 /${as /Jesus commanded them ,

as Mat_26_19 /${as /Jesus had appointed
them ; and they made ready the passover .

as Mar_11_06 /${as /Jesus had commanded :
and they let them go .

as Mar_05_36 /${as /Jesus heard the word
that was spoken , he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue , Be
not afraid , only believe .

as Joh_09_01 /${as /Jesus passed by , he
saw a man which was blind from his birth .

as Mat_09_09 /${as /Jesus passed forth from
thence , he saw a man , named Matthew , sitting at the receipt
of custom : and he saith unto him , Follow me . And he arose ,
and followed him .

as Mar_02_15 /${as /Jesus sat at meat in
his house , many publicans and sinners sat also together with
Jesus and his disciples : for there were many , and they
followed him .

as Mat_09_10 /${as /Jesus sat at meat in
the house , behold , many publicans and sinners came and sat
down with him and his disciples .

as 1Ki_21_11 /^{as /Jezebel had sent unto
them, and as it was written in the letters which she had sent
unto them.

as 2Ki_14_03 /^{as /Joash his father did .

as Luk_11_01 /${as /John also taught his
disciples .

as Act_13_25 /${as /John fulfilled his
course , he said , Whom think ye that I am ? I am not he. But ,
behold , there cometh one after me , whose shoes of his feet I
am not worthy to loose .

as Est_09_27 /^{as /joined themselves unto
them, so as it should not fail , that they would keep these two
days according to their writing , and according to their
appointed time every year ;

as Luk_11_30 /${as /Jonas was a sign unto
the Ninevites , so shall also the Son of man be to this
generation .

as Mat_12_40 /${as /Jonas was three days
and three nights in the whale's belly ; so shall the Son of man
be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth .

as Gen_43_17 /^{as /Joseph bade ; and the
man brought the men into Joseph's house .

as Gen_40_22 /^{as /Joseph had interpreted
to them.

as Gen_41_54 /^{as /Joseph had said : and
the dearth was in all lands ; but in all the land of Egypt there
was bread .

as Jos_04_08 /^{as /Joshua commanded , and
took up twelve stones out of the midst of Jordan , as the LORD
spake unto Joshua , according to the number of the tribes of the
children of Israel , and carried them over with them unto the
place where they lodged , and laid them down there.

as 2Ch_35_18 /^{as /Josiah kept , and the
priests , and the Levites , and all Judah and Israel that were
present , and the inhabitants of Jerusalem .

as 2Ki_23_16 /^{as /Josiah turned himself,
he spied the sepulchres that were there in the mount , and sent ,
and took the bones out of the sepulchres , and burned them upon
the altar , and polluted it, according to the word of the LORD
which the man of God proclaimed , who proclaimed these words .

as Psa_103_18 /^{as /keep his covenant ,
and to those that remember his commandments to do them.

as Psa_25_10 /^{as /keep his covenant and
his testimonies .

as Pro_28_04 /^{as /keep the law contend
with them.

As Jer_04_17 /^{As /keepers of a field ,
are they against her round about ; because she hath been
rebellious against me, saith the LORD .

as Ezr_04_03 /^{as /king Cyrus the king of
Persia hath commanded us.

as 1Ch_29_23 /^{as /king instead of David
his father , and prospered ; and all Israel obeyed him.

as Rev_17_12 /${as /kings one hour with the
beast .

as 1Co_04_08 /${as /kings without us : and
I would to God ye did reign , that we also might reign with you .

as Pro_30_14 /^{as /knives , to devour the
poor from off the earth , and the needy from among men .

as Ezr_07_25 /^{as /know the laws of thy
God ; and teach ye them that know them not .

as Num_16_40 /^{as /Korah , and as his
company : as the LORD said to him by the hand of Moses .

as Luk_10_03 /${as /lambs among wolves .

as Dan_10_06 /^{as /lamps of fire , and his
arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass , and the
voice of his words like the voice of a multitude .

as Rev_21_16 /${as /large as the breadth :
and he measured the city with the reed , twelve thousand
furlongs . The length and the breadth and the height of it are
equal .

as Ezr_08_31 /^{as /lay in wait by the way .

as Exo_15_10 /^{as /lead in the mighty
waters .

as Son_05_15 /^{as /Lebanon , excellent as
the cedars .

as Hos_14_05 /^{as /Lebanon .

as Hos_14_06 /^{as /Lebanon .

as Rom_12_18 /${as /lieth in you , live
peaceably with all men .

as Ecc_02_13 /^{as /light excelleth
darkness .

as 2Sa_02_18 /^{as /light of foot as a wild
roe .

as Luk_10_18 /${as /lightning fall from
heaven .

as Php_02_15 /${as /lights in the world ;

as Jer_51_38 /^{as /lions whelps .

as Mat_18_03 /${as /little children , ye
shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven .

as 1Pe_02_05 /${as /lively stones , are
built up a spiritual house , an holy priesthood , to offer up
spiritual sacrifices , acceptable to God by Jesus Christ .

as Gal_04_01 /${as /long as he is a child ,
differeth nothing from a servant , though he be lord of all ;

as Rom_07_01 /${as /long as he liveth ?

as 1Sa_01_28 /^{as /long as he liveth he
shall be lent to the LORD . And he worshipped the LORD there.

as 2Ch_26_05 /^{as /long as he sought the
LORD , God made him to prosper .

as 1Co_07_39 /${as /long as her husband
liveth ; but if her husband be dead , she is at liberty to be
married to whom she will ; only in the Lord .

As Joh_09_05 /${As /long as I am in the
world , I am the light of the world .

as 2Pe_01_13 /${as /long as I am in this
tabernacle , to stir you up by putting you in remembrance ;

as Psa_116_02 /^{as /long as I live .

as Psa_104_33 /^{as /long as I live : I
will sing praise to my God while I have my being .

as Lev_26_34 /^{as /long as it lieth
desolate , and ye be in your enemies land ; even then shall the
land rest , and enjoy her sabbaths .

As Lev_26_35 /^{As /long as it lieth
desolate it shall rest ; because it did not rest in your
sabbaths , when ye dwelt upon it.

as Lev_18_19 /^{as /long as she is put
apart for her uncleanness .

as 2Ch_36_21 /^{as /long as she lay desolate
she kept sabbath , to fulfil threescore and ten years .

as Mat_09_15 /${as /long as the bridegroom
is with them ? but the days will come , when the bridegroom
shall be taken from them , and then shall they fast .

as Num_09_18 /^{as /long as the cloud abode
upon the tabernacle they rested in their tents.

as 1Sa_20_31 /^{as /long as the son of
Jesse liveth upon the ground , thou shalt not be established ,
nor thy kingdom . Wherefore now send and fetch him unto me, for
he shall surely die .

as Psa_72_17 /^{as /long as the sun : and
men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed .

as Psa_72_05 /^{as /long as the sun and
moon endure , throughout all generations .

as Mar_02_19 /${as /long as they have the
bridegroom with them , they cannot fast .

as Eze_42_11 /^{as /long as they, and as
broad as they: and all their goings out were both according to
their fashions , and according to their doors .

as Deu_12_19 /^{as /long as thou livest
upon the earth .

as 1Sa_25_15 /^{as /long as we were
conversant with them, when we were in the fields :

as 1Pe_03_06 /${as /long as ye do well ,
and are not afraid with any amazement .

as Deu_31_13 /^{as /long as ye live in the
land whither ye go over Jordan to possess it.

as Psa_70_04 /^{as /love thy salvation say
continually , Let God be magnified .

as Psa_40_16 /^{as /love thy salvation say
continually , The LORD be magnified .

as Act_09_38 /${as /Lydda was nigh to Joppa
, and the disciples had heard that Peter was there , they sent
unto him two men , desiring him that he would not delay to come
to them .

as 1Sa_16_07 /^{as /man seeth ; for man
looketh on the outward appearance , but the LORD looketh on the
heart .

as Job_10_04 /^{as /man seeth ?

as Job_10_05 /^{as /man's days ,

as Gen_48_20 /^{as /Manasseh : and he set
Ephraim before Manasseh .

as 2Ch_33_23 /^{as /Manasseh his father had
humbled himself; but Amon trespassed more and more .

as 2Co_02_17 /${as /many , which corrupt the
word of God : but as of sincerity , but as of God , in the sight
of God speak we in Christ .

as Rom_08_14 /${as /many as are led by the
Spirit of God , they are the sons of God .

as Gal_03_10 /${as /many as are of the
works of the law are under the curse : for it is written ,
Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are
written in the book of the law to do them .

as Php_03_15 /${as /many as be perfect , be
thus minded : and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded , God
shall reveal even this unto you .

as 2Sa_02_23 /^{as /many as came to the
place where Asahel fell down and died stood still .

as Act_10_45 /${as /many as came with Peter
, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of
the Holy Ghost .

As Gal_06_12 /${As /many as desire to make
a fair shew in the flesh , they constrain you to be circumcised ;
only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of
Christ .

as Mar_03_10 /${as /many as had plagues .

as Col_02_01 /${as /many as have not seen
my face in the flesh ;

as Rev_02_24 /${as /many as have not this
doctrine , and which have not known the depths of Satan , as
they speak ; I will put upon you none other burden .

as Rom_02_12 /${as /many as have sinned in
the law shall be judged by the law ;

as Rom_02_12 /${as /many as have sinned
without law shall also perish without law : and as many as have
sinned in the law shall be judged by the law ;

as Act_03_24 /${as /many as have spoken ,
have likewise foretold of these days .

as Luk_11_08 /${as /many as he needeth .

as Act_05_11 /${as /many as heard these
things .

As Rev_03_19 /${As /many as I love , I
rebuke and chasten : be zealous therefore , and repent .

as Act_05_37 /${as /many as obeyed him ,
were dispersed .

as Act_05_36 /${as /many as obeyed him ,
were scattered , and brought to nought .

as Joh_01_12 /${as /many as received him ,
to them gave he power to become the sons of God , even to them
that believe on his name :

as Act_02_39 /${as /many as the Lord our
God shall call .

as Mat_22_10 /${as /many as they found ,
both bad and good : and the wedding was furnished with guests .

as Joh_17_02 /${as /many as thou hast given
him .

as Mar_06_56 /${as /many as touched him
were made whole .

as Mat_14_36 /${as /many as touched were
made perfectly whole .

as Rev_18_17 /${as /many as trade by sea ,
stood afar off ,

as Gal_06_16 /${as /many as walk according
to this rule , peace be on them , and mercy , and upon the
Israel of God .

as 2Ch_29_31 /^{as /many as were of a free
heart burnt offerings .

as Act_04_06 /${as /many as were of the
kindred of the high priest , were gathered together at Jerusalem

as Act_13_48 /${as /many as were ordained
to eternal life believed .

as Act_04_34 /${as /many as were possessors
of lands or houses sold them , and brought the prices of the
things that were sold ,

as Exo_35_22 /^{as /many as were willing
hearted , and brought bracelets , and earrings , and rings , and
tablets , all jewels of gold : and every man that offered
offered an offering of gold unto the LORD .

as Rev_13_15 /${as /many as would not
worship the image of the beast should be killed .

as Mat_22_09 /${as /many as ye shall find ,
bid to the marriage .

as Psa_61_06 /^{as /many generations .

as Luk_01_01 /${as /many have taken in hand
to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are
most surely believed among us ,

as Jud_03_01 /^{as /many of Israel as had
not known all the wars of Canaan ;

as Gal_03_27 /${as /many of you as have
been baptized into Christ have put on Christ .

as 1Ti_06_01 /${as /many servants as are
under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour ,
that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed .

As Isa_52_14 /^{As /many were astonied at
thee; his visage was so marred more than any man , and his form
more than the sons of men :

as 2Sa_06_19 /^{as /men , to every one a
cake of bread , and a good piece of flesh, and a flagon of wine.
So all the people departed every one to his house .

as 1Co_03_03 /${as /men ?

as Mic_02_08 /^{as /men averse from war .

as Num_13_21 /^{as /men come to Hamath .

as Eze_26_10 /^{as /men enter into a city
wherein is made a breach .

as Jer_06_23 /^{as /men for war against
thee, O daughter of Zion .

as Eze_47_15 /^{as /men go to Zedad ;

as Isa_09_03 /^{as /men rejoice when they
divide the spoil .

as Eph_06_06 /${as /menpleasers ; but as
the servants of Christ , doing the will of God from the heart ;

as Col_03_22 /${as /menpleasers ; but in
singleness of heart , fearing God :

as Pro_16_14 /^{as /messengers of death :
but a wise man will pacify it.

as Zec_10_05 /^{as /mighty men, which tread
down their enemies in the mire of the streets in the battle :
and they shall fight , because the LORD is with them, and the
riders on horses shall be confounded .

as Job_10_10 /^{as /milk , and curdled me
like cheese ?

As Jer_42_18 /^{As /mine anger and my fury
hath been poured forth upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem ; so
shall my fury be poured forth upon you, when ye shall enter into
Egypt : and ye shall be an execration , and an astonishment ,
and a curse , and a reproach ; and ye shall see this place no

as Est_02_20 /^{as /Mordecai had charged
her: for Esther did the commandment of Mordecai , like as when
she was brought up with him.

as Est_09_23 /^{as /Mordecai had written
unto them;

as Est_09_31 /^{as /Mordecai the Jew and
Esther the queen had enjoined them, and as they had decreed for
themselves and for their seed , the matters of the fastings and
their cry .

as 2Co_03_13 /${as /Moses , which put a vail
over his face , that the children of Israel could not stedfastly
look to the end of that which is abolished :

as Exo_16_24 /^{as /Moses bade : and it did
not stink , neither was there any worm therein.

as Num_16_47 /^{as /Moses commanded , and
ran into the midst of the congregation ; and, behold, the plague
was begun among the people : and he put on incense , and made an
atonement for the people .

as Luk_05_14 /${as /Moses commanded , for a
testimony unto them .

as Lev_09_21 /^{as /Moses commanded .

as 1Ch_15_15 /^{as /Moses commanded
according to the word of the LORD .

as Exo_33_09 /^{as /Moses entered into the
tabernacle , the cloudy pillar descended , and stood at the door
of the tabernacle , and the LORD talked with Moses .

as Lev_10_05 /^{as /Moses had said .

as Exo_17_10 /^{as /Moses had said to him,
and fought with Amalek : and Moses , Aaron , and Hur went up to
the top of the hill .

as Joh_03_14 /${as /Moses lifted up the
serpent in the wilderness , even so must the Son of man be
lifted up :

as Jud_01_20 /^{as /Moses said : and he
expelled thence the three sons of Anak .

as Jos_04_12 /^{as /Moses spake unto them:

as Jos_11_12 /^{as /Moses the servant of
the LORD commanded .

As Jos_08_31 /^{As /Moses the servant of
the LORD commanded the children of Israel , as it is written in
the book of the law of Moses , an altar of whole stones , over
which no man hath lift up any iron : and they offered thereon
burnt offerings unto the LORD , and sacrificed peace offerings .

as Jos_13_08 /^{as /Moses the servant of
the LORD gave them;

as Jos_08_33 /^{as /Moses the servant of
the LORD had commanded before , that they should bless the
people of Israel .

as Heb_08_05 /${as /Moses was admonished of
God when he was about to make the tabernacle : for , See , saith
he , that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed
to thee in the mount .

as 1Ti_05_02 /${as /mothers ; the younger
as sisters , with all purity .

as Psa_125_01 /^{as /mount Zion , which
cannot be removed , but abideth for ever .

as Luk_06_34 /${as /much again .

as Lev_07_10 /^{as /much as another .

as Job_42_10 /^{as /much as he had before.

as Psa_119_001 /^{as /much as in all riches

as Rom_01_15 /${as /much as in me is , I am
ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also .

as Rom_12_18 /${as /much as lieth in you ,
live peaceably with all men .

as Gen_44_01 /^{as /much as they can carry ,
and put every man's money in his sack's mouth .

as Exo_16_05 /^{as /much as they gather
daily .

as Joh_06_11 /${as /much as they would .

as 2Ch_02_16 /^{as /much as thou shalt need :
and we will bring it to thee in floats by sea to Joppa ; and
thou shalt carry it up to Jerusalem .

as 1Sa_02_16 /^{as /much as thy soul
desireth ; then he would answer him, Nay; but thou shalt give it
me now: and if not, I will take it by force .

as Exo_16_22 /^{as /much bread , two omers
for one man: and all the rulers of the congregation came and
told Moses .

as Gen_23_09 /^{as /much money as it is
worth he shall give it me for a possession of a buryingplace
amongst you .

as Ecc_02_08 /^{as /musical instruments ,
and that of all sorts.

as 1Co_04_14 /${as /my beloved sons I warn

as Son_08_01 /^{as /my brother , that
sucked the breasts of my mother ! when I should find thee
without , I would kiss thee; yea, I should not be despised .

as Luk_22_29 /${as /my Father hath
appointed unto me ;

as Joh_20_21 /${as /my Father hath sent me ,
even so send I you .

as Joh_08_28 /${as /my Father hath taught
me , I speak these things .

as 1Ki_20_34 /^{as /my father made in
Samaria . Then said Ahab, I will send thee away with this
covenant . So he made a covenant with him, and sent him away .

As Isa_10_10 /^{As /my hand hath found the
kingdoms of the idols , and whose graven images did excel them
of Jerusalem and of Samaria ;

as 2Ki_10_15 /^{as /my heart is with thy
heart ? And Jehonadab answered , It is . If it be, give me thine
hand . And he gave him his hand ; and he took him up to him into
the chariot .

as Num_32_25 /^{as /my lord commandeth .

as Num_32_27 /^{as /my lord saith .

as 2Ki_02_19 /^{as /my lord seeth : but the
water is naught , and the ground barren .

as 1Ki_02_38 /^{as /my lord the king hath
said , so will thy servant do . And Shimei dwelt in Jerusalem
many days .

as 2Sa_19_30 /^{as /my lord the king is come
again in peace unto his own house .

as 2Sa_15_21 /^{as /my lord the king liveth ,
surely in what place my lord the king shall be, whether in
death or life , even there also will thy servant be.

as Isa_42_19 /^{as /my messenger that I
sent ? who is blind as he that is perfect , and blind as the
LORD'S servant ?

as Eze_23_18 /^{as /my mind was alienated
from her sister .

as Jer_15_19 /^{as /my mouth : let them
return unto thee; but return not thou unto them.

as Eze_33_31 /^{as /my people , and they
hear thy words , but they will not do them: for with their mouth
they shew much love , but their heart goeth after their
covetousness .

as 1Ki_14_08 /^{as /my servant David , who
kept my commandments , and who followed me with all his heart ,
to do that only which was right in mine eyes ;

as Isa_20_03 /^{as /my servant Isaiah hath
walked naked and barefoot three years for a sign and wonder upon
Egypt and upon Ethiopia ;

as Job_42_07 /^{as /my servant Job hath.

as Job_06_07 /^{as /my sorrowful meat .

as Jos_14_11 /^{as /my strength was then,
even so is my strength now, for war , both to go out , and to
come in .

as Phm_01_17 /${as /myself .

as 1Sa_25_26 /^{as /Nabal .

as Ecc_12_11 /^{as /nails fastened by the
masters of assemblies , which are given from one shepherd .

as 1Co_05_01 /${as /named among the
Gentiles , that one should have his father's wife .

as 2Pe_02_12 /${as /natural brute beasts ,
made to be taken and destroyed , speak evil of the things that
they understand not ; and shall utterly perish in their own
corruption ;

as Dan_12_01 /^{as /never was since there
was a nation even to that same time : and at that time thy
people shall be delivered , every one that shall be found
written in the book .

As 1Pe_02_02 /${As /newborn babes , desire
the sincere milk of the word , that ye may grow thereby :

as Gen_10_09 /^{as /Nimrod the mighty
hunter before the LORD .

as Mar_09_03 /${as /no fuller on earth can
white them.

as 2Ch_01_12 /^{as /none of the kings have
had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after
thee have the like.

as 1Co_07_31 /${as /not abusing it: for the
fashion of this world passeth away .

as Heb_07_20 /${as /not without an oath he
was made priest:

as Dan_04_35 /^{as /nothing : and he doeth
according to his will in the army of heaven , and among the
inhabitants of the earth : and none can stay his hand , or say
unto him, What doest thou?

as Psa_39_05 /^{as /nothing before thee:
verily every man at his best state is altogether vanity . Selah .

as Isa_41_12 /^{as /nothing, and as a thing
of nought .

as Isa_40_17 /^{as /nothing; and they are
counted to him less than nothing , and vanity .

as Isa_41_11 /^{as /nothing; and they that
strive with thee shall perish .

as Hag_02_03 /^{as /nothing?

as 1Ki_18_07 /^{as /Obadiah was in the way ,
behold, Elijah met him: and he knew him, and fell on his face ,
and said , Art thou that my lord Elijah ?

As 1Pe_01_14 /${As /obedient children , not
fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your
ignorance :

as Act_05_37 /${as /obeyed him , were
dispersed .

as Act_05_36 /${as /obeyed him , were
scattered , and brought to nought .

as 1Sa_10_07 /^{as /occasion serve thee;
for God is with thee.

as Isa_13_04 /^{as /of a great people ; a
tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together :
the LORD of hosts mustereth the host of the battle .

as 1Pe_01_19 /${as /of a lamb without
blemish and without spot :

as Jer_50_09 /^{as /of a mighty expert man ;
none shall return in vain .

as Act_02_02 /${as /of a rushing mighty
wind , and it filled all the house where they were sitting .

as Rev_01_10 /${as /of a trumpet ,

as Jer_22_23 /^{as /of a woman in travail !

as Jer_04_31 /^{as /of a woman in travail ,
and the anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first child ,
the voice of the daughter of Zion , that bewaileth herself, that
spreadeth her hands , saying, Woe is me now! for my soul is
wearied because of murderers .

as Psa_48_06 /^{as /of a woman in travail .

as Jer_50_43 /^{as /of a woman in travail .

as Jer_06_24 /^{as /of a woman in travail .

as Zec_09_01 /^{as /of all the tribes of
Israel , shall be toward the LORD .

as 2Co_09_05 /${as /of covetousness .

as 1Pe_03_16 /${as /of evildoers , they may
be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ .

as Act_02_03 /${as /of fire , and it sat
upon each of them .

as 2Co_02_17 /${as /of God , in the sight of
God speak we in Christ .

as Jer_04_31 /^{as /of her that bringeth
forth her first child , the voice of the daughter of Zion , that
bewaileth herself, that spreadeth her hands , saying, Woe is me
now! for my soul is wearied because of murderers .

as Gal_03_16 /${as /of many ; but as of one
, And to thy seed , which is Christ .

as Lam_05_21 /^{as /of old .

as Gal_03_16 /${as /of one , And to thy
seed , which is Christ .

as 1Co_15_08 /${as /of one born out of due
time .

as Isa_29_04 /^{as /of one that hath a
familiar spirit , out of the ground , and thy speech shall
whisper out of the dust .

as 2Co_03_05 /${as /of ourselves ; but our
sufficiency is of God ;

as 2Co_02_17 /${as /of sincerity , but as of
God , in the sight of God speak we in Christ .

as 1Pe_04_11 /${as /of the ability which
God giveth : that God in all things may be glorified through
Jesus Christ , to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever .
Amen .

as Deu_12_15 /^{as /of the hart .

as 1Co_04_01 /${as /of the ministers of
Christ , and stewards of the mysteries of God .

as Joh_01_14 /${as /of the only begotten of
the Father , full of grace and truth .

as Deu_12_15 /^{as /of the roebuck , and as
of the hart .

as Heb_12_27 /${as /of things that are made
, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain .

as Deu_22_11 /^{as /of woollen and linen
together .

as 2Ki_04_08 /^{as /oft as he passed by , he
turned in thither to eat bread .

as 1Co_11_25 /${as /oft as ye drink it, in
remembrance of me .

as Rev_11_06 /${as /often as they will .

as 1Co_11_26 /${as /often as ye eat this
bread , and drink this cup , ye do shew the Lord's death till he
come .

as Son_01_03 /^{as /ointment poured forth ,
therefore do the virgins love thee.

as Zec_05_03 /^{as /on that side according
to it.

as Zec_05_03 /^{as /on this side according
to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that
side according to it.

as Act_11_15 /${as /on us at the beginning .

as 2Ch_05_13 /^{as /one , to make one sound
to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD ; and when they
lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and
instruments of musick , and praised the LORD , saying, For he is
good ; for his mercy endureth for ever : that then the house was
filled with a cloud , even the house of the LORD ;

as 2Sa_17_12 /^{as /one .

as Lev_19_34 /^{as /one born among you, and
thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the
land of Egypt : I am the LORD your God .

as Jer_19_11 /^{as /one breaketh a potter's
vessel , that cannot be made whole again : and they shall bury
them in Tophet , till there be no place to bury .

as Pro_08_30 /^{as /one brought up with him:
and I was daily his delight , rejoicing always before him;

as 2Ki_12_09 /^{as /one cometh into the
house of the LORD : and the priests that kept the door put
therein all the money that was brought into the house of the

as 2Pe_03_08 /${as /one day .

as Num_12_12 /^{as /one dead , of whom the
flesh is half consumed when he cometh out of his mother's womb .

as Mar_09_26 /${as /one dead ; insomuch
that many said , He is dead .

as Eze_42_12 /^{as /one entereth into them.

as Isa_10_14 /^{as /one gathereth eggs that
are left , have I gathered all the earth ; and there was none
that moved the wing , or opened the mouth , or peeped .

as Eze_42_09 /^{as /one goeth into them
from the utter court .

as Eze_48_01 /^{as /one goeth to Hamath ,
Hazarenan , the border of Damascus northward , to the coast of
Hamath ; for these are his sides east and west ; a portion for
Dan .

as Eze_40_40 /^{as /one goeth up to the
entry of the north gate , were two tables ; and on the other
side , which was at the porch of the gate , were two tables .

as Mat_07_29 /${as /one having authority ,
and not as the scribes .

as Jud_20_01 /^{as /one man , from Dan even
to Beersheba , with the land of Gilead , unto the LORD in Mizpeh

as Jud_20_08 /^{as /one man , saying , We
will not any of us go to his tent , neither will we any of us
turn into his house .

as Num_14_15 /^{as /one man , then the
nations which have heard the fame of thee will speak , saying ,

as Jud_06_16 /^{as /one man .

as Jud_20_11 /^{as /one man .

as Neh_08_01 /^{as /one man into the street
that was before the water gate ; and they spake unto Ezra the
scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses , which the LORD
had commanded to Israel .

as Job_13_09 /^{as /one man mocketh another,
do ye so mock him?

as Ezr_03_01 /^{as /one man to Jerusalem .

as Job_12_04 /^{as /one mocked of his
neighbour , who calleth upon God , and he answereth him: the
just upright man is laughed to scorn .

as Zec_12_10 /^{as /one mourneth for his
only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in
bitterness for his firstborn .

as Job_19_11 /^{as /one of his enemies .

as Jud_17_11 /^{as /one of his sons .

as Job_02_10 /^{as /one of the foolish
women speaketh . What ? shall we receive good at the hand of God
, and shall we not receive evil ? In all this did not Job sin
with his lips .

as 2Sa_13_13 /^{as /one of the fools in
Israel . Now therefore, I pray thee, speak unto the king ; for
he will not withhold me from thee.

as 2Sa_09_11 /^{as /one of the king's sons .

as Eze_48_08 /^{as /one of the other parts ,
from the east side unto the west side : and the sanctuary shall
be in the midst of it.

as Mar_06_15 /${as /one of the prophets .

as Jos_10_02 /^{as /one of the royal cities
, and because it was greater than Ai , and all the men thereof
were mighty .

as Gen_49_16 /^{as /one of the tribes of
Israel .

as 2Sa_06_20 /^{as /one of the vain fellows
shamelessly uncovereth himself!

as Gen_42_27 /^{as /one of them opened his
sack to give his ass provender in the inn , he espied his money ;
for, behold, it was in his sack's mouth .

as 1Sa_17_36 /^{as /one of them, seeing he
hath defied the armies of the living God .

as Oba_01_11 /^{as /one of them.

as Exo_14_28 /^{as /one of them.

as Luk_15_19 /${as /one of thy hired
servants .

as Gen_03_22 /^{as /one of us, to know good
and evil : and now, lest he put forth his hand , and take also
of the tree of life , and eat , and live for ever :

as Psa_78_65 /^{as /one out of sleep , and
like a mighty man that shouteth by reason of wine .

as 1Co_09_26 /${as /one that beateth the
air :

as Job_29_25 /^{as /one that comforteth the
mourners .

as Psa_119_016 /^{as /one that findeth
great spoil .

as Son_08_10 /^{as /one that found favour .

as Mar_01_22 /${as /one that had authority ,
and not as the scribes .

as 1Co_07_25 /${as /one that hath obtained
mercy of the Lord to be faithful .

as Exo_12_48 /^{as /one that is born in the
land : for no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof.

as Zec_12_10 /^{as /one that is in
bitterness for his firstborn .

as Psa_89_10 /^{as /one that is slain ;
thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm .

as Gen_19_14 /^{as /one that mocked unto
his sons in law .

as Psa_35_14 /^{as /one that mourneth for
his mother .

as Luk_23_14 /${as /one that perverteth the
people : and , behold , I , having examined him before you ,
have found no fault in this man touching those things whereof ye
accuse him :

as Pro_06_11 /^{as /one that travelleth ,
and thy want as an armed man .

as Pro_24_34 /^{as /one that travelleth ;
and thy want as an armed man .

as Son_01_07 /^{as /one that turneth aside
by the flocks of thy companions ?

as 2Ki_06_05 /^{as /one was felling a beam ,
the axe head fell into the water : and he cried , and said ,
Alas , master ! for it was borrowed .

as 2Sa_14_13 /^{as /one which is faulty , in
that the king doth not fetch home again his banished .

As Isa_66_13 /^{As /one whom his mother
comforteth , so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in
Jerusalem .

as Num_08_16 /^{as /open every womb , even
instead of the firstborn of all the children of Israel , have I
taken them unto me.

as 1Co_09_05 /${as /other apostles , and as
the brethren of the Lord , and Cephas ?

as Eph_04_17 /${as /other Gentiles walk ,
in the vanity of their mind ,

as Psa_73_05 /^{as /other men ; neither are
they plagued like other men .

as Luk_18_11 /${as /other men are,
extortioners , unjust , adulterers , or even as this publican .

as Hos_09_01 /^{as /other people : for thou
hast gone a whoring from thy God , thou hast loved a reward upon
every cornfloor .

as Eph_02_03 /${as /others .

as 1Th_04_13 /${as /others which have no
hope .

as 2Pe_03_15 /${as /our beloved brother Paul
also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto
you ;

as Psa_77_13 /^{as /our God ?

as 2Pe_01_14 /${as /our Lord Jesus Christ
hath shewed me .

as Deu_32_31 /^{as /our Rock , even our
enemies themselves being judges .

as Job_41_20 /^{as /out of a seething pot
or caldron .

as Psa_78_15 /^{as /out of the great depths

as 1Sa_25_29 /^{as /out of the middle of a
sling .

as Isa_01_07 /^{as /overthrown by strangers

as Dan_04_33 /^{as /oxen , and his body was
wet with the dew of heaven , till his hairs were grown like
eagles feathers, and his nails like birds claws.

as Dan_04_32 /^{as /oxen , and seven times
shall pass over thee, until thou know that the most High ruleth
in the kingdom of men , and giveth it to whomsoever he will .

as Dan_04_25 /^{as /oxen , and they shall
wet thee with the dew of heaven , and seven times shall pass
over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the
kingdom of men , and giveth it to whomsoever he will .

as Phm_01_09 /${as /Paul the aged , and now
also a prisoner of Jesus Christ .

as Act_20_09 /${as /Paul was long preaching
, he sunk down with sleep , and fell down from the third loft ,
and was taken up dead .

as Act_21_37 /${as /Paul was to be led into
the castle , he said unto the chief captain , May I speak unto
thee ? Who said , Canst thou speak Greek ?

as 2Sa_19_03 /^{as /people being ashamed
steal away when they flee in battle .

as Heb_09_09 /${as /pertaining to the
conscience ;

as Rom_04_01 /${as /pertaining to the flesh
, hath found ?

as Act_12_13 /${as /Peter knocked at the
door of the gate , a damsel came to hearken , named Rhoda .

as Act_09_32 /${as /Peter passed throughout
all quarters, he came down also to the saints which dwelt at
Lydda .

as Mar_14_66 /${as /Peter was beneath in
the palace , there cometh one of the maids of the high priest :

as Act_10_25 /${as /Peter was coming in ,
Cornelius met him , and fell down at his feet , and worshipped

as Gen_44_18 /^{as /Pharaoh .

as Gen_47_11 /^{as /Pharaoh had commanded .

as Act_11_19 /${as /Phenice , and Cyprus ,
and Antioch , preaching the word to none but unto the Jews only .

as Rev_10_01 /${as /pillars of fire :

as Son_05_15 /^{as /pillars of marble , set
upon sockets of fine gold : his countenance is as Lebanon ,
excellent as the cedars .

as Mic_01_06 /^{as /plantings of a vineyard
: and I will pour down the stones thereof into the valley , and
I will discover the foundations thereof.

as Psa_144_12 /^{as /plants grown up in
their youth ; that our daughters may be as corner stones ,
polished after the similitude of a palace :

as 1Th_02_04 /${as /pleasing men , but God ,
which trieth our hearts .

as 2Ch_01_15 /^{as /plenteous as stones ,
and cedar trees made he as the sycomore trees that are in the
vale for abundance .

as Ezr_02_62 /^{as /polluted , put from the
priesthood .

as Neh_07_64 /^{as /polluted , put from the
priesthood .

as 2Co_06_10 /${as /poor , yet making many
rich ; as having nothing , and yet possessing all things .

as Isa_24_22 /^{as /prisoners are gathered
in the pit , and shall be shut up in the prison , and after many
days shall they be visited .

as Eze_28_16 /^{as /profane out of the
mountain of God : and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub ,
from the midst of the stones of fire .

as Rom_15_15 /${as /putting you in mind ,
because of the grace that is given to me of God ,

as Pro_26_01 /^{as /rain in harvest , so
honour is not seemly for a fool .

as Joh_01_12 /${as /received him , to them
gave he power to become the sons of God , even to them that
believe on his name :

as 2Ki_03_22 /^{as /red as blood :

as 2Co_13_07 /${as /reprobates .

as Gen_48_05 /^{as /Reuben and Simeon ,
they shall be mine.

As Pro_11_19 /^{As /righteousness tendeth
to life : so he that pursueth evil pursueth it to his own death .

as Isa_32_02 /^{as /rivers of water in a
dry place , as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land .

as Job_41_27 /^{as /rotten wood .

as Isa_05_24 /^{as /rottenness , and their
blossom shall go up as dust : because they have cast away the
law of the LORD of hosts , and despised the word of the Holy One
of Israel .

as Hos_05_12 /^{as /rottenness .

as Pro_12_04 /^{as /rottenness in his bones

as Rev_06_12 /${as /sackcloth of hair , and
the moon became as blood ;

as Joh_01_23 /${as /said the prophet Esaias

as Act_07_48 /${as /saith the prophet ,

As 1Sa_24_13 /^{As /saith the proverb of
the ancients , Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked : but mine
hand shall not be upon thee.

as 1Sa_15_27 /^{as /Samuel turned about to
go away , he laid hold upon the skirt of his mantle , and it
rent .

as 1Sa_07_10 /^{as /Samuel was offering up
the burnt offering , the Philistines drew near to battle against
Israel : but the LORD thundered with a great thunder on that day
upon the Philistines , and discomfited them; and they were
smitten before Israel .

as 1Pe_03_06 /${as /Sara obeyed Abraham ,
calling him lord : whose daughters ye are , as long as ye do
well , and are not afraid with any amazement .

as Isa_01_18 /^{as /scarlet , they shall be
as white as snow ; though they be red like crimson , they shall
be as wool .

as Heb_11_27 /${as /seeing him who is
invisible .

as Jer_18_04 /^{as /seemed good to the
potter to make it.

as Jer_26_14 /^{as /seemeth good and meet
unto you.

as 2Sa_15_26 /^{as /seemeth good unto him.

as Mat_10_16 /${as /serpents , and harmless
as doves .

as Ecc_10_07 /^{as /servants upon the earth

as 2Ch_11_16 /^{as /set their hearts to seek
the LORD God of Israel came to Jerusalem , to sacrifice unto the
LORD God of their fathers .

as Jer_44_14 /^{as /shall escape .

as Hos_10_14 /^{as /Shalman spoiled
Betharbel in the day of battle : the mother was dashed in pieces
upon her children .

as 1Ki_14_06 /^{as /she came in at the door
, that he said , Come in , thou wife of Jeroboam ; why feignest
thou thyself to be another ? for I am sent to thee with heavy

as Jos_15_18 /^{as /she came unto him, that
she moved him to ask of her father a field : and she lighted off
her ass ; and Caleb said unto her, What wouldest thou?

as 1Sa_01_12 /^{as /she continued praying
before the LORD , that Eli marked her mouth .

as Jer_50_15 /^{as /she hath done , do unto

as Joh_11_20 /${as /she heard that Jesus
was coming , went and met him : but Mary sat still in the house .

as Joh_11_29 /${as /she heard that, she
arose quickly , and came unto him .

as Joh_16_21 /${as /she is delivered of the
child , she remembereth no more the anguish , for joy that a man
is born into the world .

as Lev_18_19 /^{as /she is put apart for
her uncleanness .

as 2Ch_36_21 /^{as /she lay desolate she
kept sabbath , to fulfil threescore and ten years .

as 2Sa_04_04 /^{as /she made haste to flee ,
that he fell , and became lame . And his name was Mephibosheth .

as Rev_18_06 /${as /she rewarded you , and
double unto her double according to her works : in the cup which
she hath filled fill to her double .

as 1Sa_25_20 /^{as /she rode on the ass ,
that she came down by the covert of the hill , and, behold,
David and his men came down against her; and she met them.

as Jud_13_09 /^{as /she sat in the field :
but Manoah her husband was not with her.

as Eze_23_16 /^{as /she saw them with her
eyes , she doted upon them, and sent messengers unto them into
Chaldea .

as Gen_39_10 /^{as /she spake to Joseph day
by day , that he hearkened not unto her, to lie by her , or to
be with her.

as 1Ki_17_11 /^{as /she was going to fetch
it, he called to her, and said , Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel
of bread in thine hand .

as Joh_20_11 /${as /she wept , she stooped
down , and looked into the sepulchre ,

as Rom_08_36 /${as /sheep for the slaughter

as Psa_44_22 /^{as /sheep for the slaughter

as 1Pe_02_25 /${as /sheep going astray ;
but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls .

as Mat_09_36 /${as /sheep having no
shepherd .

as Mat_10_16 /${as /sheep in the midst of
wolves : be ye therefore wise as serpents , and harmless as
doves .

as Mar_06_34 /${as /sheep not having a
shepherd : and he began to teach them many things .

as 2Ch_18_16 /^{as /sheep that have no
shepherd : and the LORD said , These have no master ; let them
return therefore every man to his house in peace .

as 1Ki_22_17 /^{as /sheep that have not a
shepherd : and the LORD said , These have no master : let them
return every man to his house in peace .

as Num_27_17 /^{as /sheep which have no
shepherd .

as Act_02_47 /${as /should be saved .

as Psa_72_06 /^{as /showers that water the
earth .

as Exo_39_06 /^{as /signets are graven ,
with the names of the children of Israel .

as Pro_02_04 /^{as /silver , and searchest
for her as for hid treasures ;

as 1Pe_01_18 /${as /silver and gold , from
your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers ;

As Eze_22_22 /^{As /silver is melted in the
midst of the furnace , so shall ye be melted in the midst
thereof; and ye shall know that I the LORD have poured out my
fury upon you.

as Zec_13_09 /^{as /silver is refined , and
will try them as gold is tried : they shall call on my name ,
and I will hear them: I will say , It is my people : and they
shall say , The LORD is my God .

as Psa_66_10 /^{as /silver is tried .

as Psa_12_06 /^{as /silver tried in a
furnace of earth , purified seven times .

as Rom_05_21 /${as /sin hath reigned unto
death , even so might grace reign through righteousness unto
eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord .

as 2Sa_07_11 /^{as /since the time that I
commanded judges to be over my people Israel , and have caused
thee to rest from all thine enemies . Also the LORD telleth thee
that he will make thee an house .

as 1Ti_05_02 /${as /sisters , with all
purity .

as Psa_107_10 /^{as /sit in darkness and in
the shadow of death , being bound in affliction and iron ;

as Jer_23_12 /^{as /slippery ways in the
darkness : they shall be driven on , and fall therein: for I
will bring evil upon them, even the year of their visitation ,
saith the LORD .

as Deu_09_21 /^{as /small as dust : and I
cast the dust thereof into the brook that descended out of the
mount .

as 2Sa_22_43 /^{as /small as the dust of the
earth , I did stamp them as the mire of the street , and did
spread them abroad .

as Exo_16_14 /^{as /small as the hoar frost
on the ground .

As Psa_68_02 /^{As /smoke is driven away ,
so drive them away : as wax melteth before the fire , so let the
wicked perish at the presence of God .

as Pro_10_26 /^{as /smoke to the eyes , so
is the sluggard to them that send him.

as Dan_07_09 /^{as /snow , and the hair of
his head like the pure wool : his throne was like the fiery
flame , and his wheels as burning fire .

as Exo_04_06 /^{as /snow .

as 2Ki_05_27 /^{as /snow .

as Mat_28_03 /${as /snow :

as Num_12_10 /^{as /snow : and Aaron looked
upon Miriam , and, behold, she was leprous .

as Rev_01_14 /${as /snow ; and his eyes
were as a flame of fire ;

as Mar_09_03 /${as /snow ; so as no fuller
on earth can white them.

as Isa_01_18 /^{as /snow ; though they be
red like crimson , they shall be as wool .

as Psa_68_14 /^{as /snow in Salmon .

As Pro_26_01 /^{As /snow in summer , and as
rain in harvest , so honour is not seemly for a fool .

as Zep_02_09 /^{as /Sodom , and the
children of Ammon as Gomorrah , even the breeding of nettles ,
and saltpits , and a perpetual desolation : the residue of my
people shall spoil them, and the remnant of my people shall
possess them.

as Jer_23_14 /^{as /Sodom , and the
inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah .

as Isa_01_09 /^{as /Sodom , and we should
have been like unto Gomorrah .

as Isa_03_09 /^{as /Sodom , they hide it
not. Woe unto their soul ! for they have rewarded evil unto

as 001 007 Jud /${as /Sodom and Gomorrha ,
and the cities about them in like manner , giving themselves
over to fornication , and going after strange flesh , are set
forth for an example , suffering the vengeance of eternal fire .

as Rom_09_29 /${as /Sodoma , and been made
like unto Gomorrha .

as Rom_03_08 /${as /some affirm that we say
, Let us do evil , that good may come ? whose damnation is just .

as 2Pe_03_09 /${as /some men count slackness
; but is longsuffering to us-ward , not willing that any should
perish , but that all should come to repentance .

as 1Co_10_10 /${as /some of them also
murmured , and were destroyed of the destroyer .

as 1Co_10_09 /${as /some of them also
tempted , and were destroyed of serpents .

as 1Co_10_08 /${as /some of them committed ,
and fell in one day three and twenty thousand .

as 2Co_03_01 /${as /some others, epistles of
commendation to you , or letters of commendation from you ?

as Luk_21_05 /${as /some spake of the
temple , how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts , he
said ,

as 2Sa_06_18 /^{as /soon as David had made
an end of offering burnt offerings and peace offerings , he
blessed the people in the name of the LORD of hosts .

as Jud_08_33 /^{as /soon as Gideon was dead
, that the children of Israel turned again , and went a whoring
after Baalim , and made Baalberith their god .

as Exo_32_19 /^{as /soon as he came nigh
unto the camp , that he saw the calf , and the dancing : and
Moses anger waxed hot , and he cast the tables out of his hands
, and brake them beneath the mount .

as Gen_18_33 /^{as /soon as he had left
communing with Abraham : and Abraham returned unto his place .

as 1Sa_13_10 /^{as /soon as he had made an
end of offering the burnt offering , behold, Samuel came ; and
Saul went out to meet him, that he might salute him.

as 2Ki_10_25 /^{as /soon as he had made an
end of offering the burnt offering , that Jehu said to the guard
and to the captains , Go in , and slay them; let none come forth
. And they smote them with the edge of the sword ; and the guard
and the captains cast them out , and went to the city of the
house of Baal .

as 2Sa_13_36 /^{as /soon as he had made an
end of speaking , that, behold, the king's sons came , and
lifted up their voice and wept : and the king also and all his
servants wept very sore .

as Mar_01_42 /${as /soon as he had spoken ,
immediately the leprosy departed from him , and he was cleansed .

as Jos_08_19 /^{as /soon as he had
stretched out his hand : and they entered into the city , and
took it, and hasted and set the city on fire .

as Luk_23_07 /${as /soon as he knew that he
belonged unto Herod's jurisdiction , he sent him to Herod , who
himself also was at Jerusalem at that time .

as 1Ki_16_11 /^{as /soon as he sat on his
throne , that he slew all the house of Baasha : he left him not
one that pisseth against a wall , neither of his kinsfolks , nor
of his friends .

as Mar_14_45 /${as /soon as he was come ,
he goeth straightway to him , and saith , Master , master ; and
kissed him .

as 1Ki_20_36 /^{as /soon as he was departed
from him , a lion found him, and slew him.

as 1Ki_18_12 /^{as /soon as I am gone from
thee, that the Spirit of the LORD shall carry thee whither I
know not; and so when I come and tell Ahab , and he cannot find
thee, he shall slay me: but I thy servant fear the LORD from my
youth .

As Exo_09_29 /^{As /soon as I am gone out
of the city , I will spread abroad my hands unto the LORD ; and
the thunder shall cease , neither shall there be any more hail ;
that thou mayest know how that the earth is the LORD'S .

as Rev_10_10 /${as /soon as I had eaten it ,
my belly was bitter .

as Act_10_29 /${as /soon as I was sent for :
I ask therefore for what intent ye have sent for me ?

as Gen_27_30 /^{as /soon as Isaac had made
an end of blessing Jacob , and Jacob was yet scarce gone out
from the presence of Isaac his father , that Esau his brother
came in from his hunting .

as Rev_12_04 /${as /soon as it was born .

as Luk_22_66 /${as /soon as it was day ,
the elders of the people and the chief priests and the scribes
came together , and led him into their council , saying ,

as Act_12_18 /${as /soon as it was day ,
there was no small stir among the soldiers , what was become of
Peter .

as Luk_08_06 /${as /soon as it was sprung
up , it withered away , because it lacked moisture .

As Mar_05_36 /${As /soon as Jesus heard the
word that was spoken , he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue ,
Be not afraid , only believe .

as Joh_11_20 /${as /soon as she heard that
Jesus was coming , went and met him : but Mary sat still in the
house .

As Joh_11_29 /${As /soon as she heard that,
she arose quickly , and came unto him .

as Joh_16_21 /${as /soon as she is
delivered of the child , she remembereth no more the anguish ,
for joy that a man is born into the world .

as Eze_23_16 /^{as /soon as she saw them
with her eyes , she doted upon them, and sent messengers unto
them into Chaldea .

as 2Ch_31_05 /^{as /soon as the commandment
came abroad , the children of Israel brought in abundance the
firstfruits of corn , wine , and oil , and honey , and of all
the increase of the field ; and the tithe of all things brought
they in abundantly .

as Luk_01_23 /${as /soon as the days of his
ministration were accomplished , he departed to his own house .

as 2Ki_14_05 /^{as /soon as the kingdom was
confirmed in his hand , that he slew his servants which had
slain the king his father .

as 1Sa_20_41 /^{as /soon as the lad was
gone , David arose out of a place toward the south , and fell on
his face to the ground , and bowed himself three times : and
they kissed one another , and wept one with another , until
David exceeded .

As Gen_44_03 /^{As /soon as the morning was
light , the men were sent away , they and their asses .

as Jos_03_13 /^{as /soon as the soles of
the feet of the priests that bear the ark of the LORD , the Lord
of all the earth , shall rest in the waters of Jordan , that the
waters of Jordan shall be cut off from the waters that come down
from above ; and they shall stand upon an heap .

as Jud_09_33 /^{as /soon as the sun is up ,
thou shalt rise early , and set upon the city : and, behold,
when he and the people that is with him come out against thee,
then mayest thou do to them as thou shalt find occasion .

as Jos_08_29 /^{as /soon as the sun was
down , Joshua commanded that they should take his carcase down
from the tree , and cast it at the entering of the gate of the
city , and raise thereon a great heap of stones , that remaineth
unto this day .

as Luk_01_44 /${as /soon as the voice of
thy salutation sounded in mine ears , the babe leaped in my womb
for joy .

as Psa_58_03 /^{as /soon as they be born ,
speaking lies .

as 2Sa_22_45 /^{as /soon as they hear , they
shall be obedient unto me.

As Psa_18_44 /^{As /soon as they hear of me,
they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto

as Jos_02_07 /^{as /soon as they which
pursued after them were gone out , they shut the gate .

as 2Ki_10_02 /^{as /soon as this letter
cometh to you, seeing your master's sons are with you, and there
are with you chariots and horses , a fenced city also, and
armour ;

as Luk_15_30 /${as /soon as this thy son
was come , which hath devoured thy living with harlots , thou
hast killed for him the fatted calf .

as 1Ki_20_36 /^{as /soon as thou art
departed from me, a lion shall slay thee. And as soon as he was
departed from him , a lion found him, and slew him.

as Jos_02_11 /^{as /soon as we had heard
these things, our hearts did melt , neither did there remain any
more courage in any man , because of you: for the LORD your God ,
he is God in heaven above , and in earth beneath.

As 1Sa_09_13 /^{As /soon as ye be come into
the city , ye shall straightway find him, before he go up to the
high place to eat : for the people will not eat until he come ,
because he doth bless the sacrifice ; and afterwards they eat
that be bidden . Now therefore get you up ; for about this time
ye shall find him.

as Mar_11_02 /${as /soon as ye be entered
into it , ye shall find a colt tied , whereon never man sat ;
loose him , and bring him.

as 1Sa_29_10 /^{as /soon as ye be up early
in the morning , and have light , depart .

As 2Sa_15_10 /^{As /soon as ye hear the
sound of the trumpet , then ye shall say , Absalom reigneth in
Hebron .

as Isa_66_08 /^{as /soon as Zion travailed ,
she brought forth her children .

As Joh_18_06 /${As /soon then as he had
said unto them , I am he, they went backward , and fell to the
ground .

As Joh_21_09 /${As /soon then as they were
come to land , they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid
thereon , and bread .

As 2Co_06_10 /${As /sorrowful , yet alway
rejoicing ; as poor , yet making many rich ; as having nothing ,
and yet possessing all things .

as Est_09_02 /^{as /sought their hurt : and
no man could withstand them ; for the fear of them fell upon all
people .

as 1Co_13_01 /${as /sounding brass , or a
tinkling cymbal .

as Pro_10_23 /^{as /sport to a fool to do
mischief : but a man of understanding hath wisdom .

as Exo_15_16 /^{as /still as a stone ; till
thy people pass over , O LORD , till the people pass over ,
which thou hast purchased .

as 2Ch_09_27 /^{as /stones , and cedar trees
made he as the sycomore trees that are in the low plains in
abundance .

as 2Ch_01_15 /^{as /stones , and cedar trees
made he as the sycomore trees that are in the vale for abundance

as 1Ki_10_27 /^{as /stones , and cedars
made he to be as the sycomore trees that are in the vale , for
abundance .

as 1Pe_02_11 /${as /strangers and pilgrims ,
abstain from fleshly lusts , which war against the soul ;

as Act_13_17 /${as /strangers in the land
of Egypt , and with an high arm brought he them out of it .

as Job_41_27 /^{as /straw , and brass as
rotten wood .

as Isa_25_10 /^{as /straw is trodden down
for the dunghill .

as Job_40_18 /^{as /strong pieces of brass ;
his bones are like bars of iron .

as Jos_14_11 /^{as /strong this day as I
was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even
so is my strength now, for war , both to go out , and to come in

as Exo_15_07 /^{as /stubble .

as Isa_40_24 /^{as /stubble .

as Job_41_29 /^{as /stubble : he laugheth
at the shaking of a spear .

as Isa_47_14 /^{as /stubble ; the fire
shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the
power of the flame : there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor
fire to sit before it.

as Job_21_18 /^{as /stubble before the wind
, and as chaff that the storm carrieth away .

as Nah_01_10 /^{as /stubble fully dry .

as Eze_12_07 /^{as /stuff for captivity ,
and in the even I digged through the wall with mine hand ; I
brought it forth in the twilight , and I bare it upon my
shoulder in their sight .

as Eze_12_04 /^{as /stuff for removing :
and thou shalt go forth at even in their sight , as they that go
forth into captivity .

as 1Pe_02_13 /${as /supreme ;

as Mat_27_65 /${as /sure as ye can .

as Son_05_13 /^{as /sweet flowers : his
lips like lilies , dropping sweet smelling myrrh .

as Deu_28_49 /^{as /swift as the eagle
flieth ; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand ;

as 1Ch_12_08 /^{as /swift as the roes upon
the mountains ;

as Pro_30_14 /^{as /swords , and their jaw
teeth as knives , to devour the poor from off the earth , and
the needy from among men .

as Jer_46_18 /^{as /Tabor is among the
mountains , and as Carmel by the sea , so shall he come .

as 2Ch_23_13 /^{as /taught to sing praise .
Then Athaliah rent her clothes , and said , Treason , Treason .

as Act_01_19 /${as /that field is called in
their proper tongue , Aceldama , that is to say , The field of
blood .

as 2Th_02_02 /${as /that the day of Christ
is at hand .

as 2Sa_18_32 /^{as /that young man is.

as Deu_02_10 /^{as /the Anakims ;

as Deu_02_21 /^{as /the Anakims ; but the
LORD destroyed them before them; and they succeeded them, and
dwelt in their stead:

as Deu_02_11 /^{as /the Anakims ; but the
Moabites call them Emims .

as Zec_12_08 /^{as /the angel of the LORD
before them.

as Mat_01_24 /${as /the angel of the Lord
had bidden him , and took unto him his wife :

as Mat_22_30 /${as /the angels of God in
heaven .

as Luk_02_15 /${as /the angels were gone
away from them into heaven , the shepherds said one to another ,
Let us now go even unto Bethlehem , and see this thing which is
come to pass , which the Lord hath made known unto us .

as Mar_12_25 /${as /the angels which are in
heaven .

as 1Th_02_06 /${as /the apostles of Christ .

as Eze_01_14 /^{as /the appearance of a
flash of lightning .

as Dan_08_15 /^{as /the appearance of a man

as Eze_01_26 /^{as /the appearance of a man
above upon it.

as Eze_01_26 /^{as /the appearance of a
sapphire stone : and upon the likeness of the throne was the
likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it.

as Eze_08_02 /^{as /the appearance of
brightness , as the colour of amber .

as Eze_08_02 /^{as /the appearance of fire :
from the appearance of his loins even downward , fire ; and
from his loins even upward , as the appearance of brightness ,
as the colour of amber .

as Eze_01_27 /^{as /the appearance of fire
round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even
upward , and from the appearance of his loins even downward , I
saw as it were the appearance of fire , and it had brightness
round about .

as Joe_02_04 /^{as /the appearance of
horses ; and as horsemen , so shall they run .

as Dan_10_06 /^{as /the appearance of
lightning , and his eyes as lamps of fire , and his arms and his
feet like in colour to polished brass , and the voice of his
words like the voice of a multitude .

As Eze_01_28 /^{As /the appearance of the
bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain , so was the
appearance of the brightness round about . This was the
appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD . And when I
saw it, I fell upon my face , and I heard a voice of one that
spake .

as Eze_10_01 /^{as /the appearance of the
likeness of a throne .

as Eze_41_21 /^{as /the appearance of the

as Deu_32_10 /^{as /the apple of his eye .

as Psa_17_08 /^{as /the apple of the eye ,
hide me under the shadow of thy wings ,

as Pro_07_02 /^{as /the apple of thine eye .

As Son_02_03 /^{As /the apple tree among
the trees of the wood , so is my beloved among the sons . I sat
down under his shadow with great delight , and his fruit was
sweet to my taste .

as Jer_03_02 /^{as /the Arabian in the
wilderness ; and thou hast polluted the land with thy whoredoms
and with thy wickedness .

as 1Sa_05_10 /^{as /the ark of God came to
Ekron , that the Ekronites cried out , saying , They have
brought about the ark of the God of Israel to us, to slay us and
our people .

as 1Ch_15_29 /^{as /the ark of the covenant
of the LORD came to the city of David , that Michal the daughter
of Saul looking out at a window saw king David dancing and
playing : and she despised him in her heart .

as 2Sa_06_16 /^{as /the ark of the LORD came
into the city of David , Michal Saul's daughter looked through a
window , and saw king David leaping and dancing before the LORD ;
and she despised him in her heart .

as Jud_20_48 /^{as /the beast , and all
that came to hand : also they set on fire all the cities that
they came to .

as Lev_15_26 /^{as /the bed of her
separation : and whatsoever she sitteth upon shall be unclean ,
as the uncleanness of her separation .

As Pro_26_02 /^{As /the bird by wandering ,
as the swallow by flying , so the curse causeless shall not come

as Ecc_09_12 /^{as /the birds that are
caught in the snare ; so are the sons of men snared in an evil
time , when it falleth suddenly upon them.

as Deu_28_29 /^{as /the blind gropeth in
darkness , and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways : and thou
shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore , and no man shall
save thee.

as Rev_16_03 /${as /the blood of a dead man:
and every living soul died in the sea .

as 1Co_12_12 /${as /the body is one , and
hath many members , and all the members of that one body , being
many , are one body : so also is Christ .

as Jam_02_26 /${as /the body without the
spirit is dead , so faith without works is dead also .

As Joh_15_04 /${As /the branch cannot bear
fruit of itself , except it abide in the vine ; no more can ye ,
except ye abide in me .

as 2Sa_05_20 /^{as /the breach of waters .
Therefore he called the name of that place Baalperazim .

as Hos_09_04 /^{as /the bread of mourners ;
all that eat thereof shall be polluted : for their bread for
their soul shall not come into the house of the LORD .

as Rev_21_16 /${as /the breadth : and he
measured the city with the reed , twelve thousand furlongs . The
length and the breadth and the height of it are equal .

as Isa_30_14 /^{as /the breaking of the
potters vessel that is broken in pieces ; he shall not spare :
so that there shall not be found in the bursting of it a sherd
to take fire from the hearth , or to take water withal out of
the pit .

as 1Co_09_05 /${as /the brethren of the
Lord , and Cephas ?

as Mat_09_15 /${as /the bridegroom is with
them ? but the days will come , when the bridegroom shall be
taken from them , and then shall they fast .

as Isa_62_05 /^{as /the bridegroom
rejoiceth over the bride , so shall thy God rejoice over thee.

as Dan_12_03 /^{as /the brightness of the
firmament ; and they that turn many to righteousness as the
stars for ever and ever .

as Eze_16_07 /^{as /the bud of the field ,
and thou hast increased and waxen great , and thou art come to
excellent ornaments : thy breasts are fashioned , and thine hair
is grown , whereas thou wast naked and bare .

as Isa_33_12 /^{as /the burnings of lime :
as thorns cut up shall they be burned in the fire .

as Deu_14_07 /^{as /the camel , and the
hare , and the coney : for they chew the cud , but divide not
the hoof ; therefore they are unclean unto you.

as Lev_11_04 /^{as /the camel , because he
cheweth the cud , but divideth not the hoof ; he is unclean unto

as Gen_24_22 /^{as /the camels had done
drinking , that the man took a golden earring of half a shekel
weight , and two bracelets for her hands of ten shekels weight
of gold ;

as Num_04_15 /^{as /the camp is to set
forward ; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it:
but they shall not touch any holy thing , lest they die . These
things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of
the congregation .

as Nah_03_15 /^{as /the cankerworm , make
thyself many as the locusts .

as Gen_33_14 /^{as /the cattle that goeth
before me and the children be able to endure , until I come unto
my lord unto Seir .

as Son_05_15 /^{as /the cedars .

as Zep_02_02 /^{as /the chaff , before the
fierce anger of the LORD come upon you, before the day of the
LORD'S anger come upon you.

as Isa_17_13 /^{as /the chaff of the
mountains before the wind , and like a rolling thing before the
whirlwind .

as Hos_13_03 /^{as /the chaff that is
driven with the whirlwind out of the floor , and as the smoke
out of the chimney .

as Isa_13_14 /^{as /the chased roe , and as
a sheep that no man taketh up : they shall every man turn to his
own people , and flee every one into his own land .

as Heb_02_14 /${as /the children are
partakers of flesh and blood , he also himself likewise took
part of the same ; that through death he might destroy him that
had the power of death , that is , the devil ;

as Isa_66_20 /^{as /the children of Israel
bring an offering in a clean vessel into the house of the LORD .

as Eph_05_24 /${as /the church is subject
unto Christ , so let the wives be to their own husbands in every
thing .

as Jer_20_16 /^{as /the cities which the
LORD overthrew , and repented not: and let him hear the cry in
the morning , and the shouting at noontide ;

as Job_27_16 /^{as /the clay ;

as Job_10_09 /^{as /the clay ; and wilt
thou bring me into dust again ?

as Jer_18_06 /^{as /the clay is in the
potter's hand , so are ye in mine hand , O house of Israel .

as Num_09_18 /^{as /the cloud abode upon
the tabernacle they rested in their tents.

As Job_07_09 /^{As /the cloud is consumed
and vanisheth away : so he that goeth down to the grave shall
come up no more.

As Pro_25_13 /^{As /the cold of snow in the
time of harvest , so is a faithful messenger to them that send
him: for he refresheth the soul of his masters .

as Job_30_18 /^{as /the collar of my coat .

as Eze_10_09 /^{as /the colour of a beryl
stone .

as Eze_01_27 /^{as /the colour of amber ,
as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the
appearance of his loins even upward , and from the appearance of
his loins even downward , I saw as it were the appearance of
fire , and it had brightness round about .

as Eze_01_04 /^{as /the colour of amber ,
out of the midst of the fire .

as Eze_08_02 /^{as /the colour of amber .

as Num_11_07 /^{as /the colour of bdellium .

as Eze_01_22 /^{as /the colour of the
terrible crystal , stretched forth over their heads above .

as 2Ch_31_05 /^{as /the commandment came
abroad , the children of Israel brought in abundance the
firstfruits of corn , wine , and oil , and honey , and of all
the increase of the field ; and the tithe of all things brought
they in abundantly .

as Hos_14_07 /^{as /the corn , and grow as
the vine : the scent thereof shall be as the wine of Lebanon .

as Zec_09_15 /^{as /the corners of the
altar .

as Ecc_07_06 /^{as /the crackling of thorns
under a pot , so is the laughter of the fool : this also is
vanity .

as Hab_01_14 /^{as /the creeping things ,
that have no ruler over them?

as Son_01_05 /^{as /the curtains of Solomon

as Job_42_15 /^{as /the daughters of Job :
and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren .

as Psa_139_12 /^{as /the day : the darkness
and the light are both alike to thee.

as Isa_65_22 /^{as /the days of a tree are
the days of my people , and mine elect shall long enjoy the work
of their hands .

as Psa_89_29 /^{as /the days of heaven .

as Deu_11_21 /^{as /the days of heaven upon
the earth .

as Lev_15_25 /^{as /the days of her
separation : she shall be unclean .

as Luk_01_23 /${as /the days of his
ministration were accomplished , he departed to his own house .

as Job_10_05 /^{as /the days of man ? are
thy years as man's days ,

as Mat_24_37 /${as /the days of Noe were,
so shall also the coming of the Son of man be .

As Est_09_22 /^{As /the days wherein the
Jews rested from their enemies , and the month which was turned
unto them from sorrow to joy , and from mourning into a good day
: that they should make them days of feasting and joy , and of
sending portions one to another , and gifts to the poor .

as Deu_32_02 /^{as /the dew , as the small
rain upon the tender herb , and as the showers upon the grass :

as 2Sa_17_12 /^{as /the dew falleth on the
ground : and of him and of all the men that are with him there
shall not be left so much as one .

as Isa_26_19 /^{as /the dew of herbs , and
the earth shall cast out the dead .

As Psa_133_03 /^{As /the dew of Hermon ,
and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion : for
there the LORD commanded the blessing , even life for evermore .

as Psa_133_03 /^{as /the dew that descended
upon the mountains of Zion : for there the LORD commanded the
blessing , even life for evermore .

as Hos_14_05 /^{as /the dew unto Israel :
he shall grow as the lily , and cast forth his roots as Lebanon .

as Psa_18_42 /^{as /the dirt in the streets

as Act_14_20 /${as /the disciples stood
round about him , he rose up , and came into the city : and the
next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe .

As Pro_26_14 /^{As /the door turneth upon
his hinges , so doth the slothful upon his bed .

as Isa_60_08 /^{as /the doves to their
windows ?

as Num_28_08 /^{as /the drink offering
thereof, thou shalt offer it, a sacrifice made by fire , of a
sweet savour unto the LORD .

as Zep_01_17 /^{as /the dung .

as Zec_09_03 /^{as /the dust , and fine
gold as the mire of the streets .

as Job_27_16 /^{as /the dust , and prepare
raiment as the clay ;

as Psa_18_42 /^{as /the dust before the
wind : I did cast them out as the dirt in the streets .

as Gen_28_14 /^{as /the dust of the earth ,
and thou shalt spread abroad to the west , and to the east , and
to the north , and to the south : and in thee and in thy seed
shall all the families of the earth be blessed .

as 2Sa_22_43 /^{as /the dust of the earth ,
I did stamp them as the mire of the street , and did spread them
abroad .

as Gen_13_16 /^{as /the dust of the earth :
so that if a man can number the dust of the earth , then shall
thy seed also be numbered .

as Isa_41_02 /^{as /the dust to his sword ,
and as driven stubble to his bow .

as 2Ch_08_14 /^{as /the duty of every day
required : the porters also by their courses at every gate : for
so had David the man of God commanded .

as Ezr_03_04 /^{as /the duty of every day
required ;

as Jer_49_22 /^{as /the eagle , and spread
his wings over Bozrah : and at that day shall the heart of the
mighty men of Edom be as the heart of a woman in her pangs .

as Oba_01_04 /^{as /the eagle , and though
thou set thy nest among the stars , thence will I bring thee
down , saith the LORD .

as Jer_49_16 /^{as /the eagle , I will
bring thee down from thence, saith the LORD .

as Mic_01_16 /^{as /the eagle ; for they
are gone into captivity from thee.

as Deu_28_49 /^{as /the eagle flieth ; a
nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand ;

as Hab_01_08 /^{as /the eagle that hasteth
to eat .

as Job_09_26 /^{as /the eagle that hasteth
to the prey .

as Hos_06_04 /^{as /the early dew it goeth
away .

as Hos_13_03 /^{as /the early dew that
passeth away , as the chaff that is driven with the whirlwind
out of the floor , and as the smoke out of the chimney .

as Isa_61_11 /^{as /the earth bringeth
forth her bud , and as the garden causeth the things that are
sown in it to spring forth ; so the Lord GOD will cause
righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations .

as Psa_103_12 /^{as /the east is from the
west , so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

as Hab_01_09 /^{as /the east wind , and
they shall gather the captivity as the sand .

as Exo_01_19 /^{as /the Egyptian women ;
for they are lively , and are delivered ere the midwives come in
unto them.

as 1Sa_06_06 /^{as /the Egyptians and
Pharaoh hardened their hearts ? when he had wrought wonderfully
among them, did they not let the people go , and they departed ?

as Col_03_12 /${as /the elect of God , holy
and beloved , bowels of mercies , kindness , humbleness of mind ,
meekness , longsuffering ;

as Psa_141_02 /^{as /the evening sacrifice .

as Jer_24_08 /^{as /the evil figs , which
cannot be eaten , they are so evil ; surely thus saith the LORD ,
So will I give Zedekiah the king of Judah , and his princes ,
and the residue of Jerusalem , that remain in this land , and
them that dwell in the land of Egypt :

as Nah_02_02 /^{as /the excellency of
Israel : for the emptiers have emptied them out , and marred
their vine branches .

as Psa_123_02 /^{as /the eyes of a maiden
unto the hand of her mistress ; so our eyes wait upon the LORD
our God , until that he have mercy upon us.

as Son_05_12 /^{as /the eyes of doves by
the rivers of waters , washed with milk , and fitly set .

as Psa_123_02 /^{as /the eyes of servants
look unto the hand of their masters , and as the eyes of a
maiden unto the hand of her mistress ; so our eyes wait upon the
LORD our God , until that he have mercy upon us.

as Rev_09_07 /${as /the faces of men .

as Eze_20_32 /^{as /the families of the
countries , to serve wood and stone .

as Lev_04_31 /^{as /the fat is taken away
from off the sacrifice of peace offerings ; and the priest shall
burn it upon the altar for a sweet savour unto the LORD ; and
the priest shall make an atonement for him, and it shall be
forgiven him.

as Psa_37_20 /^{as /the fat of lambs : they
shall consume ; into smoke shall they consume away .

as Lev_04_35 /^{as /the fat of the lamb is
taken away from the sacrifice of the peace offerings ; and the
priest shall burn them upon the altar , according to the
offerings made by fire unto the LORD : and the priest shall make
an atonement for his sin that he hath committed , and it shall
be forgiven him.

as Lev_04_26 /^{as /the fat of the
sacrifice of peace offerings : and the priest shall make an
atonement for him as concerning his sin , and it shall be
forgiven him.

as Joh_14_31 /${as /the Father gave me
commandment , even so I do . Arise , let us go hence .

as Joh_05_26 /${as /the Father hath life in
himself ; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself ;

As Joh_15_09 /${As /the Father hath loved
me , so have I loved you : continue ye in my love .

As Joh_10_15 /${As /the Father knoweth me ,
even so know I the Father : and I lay down my life for the sheep

as Joh_05_21 /${as /the Father raiseth up
the dead , and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom
he will .

as Joh_12_50 /${as /the Father said unto me
, so I speak .

as Rev_13_02 /${as /the feet of a bear ,
and his mouth as the mouth of a lion : and the dragon gave him
his power , and his seat , and great authority .

as Lev_25_31 /^{as /the fields of the
country : they may be redeemed , and they shall go out in the
jubile .

as 1Co_04_13 /${as /the filth of the world ,
and are the offscouring of all things unto this day .

As Pro_27_21 /^{As /the fining pot for
silver , and the furnace for gold ; so is a man to his praise .

as Isa_09_18 /^{as /the fire : it shall
devour the briers and thorns , and shall kindle in the thickets
of the forest , and they shall mount up like the lifting up of
smoke .

As Psa_83_14 /^{As /the fire burneth a wood
, and as the flame setteth the mountains on fire ;

as Isa_05_24 /^{as /the fire devoureth the
stubble , and the flame consumeth the chaff , so their root
shall be as rottenness , and their blossom shall go up as dust :
because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts , and
despised the word of the Holy One of Israel .

as Psa_118_12 /^{as /the fire of thorns :
for in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.

as Lev_09_15 /^{as /the first .

as Heb_09_08 /${as /the first tabernacle
was yet standing :

as Hos_09_10 /^{as /the firstripe in the
fig tree at her first time : but they went to Baalpeor , and
separated themselves unto that shame ; and their abominations
were according as they loved .

as Eze_47_10 /^{as /the fish of the great
sea , exceeding many .

as Hab_01_14 /^{as /the fishes of the sea ,
as the creeping things , that have no ruler over them?

as Ecc_09_12 /^{as /the fishes that are
taken in an evil net , and as the birds that are caught in the
snare ; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time , when it
falleth suddenly upon them.

as Psa_83_14 /^{as /the flame setteth the
mountains on fire ;

as Eze_23_20 /^{as /the flesh of asses ,
and whose issue is like the issue of horses .

as Neh_05_05 /^{as /the flesh of our
brethren , our children as their children : and, lo, we bring
into bondage our sons and our daughters to be servants , and
some of our daughters are brought unto bondage already: neither
is it in our power to redeem them; for other men have our lands
and vineyards .

as Mic_02_12 /^{as /the flock in the midst
of their fold : they shall make great noise by reason of the
multitude of men .

as Zec_09_16 /^{as /the flock of his people
: for they shall be as the stones of a crown , lifted up as an
ensign upon his land .

as Eze_36_38 /^{as /the flock of Jerusalem
in her solemn feasts ; so shall the waste cities be filled with
flocks of men : and they shall know that I am the LORD .

as 1Pe_01_24 /${as /the flower of grass .
The grass withereth , and the flower thereof falleth away :

as Isa_40_06 /^{as /the flower of the field

as Jam_01_10 /${as /the flower of the grass
he shall pass away .

as Hos_10_07 /^{as /the foam upon the water

as Ecc_02_16 /^{as /the fool .

as Dan_11_29 /^{as /the former , or as the
latter .

as Zec_02_06 /^{as /the four winds of the
heaven , saith the LORD .

as Hos_07_12 /^{as /the fowls of the heaven
; I will chastise them, as their congregation hath heard .

as Eze_40_02 /^{as /the frame of a city on
the south .

as Isa_09_19 /^{as /the fuel of the fire :
no man shall spare his brother .

as Num_18_27 /^{as /the fulness of the
winepress .

as Isa_61_11 /^{as /the garden causeth the
things that are sown in it to spring forth ; so the Lord GOD
will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all
the nations .

as Joe_02_03 /^{as /the garden of Eden
before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness ; yea, and
nothing shall escape them.

as Gen_13_10 /^{as /the garden of the LORD ,
like the land of Egypt , as thou comest unto Zoar .

as Psa_109_19 /^{as /the garment which
covereth him, and for a girdle wherewith he is girded
continually .

as 1Th_04_05 /${as /the Gentiles which know
not God :

as Jer_13_11 /^{as /the girdle cleaveth to
the loins of a man , so have I caused to cleave unto me the
whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah , saith the
LORD ; that they might be unto me for a people , and for a name ,
and for a praise , and for a glory : but they would not hear .

as Job_11_20 /^{as /the giving up of the
ghost .

as Isa_24_13 /^{as /the gleaning grapes
when the vintage is done .

as Isa_17_03 /^{as /the glory of the
children of Israel , saith the LORD of hosts .

as Eze_03_23 /^{as /the glory which I saw
by the river of Chebar : and I fell on my face .

As 2Ch_32_17 /^{As /the gods of the nations
of other lands have not delivered their people out of mine hand ,
so shall not the God of Hezekiah deliver his people out of mine
hand .

as Gal_02_07 /${as /the gospel of the
circumcision was unto Peter ;

as Mic_07_01 /^{as /the grapegleanings of
the vintage : there is no cluster to eat : my soul desired the
firstripe fruit .

as Psa_92_07 /^{as /the grass , and when
all the workers of iniquity do flourish ; it is that they shall
be destroyed for ever :

as Job_05_25 /^{as /the grass of the earth .

as 2Ki_19_26 /^{as /the grass of the field ,
and as the green herb , as the grass on the housetops , and as
corn blasted before it be grown up .

as Isa_37_27 /^{as /the grass of the field ,
and as the green herb , as the grass on the housetops , and as
corn blasted before it be grown up .

as Isa_37_27 /^{as /the grass on the
housetops , and as corn blasted before it be grown up .

as 2Ki_19_26 /^{as /the grass on the
housetops , and as corn blasted before it be grown up .

as Psa_129_06 /^{as /the grass upon the
housetops , which withereth afore it groweth up :

as Son_08_06 /^{as /the grave : the coals
thereof are coals of fire , which hath a most vehement flame .

as Pro_01_12 /^{as /the grave ; and whole ,
as those that go down into the pit :

as 1Ch_26_13 /^{as /the great , according
to the house of their fathers , for every gate .

as 1Ch_25_08 /^{as /the great , the teacher
as the scholar .

as Deu_01_17 /^{as /the great ; ye shall
not be afraid of the face of man ; for the judgment is God's :
and the cause that is too hard for you, bring it unto me, and I
will hear it.

as Nah_03_17 /^{as /the great grasshoppers ,
which camp in the hedges in the cold day , but when the sun
ariseth they flee away , and their place is not known where they

as 2Ki_19_26 /^{as /the green herb , as the
grass on the housetops , and as corn blasted before it be grown
up .

as Isa_37_27 /^{as /the green herb , as the
grass on the housetops , and as corn blasted before it be grown
up .

as Psa_37_02 /^{as /the green herb .

as Gen_09_03 /^{as /the green herb have I
given you all things.

as Isa_51_23 /^{as /the ground , and as the
street , to them that went over .

as Rev_09_08 /${as /the hair of women , and
their teeth were as the teeth of lions .

as Ezr_07_28 /^{as /the hand of the LORD my
God was upon me, and I gathered together out of Israel chief men
to go up with me.

as Jer_09_22 /^{as /the handful after the
harvestman , and none shall gather them.

as Deu_15_22 /^{as /the hart .

As Psa_42_01 /^{As /the hart panteth after
the water brooks , so panteth my soul after thee, O God .

as Isa_28_04 /^{as /the hasty fruit before
the summer ; which when he that looketh upon it seeth , while it
is yet in his hand he eateth it up .

as Jer_50_08 /^{as /the he goats before the
flocks .

as Rev_09_17 /${as /the heads of lions ;
and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone .

as 2Sa_17_10 /^{as /the heart of a lion ,
shall utterly melt : for all Israel knoweth that thy father is a
mighty man , and they which be with him are valiant men .

as Jer_49_22 /^{as /the heart of a woman in
her pangs .

as Jer_48_41 /^{as /the heart of a woman in
her pangs .

as 1Ki_15_03 /^{as /the heart of David his
father .

as Eze_28_02 /^{as /the heart of God :

as Eze_28_06 /^{as /the heart of God ;

as 2Sa_19_14 /^{as /the heart of one man ;
so that they sent this word unto the king , Return thou, and all
thy servants .

as Isa_25_05 /^{as /the heat in a dry place
; even the heat with the shadow of a cloud : the branch of the
terrible ones shall be brought low .

as Eze_20_32 /^{as /the heathen , as the
families of the countries , to serve wood and stone .

as Mat_06_07 /${as /the heathen do: for
they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking .

as Psa_103_11 /^{as /the heaven is high
above the earth , so great is his mercy toward them that fear

as Isa_55_09 /^{as /the heavens are higher
than the earth , so are my ways higher than your ways , and my
thoughts than your thoughts .

as Jer_50_11 /^{as /the heifer at grass ,
and bellow as bulls ;

as Jer_26_18 /^{as /the high places of a
forest .

as Mic_03_12 /^{as /the high places of the
forest .

as Heb_09_25 /${as /the high priest
entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others ;

as Psa_68_15 /^{as /the hill of Bashan .

as Psa_68_15 /^{as /the hill of Bashan ; an
high hill as the hill of Bashan .

as Exo_16_14 /^{as /the hoar frost on the
ground .

as Exo_39_23 /^{as /the hole of an
habergeon , with a band round about the hole , that it should
not rend .

As Eze_36_38 /^{As /the holy flock , as the
flock of Jerusalem in her solemn feasts ; so shall the waste
cities be filled with flocks of men : and they shall know that I
am the LORD .

as Son_04_11 /^{as /the honeycomb : honey
and milk are under thy tongue ; and the smell of thy garments is
like the smell of Lebanon .

as Psa_32_09 /^{as /the horse , or as the
mule , which have no understanding : whose mouth must be held in
with bit and bridle , lest they come near unto thee.

as Jer_08_06 /^{as /the horse rusheth into
the battle .

As Jer_33_22 /^{As /the host of heaven
cannot be numbered , neither the sand of the sea measured : so
will I multiply the seed of David my servant , and the Levites
that minister unto me.

as 1Sa_17_20 /^{as /the host was going
forth to the fight , and shouted for the battle .

as Jer_48_13 /^{as /the house of Israel was
ashamed of Bethel their confidence .

as Mat_06_16 /${as /the hypocrites , of a
sad countenance : for they disfigure their faces , that they may
appear unto men to fast . Verily I say unto you , They have
their reward .

as Mat_06_05 /${as /the hypocrites are: for
they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners
of the streets , that they may be seen of men . Verily I say
unto you , They have their reward .

as Mat_06_02 /${as /the hypocrites do in
the synagogues and in the streets , that they may have glory of
men . Verily I say unto you , They have their reward .

as Num_18_30 /^{as /the increase of the
threshingfloor , and as the increase of the winepress .

as Num_18_30 /^{as /the increase of the
winepress .

as Exo_21_22 /^{as /the judges determine.

as 2Ch_10_12 /^{as /the king bade , saying ,
Come again to me on the third day .

as 1Ki_12_12 /^{as /the king had appointed ,
saying , Come to me again the third day .

as Est_05_08 /^{as /the king hath said .

as Exo_01_17 /^{as /the king of Egypt
commanded them, but saved the men children alive .

as 2Ki_06_26 /^{as /the king of Israel was
passing by upon the wall , there cried a woman unto him, saying ,
Help , my lord , O king .

as 1Ki_20_39 /^{as /the king passed by , he
cried unto the king : and he said , Thy servant went out into
the midst of the battle ; and, behold, a man turned aside , and
brought a man unto me, and said , Keep this man : if by any
means he be missing , then shall thy life be for his life , or
else thou shalt pay a talent of silver .

as 2Ki_14_05 /^{as /the kingdom was
confirmed in his hand , that he slew his servants which had
slain the king his father .

as 2Ki_17_02 /^{as /the kings of Israel that
were before him.

as 1Sa_20_36 /^{as /the lad ran , he shot
an arrow beyond him.

as 1Sa_20_41 /^{as /the lad was gone ,
David arose out of a place toward the south , and fell on his
face to the ground , and bowed himself three times : and they
kissed one another , and wept one with another , until David
exceeded .

as Act_03_11 /${as /the lame man which was
healed held Peter and John , all the people ran together unto
them in the porch that is called Solomon's , greatly wondering .

as Deu_11_10 /^{as /the land of Egypt ,
from whence ye came out , where thou sowedst thy seed , and
wateredst it with thy foot , as a garden of herbs :

as Dan_11_29 /^{as /the latter .

as Hos_06_03 /^{as /the latter and former
rain unto the earth .

as Isa_34_04 /^{as /the leaf falleth off
from the vine , and as a falling fig from the fig tree .

as Isa_50_04 /^{as /the learned .

as Lev_13_43 /^{as /the leprosy appeareth
in the skin of the flesh ;

as Eze_48_11 /^{as /the Levites went astray

as 1Ki_19_02 /^{as /the life of one of them
by to morrow about this time .

as Psa_37_06 /^{as /the light , and thy
judgment as the noonday .

as Mat_17_02 /${as /the light .

as Hab_03_04 /^{as /the light ; he had
horns coming out of his hand : and there was the hiding of his
power .

as Isa_30_26 /^{as /the light of seven days
, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people ,
and healeth the stroke of their wound .

as 2Sa_23_04 /^{as /the light of the morning
, when the sun riseth , even a morning without clouds ; as the
tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after
rain .

as Isa_30_26 /^{as /the light of the sun ,
and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold , as the light of
seven days , in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of
his people , and healeth the stroke of their wound .

as Hos_06_05 /^{as /the light that goeth
forth .

as Luk_17_24 /${as /the lightning , that
lighteneth out of the one part under heaven , shineth unto the
other part under heaven ; so shall also the Son of man be in his
day .

as Zec_09_14 /^{as /the lightning : and the
Lord GOD shall blow the trumpet , and shall go with whirlwinds
of the south .

as Mat_24_27 /${as /the lightning cometh
out of the east , and shineth even unto the west ; so shall also
the coming of the Son of man be .

as Hos_14_05 /^{as /the lily , and cast
forth his roots as Lebanon .

As Son_02_02 /^{As /the lily among thorns ,
so is my love among the daughters .

as Jer_25_38 /^{as /the lion : for their
land is desolate because of the fierceness of the oppressor ,
and because of his fierce anger .

as Isa_31_04 /^{as /the lion and the young
lion roaring on his prey , when a multitude of shepherds is
called forth against him, he will not be afraid of their voice ,
nor abase himself for the noise of them: so shall the LORD of
hosts come down to fight for mount Zion , and for the hill

As Joh_06_57 /${As /the living Father hath
sent me , and I live by the Father : so he that eateth me , even
he shall live by me .

as Psa_109_23 /^{as /the locust .

as Nah_03_17 /^{as /the locusts , and thy
captains as the great grasshoppers , which camp in the hedges in
the cold day , but when the sun ariseth they flee away , and
their place is not known where they are.

as Nah_03_15 /^{as /the locusts .

as 1Sa_02_02 /^{as /the LORD : for there is
none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God .

as Mat_27_10 /${as /the Lord appointed me .

as Jos_11_09 /^{as /the LORD bade him: he
houghed their horses , and burnt their chariots with fire .

as 2Sa_24_19 /^{as /the LORD commanded .

as Lev_09_07 /^{as /the LORD commanded .

as Num_20_27 /^{as /the LORD commanded :
and they went up into mount Hor in the sight of all the
congregation .

as Exo_07_20 /^{as /the LORD commanded ;
and he lifted up the rod , and smote the waters that were in the
river , in the sight of Pharaoh , and in the sight of his
servants ; and all the waters that were in the river were turned
to blood .

as Jos_14_02 /^{as /the LORD commanded by
the hand of Moses , for the nine tribes , and for the half tribe

as Jos_21_08 /^{as /the LORD commanded by
the hand of Moses .

as Num_27_23 /^{as /the LORD commanded by
the hand of Moses .

as Num_03_42 /^{as /the LORD commanded him,
all the firstborn among the children of Israel .

as Num_17_11 /^{as /the LORD commanded him,
so did he.

as Num_27_22 /^{as /the LORD commanded him:
and he took Joshua , and set him before Eleazar the priest , and
before all the congregation :

as Lev_08_04 /^{as /the LORD commanded him;
and the assembly was gathered together unto the door of the
tabernacle of the congregation .

as Deu_10_05 /^{as /the LORD commanded me.

as Jer_13_05 /^{as /the LORD commanded me.

As Exo_16_34 /^{As /the LORD commanded
Moses , so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony , to be kept .

as Num_36_10 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses , so did the daughters of Zelophehad :

As Num_01_19 /^{As /the LORD commanded
Moses , so he numbered them in the wilderness of Sinai .

As Jos_14_05 /^{As /the LORD commanded
Moses , so the children of Israel did , and they divided the
land .

as Num_31_47 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Num_27_11 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Exo_39_05 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Deu_34_09 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Exo_40_19 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Num_04_49 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Exo_40_29 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Exo_40_32 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Exo_39_21 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Num_03_51 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Jos_11_20 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Lev_08_13 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Exo_39_07 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Exo_39_26 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Lev_24_23 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Num_08_03 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Exo_40_27 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Exo_39_01 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Exo_40_21 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Lev_08_09 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Lev_08_17 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Num_15_36 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Num_31_41 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Lev_16_34 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Num_31_31 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Exo_39_31 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Exo_39_29 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Exo_40_25 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Lev_08_21 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Lev_08_29 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Num_02_33 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Lev_09_10 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Num_31_07 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses ; and they slew all the males .

as Exo_12_50 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses and Aaron , so did they.

as Num_26_04 /^{as /the LORD commanded
Moses and the children of Israel , which went forth out of the
land of Egypt .

As Jos_11_15 /^{As /the LORD commanded
Moses his servant , so did Moses command Joshua , and so did
Joshua ; he left nothing undone of all that the LORD commanded
Moses .

as Exo_07_06 /^{as /the LORD commanded them,
so did they.

as Job_42_09 /^{as /the LORD commanded them:
the LORD also accepted Job .

as 1Co_03_05 /${as /the Lord gave to every
man ?

as Jos_10_40 /^{as /the LORD God of Israel
commanded .

as 1Ch_24_19 /^{as /the LORD God of Israel
had commanded him.

As 1Ki_17_01 /^{As /the LORD God of Israel
liveth , before whom I stand , there shall not be dew nor rain
these years , but according to my word .

as 1Sa_25_34 /^{as /the LORD God of Israel
liveth , which hath kept me back from hurting thee, except thou
hadst hasted and come to meet me, surely there had not been left
unto Nabal by the morning light any that pisseth against the
wall .

as Deu_06_03 /^{as /the LORD God of thy
fathers hath promised thee, in the land that floweth with milk
and honey .

as Deu_27_03 /^{as /the LORD God of thy
fathers hath promised thee.

as Deu_01_21 /^{as /the LORD God of thy
fathers hath said unto thee; fear not, neither be discouraged .

as Exo_39_43 /^{as /the LORD had commanded ,
even so had they done it: and Moses blessed them.

as Exo_07_10 /^{as /the LORD had commanded :
and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh , and before his
servants , and it became a serpent .

as Exo_34_04 /^{as /the LORD had commanded
him, and took in his hand the two tables of stone .

as 2Sa_05_25 /^{as /the LORD had commanded
him; and smote the Philistines from Geba until thou come to
Gazer .

as Exo_40_23 /^{as /the LORD had commanded
Moses .

as Exo_12_28 /^{as /the LORD had commanded
Moses and Aaron , so did they.

as Num_08_22 /^{as /the LORD had commanded
Moses concerning the Levites , so did they unto them.

as Jud_02_15 /^{as /the LORD had said , and
as the LORD had sworn unto them: and they were greatly
distressed .

as Exo_08_15 /^{as /the LORD had said .

as Exo_08_19 /^{as /the LORD had said .

as 2Ki_24_13 /^{as /the LORD had said .

as Exo_07_22 /^{as /the LORD had said .

as Exo_07_13 /^{as /the LORD had said .

as Jud_06_27 /^{as /the LORD had said unto
him: and so it was, because he feared his father's household ,
and the men of the city , that he could not do it by day , that
he did it by night .

as Exo_09_35 /^{as /the LORD had spoken by
Moses .

as Gen_12_04 /^{as /the LORD had spoken
unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five
years old when he departed out of Haran .

as Exo_09_12 /^{as /the LORD had spoken
unto Moses .

as Jud_02_15 /^{as /the LORD had sworn unto
them: and they were greatly distressed .

As 1Ki_01_37 /^{As /the LORD hath been with
my lord the king , even so be he with Solomon , and make his
throne greater than the throne of my lord king David .

as Jos_17_14 /^{as /the LORD hath blessed
me hitherto ?

as 1Co_07_17 /${as /the Lord hath called
every one , so let him walk . And so ordain I in all churches .

as Lev_10_15 /^{as /the LORD hath commanded

as Joe_02_32 /^{as /the LORD hath said ,
and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call .

as Deu_31_03 /^{as /the LORD hath said .

as 2Ch_23_03 /^{as /the LORD hath said of
the sons of David .

as Deu_09_03 /^{as /the LORD hath said unto

As Num_32_31 /^{As /the LORD hath said unto
thy servants , so will we do .

as Deu_17_16 /^{as /the LORD hath said unto
you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way .

as Gen_24_51 /^{as /the LORD hath spoken .

as Deu_06_19 /^{as /the LORD hath spoken .

as Jer_48_08 /^{as /the LORD hath spoken .

as Jer_27_13 /^{as /the LORD hath spoken
against the nation that will not serve the king of Babylon ?

as 2Sa_03_09 /^{as /the LORD hath sworn to
David , even so I do to him;

as Jud_11_36 /^{as /the LORD hath taken
vengeance for thee of thine enemies , even of the children of
Ammon .

As 2Sa_15_21 /^{As /the LORD liveth , and as
my lord the king liveth , surely in what place my lord the king
shall be, whether in death or life , even there also will thy
servant be.

As 2Ki_04_30 /^{As /the LORD liveth , and as
thy soul liveth , I will not leave thee. And he arose , and
followed her.

As 2Ki_02_06 /^{As /the LORD liveth , and as
thy soul liveth , I will not leave thee. And they two went on .

As 2Ki_02_04 /^{As /the LORD liveth , and as
thy soul liveth , I will not leave thee. So they came to Jericho

As 2Ki_02_02 /^{As /the LORD liveth , and as
thy soul liveth , I will not leave thee. So they went down to
Bethel .

as 1Sa_25_26 /^{as /the LORD liveth , and
as thy soul liveth , seeing the LORD hath withholden thee from
coming to shed blood , and from avenging thyself with thine own
hand , now let thine enemies , and they that seek evil to my
lord , be as Nabal .

as 1Sa_20_03 /^{as /the LORD liveth , and
as thy soul liveth , there is but a step between me and death .

As 2Ki_05_16 /^{As /the LORD liveth , before
whom I stand , I will receive none. And he urged him to take it;
but he refused .

As 2Ch_18_13 /^{As /the LORD liveth , even
what my God saith , that will I speak .

As 1Sa_19_06 /^{As /the LORD liveth , he
shall not be slain .

as 2Ki_05_20 /^{as /the LORD liveth , I will
run after him, and take somewhat of him.

as Jud_08_19 /^{as /the LORD liveth , if ye
had saved them alive , I would not slay you.

As 1Ki_01_29 /^{As /the LORD liveth , that
hath redeemed my soul out of all distress ,

As Jer_38_16 /^{As /the LORD liveth , that
made us this soul , I will not put thee to death , neither will
I give thee into the hand of these men that seek thy life .

As 1Sa_26_10 /^{As /the LORD liveth , the
LORD shall smite him; or his day shall come to die ; or he shall
descend into battle , and perish .

As 2Sa_12_05 /^{As /the LORD liveth , the
man that hath done this thing shall surely die :

As 1Sa_28_10 /^{As /the LORD liveth , there
shall no punishment happen to thee for this thing .

as 1Sa_14_45 /^{as /the LORD liveth , there
shall not one hair of his head fall to the ground ; for he hath
wrought with God this day . So the people rescued Jonathan ,
that he died not.

As 2Sa_14_11 /^{As /the LORD liveth , there
shall not one hair of thy son fall to the earth .

as 1Sa_29_06 /^{as /the LORD liveth , thou
hast been upright , and thy going out and thy coming in with me
in the host is good in my sight : for I have not found evil in
thee since the day of thy coming unto me unto this day :
nevertheless the lords favour thee not .

As 1Ki_22_14 /^{As /the LORD liveth , what
the LORD saith unto me, that will I speak .

as 1Ki_02_24 /^{as /the LORD liveth , which
hath established me, and set me on the throne of David my father
, and who hath made me an house , as he promised , Adonijah
shall be put to death this day .

as 1Sa_14_39 /^{as /the LORD liveth , which
saveth Israel , though it be in Jonathan my son , he shall
surely die . But there was not a man among all the people that
answered him.

As 2Sa_04_09 /^{As /the LORD liveth , who
hath redeemed my soul out of all adversity ,

As 1Sa_26_16 /^{As /the LORD liveth , ye
are worthy to die , because ye have not kept your master , the
LORD'S anointed . And now see where the king's spear is, and the
cruse of water that was at his bolster .

as 1Sa_20_21 /^{as /the LORD liveth .

as Rut_03_13 /^{as /the LORD liveth : lie
down until the morning .

as Deu_04_05 /^{as /the LORD my God
commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to
possess it.

As 1Ki_18_15 /^{As /the LORD of hosts
liveth , before whom I stand , I will surely shew myself unto
him to day .

As 2Ki_03_14 /^{As /the LORD of hosts liveth
, before whom I stand , surely, were it not that I regard the
presence of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah , I would not look
toward thee, nor see thee.

as Zec_01_06 /^{as /the LORD of hosts
thought to do unto us, according to our ways , and according to
our doings , so hath he dealt with us.

as Deu_01_19 /^{as /the LORD our God
commanded us; and we came to Kadeshbarnea .

as Deu_04_07 /^{as /the LORD our God is in
all things that we call upon him for?

as Act_02_39 /${as /the Lord our God shall
call .

as 1Ki_08_20 /^{as /the LORD promised , and
have built an house for the name of the LORD God of Israel .

as 2Ch_06_10 /^{as /the LORD promised , and
have built the house for the name of the LORD God of Israel .

as Deu_28_63 /^{as /the LORD rejoiced over
you to do you good , and to multiply you; so the LORD will
rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought ;
and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to
possess it.

as Jos_14_12 /^{as /the LORD said .

as Num_16_40 /^{as /the LORD said to him by
the hand of Moses .

as Num_22_08 /^{as /the LORD shall speak
unto me: and the princes of Moab abode with Balaam .

as 1Ki_05_05 /^{as /the LORD spake unto
David my father , saying , Thy son , whom I will set upon thy
throne in thy room, he shall build an house unto my name .

as Jos_04_08 /^{as /the LORD spake unto
Joshua , according to the number of the tribes of the children
of Israel , and carried them over with them unto the place where
they lodged , and laid them down there.

as Deu_02_01 /^{as /the LORD spake unto me:
and we compassed mount Seir many days .

as Num_05_04 /^{as /the LORD spake unto
Moses , so did the children of Israel .

as Deu_02_14 /^{as /the LORD sware unto

as Eph_05_29 /${as /the Lord the church :

as Hag_01_12 /^{as /the LORD their God had
sent him, and the people did fear before the LORD .

as Deu_16_10 /^{as /the LORD thy God hath
blessed thee:

as Deu_05_12 /^{as /the LORD thy God hath
commanded thee.

as Deu_20_17 /^{as /the LORD thy God hath
commanded thee:

as Deu_05_16 /^{as /the LORD thy God hath
commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged , and that it may
go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth

As 1Ki_17_12 /^{As /the LORD thy God liveth
, I have not a cake , but an handful of meal in a barrel , and a
little oil in a cruse : and, behold, I am gathering two sticks ,
that I may go in and dress it for me and my son , that we may
eat it, and die .

As 1Ki_18_10 /^{As /the LORD thy God liveth
, there is no nation or kingdom , whither my lord hath not sent
to seek thee: and when they said , He is not there; he took an
oath of the kingdom and nation , that they found thee not.

as Deu_10_09 /^{as /the LORD thy God
promised him.

as Jos_04_23 /^{as /the LORD your God did
to the Red sea , which he dried up from before us, until we were
gone over :

as Deu_05_32 /^{as /the LORD your God hath
commanded you: ye shall not turn aside to the right hand or to
the left .

as Jos_23_05 /^{as /the LORD your God hath
promised unto you.

as Isa_42_19 /^{as /the LORD'S servant ?

as Pro_05_19 /^{as /the loving hind and
pleasant roe ; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times ; and
be thou ravished always with her love .

as Jud_08_21 /^{as /the man is, so is his
strength . And Gideon arose , and slew Zebah and Zalmunna , and
took away the ornaments that were on their camels necks .

as 2Ki_07_17 /^{as /the man of God had said ,
who spake when the king came down to him.

as 2Ki_07_18 /^{as /the man of God had
spoken to the king , saying , Two measures of barley for a
shekel , and a measure of fine flour for a shekel , shall be to
morrow about this time in the gate of Samaria :

as Heb_10_25 /${as /the manner of some is;
but exhorting one another: and so much the more , as ye see the
day approaching .

as Joh_19_40 /${as /the manner of the Jews
is to bury .

as 2Ki_11_14 /^{as /the manner was, and the
princes and the trumpeters by the king , and all the people of
the land rejoiced , and blew with trumpets : and Athaliah rent
her clothes , and cried , Treason , Treason .

as 1Ki_08_59 /^{as /the matter shall

as Num_28_08 /^{as /the meat offering of
the morning , and as the drink offering thereof, thou shalt
offer it, a sacrifice made by fire , of a sweet savour unto the

as 2Ch_13_15 /^{as /the men of Judah shouted
, it came to pass, that God smote Jeroboam and all Israel before
Abijah and Judah .

as Jud_08_08 /^{as /the men of Succoth had
answered him.

as Exo_21_07 /^{as /the menservants do .

as 2Co_06_04 /${as /the ministers of God ,
in much patience , in afflictions , in necessities , in
distresses ,

as 2Co_11_15 /${as /the ministers of
righteousness ; whose end shall be according to their works .

as 2Sa_22_43 /^{as /the mire of the street ,
and did spread them abroad .

as Mic_07_10 /^{as /the mire of the streets

as Zec_09_03 /^{as /the mire of the streets

as Psa_89_37 /^{as /the moon , and as a
faithful witness in heaven . Selah .

as Son_06_10 /^{as /the moon , clear as the
sun , and terrible as an army with banners ?

as Psa_72_07 /^{as /the moon endureth.

as Isa_58_08 /^{as /the morning , and thine
health shall spring forth speedily : and thy righteousness shall
go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy rereward .

as Son_06_10 /^{as /the morning , fair as
the moon , clear as the sun , and terrible as an army with
banners ?

as Job_11_17 /^{as /the morning .

as Hos_06_03 /^{as /the morning ; and he
shall come unto us as the rain , as the latter and former rain
unto the earth .

as Hos_13_03 /^{as /the morning cloud , and
as the early dew that passeth away , as the chaff that is driven
with the whirlwind out of the floor , and as the smoke out of
the chimney .

as Joe_02_02 /^{as /the morning spread upon
the mountains : a great people and a strong ; there hath not
been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to
the years of many generations .

as Gen_44_03 /^{as /the morning was light ,
the men were sent away , they and their asses .

as Son_05_11 /^{as /the most fine gold ,
his locks are bushy , and black as a raven .

As Psa_125_02 /^{As /the mountains are
round about Jerusalem , so the LORD is round about his people
from henceforth even for ever .

as Amo_08_10 /^{as /the mourning of an only
son, and the end thereof as a bitter day .

as Zec_12_11 /^{as /the mourning of
Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon .

as Rev_13_02 /${as /the mouth of a lion :
and the dragon gave him his power , and his seat , and great
authority .

as Job_34_03 /^{as /the mouth tasteth meat .

as Psa_32_09 /^{as /the mule , which have
no understanding : whose mouth must be held in with bit and
bridle , lest they come near unto thee.

As Deu_08_20 /^{As /the nations which the
LORD destroyeth before your face , so shall ye perish ; because
ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the LORD your God .

as Isa_66_22 /^{as /the new heavens and the
new earth , which I will make , shall remain before me, saith
the LORD , so shall your seed and your name remain .

As Isa_65_08 /^{As /the new wine is found
in the cluster , and one saith , Destroy it not; for a blessing
is in it: so will I do for my servants sakes, that I may not
destroy them all.

as Isa_16_03 /^{as /the night in the midst
of the noonday ; hide the outcasts ; bewray not him that
wandereth .

as Eze_01_24 /^{as /the noise of an host :
when they stood , they let down their wings .

as Psa_37_06 /^{as /the noonday .

as Isa_58_10 /^{as /the noonday :

as Amo_02_09 /^{as /the oaks ; yet I
destroyed his fruit from above , and his roots from beneath.

as Rom_05_15 /${as /the offence , so also
is the free gift . For if through the offence of one many be
dead , much more the grace of God , and the gift by grace ,
which is by one man , Jesus Christ , hath abounded unto many .

as Lam_03_45 /^{as /the offscouring and
refuse in the midst of the people .

as Job_15_33 /^{as /the olive .

as Hos_14_06 /^{as /the olive tree , and
his smell as Lebanon .

as Ecc_03_19 /^{as /the one dieth , so
dieth the other ; yea, they have all one breath ; so that a man
hath no preeminence above a beast : for all is vanity .

as 1Pe_04_11 /${as /the oracles of God ; if
any man minister , let him do it as of the ability which God
giveth : that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus
Christ , to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever . Amen

as Mar_03_05 /${as /the other .

as Mat_12_13 /${as /the other .

as Luk_06_10 /${as /the other .

as Mic_01_08 /^{as /the owls .

as Num_22_04 /^{as /the ox licketh up the
grass of the field . And Balak the son of Zippor was king of the
Moabites at that time .

as Jer_10_05 /^{as /the palm tree , but
speak not: they must needs be borne , because they cannot go .
Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil , neither also is
it in them to do good .

as Isa_21_03 /^{as /the pangs of a woman
that travaileth : I was bowed down at the hearing of it; I was
dismayed at the seeing of it.

As Jer_17_11 /^{As /the partridge sitteth
on eggs, and hatcheth them not; so he that getteth riches , and
not by right , shall leave them in the midst of his days , and
at his end shall be a fool .

as Eze_33_31 /^{as /the people cometh , and
they sit before thee as my people , and they hear thy words ,
but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much
love , but their heart goeth after their covetousness .

as Luk_05_01 /${as /the people pressed upon
him to hear the word of God , he stood by the lake of Gennesaret

as Luk_03_15 /${as /the people were in
expectation , and all men mused in their hearts of John ,
whether he were the Christ , or not ;

as Eze_42_06 /^{as /the pillars of the
courts : therefore the building was straitened more than the
lowest and the middlemost from the ground .

as Jer_19_13 /^{as /the place of Tophet ,
because of all the houses upon whose roofs they have burned
incense unto all the host of heaven , and have poured out drink
offerings unto other gods .

as Psa_87_07 /^{as /the players on
instruments shall be there: all my springs are in thee.

as Isa_41_25 /^{as /the potter treadeth
clay .

as Isa_29_16 /^{as /the potter's clay : for
shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall
the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no
understanding ?

as Lev_27_14 /^{as /the priest shall
estimate it, so shall it stand .

as Jos_09_21 /^{as /the princes had
promised them.

as Eze_14_10 /^{as /the punishment of him
that seeketh unto him;

as 2Ch_09_09 /^{as /the queen of Sheba gave
king Solomon .

as Isa_14_19 /^{as /the raiment of those
that are slain , thrust through with a sword , that go down to
the stones of the pit ; as a carcase trodden under feet .

as Hos_06_03 /^{as /the rain , as the
latter and former rain unto the earth .

as Deu_32_02 /^{as /the rain , my speech
shall distil as the dew , as the small rain upon the tender herb
, and as the showers upon the grass :

as Isa_55_10 /^{as /the rain cometh down ,
and the snow from heaven , and returneth not thither, but
watereth the earth , and maketh it bring forth and bud , that it
may give seed to the sower , and bread to the eater :

as Num_18_18 /^{as /the right shoulder are

as Jer_46_07 /^{as /the rivers ?

as Pro_21_01 /^{as /the rivers of water :
he turneth it whithersoever he will .

as Pro_20_02 /^{as /the roaring of a lion :
whoso provoketh him to anger sinneth against his own soul .

as Pro_19_12 /^{as /the roaring of a lion ;
but his favour is as dew upon the grass .

as Deu_15_22 /^{as /the roebuck , and as
the hart .

as Deu_12_22 /^{as /the roebuck and the
hart is eaten , so thou shalt eat them: the unclean and the
clean shall eat of them alike .

as 1Ch_12_08 /^{as /the roes upon the
mountains ;

as Isa_35_01 /^{as /the rose .

as Jer_51_27 /^{as /the rough caterpillers .

as Isa_33_04 /^{as /the running to and fro
of locusts shall he run upon them.

as 1Jo_02_27 /${as /the same anointing
teacheth you of all things , and is truth , and is no lie , and
even as it hath taught you , ye shall abide in him .

as Isa_48_19 /^{as /the sand , and the
offspring of thy bowels like the gravel thereof; his name should
not have been cut off nor destroyed from before me.

as Job_29_18 /^{as /the sand .

as Hab_01_09 /^{as /the sand .

as Jud_07_12 /^{as /the sand by the sea
side for multitude .

as Rom_09_27 /${as /the sand of the sea , a
remnant shall be saved :

as Gen_41_49 /^{as /the sand of the sea ,
very much , until he left numbering ; for it was without number .

as Hos_01_10 /^{as /the sand of the sea ,
which cannot be measured nor numbered ; and it shall come to
pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not
my people , there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of
the living God .

as Gen_32_12 /^{as /the sand of the sea ,
which cannot be numbered for multitude .

as Isa_10_22 /^{as /the sand of the sea ,
yet a remnant of them shall return : the consumption decreed
shall overflow with righteousness .

as Rev_20_08 /${as /the sand of the sea .

as Psa_78_27 /^{as /the sand of the sea :

as 2Sa_17_11 /^{as /the sand that is by the
sea for multitude ; and that thou go to battle in thine own
person .

as 1Ki_04_29 /^{as /the sand that is on the
sea shore .

as Jos_11_04 /^{as /the sand that is upon
the sea shore in multitude , with horses and chariots very many .

as 1Ki_04_20 /^{as /the sand which is by
the sea in multitude , eating and drinking , and making merry .

as Heb_11_12 /${as /the sand which is by
the sea shore innumerable .

as 1Sa_13_05 /^{as /the sand which is on
the sea shore in multitude : and they came up , and pitched in
Michmash , eastward from Bethaven .

as Gen_22_17 /^{as /the sand which is upon
the sea shore ; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his
enemies ;

as 1Ch_25_08 /^{as /the scholar .

as Rev_09_03 /${as /the scorpions of the
earth have power .

as Mar_01_22 /${as /the scribes .

as Mat_07_29 /${as /the scribes .

as Joh_07_38 /${as /the scripture hath said
, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water .

as Eze_26_03 /^{as /the sea causeth his
waves to come up .

as 2Co_11_03 /${as /the serpent beguiled Eve
through his subtilty , so your minds should be corrupted from
the simplicity that is in Christ .

as Eph_06_06 /${as /the servants of Christ ,
doing the will of God from the heart ;

as 1Pe_02_16 /${as /the servants of God .

as Isa_32_02 /^{as /the shadow of a great
rock in a weary land .

as Job_24_17 /^{as /the shadow of death :
if one know them, they are in the terrors of the shadow of death

as Isa_24_13 /^{as /the shaking of an olive
tree , and as the gleaning grapes when the vintage is done .

as Isa_17_06 /^{as /the shaking of an olive
tree , two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bough ,
four or five in the outmost fruitful branches thereof, saith the
LORD God of Israel .

as Mic_04_12 /^{as /the sheaves into the
floor .

as Mic_02_12 /^{as /the sheep of Bozrah ,
as the flock in the midst of their fold : they shall make great
noise by reason of the multitude of men .

As Amo_03_12 /^{As /the shepherd taketh out
of the mouth of the lion two legs , or a piece of an ear ; so
shall the children of Israel be taken out that dwell in Samaria
in the corner of a bed , and in Damascus in a couch .

as Pro_04_18 /^{as /the shining light ,
that shineth more and more unto the perfect day .

as Act_27_30 /${as /the shipmen were about
to flee out of the ship , when they had let down the boat into
the sea , under colour as though they would have cast anchors
out of the foreship ,

as Mic_05_07 /^{as /the showers upon the
grass , that tarrieth not for man , nor waiteth for the sons of
men .

as Deu_32_02 /^{as /the showers upon the
grass :

as 1Sa_15_23 /^{as /the sin of witchcraft ,
and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry . Because thou hast
rejected the word of the LORD , he hath also rejected thee from
being king .

as Lev_14_13 /^{as /the sin offering is the
priest's , so is the trespass offering : it is most holy :

As Lev_07_07 /^{As /the sin offering is, so
is the trespass offering : there is one law for them: the priest
that maketh atonement therewith shall have it.

as Isa_40_15 /^{as /the small dust of the
balance : behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing .

as Deu_32_02 /^{as /the small rain upon the
tender herb , and as the showers upon the grass :

as Gen_27_27 /^{as /the smell of a field
which the LORD hath blessed :

as Exo_19_18 /^{as /the smoke of a furnace ,
and the whole mount quaked greatly .

as Gen_19_28 /^{as /the smoke of a furnace .

as Rev_09_02 /${as /the smoke of a great
furnace ; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the
smoke of the pit .

as Hos_13_03 /^{as /the smoke out of the
chimney .

as Jos_03_13 /^{as /the soles of the feet
of the priests that bear the ark of the LORD , the Lord of all
the earth , shall rest in the waters of Jordan , that the waters
of Jordan shall be cut off from the waters that come down from
above ; and they shall stand upon an heap .

as 1Sa_20_31 /^{as /the son of Jesse liveth
upon the ground , thou shalt not be established , nor thy
kingdom . Wherefore now send and fetch him unto me, for he shall
surely die .

as Mat_20_28 /${as /the Son of man came not
to be ministered unto , but to minister , and to give his life a
ransom for many .

as Eze_18_04 /^{as /the soul of the father ,
so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth , it
shall die .

as Rev_09_09 /${as /the sound of chariots
of many horses running to battle .

as Rev_01_15 /${as /the sound of many
waters .

as Job_05_07 /^{as /the sparks fly upward .

as Act_02_04 /${as /the Spirit gave them
utterance .

as Dan_12_03 /^{as /the stars for ever and
ever .

as Exo_32_13 /^{as /the stars of heaven ,
and all this land that I have spoken of will I give unto your
seed , and they shall inherit it for ever .

as Neh_09_23 /^{as /the stars of heaven ,
and broughtest them into the land , concerning which thou hadst
promised to their fathers , that they should go in to possess it.

as Gen_26_04 /^{as /the stars of heaven ,
and will give unto thy seed all these countries ; and in thy
seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed ;

as Deu_01_10 /^{as /the stars of heaven for
multitude .

as Deu_10_22 /^{as /the stars of heaven for
multitude .

as Deu_28_62 /^{as /the stars of heaven for
multitude ; because thou wouldest not obey the voice of the LORD
thy God .

as Gen_22_17 /^{as /the stars of the heaven
, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore ; and thy seed
shall possess the gate of his enemies ;

as Heb_11_12 /${as /the stars of the sky in
multitude , and as the sand which is by the sea shore
innumerable .

as Tit_01_07 /${as /the steward of God ;
not selfwilled , not soon angry , not given to wine , no striker
, not given to filthy lucre ;

as Zec_09_16 /^{as /the stones of a crown ,
lifted up as an ensign upon his land .

as Job_22_24 /^{as /the stones of the
brooks .

as Job_06_15 /^{as /the stream of brooks
they pass away ;

as Psa_126_04 /^{as /the streams in the
south .

as Isa_51_23 /^{as /the street , to them
that went over .

as Psa_83_13 /^{as /the stubble before the
wind .

as Jer_13_24 /^{as /the stubble that
passeth away by the wind of the wilderness .

as 2Co_01_05 /${as /the sufferings of Christ
abound in us , so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ .

as Mat_17_02 /${as /the sun , and his
raiment was white as the light .

as Son_06_10 /^{as /the sun , and terrible
as an army with banners ?

as Psa_72_17 /^{as /the sun : and men shall
be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed .

as Psa_72_05 /^{as /the sun and moon endure
, throughout all generations .

as Psa_89_36 /^{as /the sun before me.

as Mat_13_43 /${as /the sun in the kingdom
of their Father . Who hath ears to hear , let him hear .

as Jud_09_33 /^{as /the sun is up , thou
shalt rise early , and set upon the city : and, behold, when he
and the people that is with him come out against thee, then
mayest thou do to them as thou shalt find occasion .

as Rev_01_16 /${as /the sun shineth in his
strength .

as Jos_08_29 /^{as /the sun was down ,
Joshua commanded that they should take his carcase down from the
tree , and cast it at the entering of the gate of the city , and
raise thereon a great heap of stones , that remaineth unto this
day .

as Jud_05_31 /^{as /the sun when he goeth
forth in his might . And the land had rest forty years .

as Pro_26_02 /^{as /the swallow by flying ,
so the curse causeless shall not come .

as Job_09_26 /^{as /the swift ships : as
the eagle that hasteth to the prey .

as 2Ch_20_09 /^{as /the sword , judgment ,
or pestilence , or famine , we stand before this house , and in
thy presence , and cry unto thee in our affliction , then thou
wilt hear and help .

as Zec_09_13 /^{as /the sword of a mighty
man .

as 2Ch_09_27 /^{as /the sycomore trees that
are in the low plains in abundance .

as 1Ki_10_27 /^{as /the sycomore trees that
are in the vale , for abundance .

as 2Ch_01_15 /^{as /the sycomore trees that
are in the vale for abundance .

as Num_11_08 /^{as /the taste of fresh oil .

as Rev_09_08 /${as /the teeth of lions .

as 2Sa_23_04 /^{as /the tender grass
springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain .

as Son_01_05 /^{as /the tents of Kedar , as
the curtains of Solomon .

as 1Co_01_06 /${as /the testimony of Christ
was confirmed in you :

As Jer_02_26 /^{As /the thief is ashamed
when he is found , so is the house of Israel ashamed ; they,
their kings , their princes , and their priests , and their
prophets ,

as Rev_08_12 /${as /the third part of them
was darkened , and the day shone not for a third part of it ,
and the night likewise .

as Dan_02_42 /^{as /the toes of the feet
were part of iron , and part of clay , so the kingdom shall be
partly strong , and partly broken .

as Job_24_24 /^{as /the tops of the ears of
corn .

as Rev_09_05 /${as /the torment of a
scorpion , when he striketh a man .

as Son_07_04 /^{as /the tower of Lebanon
which looketh toward Damascus .

as Num_24_06 /^{as /the trees of lign aloes
which the LORD hath planted , and as cedar trees beside the
waters .

as Isa_07_02 /^{as /the trees of the wood
are moved with the wind .

as Lev_06_17 /^{as /the trespass offering .

as 2Ch_05_13 /^{as /the trumpeters and
singers were as one , to make one sound to be heard in praising
and thanking the LORD ; and when they lifted up their voice with
the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick , and praised
the LORD , saying, For he is good ; for his mercy endureth for
ever : that then the house was filled with a cloud , even the
house of the LORD ;

as Eph_04_21 /${as /the truth is in Jesus :

As 2Co_11_10 /${As /the truth of Christ is
in me , no man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of
Achaia .

as Eze_36_17 /^{as /the uncleanness of a
removed woman .

as Lev_15_26 /^{as /the uncleanness of her
separation .

as Lev_07_21 /^{as /the uncleanness of man ,
or any unclean beast , or any abominable unclean thing, and eat
of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace offerings , which pertain
unto the LORD , even that soul shall be cut off from his people .

as Job_27_07 /^{as /the unrighteous .

As Num_24_06 /^{As /the valleys are they
spread forth , as gardens by the river's side , as the trees of
lign aloes which the LORD hath planted , and as cedar trees
beside the waters .

as Rev_02_27 /${as /the vessels of a potter
shall they be broken to shivers : even as I received of my
Father .

as Job_15_33 /^{as /the vine , and shall
cast off his flower as the olive .

as Hos_14_07 /^{as /the vine : the scent
thereof shall be as the wine of Lebanon .

As Eze_15_06 /^{As /the vine tree among the
trees of the forest , which I have given to the fire for fuel ,
so will I give the inhabitants of Jerusalem .

as Rev_14_02 /${as /the voice of a great
thunder : and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their
harps :

as Rev_14_02 /${as /the voice of many
waters , and as the voice of a great thunder : and I heard the
voice of harpers harping with their harps :

as Rev_19_06 /${as /the voice of many
waters , and as the voice of mighty thunderings , saying ,
Alleluia : for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth .

as Rev_19_06 /${as /the voice of mighty
thunderings , saying , Alleluia : for the Lord God omnipotent
reigneth .

as Eze_01_24 /^{as /the voice of the
Almighty , the voice of speech , as the noise of an host : when
they stood , they let down their wings .

as Eze_10_05 /^{as /the voice of the
Almighty God when he speaketh .

as Luk_01_44 /${as /the voice of thy
salutation sounded in mine ears , the babe leaped in my womb for
joy .

as Mar_07_04 /${as /the washing of cups ,
and pots , brasen vessels , and of tables .

as Mar_07_08 /${as /the washing of pots and
cups : and many other such like things ye do .

as Job_24_18 /^{as /the waters ; their
portion is cursed in the earth : he beholdeth not the way of the
vineyards .

as Hab_02_14 /^{as /the waters cover the
sea .

as Isa_11_09 /^{as /the waters cover the
sea .

As Job_14_11 /^{As /the waters fail from
the sea , and the flood decayeth and drieth up :

as Isa_54_09 /^{as /the waters of Noah unto
me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more
go over the earth ; so have I sworn that I would not be wroth
with thee, nor rebuke thee.

as Mic_01_04 /^{as /the waters that are
poured down a steep place .

as Num_18_18 /^{as /the wave breast and as
the right shoulder are thine.

as Isa_48_18 /^{as /the waves of the sea :

As Pro_10_25 /^{As /the whirlwind passeth ,
so is the wicked no more: but the righteous is an everlasting
foundation .

as 2Ki_09_22 /^{as /the whoredoms of thy
mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many ?

as Job_27_07 /^{as /the wicked , and he
that riseth up against me as the unrighteous .

as Gen_18_25 /^{as /the wicked , that be
far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right ?

as Job_30_15 /^{as /the wind : and my
welfare passeth away as a cloud .

as Hos_14_07 /^{as /the wine of Lebanon .

as Psa_68_13 /^{as /the wings of a dove
covered with silver , and her feathers with yellow gold .

as Ecc_08_01 /^{as /the wise man? and who
knoweth the interpretation of a thing ? a man's wisdom maketh
his face to shine , and the boldness of his face shall be
changed .

as 1Co_11_12 /${as /the woman is of the man
, even so is the man also by the woman ; but all things of God .

as Exo_21_22 /^{as /the woman's husband
will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

as Luk_24_24 /${as /the women had said :
but him they saw not .

as 1Th_02_13 /${as /the word of men , but
as it is in truth , the word of God , which effectually worketh
also in you that believe .

As Est_07_08 /^{As /the word went out of
the king's mouth , they covered Haman's face .

as Isa_29_11 /^{as /the words of a book
that is sealed , which men deliver to one that is learned ,
saying , Read this, I pray thee: and he saith , I cannot ; for
it is sealed :

as Joh_14_27 /${as /the world giveth , give
I unto you . Let not your heart be troubled , neither let it be
afraid .

as Lam_02_12 /^{as /the wounded in the
streets of the city , when their soul was poured out into their
mothers bosom .

as Isa_16_14 /^{as /the years of an
hireling , and the glory of Moab shall be contemned , with all
that great multitude ; and the remnant shall be very small and
feeble .

as Luk_22_26 /${as /the younger ; and he
that is chief , as he that doth serve .

as Neh_05_05 /^{as /their children : and,
lo, we bring into bondage our sons and our daughters to be
servants , and some of our daughters are brought unto bondage
already: neither is it in our power to redeem them; for other
men have our lands and vineyards .

as Hos_07_12 /^{as /their congregation hath
heard .

as Psa_78_08 /^{as /their fathers , a
stubborn and rebellious generation ; a generation that set not
their heart aright , and whose spirit was not stedfast with God .

as Jud_02_22 /^{as /their fathers did keep
it, or not.

as Jer_23_27 /^{as /their fathers have
forgotten my name for Baal .

as Eph_05_28 /${as /their own bodies . He
that loveth his wife loveth himself .

as 2Ti_03_09 /${as /theirs also was .

as Gal_04_29 /${as /then he that was born
after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit ,
even so it is now .

as Job_21_33 /^{as /there are innumerable
before him.

as Jer_10_06 /^{as /there is none like unto
thee, O LORD ; thou art great , and thy name is great in might .

as 2Pe_02_01 /${as /there shall be false
teachers among you , who privily shall bring in damnable
heresies , even denying the Lord that bought them , and bring
upon themselves swift destruction .

as 2Co_08_11 /${as /there was a readiness to
will , so there may be a performance also out of that which ye
have .

as 2Ch_16_03 /^{as /there was between my
father and thy father : behold, I have sent thee silver and gold
; go , break thy league with Baasha king of Israel , that he may
depart from me.

as Exo_09_24 /^{as /there was none like it
in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation .

as Exo_11_06 /^{as /there was none like it,
nor shall be like it any more .

As Mat_13_40 /${As /therefore the tares are
gathered and burned in the fire ; so shall it be in the end of
this world .

as Jud_13_23 /^{as /these .

as Gen_27_46 /^{as /these which are of the
daughters of the land , what good shall my life do me?

as 1Ki_10_10 /^{as /these which the queen
of Sheba gave to king Solomon .

as Job_12_03 /^{as /these?

as Act_15_11 /${as /they .

as 1Co_10_06 /${as /they also lusted .

as Gen_34_22 /^{as /they are circumcised .

as Psa_58_03 /^{as /they be born , speaking
lies .

as 1Ch_21_03 /^{as /they be: but, my lord
the king , are they not all my lord's servants ? why then doth
my lord require this thing? why will he be a cause of trespass
to Israel ?

as Act_22_25 /${as /they bound him with
thongs , Paul said unto the centurion that stood by , Is it
lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman , and
uncondemned ?

As Hos_11_02 /^{As /they called them, so
they went from them : they sacrificed unto Baalim , and burned
incense to graven images .

as 1Sa_18_06 /^{as /they came , when David
was returned from the slaughter of the Philistine , that the
women came out of all cities of Israel , singing and dancing ,
to meet king Saul , with tabrets , with joy , and with
instruments of musick .

as Mar_09_09 /${as /they came down from the
mountain , he charged them that they should tell no man what
things they had seen , till the Son of man were risen from the
dead .

as Mat_17_09 /${as /they came down from the
mountain , Jesus charged them , saying , Tell the vision to no
man , until the Son of man be risen again from the dead .

as Exo_05_20 /^{as /they came forth from
Pharaoh :

as Jos_05_05 /^{as /they came forth out of
Egypt , them they had not circumcised .

as Mat_27_32 /${as /they came out , they
found a man of Cyrene , Simon by name : him they compelled to
bear his cross .

as Gen_44_01 /^{as /they can carry , and
put every man's money in his sack's mouth .

as Act_22_23 /${as /they cried out , and
cast off their clothes , and threw dust into the air ,

as Luk_01_02 /${as /they delivered them
unto us , which from the beginning were eyewitnesses , and
ministers of the word ;

as Mat_11_07 /${as /they departed , Jesus
began to say unto the multitudes concerning John , What went ye
out into the wilderness to see ? A reed shaken with the wind ?

as Luk_09_33 /${as /they departed from him ,
Peter said unto Jesus , Master , it is good for us to be here :
and let us make three tabernacles ; one for thee , and one for
Moses , and one for Elias : not knowing what he said .

as Mat_20_29 /${as /they departed from
Jericho , a great multitude followed him .

as Jos_04_18 /^{as /they did before .

as Eze_43_22 /^{as /they did cleanse it
with the bullock .

as Mat_26_21 /${as /they did eat , he said ,
Verily I say unto you , that one of you shall betray me .

as Mar_14_22 /${as /they did eat , Jesus
took bread , and blessed , and brake it, and gave to them , and
said , Take , eat : this is my body .

as Rom_01_28 /${as /they did not like to
retain God in their knowledge , God gave them over to a
reprobate mind , to do those things which are not convenient ;

As Jud_15_11 /^{As /they did unto me, so
have I done unto them.

as 2Pe_03_16 /${as /they do also the other
scriptures , unto their own destruction .

as Psa_14_04 /^{as /they eat bread , and
call not upon the LORD .

as Psa_53_04 /^{as /they eat bread : they
have not called upon God .

as Gen_42_35 /^{as /they emptied their
sacks , that, behold, every man's bundle of money was in his
sack : and when both they and their father saw the bundles of
money , they were afraid .

as Num_02_17 /^{as /they encamp , so shall
they set forward , every man in his place by their standards .

as Luk_09_34 /${as /they entered into the
cloud .

as Jos_04_14 /^{as /they feared Moses , all
the days of his life .

as Jos_10_11 /^{as /they fled from before
Israel , and were in the going down to Bethhoron , that the LORD
cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah , and
they died : they were more which died with hailstones than they
whom the children of Israel slew with the sword .

as Mar_10_32 /${as /they followed , they
were afraid . And he took again the twelve , and began to tell
them what things should happen unto him ,

as Mat_22_10 /${as /they found , both bad
and good : and the wedding was furnished with guests .

as Exo_16_05 /^{as /they gather daily .

As Eze_22_20 /^{As /they gather silver ,
and brass , and iron , and lead , and tin , into the midst of
the furnace , to blow the fire upon it, to melt it; so will I
gather you in mine anger and in my fury , and I will leave you
there, and melt you.

as Luk_10_07 /${as /they give : for the
labourer is worthy of his hire . Go not from house to house .

as Isa_03_16 /^{as /they go , and making a
tinkling with their feet :

as Eze_23_44 /^{as /they go in unto a woman
that playeth the harlot : so went they in unto Aholah and unto
Aholibah , the lewd women .

as Est_09_23 /^{as /they had begun , and as
Mordecai had written unto them;

as Est_09_31 /^{as /they had decreed for
themselves and for their seed , the matters of the fastings and
their cry .

as 1Ki_01_41 /^{as /they had made an end of
eating . And when Joab heard the sound of the trumpet , he said ,
Wherefore is this noise of the city being in an uproar ?

as 1Sa_04_09 /^{as /they have been to you:
quit yourselves like men , and fight .

as Mic_03_04 /^{as /they have behaved
themselves ill in their doings .

as Zec_10_08 /^{as /they have increased .

as Mic_05_15 /^{as /they have not heard .

as 1Th_02_14 /${as /they have of the Jews :

as Mar_02_19 /${as /they have the
bridegroom with them , they cannot fast .

as 2Sa_22_45 /^{as /they hear , they shall
be obedient unto me.

as Psa_18_44 /^{as /they hear of me, they
shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me.

as Luk_19_11 /${as /they heard these things
, he added and spake a parable , because he was nigh to
Jerusalem , and because they thought that the kingdom of God
should immediately appear .

as Joh_05_23 /${as /they honour the Father .
He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which
hath sent him .

as Gen_11_02 /^{as /they journeyed from the
east , that they found a plain in the land of Shinar ; and they
dwelt there.

as Luk_23_26 /${as /they led him away ,
they laid hold upon one Simon , a Cyrenian , coming out of the
country , and on him they laid the cross , that he might bear it
after Jesus .

as 2Ch_06_31 /^{as /they live in the land
which thou gavest unto our fathers .

as Hos_09_10 /^{as /they loved .

As Act_13_02 /${As /they ministered to the
Lord , and fasted , the Holy Ghost said , Separate me Barnabas
and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them .

as Mar_16_10 /${as /they mourned and wept .

as 2Ch_03_06 /^{as /they offered for the
burnt offering they washed in them; but the sea was for the
priests to wash in .

as Mar_11_20 /${as /they passed by , they
saw the fig tree dried up from the roots .

as 1Sa_18_07 /^{as /they played , and said ,
Saul hath slain his thousands , and David his ten thousands .

as Deu_11_04 /^{as /they pursued after you,
and how the LORD hath destroyed them unto this day ;

as Luk_23_24 /${as /they required .

as Exo_12_36 /^{as /they required. And they
spoiled the Egyptians .

as Luk_02_43 /${as /they returned , the
child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem ; and Joseph and his
mother knew not of it.

as Luk_08_23 /${as /they sailed he fell
asleep : and there came down a storm of wind on the lake ; and
they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy .

as Mar_14_18 /${as /they sat and did eat ,
Jesus said , Verily I say unto you , One of you which eateth
with me shall betray me .

as Mar_16_14 /${as /they sat at meat , and
upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart ,
because they believed not them which had seen him after he was
risen .

as 1Ki_13_20 /^{as /they sat at the table ,
that the word of the LORD came unto the prophet that brought him
back :

as Exo_32_17 /^{as /they shouted , he said
unto Moses , There is a noise of war in the camp .

as Act_04_01 /${as /they spake unto the
people , the priests , and the captain of the temple , and the
Sadducees , came upon them ,

as Rev_02_24 /${as /they speak ; I will put
upon you none other burden .

as 2Ki_02_11 /^{as /they still went on , and
talked , that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire , and
horses of fire , and parted them both asunder ; and Elijah went
up by a whirlwind into heaven .

as Joh_11_56 /${as /they stood in the
temple , What think ye , that he will not come to the feast ?

as Act_07_26 /${as /they strove , and would
have set them at one again , saying , Sirs , ye are brethren ;
why do ye wrong one to another ?

as Jer_12_16 /^{as /they taught my people
to swear by Baal ; then shall they be built in the midst of my
people .

as Jos_03_15 /^{as /they that bare the ark
were come unto Jordan , and the feet of the priests that bare
the ark were dipped in the brim of the water , all his banks all
the time of harvest ,

as Lam_03_06 /^{as /they that be dead of
old .

as 2Pe_02_13 /${as /they that count it
pleasure to riot in the day time . Spots they are and blemishes ,
sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast
with you ;

as Eze_12_04 /^{as /they that go forth into
captivity .

as Heb_13_17 /${as /they that must give
account , that they may do it with joy , and not with grief :
for that is unprofitable for you .

as Jam_02_12 /${as /they that shall be
judged by the law of liberty .

as Hos_04_04 /^{as /they that strive with
the priest .

as Hos_11_04 /^{as /they that take off the
yoke on their jaws , and I laid meat unto them.

as Jer_25_30 /^{as /they that tread the
grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth .

as Job_18_20 /^{as /they that went before
were affrighted .

as Luk_24_36 /${as /they thus spake , Jesus
himself stood in the midst of them , and saith unto them , Peace
be unto you .

as Mar_16_12 /${as /they walked , and went
into the country .

as 1Sa_06_12 /^{as /they went , and turned
not aside to the right hand or to the left ; and the lords of
the Philistines went after them unto the border of Bethshemesh .

as Eze_10_11 /^{as /they went , but to the
place whither the head looked they followed it; they turned not
as they went .

as Luk_10_38 /${as /they went , that he
entered into a certain village : and a certain woman named
Martha received him into her house .

as Luk_17_14 /${as /they went , they were
cleansed .

as Mar_02_23 /${as /they went , to pluck
the ears of corn .

as Eze_10_11 /^{as /they went .

as Act_21_31 /${as /they went about to kill
him , tidings came unto the chief captain of the band , that all
Jerusalem was in an uproar .

as 2Ch_20_20 /^{as /they went forth ,
Jehoshaphat stood and said , Hear me, O Judah , and ye
inhabitants of Jerusalem ; Believe in the LORD your God , so
shall ye be established ; believe his prophets , so shall ye
prosper .

as Luk_09_57 /${as /they went in the way ,
a certain man said unto him , Lord , I will follow thee
whithersoever thou goest .

as Act_10_09 /${as /they went on their
journey , and drew nigh unto the city , Peter went up upon the
housetop to pray about the sixth hour :

as Act_08_36 /${as /they went on their way ,
they came unto a certain water : and the eunuch said , See ,
here is water ; what doth hinder me to be baptized ?

As Mat_09_32 /${As /they went out , behold ,
they brought to him a dumb man possessed with a devil .

as 2Ch_20_21 /^{as /they went out before the
army , and to say , Praise the LORD ; for his mercy endureth for
ever .

as Act_16_04 /${as /they went through the
cities , they delivered them the decrees for to keep , that were
ordained of the apostles and elders which were at Jerusalem .

as Mat_28_09 /${as /they went to tell his
disciples , behold , Jesus met them , saying , All hail . And
they came and held him by the feet , and worshipped him .

as 2Sa_15_30 /^{as /they went up .

as 1Sa_09_11 /^{as /they went up the hill
to the city , they found young maidens going out to draw water ,
and said unto them, Is the seer here?

as Mar_04_33 /${as /they were able to hear

as Luk_24_05 /${as /they were afraid , and
bowed down their faces to the earth , they said unto them , Why
seek ye the living among the dead ?

as 2Ki_13_21 /^{as /they were burying a man ,
that, behold, they spied a band of men; and they cast the man
into the sepulchre of Elisha : and when the man was let down ,
and touched the bones of Elisha , he revived , and stood up on
his feet .

as Joh_21_09 /${as /they were come to land ,
they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon , and
bread .

as 1Ch_23_24 /^{as /they were counted by
number of names by their polls , that did the work for the
service of the house of the LORD , from the age of twenty years
and upward .

as Mat_26_26 /${as /they were eating ,
Jesus took bread , and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to
the disciples , and said , Take , eat ; this is my body .

as 2Ki_04_40 /^{as /they were eating of the
pottage , that they cried out , and said , O thou man of God ,
there is death in the pot . And they could not eat thereof.

as 2Pe_03_04 /${as /they were from the
beginning of the creation .

as 1Sa_09_27 /^{as /they were going down to
the end of the city , Samuel said to Saul , Bid the servant pass
on before us, , but stand thou still a while , that I may shew
thee the word of God .

As Hos_04_07 /^{As /they were increased ,
so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory
into shame .

as Luk_19_33 /${as /they were loosing the
colt , the owners thereof said unto them , Why loose ye the colt

as Jud_19_22 /^{as /they were making their
hearts merry , behold, the men of the city , certain sons of
Belial , beset the house round about , and beat at the door ,
and spake to the master of the house , the old man , saying ,
Bring forth the man that came into thine house , that we may
know him.

as 2Pe_01_21 /${as /they were moved by the
Holy Ghost .

as Luk_24_04 /${as /they were much
perplexed thereabout , behold , two men stood by them in shining
garments :

as Mat_28_15 /${as /they were taught : and
this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day .

as Rev_06_11 /${as /they were, should be
fulfilled .

as 2Ki_07_10 /^{as /they were.

as Jos_02_07 /^{as /they which pursued
after them were gone out , they shut the gate .

as Rev_11_06 /${as /they will .

as Joh_06_11 /${as /they would .

as Neh_09_24 /^{as /they would .

as Eze_42_11 /^{as /they, and as broad as
they: and all their goings out were both according to their
fashions , and according to their doors .

as Exo_10_14 /^{as /they, neither after
them shall be such.

as Eze_42_11 /^{as /they: and all their
goings out were both according to their fashions , and according
to their doors .

as Jer_42_02 /^{as /thine eyes do behold us:

as Deu_13_06 /^{as /thine own soul , entice
thee secretly , saying , Let us go and serve other gods , which
thou hast not known , thou, nor thy fathers ;

as Luk_06_03 /${as /this , what David did ,
when himself was an hungred , and they which were with him ;

as Isa_56_12 /^{as /this day , and much
more abundant .

as Jer_13_10 /^{as /this girdle , which is
good for nothing.

as Deu_04_32 /^{as /this great thing is, or
hath been heard like it?

as Ezr_07_27 /^{as /this in the king's
heart , to beautify the house of the LORD which is in Jerusalem :

as Deu_13_11 /^{as /this is among you.

as 1Ki_11_11 /^{as /this is done of thee,
and thou hast not kept my covenant and my statutes , which I
have commanded thee, I will surely rend the kingdom from thee,
and will give it to thy servant .

as Gen_41_38 /^{as /this is, a man in whom
the Spirit of God is?

as 2Ki_10_02 /^{as /this letter cometh to
you, seeing your master's sons are with you, and there are with
you chariots and horses , a fenced city also, and armour ;

as Mat_18_04 /${as /this little child , the
same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven .

as Isa_29_13 /^{as /this people draw near
me with their mouth , and with their lips do honour me, but have
removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is
taught by the precept of men :

as Isa_08_06 /^{as /this people refuseth
the waters of Shiloah that go softly , and rejoice in Rezin and
Remaliah's son ;

as Zec_14_15 /^{as /this plague .

as Jer_18_06 /^{as /this potter ? saith the
LORD . Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand , so are ye
in mine hand , O house of Israel .

as Luk_18_11 /${as /this publican .

as Luk_15_30 /${as /this thy son was come ,
which hath devoured thy living with harlots , thou hast killed
for him the fatted calf .

as Ezr_09_13 /^{as /this;

as Jer_05_29 /^{as /this?

as Jer_05_09 /^{as /this?

as Est_04_14 /^{as /this?

as Jer_09_09 /^{as /this?

as Nah_01_10 /^{as /thorns , and while they
are drunken as drunkards , they shall be devoured as stubble
fully dry .

as Isa_33_12 /^{as /thorns cut up shall
they be burned in the fire .

as Jud_02_03 /^{as /thorns in your sides ,
and their gods shall be a snare unto you.

as 2Sa_23_06 /^{as /thorns thrust away ,
because they cannot be taken with hands :

as Heb_07_27 /${as /those high priests , to
offer up sacrifice , first for his own sins , and then for the
people's : for this he did once , when he offered up himself .

as Rom_06_13 /${as /those that are alive
from the dead , and your members as instruments of righteousness
unto God .

as Pro_01_12 /^{as /those that go down into
the pit :

as Psa_143_03 /^{as /those that have been
long dead .

as Joh_17_21 /${as /thou , Father , art in
me , and I in thee , that they also may be one in us : that the
world may believe that thou hast sent me .

as 1Ki_20_36 /^{as /thou art departed from
me, a lion shall slay thee. And as soon as he was departed from
him , a lion found him, and slew him.

as Luk_12_58 /${as /thou art in the way ,
give diligence that thou mayest be delivered from him ; lest he
hale thee to the judge , and the judge deliver thee to the
officer , and the officer cast thee into prison .

as Ezr_07_14 /^{as /thou art sent of the
king , and of his seven counsellors , to enquire concerning
Judah and Jerusalem , according to the law of thy God which is
in thine hand ;

as 2Ch_18_03 /^{as /thou art, and my people
as thy people ; and we will be with thee in the war .

as 2Ki_03_07 /^{as /thou art, my people as
thy people , and my horses as thy horses .

as 1Ki_22_04 /^{as /thou art, my people as
thy people , my horses as thy horses .

As Jud_08_18 /^{As /thou art, so were they;
each one resembled the children of a king .

as Gen_41_39 /^{as /thou art:

as 1Ki_13_18 /^{as /thou art; and an angel
spake unto me by the word of the LORD , saying , Bring him back
with thee into thine house , that he may eat bread and drink
water . But he lied unto him.

as Job_35_08 /^{as /thou art; and thy
righteousness may profit the son of man .

as Gen_27_19 /^{as /thou badest me: arise ,
I pray thee, sit and eat of my venison , that thy soul may bless

as Deu_16_09 /^{as /thou beginnest to put
the sickle to the corn .

as Act_09_17 /${as /thou camest , hath sent
me , that thou mightest receive thy sight , and be filled with
the Holy Ghost .

as Gen_10_19 /^{as /thou comest to Gerar ,
unto Gaza ; as thou goest , unto Sodom , and Gomorrah , and
Admah , and Zeboim , even unto Lasha .

as Gen_13_10 /^{as /thou comest unto Zoar .

as Jer_03_05 /^{as /thou couldest .

as Act_07_28 /${as /thou diddest the
Egyptian yesterday ?

as Exo_40_15 /^{as /thou didst anoint their
father , that they may minister unto me in the priest's office :
for their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood
throughout their generations .

As 2Ch_02_03 /^{As /thou didst deal with
David my father , and didst send him cedars to build him an
house to dwell therein, even so deal with me.

As Eze_35_15 /^{As /thou didst rejoice at
the inheritance of the house of Israel , because it was desolate
, so will I do unto thee: thou shalt be desolate , O mount Seir ,
and all Idumea , even all of it: and they shall know that I am
the LORD .

as Jos_08_02 /^{as /thou didst unto Jericho
and her king : only the spoil thereof, and the cattle thereof,
shall ye take for a prey unto yourselves: lay thee an ambush for
the city behind it.

as Num_21_34 /^{as /thou didst unto Sihon
king of the Amorites , which dwelt at Heshbon .

as Deu_03_02 /^{as /thou didst unto Sihon
king of the Amorites , which dwelt at Heshbon .

as Rut_03_10 /^{as /thou followedst not
young men , whether poor or rich .

as Gen_10_19 /^{as /thou goest , unto Sodom
, and Gomorrah , and Admah , and Zeboim , even unto Lasha .

as 1Sa_27_08 /^{as /thou goest to Shur ,
even unto the land of Egypt .

as Gen_25_18 /^{as /thou goest toward
Assyria : and he died in the presence of all his brethren .

as Gen_10_30 /^{as /thou goest unto Sephar
a mount of the east .

as Mat_08_13 /${as /thou hast believed , so
be it done unto thee . And his servant was healed in the
selfsame hour .

as Luk_14_22 /${as /thou hast commanded ,
and yet there is room .

as Eze_09_11 /^{as /thou hast commanded me.

as 1Ki_13_21 /^{as /thou hast disobeyed the
mouth of the LORD , and hast not kept the commandment which the
LORD thy God commanded thee,

as Oba_01_15 /^{as /thou hast done , it
shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own
head .

as Eze_16_48 /^{as /thou hast done , thou
and thy daughters .

as Eze_16_59 /^{as /thou hast done , which
hast despised the oath in breaking the covenant .

as Lam_01_22 /^{as /thou hast done unto me
for all my transgressions : for my sighs are many , and my heart
is faint .

as Num_14_19 /^{as /thou hast forgiven this
people , from Egypt even until now .

as Joh_17_02 /${as /thou hast given him .

As Joh_17_02 /${As /thou hast given him
power over all flesh , that he should give eternal life to as
many as thou hast given him .

as Deu_04_33 /^{as /thou hast heard , and
live ?

as Joh_17_23 /${as /thou hast loved me .

as Jud_06_36 /^{as /thou hast said ,

as Est_06_10 /^{as /thou hast said , and do
even so to Mordecai the Jew , that sitteth at the king's gate :
let nothing fail of all that thou hast spoken .

As Ezr_10_12 /^{As /thou hast said , so
must we do .

as 1Ch_17_23 /^{as /thou hast said .

as 2Sa_07_25 /^{as /thou hast said .

as Gen_18_05 /^{as /thou hast said .

as Gen_47_30 /^{as /thou hast said .

as Jud_06_37 /^{as /thou hast said .

as 1Ki_17_13 /^{as /thou hast said : but
make me thereof a little cake first , and bring it unto me, and
after make for thee and for thy son .

As Joh_17_18 /${As /thou hast sent me into
the world , even so have I also sent them into the world .

as 2Ki_01_16 /^{as /thou hast sent
messengers to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron , is it not
because there is no God in Israel to enquire of his word ?
therefore thou shalt not come down off that bed on which thou
art gone up , but shalt surely die .

as Psa_137_08 /^{as /thou hast served us.

as Num_14_17 /^{as /thou hast spoken ,
saying ,

as Act_23_11 /${as /thou hast testified of
me in Jerusalem , so must thou bear witness also at Rome .

as Deu_23_23 /^{as /thou hast vowed unto
the LORD thy God , which thou hast promised with thy mouth .

as 1Ki_08_25 /^{as /thou hast walked before

as 2Ch_06_16 /^{as /thou hast walked before

as Exo_02_14 /^{as /thou killedst the
Egyptian ? And Moses feared , and said , Surely this thing is
known .

as Num_10_31 /^{as /thou knowest how we are
to encamp in the wilderness , and thou mayest be to us instead
of eyes .

As Ecc_11_05 /^{As /thou knowest not what
is the way of the spirit , nor how the bones do grow in the womb
of her that is with child : even so thou knowest not the works
of God who maketh all.

as 2Sa_11_11 /^{as /thou livest , and as thy
soul liveth , I will not do this thing .

as Deu_12_19 /^{as /thou livest upon the
earth .

as Dan_02_45 /^{as /thou sawest that the
stone was cut out of the mountain without hands , and that it
brake in pieces the iron , the brass , the clay , the silver ,
and the gold ; the great God hath made known to the king what
shall come to pass hereafter : and the dream is certain , and
the interpretation thereof sure .

as Dan_02_41 /^{as /thou sawest the iron
mixed with miry clay .

as Neh_06_08 /^{as /thou sayest , but thou
feignest them out of thine own heart .

as Neh_05_12 /^{as /thou sayest . Then I
called the priests , and took an oath of them, that they should
do according to this promise .

as Dan_01_13 /^{as /thou seest , deal with
thy servants .

as Jud_09_33 /^{as /thou shalt find
occasion .

as 2Ch_02_16 /^{as /thou shalt need : and we
will bring it to thee in floats by sea to Joppa ; and thou shalt
carry it up to Jerusalem .

as 1Ki_08_53 /^{as /thou spakest by the
hand of Moses thy servant , when thou broughtest our fathers out
of Egypt , O Lord GOD .

as Deu_26_15 /^{as /thou swarest unto our
fathers , a land that floweth with milk and honey .

as Psa_119_013 /^{as /thou usest to do unto
those that love thy name .

as Lev_27_12 /^{as /thou valuest it, who
art the priest , so shall it be.

as Act_25_10 /${as /thou very well knowest .

as 001 033 Jo /${as /thou walkest in the
truth .

as Jer_02_36 /^{as /thou wast ashamed of
Assyria .

as Mat_15_28 /${as /thou wilt . And her
daughter was made whole from that very hour .

as Mat_26_39 /${as /thou wilt.

as Deu_05_14 /^{as /thou.

as Act_03_12 /${as /though by our own power
or holiness we had made this man to walk ?

as 2Co_05_20 /${as /though God did beseech
you by us : we pray you in Christ's stead , be ye reconciled to
God .

as Psa_35_14 /^{as /though he had been my
friend or brother : I bowed down heavily , as one that mourneth
for his mother .

as 2Sa_01_21 /^{as /though he had not been
anointed with oil .

as Joh_08_06 /${as /though he heard them
not .

as Act_17_25 /${as /though he needed any
thing , seeing he giveth to all life , and breath , and all
things ;

as Luk_09_53 /${as /though he would go to
Jerusalem .

as Luk_24_28 /${as /though he would have
gone further .

as Php_03_12 /${as /though I had already
attained , either were already perfect : but I follow after , if
that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of
Christ Jesus .

as Job_10_19 /^{as /though I had not been;
I should have been carried from the womb to the grave .

as Zec_10_06 /^{as /though I had not cast
them off : for I am the LORD their God , and will hear them.

as Gen_33_10 /^{as /though I had seen the
face of God , and thou wast pleased with me .

as 1Sa_20_20 /^{as /though I shot at a mark

as 1Co_05_03 /${as /though I were present ,
concerning him that hath so done this deed ,

as 1Co_04_18 /${as /though I would not come
to you .

as 2Jo_01_05 /${as /though I wrote a new
commandment unto thee , but that which we had from the beginning
, that we love one another .

as Gen_40_10 /^{as /though it budded , and
her blossoms shot forth ; and the clusters thereof brought forth
ripe grapes :

as Num_18_27 /^{as /though it were the corn
of the threshingfloor , and as the fulness of the winepress .

as Col_02_20 /${as /though living in the
world , are ye subject to ordinances ,

as 1Pe_04_12 /${as /though some strange
thing happened unto you :

as Rom_09_06 /${as /though the word of God
hath taken none effect . For they are not all Israel , which are
of Israel :

as 1Co_07_29 /${as /though they had none ;

as Oba_01_16 /^{as /though they had not

as 1Co_07_30 /${as /though they possessed
not ;

as 1Co_07_30 /${as /though they rejoiced
not ; and they that buy , as though they possessed not ;

as 1Co_07_30 /${as /though they wept not ;
and they that rejoice , as though they rejoiced not ; and they
that buy , as though they possessed not ;

as Rom_04_17 /${as /though they were .

as Job_39_16 /^{as /though they were not
hers: her labour is in vain without fear ;

as Act_23_20 /${as /though they would
enquire somewhat of him more perfectly .

as Act_27_30 /${as /though they would have
cast anchors out of the foreship ,

as 2Sa_04_06 /^{as /though they would have
fetched wheat ; and they smote him under the fifth rib: and
Rechab and Baanah his brother escaped .

as 2Co_11_21 /${as /though we had been weak .
Howbeit whereinsoever any is bold , foolishly , I am bold also .

as 2Co_10_14 /${as /though we reached not
unto you : for we are come as far as to you also in preaching
the gospel of Christ :

as Act_23_15 /${as /though ye would enquire
something more perfectly concerning him : and we , or ever he
come near , are ready to kill him .

as Psa_106_09 /^{as /through the wilderness

as Zec_10_07 /^{as /through wine : yea,
their children shall see it, and be glad ; their heart shall
rejoice in the LORD .

as Zec_09_15 /^{as /through wine ; and they
shall be filled like bowls , and as the corners of the altar .

as Deu_33_25 /^{as /thy days , so shall thy
strength be.

as 1Ki_03_14 /^{as /thy father David did
walk , then I will lengthen thy days .

as 2Ki_03_07 /^{as /thy horses .

as 1Ki_22_04 /^{as /thy horses .

as 1Sa_26_24 /^{as /thy life was much set
by this day in mine eyes , so let my life be much set by in the
eyes of the LORD , and let him deliver me out of all tribulation

as 2Ki_03_07 /^{as /thy people , and my
horses as thy horses .

as 1Ki_22_04 /^{as /thy people , my horses
as thy horses .

as 2Ch_18_03 /^{as /thy people ; and we will
be with thee in the war .

as 1Sa_23_11 /^{as /thy servant hath heard
? O LORD God of Israel , I beseech thee, tell thy servant . And
the LORD said , He will come down .

as 2Sa_13_35 /^{as /thy servant said , so it

as 1Ki_20_40 /^{as /thy servant was busy
here and there, he was gone . And the king of Israel said unto
him, So shall thy judgment be; thyself hast decided it.

as 1Sa_02_16 /^{as /thy soul desireth ;
then he would answer him, Nay; but thou shalt give it me now:
and if not, I will take it by force .

as 2Sa_11_11 /^{as /thy soul liveth , I will
not do this thing .

as 2Ki_04_30 /^{as /thy soul liveth , I will
not leave thee. And he arose , and followed her.

as 2Ki_02_06 /^{as /thy soul liveth , I will
not leave thee. And they two went on .

as 2Ki_02_04 /^{as /thy soul liveth , I will
not leave thee. So they came to Jericho .

as 2Ki_02_02 /^{as /thy soul liveth , I will
not leave thee. So they went down to Bethel .

as 1Sa_01_26 /^{as /thy soul liveth , my
lord , I am the woman that stood by thee here, praying unto the

As 2Sa_14_19 /^{As /thy soul liveth , my
lord the king , none can turn to the right hand or to the left
from ought that my lord the king hath spoken : for thy servant
Joab , he bade me, and he put all these words in the mouth of
thine handmaid :

As 1Sa_17_55 /^{As /thy soul liveth , O
king , I cannot tell .

as 1Sa_25_26 /^{as /thy soul liveth ,
seeing the LORD hath withholden thee from coming to shed blood ,
and from avenging thyself with thine own hand , now let thine
enemies , and they that seek evil to my lord , be as Nabal .

as 1Sa_20_03 /^{as /thy soul liveth , there
is but a step between me and death .

as 001 023 Jo /${as /thy soul prospereth .

As 1Sa_15_33 /^{As /thy sword hath made
women childless , so shall thy mother be childless among women .
And Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the LORD in Gilgal .

as Jam_02_08 /${as /thyself , ye do well :

as Rom_13_09 /${as /thyself .

as Luk_10_27 /${as /thyself .

as Mat_19_19 /${as /thyself .

as Mat_22_39 /${as /thyself .

as Gal_05_14 /${as /thyself .

as Mar_12_31 /${as /thyself . There is none
other commandment greater than these .

as Lev_19_18 /^{as /thyself : I am the LORD

as Psa_50_21 /^{as /thyself: but I will
reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes .

as Lev_19_34 /^{as /thyself; for ye were
strangers in the land of Egypt : I am the LORD your God .

as Son_06_04 /^{as /Tirzah , comely as
Jerusalem , terrible as an army with banners .

as Luk_24_50 /${as /to Bethany , and he
lifted up his hands , and blessed them .

as Hab_03_14 /^{as /to devour the poor
secretly .

as Mar_06_31 /${as /to eat .

as Mat_15_33 /${as /to fill so great a
multitude ?

as Psa_83_09 /^{as /to Jabin , at the brook
of Kison :

as Act_07_05 /${as /to set his foot on :
yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession ,
and to his seed after him , when as yet he had no child .

as Psa_83_09 /^{as /to Sisera , as to Jabin
, at the brook of Kison :

as Gen_43_06 /^{as /to tell the man whether
ye had yet a brother ?

as Eph_06_07 /${as /to the Lord , and not
to men :

as Col_03_23 /${as /to the Lord , and not
unto men ;

as 2Ch_31_15 /^{as /to the small :

as 1Co_10_15 /${as /to wise men ; judge ye
what I say .

as 2Co_10_14 /${as /to you also in preaching
the gospel of Christ :

as Jer_19_12 /^{as /Tophet :

as Mar_06_56 /${as /touched him were made
whole .

as Mat_14_36 /${as /touched were made
perfectly whole .

as Mat_18_19 /${as /touching any thing that
they shall ask , it shall be done for them of my Father which is
in heaven .

as 1Th_04_09 /${as /touching brotherly love
ye need not that I write unto you : for ye yourselves are taught
of God to love one another .

as Lev_05_13 /^{as /touching his sin that
he hath sinned in one of these, and it shall be forgiven him:
and the remnant shall be the priest's , as a meat offering .

As 1Co_16_12 /${As /touching our brother
Apollos , I greatly desired him to come unto you with the
brethren : but his will was not at all to come at this time; but
he will come when he shall have convenient time .

as Mar_12_26 /${as /touching the dead ,
that they rise : have ye not read in the book of Moses , how in
the bush God spake unto him , saying , I am the God of Abraham ,
and the God of Isaac , and the God of Jacob ?

as Rom_11_28 /${as /touching the election ,
they are beloved for the fathers sakes .

As Act_21_25 /${As /touching the Gentiles
which believe , we have written and concluded that they observe
no such thing , save only that they keep themselves from things
offered to idols , and from blood , and from strangled , and
from fornication .

as Php_03_05 /${as /touching the law , a
Pharisee ;

as 1Sa_20_23 /^{as /touching the matter
which thou and I have spoken of, behold, the LORD be between
thee and me for ever .

as 2Co_09_01 /${as /touching the ministering
to the saints , it is superfluous for me to write to you :

as Mat_22_31 /${as /touching the
resurrection of the dead , have ye not read that which was
spoken unto you by God , saying ,

As 2Ki_22_18 /^{As /touching the words which
thou hast heard ;

as Gen_27_42 /^{as /touching thee, doth
comfort himself, purposing to kill thee.

as Act_05_35 /${as /touching these men .

as 1Co_08_01 /${as /touching things offered
unto idols , we know that we all have knowledge . Knowledge
puffeth up , but charity edifieth .

as Isa_01_31 /^{as /tow , and the maker of
it as a spark , and they shall both burn together , and none
shall quench them.

as Isa_43_17 /^{as /tow .

as Zec_02_04 /^{as /towns without walls for
the multitude of men and cattle therein :

as Rev_18_17 /${as /trade by sea , stood
afar off ,

as Jam_02_09 /${as /transgressors .

as 1Th_05_03 /${as /travail upon a woman
with child ; and they shall not escape .

as Mar_08_24 /${as /trees , walking .

as Hos_06_09 /^{as /troops of robbers wait
for a man , so the company of priests murder in the way by
consent : for they commit lewdness .

as Num_14_21 /^{as /truly as I live , all
the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD .

As Num_14_28 /^{As /truly as I live , saith
the LORD , as ye have spoken in mine ears , so will I do to you:

as Psa_40_04 /^{as /turn aside to lies .

as Psa_125_05 /^{as /turn aside unto their
crooked ways , the LORD shall lead them forth with the workers
of iniquity : but peace shall be upon Israel .

as 1Co_09_26 /${as /uncertainly ; so fight
I , not as one that beateth the air :

as Lev_19_23 /^{as /uncircumcised : three
years shall it be as uncircumcised unto you: it shall not be
eaten of.

as Lev_19_23 /^{as /uncircumcised unto you:
it shall not be eaten of.

as Lev_20_25 /^{as /unclean .

as 1Co_09_20 /${as /under the law , that I
might gain them that are under the law ;

As 2Co_06_09 /${As /unknown , and yet well
known ; as dying , and , behold , we live ; as chastened , and
not killed ;

as 1Pe_04_19 /${as /unto a faithful Creator

as 2Pe_01_19 /${as /unto a light that
shineth in a dark place , until the day dawn , and the day star
arise in your hearts :

as 1Pe_02_04 /${as /unto a living stone ,
disallowed indeed of men , but chosen of God , and precious ,

as 1Co_03_01 /${as /unto babes in Christ .

as 1Co_03_01 /${as /unto carnal , even as
unto babes in Christ .

as Heb_12_05 /${as /unto children , My son ,
despise not thou the chastening of the Lord , nor faint when
thou art rebuked of him :

as Eph_06_05 /${as /unto Christ ;

as 2Co_06_13 /${as /unto my children , be ye
also enlarged .

as 1Co_03_01 /${as /unto spiritual , but as
unto carnal , even as unto babes in Christ .

as Eph_05_22 /${as /unto the Lord .

as Psa_83_09 /^{as /unto the Midianites ;
as to Sisera , as to Jabin , at the brook of Kison :

as 1Pe_03_07 /${as /unto the weaker vessel ,
and as being heirs together of the grace of life ; that your
prayers be not hindered .

as Mat_20_14 /${as /unto thee .

as Heb_04_02 /${as /unto them : but the
word preached did not profit them , not being mixed with faith
in them that heard it.

as 1Pe_02_14 /${as /unto them that are sent
by him for the punishment of evildoers , and for the praise of
them that do well .

as Deu_03_20 /^{as /unto you, and until
they also possess the land which the LORD your God hath given
them beyond Jordan : and then shall ye return every man unto his
possession , which I have given you.

as Isa_41_25 /^{as /upon morter , and as
the potter treadeth clay .

as Isa_40_23 /^{as /vanity .

As Pro_10_26 /^{As /vinegar to the teeth ,
and as smoke to the eyes , so is the sluggard to them that send

as Pro_25_20 /^{as /vinegar upon nitre , so
is he that singeth songs to an heavy heart .

as Gal_06_16 /${as /walk according to this
rule , peace be on them , and mercy , and upon the Israel of God

as Heb_05_04 /${as /was Aaron .

as Isa_09_01 /^{as /was in her vexation ,
when at the first he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun and
the land of Naphtali , and afterward did more grievously afflict
her by the way of the sea , beyond Jordan , in Galilee of the
nations .

as Mar_13_19 /${as /was not from the
beginning of the creation which God created unto this time ,
neither shall be .

as Rev_16_18 /${as /was not since men were
upon the earth , so mighty an earthquake , and so great .

as Mat_24_21 /${as /was not since the
beginning of the world to this time , no , nor ever shall be .

as 1Ki_11_04 /^{as /was the heart of David
his father .

as Gen_49_04 /^{as /water , thou shalt not
excel ; because thou wentest up to thy father's bed ; then
defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch .

as Deu_15_23 /^{as /water .

as Deu_12_24 /^{as /water .

as Jos_07_05 /^{as /water .

as Deu_12_16 /^{as /water .

as Eze_07_17 /^{as /water .

as Eze_21_07 /^{as /water : behold, it
cometh , and shall be brought to pass , saith the Lord GOD .

as 2Sa_14_14 /^{as /water spilt on the
ground , which cannot be gathered up again ; neither doth God
respect any person : yet doth he devise means , that his
banished be not expelled from him.

as Job_27_20 /^{as /waters , a tempest
stealeth him away in the night .

as Amo_05_24 /^{as /waters , and
righteousness as a mighty stream .

as Jer_15_18 /^{as /waters that fail ?

as Job_11_16 /^{as /waters that pass away :

as Psa_58_07 /^{as /waters which run
continually : when he bendeth his bow to shoot his arrows , let
them be as cut in pieces .

as Mic_01_04 /^{as /wax before the fire ,
and as the waters that are poured down a steep place .

as Psa_68_02 /^{as /wax melteth before the
fire , so let the wicked perish at the presence of God .

as 2Co_11_12 /${as /we .

as Act_10_47 /${as /we ?

as 1Th_04_06 /${as /we also have forewarned
you and testified .

as 1Th_03_06 /${as /we also to see you :

as Jam_05_17 /${as /we are , and he prayed
earnestly that it might not rain : and it rained not on the
earth by the space of three years and six months .

as 2Co_10_11 /${as /we are in word by
letters when we are absent , such will we be also in deed when
we are present .

as Joh_17_22 /${as /we are one :

as Act_17_29 /${as /we are the offspring of
God , we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold ,
or silver , or stone , graven by art and man's device .

as Heb_04_15 /${as /we are, yet without sin

as Joh_17_11 /${as /we are.

as Gen_34_15 /^{as /we be, that every male
of you be circumcised ;

as 1Th_04_11 /${as /we commanded you ;

as Deu_03_06 /^{as /we did unto Sihon king
of Heshbon , utterly destroying the men , women , and children ,
of every city .

as 1Th_03_12 /${as /we do toward you :

as Mat_06_12 /${as /we forgive our debtors .

as Jos_02_11 /^{as /we had heard these
things, our hearts did melt , neither did there remain any more
courage in any man , because of you: for the LORD your God , he
is God in heaven above , and in earth beneath.

as 1Co_15_49 /${as /we have borne the image
of the earthy , we shall also bear the image of the heavenly .

as Jer_44_17 /^{as /we have done , we, and
our fathers , our kings , and our princes , in the cities of
Judah , and in the streets of Jerusalem : for then had we plenty
of victuals , and were well , and saw no evil .

as Gen_26_29 /^{as /we have done unto thee
nothing but good , and have sent thee away in peace : thou art
now the blessed of the LORD .

As Psa_48_08 /^{As /we have heard , so have
we seen in the city of the LORD of hosts , in the city of our
God : God will establish it for ever . Selah .

as Act_15_24 /${as /we have heard , that
certain which went out from us have troubled you with words ,
subverting your souls , saying , Ye must be circumcised , and
keep the law : to whom we gave no such commandment :

as Rom_12_04 /${as /we have many members in
one body , and all members have not the same office :

as Gen_26_29 /^{as /we have not touched
thee, and as we have done unto thee nothing but good , and have
sent thee away in peace : thou art now the blessed of the LORD .

as 2Jo_01_04 /${as /we have received a
commandment from the Father .

as 2Co_04_01 /${as /we have received mercy ,
we faint not ;

as 1Sa_20_42 /^{as /we have sworn both of
us in the name of the LORD , saying , The LORD be between me and
thee, and between my seed and thy seed for ever . And he arose
and departed : and Jonathan went into the city .

As Gal_06_10 /${As /we have therefore
opportunity , let us do good unto all men, especially unto them
who are of the household of faith .

as Deu_05_26 /^{as /we have, and lived ?

as Jos_01_17 /^{as /we hearkened unto Moses
in all things, so will we hearken unto thee: only the LORD thy
God be with thee, as he was with Moses .

as Psa_33_22 /^{as /we hope in thee.

as 2Co_08_05 /${as /we hoped , but first
gave their own selves to the Lord , and unto us by the will of
God .

as Rom_08_26 /${as /we ought : but the
Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which
cannot be uttered .

As Gal_01_09 /${As /we said before , so say
I now again , If any man preach any other gospel unto you than
that ye have received , let him be accursed .

as 2Co_07_14 /${as /we spake all things to
you in truth , even so our boasting , which I made before Titus ,
is found a truth .

as Act_21_10 /${as /we tarried there many
days , there came down from Judaea a certain prophet , named
Agabus .

as Act_16_16 /${as /we went to prayer , a
certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us ,
which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying :

as 1Th_02_04 /${as /we were allowed of God
to be put in trust with the gospel , even so we speak ; not as
pleasing men , but God , which trieth our hearts .

as 1Sa_25_15 /^{as /we were conversant with
them, when we were in the fields :

as Act_27_27 /${as /we were driven up and
down in Adria , about midnight the shipmen deemed that they drew
near to some country ;

as Isa_14_10 /^{as /we? art thou become
like unto us?

as 1Co_09_22 /${as /weak , that I might
gain the weak : I am made all things to all men, that I might by
all means save some .

as Eze_47_14 /^{as /well as another :
concerning the which I lifted up mine hand to give it unto your
fathers : and this land shall fall unto you for inheritance .

as 2Sa_11_25 /^{as /well as another : make
thy battle more strong against the city , and overthrow it: and
encourage thou him.

as Deu_20_08 /^{as /well as his heart .

as 1Co_09_05 /${as /well as other apostles ,
and as the brethren of the Lord , and Cephas ?

as Deu_01_17 /^{as /well as the great ; ye
shall not be afraid of the face of man ; for the judgment is
God's : and the cause that is too hard for you, bring it unto me,
and I will hear it.

as Deu_05_14 /^{as /well as thou.

as Heb_04_02 /${as /well as unto them : but
the word preached did not profit them , not being mixed with
faith in them that heard it.

as Deu_03_20 /^{as /well as unto you, and
until they also possess the land which the LORD your God hath
given them beyond Jordan : and then shall ye return every man
unto his possession , which I have given you.

as Act_10_47 /${as /well as we ?

as Job_12_03 /^{as /well as you; I am not
inferior to you: yea, who knoweth not such things as these?

as Lev_24_22 /^{as /well for the stranger ,
as for one of your own country : for I am the LORD your God .

as Jud_20_48 /^{as /well the men of every
city , as the beast , and all that came to hand : also they set
on fire all the cities that they came to .

As Psa_87_07 /^{As /well the singers as the
players on instruments shall be there: all my springs are in

as 1Ch_26_13 /^{as /well the small as the
great , according to the house of their fathers , for every gate

as 1Ch_25_08 /^{as /well the small as the
great , the teacher as the scholar .

as Lev_24_16 /^{as /well the stranger , as
he that is born in the land , when he blasphemeth the name of
the LORD, shall be put to death .

as Jos_08_33 /^{as /well the stranger , as
he that was born among them; half of them over against mount
Gerizim , and half of them over against mount Ebal ; as Moses
the servant of the LORD had commanded before , that they should
bless the people of Israel .

as 2Ch_31_15 /^{as /well to the great as to
the small :

as 2Sa_06_19 /^{as /well to the women as men
, to every one a cake of bread , and a good piece of flesh, and
a flagon of wine. So all the people departed every one to his
house .

as 1Ch_12_36 /^{as /went forth to battle ,
expert in war , forty thousand .

as 1Ch_12_33 /^{as /went forth to battle ,
expert in war , with all instruments of war , fifty thousand ,
which could keep rank : they were not of double heart .

as 1Ch_29_15 /^{as /were all our fathers :
our days on the earth are as a shadow , and there is none
abiding .

as Rom_06_03 /${as /were baptized into
Jesus Christ were baptized into his death ?

as Eze_41_25 /^{as /were made upon the
walls ; and there were thick planks upon the face of the porch
without .

as Act_28_10 /${as /were necessary .

as 2Ch_29_31 /^{as /were of a free heart
burnt offerings .

as 2Ki_25_15 /^{as /were of gold , in gold ,
and of silver , in silver , the captain of the guard took away .

as Act_04_06 /${as /were of the kindred of
the high priest , were gathered together at Jerusalem .

as Ecc_04_01 /^{as /were oppressed , and
they had no comforter ; and on the side of their oppressors
there was power ; but they had no comforter .

as Act_13_48 /${as /were ordained to
eternal life believed .

as Act_04_34 /${as /were possessors of
lands or houses sold them , and brought the prices of the things
that were sold ,

as 1Co_10_07 /${as /were some of them ; as
it is written , The people sat down to eat and drink , and rose
up to play .

as Exo_35_22 /^{as /were willing hearted ,
and brought bracelets , and earrings , and rings , and tablets ,
all jewels of gold : and every man that offered offered an
offering of gold unto the LORD .

as 2Sa_03_36 /^{as /whatsoever the king did
pleased all the people .

as Luk_22_31 /${as /wheat :

as Rev_10_03 /${as /when a lion roareth :
and when he had cried , seven thunders uttered their voices .

As Deu_19_05 /^{As /when a man goeth into
the wood with his neighbour to hew wood , and his hand fetcheth
a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree , and the head
slippeth from the helve , and lighteth upon his neighbour , that
he die ; he shall flee unto one of those cities , and live :

as Deu_22_26 /^{as /when a man riseth
against his neighbour , and slayeth him, even so is this matter :

as Isa_10_18 /^{as /when a standardbearer
fainteth .

as Isa_29_08 /^{as /when a thirsty man
dreameth , and, behold, he drinketh ; but he awaketh , and,
behold, he is faint , and his soul hath appetite : so shall the
multitude of all the nations be, that fight against mount Zion .

as Isa_29_08 /^{as /when an hungry man
dreameth , and, behold, he eateth ; but he awaketh , and his
soul is empty : or as when a thirsty man dreameth , and, behold,
he drinketh ; but he awaketh , and, behold, he is faint , and
his soul hath appetite : so shall the multitude of all the
nations be, that fight against mount Zion .

as Isa_13_19 /^{as /when God overthrew
Sodom and Gomorrah .

as Zec_14_03 /^{as /when he fought in the
day of battle .

as Psa_141_07 /^{as /when one cutteth and
cleaveth wood upon the earth .

as 1Sa_26_20 /^{as /when one doth hunt a
partridge in the mountains .

as Isa_30_29 /^{as /when one goeth with a
pipe to come into the mountain of the LORD , to the mighty One
of Israel .

as Pro_17_14 /^{as /when one letteth out
water : therefore leave off contention , before it be meddled

as Est_02_20 /^{as /when she was brought up
with him.

as Luk_11_36 /${as /when the bright shining
of a candle doth give thee light .

as Isa_17_05 /^{as /when the harvestman
gathereth the corn , and reapeth the ears with his arm ; and it
shall be as he that gathereth ears in the valley of Rephaim .

as 1Sa_24_18 /^{as /when the LORD had
delivered me into thine hand , thou killedst me not.

As Isa_64_02 /^{As /when the melting fire
burneth , the fire causeth the waters to boil , to make thy name
known to thine adversaries , that the nations may tremble at thy
presence !

as Exo_05_13 /^{as /when there was straw .

as Mic_07_01 /^{as /when they have gathered
the summer fruits , as the grapegleanings of the vintage : there
is no cluster to eat : my soul desired the firstripe fruit .

As Isa_21_01 /^{As /whirlwinds in the south
pass through; so it cometh from the desert , from a terrible
land .

as 2Ki_05_27 /^{as /white as snow .

as Rev_01_14 /${as /white as snow ; and his
eyes were as a flame of fire ;

as Isa_01_18 /^{as /white as snow ; though
they be red like crimson , they shall be as wool .

as Job_34_26 /^{as /wicked men in the open
sight of others;

as Lam_05_03 /^{as /widows .

as Job_24_05 /^{as /wild asses in the
desert , go they forth to their work ; rising betimes for a prey
: the wilderness yieldeth food for them and for their children .

as Isa_44_04 /^{as /willows by the water
courses .

as Job_06_26 /^{as /wind ?

as Job_32_19 /^{as /wine which hath no vent
; it is ready to burst like new bottles .

as Eph_05_15 /${as /wise ,

as Job_41_05 /^{as /with a bird ? or wilt
thou bind him for thy maidens ?

as Job_41_15 /^{as /with a close seal .

as Job_31_18 /^{as /with a father , and I
have guided her from my mother's womb ;

as Psa_90_05 /^{as /with a flood ; they are
as a sleep : in the morning they are like grass which groweth up

as Psa_104_06 /^{as /with a garment : the
waters stood above the mountains .

as Psa_104_02 /^{as /with a garment : who
stretchest out the heavens like a curtain :

as Psa_109_29 /^{as /with a mantle .

as Psa_05_12 /^{as /with a shield .

as Job_38_30 /^{as /with a stone , and the
face of the deep is frozen .

As Psa_42_10 /^{As /with a sword in my
bones , mine enemies reproach me; while they say daily unto me,
Where is thy God ?

as Psa_58_09 /^{as /with a whirlwind , both
living , and in his wrath .

as Jer_18_17 /^{as /with an east wind
before the enemy ; I will shew them the back , and not the face ,
in the day of their calamity .

as Gen_34_31 /^{as /with an harlot ?

as Isa_49_18 /^{as /with an ornament , and
bind them on thee, as a bride doeth.

as Jer_51_14 /^{as /with caterpillers ; and
they shall lift up a shout against thee.

as Psa_109_18 /^{as /with his garment , so
let it come into his bowels like water , and like oil into his
bones .

as Psa_63_05 /^{as /with marrow and fatness
; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips :

as Heb_12_07 /${as /with sons ; for what
son is he whom the father chasteneth not ?

as Isa_49_26 /^{as /with sweet wine : and
all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy
Redeemer , the mighty One of Jacob .

as Isa_24_02 /^{as /with the buyer , so
with the seller ; as with the lender , so with the borrower ; as
with the taker of usury , so with the giver of usury to him.

as Isa_24_02 /^{as /with the lender , so
with the borrower ; as with the taker of usury , so with the
giver of usury to him.

as Isa_24_02 /^{as /with the maid , so with
her mistress ; as with the buyer , so with the seller ; as with
the lender , so with the borrower ; as with the taker of usury ,
so with the giver of usury to him.

as Isa_24_02 /^{as /with the people , so
with the priest ; as with the servant , so with his master ; as
with the maid , so with her mistress ; as with the buyer , so
with the seller ; as with the lender , so with the borrower ; as
with the taker of usury , so with the giver of usury to him.

as Isa_24_02 /^{as /with the servant , so
with his master ; as with the maid , so with her mistress ; as
with the buyer , so with the seller ; as with the lender , so
with the borrower ; as with the taker of usury , so with the
giver of usury to him.

as Isa_24_02 /^{as /with the taker of usury
, so with the giver of usury to him.

as Nah_02_07 /^{as /with the voice of doves
, tabering upon their breasts .

as Lev_18_22 /^{as /with womankind : it is
abomination .

as 1Co_09_21 /${as /without law , not
without law to God , but under the law to Christ , that I might
gain them that are without law .

as Jer_50_37 /^{as /women : a sword is upon
her treasures ; and they shall be robbed .

as Jer_51_30 /^{as /women : they have
burned her dwellingplaces ; her bars are broken .

as Eze_16_38 /^{as /women that break
wedlock and shed blood are judged ; and I will give thee blood
in fury and jealousy .

as Isa_01_18 /^{as /wool .

as 2Co_06_01 /${as /workers together with
him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in
vain .

as Pro_05_04 /^{as /wormwood , sharp as a
twoedged sword .

as 1Ki_18_32 /^{as /would contain two
measures of seed .

as Rev_13_15 /${as /would not worship the
image of the beast should be killed .

as Pro_26_22 /^{as /wounds , and they go
down into the innermost parts of the belly .

as Pro_18_08 /^{as /wounds , and they go
down into the innermost parts of the belly .

as 2Ch_24_12 /^{as /wrought iron and brass
to mend the house of the LORD .

as 2Co_08_07 /${as /ye abound in every thing,
in faith , and utterance , and knowledge , and in all diligence
, and in your love to us , see that ye abound in this grace also

as Act_22_03 /${as /ye all are this day .

as 2Co_01_14 /${as /ye also are ours in the
day of the Lord Jesus .

As Col_01_07 /${As /ye also learned of
Epaphras our dear fellowservant , who is for you a faithful
minister of Christ ;

as Eph_04_04 /${as /ye are called in one
hope of your calling ;

as 2Co_03_03 /${as /ye are manifestly
declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us , written
not with ink , but with the Spirit of the living God ; not in
tables of stone , but in fleshy tables of the heart .

as 1Pe_04_13 /${as /ye are partakers of
Christ's sufferings ; that , when his glory shall be revealed ,
ye may be glad also with exceeding joy .

as 2Co_01_07 /${as /ye are partakers of the
sufferings , so shall ye be also of the consolation .

as Deu_04_20 /^{as /ye are this day .

as 1Co_05_07 /${as /ye are unleavened . For
even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us :

as 1Co_14_12 /${as /ye are zealous of
spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the
church .

as Num_15_15 /^{as /ye are, so shall the
stranger be before the LORD .

as Gal_04_12 /${as /ye are: ye have not
injured me at all .

as 1Sa_09_13 /^{as /ye be come into the
city , ye shall straightway find him, before he go up to the
high place to eat : for the people will not eat until he come ,
because he doth bless the sacrifice ; and afterwards they eat
that be bidden . Now therefore get you up ; for about this time
ye shall find him.

as Mar_11_02 /${as /ye be entered into it ,
ye shall find a colt tied , whereon never man sat ; loose him ,
and bring him.

as 1Sa_29_10 /^{as /ye be up early in the
morning , and have light , depart .

as Mat_27_65 /${as /ye can .

as Mat_25_45 /${as /ye did it not to one of
the least of these , ye did it not to me .

as Num_15_14 /^{as /ye do , so he shall do .

as Num_15_20 /^{as /ye do the heave
offering of the threshingfloor , so shall ye heave it.

as Isa_58_04 /^{as /ye do this day , to
make your voice to be heard on high .

as 1Pe_03_06 /${as /ye do well , and are
not afraid with any amazement .

as Job_16_04 /^{as /ye do: if your soul
were in my soul's stead, I could heap up words against you, and
shake mine head at you.

as Ezr_04_02 /^{as /ye do; and we do
sacrifice unto him since the days of Esarhaddon king of Assur ,
which brought us up hither .

as 1Co_11_25 /${as /ye drink it, in
remembrance of me .

as 1Co_11_26 /${as /ye eat this bread , and
drink this cup , ye do shew the Lord's death till he come .

as Zec_14_05 /^{as /ye fled from before the
earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah : and the LORD my
God shall come , and all the saints with thee.

as Mat_10_07 /${as /ye go , preach , saying
, The kingdom of heaven is at hand .

as Heb_13_05 /${as /ye have : for he hath
said , I will never leave thee , nor forsake thee .

as Luk_11_41 /${as /ye have ; and , behold ,
all things are clean unto you .

as Php_02_12 /${as /ye have always obeyed ,
not as in my presence only , but now much more in my absence ,
work out your own salvation with fear and trembling .

as Col_02_07 /${as /ye have been taught ,
abounding therein with thanksgiving .

as Rut_01_08 /^{as /ye have dealt with the
dead , and with me.

as Mat_25_40 /${as /ye have done it unto
one of the least of these my brethren , ye have done it unto me .

as Jos_23_08 /^{as /ye have done unto this
day .

as Oba_01_16 /^{as /ye have drunk upon my
holy mountain , so shall all the heathen drink continually , yea,
they shall drink , and they shall swallow down , and they shall
be as though they had not been.

as Jer_05_19 /^{as /ye have forsaken me,
and served strange gods in your land , so shall ye serve
strangers in a land that is not yours.

as 2Jo_01_06 /${as /ye have heard from the
beginning , ye should walk in it .

as 1Jo_02_18 /${as /ye have heard that
antichrist shall come , even now are there many antichrists ;
whereby we know that it is the last time .

as Jer_26_11 /^{as /ye have heard with your
ears .

as Mal_02_09 /^{as /ye have not kept my
ways , but have been partial in the law .

as 1Th_04_01 /${as /ye have received of us
how ye ought to walk and to please God , so ye would abound more
and more .

as Exo_12_32 /^{as /ye have said , and be
gone ; and bless me also.

as Exo_12_31 /^{as /ye have said .

as Act_01_11 /${as /ye have seen him go
into heaven .

as Amo_05_14 /^{as /ye have spoken .

as Num_14_28 /^{as /ye have spoken in mine
ears , so will I do to you:

As Col_02_06 /${As /ye have therefore
received Christ Jesus the Lord , so walk ye in him :

as Php_03_17 /${as /ye have us for an
ensample .

as Rom_06_19 /${as /ye have yielded your
members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity ;
even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto
holiness .

as 2Sa_15_10 /^{as /ye hear the sound of the
trumpet , then ye shall say , Absalom reigneth in Hebron .

as Rom_11_30 /${as /ye in times past have
not believed God , yet have now obtained mercy through their
unbelief :

as 1Th_02_02 /${as /ye know , at Philippi ,
we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with
much contention .

as 1Th_02_05 /${as /ye know , nor a cloke
of covetousness ; God is witness :

As 1Th_02_11 /${As /ye know how we exhorted
and comforted and charged every one of you , as a father doth
his children ,

as 1Pe_01_18 /${as /ye know that ye were
not redeemed with corruptible things , as silver and gold , from
your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers ;

as 1Co_15_58 /${as /ye know that your
labour is not in vain in the Lord .

as 1Th_01_05 /${as /ye know what manner of
men we were among you for your sake.

as Deu_31_13 /^{as /ye live in the land
whither ye go over Jordan to possess it.

as 2Ch_30_07 /^{as /ye see .

as Luk_24_39 /${as /ye see me have .

as Heb_10_25 /${as /ye see the day
approaching .

as 2Ch_29_08 /^{as /ye see with your eyes .

as Mat_22_09 /${as /ye shall find , bid to
the marriage .

as Gen_34_12 /^{as /ye shall say unto me:
but give me the damsel to wife .

as Act_02_15 /${as /ye suppose , seeing it
is but the third hour of the day .

as Jos_06_22 /^{as /ye sware unto her.

as Deu_06_16 /^{as /ye tempted him in
Massah .

as Mat_24_44 /${as /ye think not the Son of
man cometh .

as Luk_24_17 /${as /ye walk , and are sad ?

as Zec_08_13 /^{as /ye were a curse among
the heathen , O house of Judah , and house of Israel ; so will I
save you, and ye shall be a blessing : fear not, but let your
hands be strong .

as 1Co_12_02 /${as /ye were led .

as 2Co_12_20 /${as /ye would not : lest
there be debates , envyings , wraths , strifes , backbitings ,
whisperings , swellings , tumults :

as Luk_06_31 /${as /ye would that men
should do to you , do ye also to them likewise .

as Act_02_22 /${as /ye yourselves also know

as Psa_90_04 /^{as /yesterday when it is
past , and as a watch in the night .

as Heb_11_07 /${as /yet , moved with fear ,
prepared an ark to the saving of his house ; by the which he
condemned the world , and became heir of the righteousness which
is by faith .

as 2Ki_13_23 /^{as /yet .

as Rev_17_12 /${as /yet ; but receive power
as kings one hour with the beast .

as Deu_12_09 /^{as /yet come to the rest
and to the inheritance , which the LORD your God giveth you.

As Exo_09_17 /^{As /yet exaltest thou
thyself against my people , that thou wilt not let them go ?

as Lam_04_17 /^{as /yet failed for our vain
help : in our watching we have watched for a nation that could
not save us.

as Act_07_05 /${as /yet he had no child .

as Pro_08_26 /^{as /yet he had not made the
earth , nor the fields , nor the highest part of the dust of the
world .

As Jos_14_11 /^{As /yet I am as strong this
day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was
then, even so is my strength now, for war , both to go out , and
to come in .

As Isa_10_32 /^{As /yet shall he remain at
Nob that day : he shall shake his hand against the mount of the
daughter of Zion , the hill of Jerusalem .

as 2Ki_14_04 /^{as /yet the people did
sacrifice and burnt incense on the high places .

as 2Ch_20_33 /^{as /yet the people had not
prepared their hearts unto the God of their fathers .

as Hag_02_19 /^{as /yet the vine , and the
fig tree , and the pomegranate , and the olive tree , hath not
brought forth : from this day will I bless you.

as Psa_139_16 /^{as /yet there was none of

as Joh_20_09 /${as /yet they knew not the
scripture , that he must rise again from the dead .

As Jer_31_23 /^{As /yet they shall use this
speech in the land of Judah and in the cities thereof, when I
shall bring again their captivity ; The LORD bless thee, O
habitation of justice , and mountain of holiness .

as Neh_02_16 /^{as /yet told it to the Jews
, nor to the priests , nor to the nobles , nor to the rulers ,
nor to the rest that did the work .

as 2Co_01_23 /${as /yet unto Corinth .

as Job_12_03 /^{as /you; I am not inferior
to you: yea, who knoweth not such things as these?

as Luk_06_36 /${as /your Father also is
merciful .

as Mat_05_48 /${as /your Father which is in
heaven is perfect .

as Zec_01_04 /^{as /your fathers , unto
whom the former prophets have cried , saying , Thus saith the
LORD of hosts ; Turn ye now from your evil ways , and from your
evil doings : but they did not hear , nor hearken unto me, saith
the LORD .

as Joh_06_58 /${as /your fathers did eat
manna , and are dead : he that eateth of this bread shall live
for ever .

as Act_07_51 /${as /your fathers did, so do
ye .

as 2Ch_30_08 /^{as /your fathers were, but
yield yourselves unto the LORD , and enter into his sanctuary ,
which he hath sanctified for ever : and serve the LORD your God ,
that the fierceness of his wrath may turn away from you.

as Amo_05_11 /^{as /your treading is upon
the poor , and ye take from him burdens of wheat : ye have built
houses of hewn stone , but ye shall not dwell in them; ye have
planted pleasant vineyards , but ye shall not drink wine of them.

as Psa_83_11 /^{as /Zalmunna :

as Psa_83_11 /^{as /Zebah , and as Zalmunna

as Hos_11_08 /^{as /Zeboim ? mine heart is
turned within me, my repentings are kindled together .

as Isa_66_08 /^{as /Zion travailed , she
brought forth her children .
