approve Interlinear Index Study

approve PSA 049 013 This <02088 +zeh > their way <01870 +derek >
[ is ] their folly <03689 +kecel > : yet their posterity <00310
+>achar > {approve} <07520 +ratsad > their sayings <06310 +peh >
. Selah <05542 +celah > .

approve 1CO 016 003 And when <3752 -hotan -> I come <3854 -
paraginomai -> , whomsoever <1437 -ean -> ye shall {approve}
<1381 -dokimazo -> by [ your ] letters <1992 -epistole -> , them
will I send <3992 -pempo -> to bring <0667 -appohero -> your
<5216 -humon -> liberality <5485 -charis -> unto Jerusalem <2419
-Hierousalem -> .

approve PHP 001 010 That ye may {approve} <1381 -dokimazo ->
things that are excellent <1308 -diaphero -> ; that ye may be
sincere <1506 -eilikrines -> and without <0677 -aproskopos ->
offence <0677 -aproskopos -> till <1519 -eis -> the day <2250 -
hemera -> of Christ <5547 -Christos -> ;
