Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

apparel 0899 ## beged {behg'-ed}; from 898; a covering, i.e. clothing; also treachery or pillage: -- {apparel}, cloth(-es, ing), garment, lap, rag, raiment, robe, X very [treacherously], vesture, wardrobe.

apparel 1264 ## b@rowm {ber-ome'}; probably of foreign origin; damask (stuff of variegated thread): -- rich {apparel}.

apparel 2066 # esthes {es-thace'}; from hennumi (to clothe); dress: -- {apparel}, clothing, raiment, robe.

apparel 2440 # himation {him-at'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of ennumi (to put on); a dress (inner or outer): -- {apparel}, cloke, clothes, garment, raiment, robe, vesture.

apparel 2441 # himatismos {him-at-is-mos'}; from 2439; clothing: -- {apparel} (X -led), array, raiment, vesture.

apparel 2689 # katastole {kat-as-tol-ay'}; from 2687; a deposit, i.e. (specially) costume: -- {apparel}.

apparel 3830 ## l@buwsh {leb-oosh'}; or l@bush {leb-oosh'}; from 3847; a garment (literally or figuratively); by implication (euphem.) a wife: -- {apparel}, clothed with, clothing, garment, raiment, vestment, vesture.

apparel 3847 ## labash {law-bash'}; or labesh {law-bashe'}; a primitive root; properly, wrap around, i.e . (by implication) to put on a garment or clothe (oneself, or another), literally or figuratively: -- (in) {apparel}, arm, array (self), clothe (self), come upon, put (on, upon), wear.

apparel 4254 ## machalatsah {makh-al-aw-tsaw'}; from 2502; a mantle (as easily drawn off): -- changeable suit of {apparel}, change of raiment.

apparel 4403 ## malbuwsh {mal-boosh'}; or malbush {mal-boosh'}; from 3847; a garment, or (collectively) clothing: -- {apparel}, raiment, vestment.

apparel 8071 ## simlah {sim-law'}; perhaps by permutation for the feminine of 5566 (through the idea of a cover assuming the shape of the object beneath); a dress, especially a mantle: -- {apparel}, cloth(-es, -ing), garment, raiment. Compare 8008.

array 2441 # himatismos {him-at-is-mos'}; from 2439; clothing: -- apparel (X -led), {array}, raiment, vesture.

clothing 1742 # enduma {en'-doo-mah}; from 1746; apparel (especially the outer robe): -- {clothing}, garment, raiment.

garment 1742 # enduma {en'-doo-mah}; from 1746; apparel (especially the outer robe): -- clothing, {garment}, raiment.

raiment 1742 # enduma {en'-doo-mah}; from 1746; apparel (especially the outer robe): -- clothing, garment, {raiment}.

raiment 2441 # himatismos {him-at-is-mos'}; from 2439; clothing: -- apparel (X -led), array, {raiment}, vesture.

vesture 2441 # himatismos {him-at-is-mos'}; from 2439; clothing: -- apparel (X -led), array, raiment, {vesture}.