any 0259 ## >echad {ekh-awd'}; a numeral from 258; properly,
united, i.e. one; or (as an ordinal) first: -- a, alike, alone,
altogether, and, {any}(-thing), apiece, a certain, [dai-]ly,
each (one), + eleven, every, few, first, + highway, a man, once,
one, only, other, some, together, [ql

any 0369 ## >ayin {ah'-yin}; as if from a primitive root meaning
to be nothing or not exist; a non-entity; generally used as a
negative particle: -- else, except, fail, [father-]less, be gone,
in[-curable], neither, never, no (where), none, nor, ({any},
thing), not, nothing, to nought, past, un(-searchable), well-
nigh, without. Compare 370. [ql

any 0376 ## >iysh {eesh}; contracted for 582 [or perhaps rather
from an unused root meaning to be extant]; a man as an
individual or a male person; often used as an adjunct to a more
definite term (and in such cases frequently not expressed in
translation): -- also, another, {any} (man), a certain, +
champion, consent, each, every (one), fellow, [foot-, husband-
]man, [good-, great, mighty) man, he, high (degree), him (that
is), husband, man[-kind], + none, one, people, person, + steward,
what (man) soever, whoso(-ever), worthy. Compare 802. [ql

any 0389 ## >ak {ak}; akin to 403; a particle of affirmation,
surely; hence (by limitation) only: -- also, in {any} wise, at
least, but, certainly, even, howbeit, nevertheless,
notwithstanding, only, save, surely, of a surety, truly, verily,
+ wherefore, yet (but). [ql

any 0575 ## >an {awn}; or >anah {aw-naw'}; contracted from 370;
where?; hence, whither?, when?; also hither and thither: -- +
{any} (no) whither, now, where, whither(-soever). [ql

any 0657 ## >ephec {eh'-fes}; from 656; cessation, i.e. an end
(especially of the earth); often used adverb, no further; also
(like 6466) the ankle (in the dual), as being the extremity of
the leg or foot: -- ankle, but (only), end, howbeit, less than
nothing, nevertheless (where), no, none (beside), not ({any}, -
withstanding), thing of nought, save(-ing), there, uttermost
part, want, without (cause). [ql

any 1077 ## bal {bal}; from 1086; properly, a failure; by
implication nothing; usually (adverb) not at all; also lest: --
lest, neither, no, none (that...), not ({any}), nothing. [ql

any 1350 ## ga>al {gaw-al'}; a primitive root, to redeem
(according to the Oriental law of kinship), i.e. to be the next
of kin (and as such to buy back a relative's property, marry his
widow, etc.): -- X in {any} wise, X at all, avenger, deliver,
(do, perform the part of near, next) kinsfolk(-man), purchase,
ransom, redeem(-er), revenger. [ql

any 1697 ## dabar {daw-baw'}; from 1696; a word; by implication,
a matter (as spoken of) or thing; adverbially, a cause: -- act,
advice, affair, answer, X {any} such (thing), because of, book,
business, care, case, cause, certain rate, + chronicles,
commandment, X commune(-ication), + concern[-ing], + confer,
counsel, + dearth, decree, deed, X disease, due, duty, effect, +
eloquent, errand, [evil favoured-]ness, + glory, + harm, hurt, +
iniquity, + judgment, language, + lying, manner, matter, message,
[no] thing, oracle, X ought, X parts, + pertaining, + please,
portion, + power, promise, provision, purpose, question, rate,
reason, report, request, X (as hast) said, sake, saying,
sentence, + sign, + so, some [uncleanness], somewhat to say, +
song, speech, X spoken, talk, task, + that, X there done, thing
(concerning), thought, + thus, tidings, what[-soever], +
wherewith, which, word, work. [ql

any 1991 ## hem {haym}; from 1993; abundance, i.e. wealth: --
{any} of theirs. [ql

any 2654 ## chaphets {khaw-fates'}; a primitive root; properly,
to incline to; by implication (literally but rarely) to bend;
figuratively, to be pleased with, desire: -- X {any} at all,
(have, take) delight, desire, favour, like, move, be (well)
pleased, have pleasure, will, would. [ql

any 3154 ## yeza< {yeh'-zah}; from an unused root mean to ooze;
sweat, i.e . (by implication) a sweating dress: -- {any} thing
that causeth sweat. [ql

any 3198 ## yakach {yaw-kahh'}; a primitive root; to be right(i.
e. correct); reciprocal, to argue; causatively, to decide,
justify or convict: -- appoint, argue, chasten, convince,
correct(-ion), daysman, dispute, judge, maintain, plead, reason
(together), rebuke, reprove(-r), surely, in {any} wise. [ql

any 3201 ## yakol {yaw-kole'}; or (fuller) yakowl {yaw-kole'}; a
primitive root; to be able, literally (can, could) or morally
(may, might): -- be able, {any} at all (ways), attain, can (away
with, [-not]), could, endure, might, overcome, have power,
prevail, still, suffer. [ql

any 3254 ## yacaph {yaw-saf'}; a primitive root; to add or
augment (often adverbial, to continue to do a thing): -- add, X
again, X {any} more, X cease, X come more, + conceive again,
continue, exceed, X further, X gather together, get more, give
more-over, X henceforth, increase (more and more), join, X
longer (bring, do, make, much, put), X (the, much, yet) more
(and more), proceed (further), prolong, put, be [strong-] er, X
yet, yield. [ql

any 3318 ## yatsa> {yaw-tsaw'}; a primitive root; to go
(causatively, bring) out, in a great variety of applications,
literally and figuratively, direct and proxim.: -- X after,
appear, X assuredly, bear out, X begotten, break out, bring
forth (out, up), carry out, come (abroad, out, thereat, without),
+ be condemned, depart(-ing, -- ure), draw forth, in the end,
escape, exact, fail, fall (out), fetch forth (out), get away
(forth, hence, out), (able to, cause to, let) go abroad (forth,
on, out), going out, grow, have forth (out), issue out, lay
(lie) out, lead out, pluck out, proceed, pull out, put away, be
risen, X scarce, send with commandment, shoot forth, spread,
spring out, stand out, X still, X surely, take forth (out), at
{any} time, X to [and fro], utter. [ql

any 3605 ## kol {kole}; or (Jer. 33:8) kowl {kole}; from 3634;
properly, the whole; hence, all, any or every (in the singular
only, but often in a plural sense): -- (in) all (manner, [ye]),
altogether, {any} (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing),
howsoever, as many as, [no-]thing, ought, whatsoever, (the)
whole, whoso(-ever). [ql

any 3793 ## k@thobeth {keth-o'-beth}; from 3789; a letter or
other mark branded on the skin: -- X {any} [mark]. [ql

any 3972 ## m@uwmah {meh-oo'-maw}; apparently a form of 3971;
properly, a speck or point, i.e . (by implication) something;
with negative, nothing: -- fault, + no(-ught), ought, somewhat,
{any} ([no-])thing. [ql

any 4310 ## miy {me}; an interrogative pronoun of persons, as
4100 is of things, who? (occasionally, by a peculiar idiom, of
things); also (indefinitely) whoever; often used in oblique
construction with prefix or suffix: -- {any} (man), X he, X him,
+ O that! what, which, who(-m, -se, -soever), + would to God.[ql

any 4405 ## millah {mil-law'}; from 4448 (plural masculine as if
from milleh {mil-leh'}; a word; collectively, a discourse;
figuratively, a topic: -- + answer, by-word, matter, {any} thing
(what) to say, to speak(-ing), speak, talking, word.[ql

any 4859 ## mashsha>ah {mash-shaw-aw'}; feminine of 4855; a loan:
-- X {any}[-thing], debt.[ql

any 5315 ## nephesh {neh'-fesh}; from 5314; properly, a
breathing creature, i.e. animal of (abstractly) vitality; used
very widely in a literal, accommodated or figurative sense
(bodily or mental): -- {any}, appetite, beast, body, breath,
creature, X dead(-ly), desire, X [dis-]contented, X fish, ghost,
+ greedy, he, heart(-y), (hath, X jeopardy of) life (X in
jeopardy), lust, man, me, mind, mortally, one, own, person,
pleasure, (her-, him-, my-, thy-)self, them (your)-selves, +
slay, soul, + tablet, they, thing, (X she) will, X would have it.

any 5750 ## iteration or continuance; used only adverbially (with or without
preposition), again, repeatedly, still, more: -- again, X all
life long, at all, besides, but, else, further(-more),
henceforth, (any) longer, ({any}) more(-over), X once, since,
(be) still, when, (good, the) while (having being), (as, because,
whether, while) yet (within).[ql

any 5750 ## iteration or continuance; used only adverbially (with or without
preposition), again, repeatedly, still, more: -- again, X all
life long, at all, besides, but, else, further(-more),
henceforth, ({any}) longer, (any) more(-over), X once, since,
(be) still, when, (good, the) while (having being), (as, because,
whether, while) yet (within).[ql

any 5769 ## properly, concealed, i.e. the vanishing point; generally, time
out of mind (past or future), i.e. (practically) eternity;
frequentatively, adverbial (especially with prepositional
prefix) always: -- alway(-s), ancient (time), any more,
continuance, eternal, (for, [n-])ever(-lasting, -more, of old),
lasting, long (time), (of) old (time), perpetual, at {any} time,
(beginning of the) world (+ without end). Compare 5331, 5703.[ql

any 5769 ## properly, concealed, i.e. the vanishing point; generally, time
out of mind (past or future), i.e. (practically) eternity;
frequentatively, adverbial (especially with prepositional
prefix) always: -- alway(-s), ancient (time), {any} more,
continuance, eternal, (for, [n-])ever(-lasting, -more, of old),
lasting, long (time), (of) old (time), perpetual, at any time,
(beginning of the) world (+ without end). Compare 5331, 5703.[ql

any 5956 ## sight, i.e. conceal (literally or figuratively): -- X {any} ways,
blind, dissembler, hide (self), secret (thing).[ql

any 6031 ## ident. with 6030 through the idea of looking down or
browbeating]; to depress literally or figuratively, transitive
or intransitive (in various applications, as follows): -- abase
self, afflict(-ion, self), answer [by mistake for 6030], chasten
self, deal hardly with, defile, exercise, force, gentleness,
humble (self), hurt, ravish, sing [by mistake for 6030], speak
[by mistake for 6030], submit self, weaken, X in {any} wise.[ql

any 6299 ## padah {paw-daw'}; a primitive root; to sever, i.e.
ransom; gener. to release, preserve: -- X at all, deliver, X by
{any} means, ransom, (that are to be, let be) redeem(-ed),
rescue, X surely.[ql

any 6485 ## paqad {paw-kad'}; a primitive root; to visit (with
friendly or hostile intent); by analogy, to oversee, muster,
charge, care for, miss, deposit, etc.: -- appoint, X at all,
avenge, bestow, (appoint to have the, give a) charge, commit,
count, deliver to keep, be empty, enjoin, go see, hurt, do
judgment, lack, lay up, look, make, X by {any} means, miss,
number, officer, (make) overseer, have (the) oversight, punish,
reckon, (call to) remember(-brance), set (over), sum, X surely,
visit, want.[ql

any 6565 ## parar {paw-rar'}; a primitive root; to break up
(usually figuratively, i.e. to violate, frustrate: -- X {any}
ways, break (asunder), cast off, cause to cease, X clean, defeat,
disannul, disappoint, dissolve, divide, make of none effect,
fail, frustrate, bring (come) to nought, X utterly, make void.[ql

any 6912 ## qabar {kaw-bar'}; a primitive root; to inter: -- X
in {any} wise, bury(-ier).[ql

any 7138 ## qarowb {kaw-robe'}; or qarob {kaw-robe'}; from 7126;
near (in place, kindred or time): -- allied, approach, at hand,
+ {any} of kin, kinsfold(-sman), (that is) near (of kin),
neighbour, (that is) next, (them that come) nigh (at hand), more
ready, short(-ly).[ql

any 7235 ## rabah {raw-baw'}; a primitive root; to increase (in
whatever respect): -- [bring in] abundance (X -antly), + archer
[by mistake for 7232], be in authority, bring up, X continue,
enlarge, excel, exceeding(-ly), be full of, (be, make) great(-er,
-ly, X -ness), grow up, heap, increase, be long, (be, give,
have, make, use) many (a time), ({any}, be, give, give the,
have) more (in number), (ask, be, be so, gather, over, take,
yield) much (greater, more), (make to) multiply, nourish,
plenty(-eous), X process [of time], sore, store, thoroughly,

any 7535 ## raq {rak}; the same as 7534 as a noun; properly,
leanness, i.e. (figuratively) limitation; only adverbial, merely,
or conjunctional, although: -- but, even, except, howbeit
howsoever, at the least, nevertheless, nothing but,
notwithstanding, only, save, so [that], surely, yet (so), in
{any} wise.[ql

any 7725 ## shuwb {shoob}; a primitive root; to turn back (hence,
away) transitively or intransitively, literally or figuratively
(not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point);
generally to retreat; often adverbial, again: -- ([break, build,
circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed, lay down, lie down,
lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again, (cause to)
answer (+ again), X in {any} case (wise), X at all, averse,
bring (again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again
(back), cease, X certainly, come again (back), X consider, +
continually, convert, deliver (again), + deny, draw back, fetch
home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back) again, X give (again),
go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see] more, X
needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, up
again), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render
(again), requite, rescue, resto re, retrieve, (cause to, make
to) return, reverse, reward, + say nay, [ql

any 7760 ## suwm {soom}; or siym {seem}; a primitive root; to
put (used in a great variety of applications, literal,
figurative, inferentially, and elliptically): -- X {any} wise,
appoint, bring, call [a name], care, cast in, change, charge,
commit, consider, convey, determine, + disguise, dispose, do,
get, give, heap up, hold, impute, lay (down, up), leave, look,
make (out), mark, + name, X on, ordain, order, + paint, place,
preserve, purpose, put (on), + regard, rehearse, reward, (cause
to) set (on, up), shew, + stedfastly, take, X tell, + tread down,
([over-])turn, X wholly, work.[ql

any 7971 ## shalach {shaw-lakh'}; a primitive root; to send away,
for, or out (in a great variety of applications): -- X {any}
wise, appoint, bring (on the way), cast (away, out), conduct, X
earnestly, forsake, give (up), grow long, lay, leave, let depart
(down, go, loose), push away, put (away, forth, in, out), reach
forth, send (away, forth, out), set, shoot (forth, out), sow,
spread, stretch forth (out).[ql

any 8311 ## sara< {saw-rah'}; a primitive root; to prolong, i.e.
(reflex) be deformed by excess of members: -- stretch out self,
(have {any}) superfluous thing.[ql

any 1513 # ei pos {i poce}; from 1487 and 4458; if somehow: --
if by {any} means.[ql

any 1536 # ei tis {i tis}; from 1487 and 5100; if any: -- he
that, if a(-ny) man('s thing, from any, ought), whether {any},

any 1536 # ei tis {i tis}; from 1487 and 5100; if any: -- he
that, if a(-ny) man('s thing, from {any}, ought), whether any,

any 1538 # hekastos {hek'-as-tos}; as if a superlative of hekas
(afar); each or every: -- {any}, both, each (one), every (man,
one, woman), particularly.[ql

any 2089 # eti {et'-ee}; perhaps akin to 2094; "yet," still (of
time or degree): -- after that, also, ever, (any) further, (t-
)henceforth (more), hereafter, (any) longer, ({any}) more(-one),
now, still, yet.[ql

any 2089 # eti {et'-ee}; perhaps akin to 2094; "yet," still (of
time or degree): -- after that, also, ever, (any) further, (t-
)henceforth (more), hereafter, ({any}) longer, (any) more(-one),
now, still, yet.[ql

any 2089 # eti {et'-ee}; perhaps akin to 2094; "yet," still (of
time or degree): -- after that, also, ever, ({any}) further, (t-
)henceforth (more), hereafter, (any) longer, (any) more(-one),
now, still, yet.[ql

any 2596 # kata {kat-ah'}; a primary particle; (prepositionally)
down (in place or time), in varied relations (according to the
case [genitive case, dative case or accusative case] with which
it is joined): -- about, according as (to), after, against,
(when they were) X alone, among, and, X apart, (even, like) as
(concerning, pertaining to touching), X aside, at, before,
beyond, by, to the charge of, [charita-]bly, concerning, +
covered, [dai-]ly, down, every, (+ far more) exceeding, X more
excellent, for,, godly, in(-asmuch, divers, every, -to,
respect of),, after the manner of, + by {any} means,
beyond (out of) measure, X mightily, more, X natural, of (up-)on
(X part), out (of every), over against, (+ your) X own, +
particularly, so, through(-oughout, -oughout every), thus, (un-
)to(-gether, -ward), X uttermost, where(-by), with.[ql

any 3361 # me {may}; a primary particle of qualified negation
(whereas 3756 expresses an absolute denial); (adverbially) not,
(conjunctionally) lest; also (as an interrogative implying a
negative answer [whereas 3756 expects an affirmative one])
whether: -- {any} but (that), X forbear, + God forbid, + lack,
lest, neither, never, no (X wise in), none, nor, [can-]not,
nothing, that not, un[-taken], without. Often used in compounds
in substantially the same relations. See also 3362, 3363, 3364,
3372, 3373, 3375, 3378.[ql

any 3364 # ou me {oo may}; i.e. 3756 and 3361; a double negative
strengthening the denial; not at all: -- any more, at all, by
any (no) means, neither, never, no (at all), in no case (wise),
nor ever, not (at all, in {any} wise). Compare 3378.[ql

any 3364 # ou me {oo may}; i.e. 3756 and 3361; a double negative
strengthening the denial; not at all: -- any more, at all, by
{any} (no) means, neither, never, no (at all), in no case (wise),
nor ever, not (at all, in any wise). Compare 3378.[ql

any 3364 # ou me {oo may}; i.e. 3756 and 3361; a double negative
strengthening the denial; not at all: -- {any} more, at all, by
any (no) means, neither, never, no (at all), in no case (wise),
nor ever, not (at all, in any wise). Compare 3378.[ql

any 3367 # medeis {may-dice'}; including the irregular feminine
medemia {may-dem-ee'-ah}; and the neuter meden {may-den'}; from
3361 and 1520; not even one (man, woman, thing): -- any (man,
thing), no (man), none, not (at all, {any} man, a whit), nothing,
+ without delay.[ql

any 3367 # medeis {may-dice'}; including the irregular feminine
medemia {may-dem-ee'-ah}; and the neuter meden {may-den'}; from
3361 and 1520; not even one (man, woman, thing): -- {any} (man,
thing), no (man), none, not (at all, any man, a whit), nothing,
+ without delay.[ql

any 3371 # meketi {may-ket'-ee}; from 3361 and 2089; no further:
-- any longer, (not) henceforth, hereafter, no henceforward
(longer, more, soon), not {any} more.[ql

any 3371 # meketi {may-ket'-ee}; from 3361 and 2089; no further:
-- {any} longer, (not) henceforth, hereafter, no henceforward
(longer, more, soon), not any more.[ql

any 3379 # mepote {may'-pot-eh}; or me pote {may pot'-eh}; from
3361 and 4218; not ever; also if (or lest) ever (or perhaps): --
if peradventure, lest (at {any} time, haply), not at all,
whether or not.[ql

any 3381 # mepos {may'-pos}; or me pos {may poce}; from 3361 and
4458; lest somehow: -- lest (by {any} means, by some means,
haply, perhaps).[ql

any 3387 # metis {may'-tis}; or me tis {may tis}; from 3361 and
5100; whether any: -- {any} [sometimes unexpressed except by the
simple interrogative form of the sentence].[ql

any 3762 # oudeis {oo-dice'}; including feminine oudemia {oo-dem-
ee'-ah}; and neuter ouden {oo-den'}; from 3761 and 1520; not
even one (man, woman or thing), i.e. none, nobody, nothing: --
any (man), aught, man, neither any (thing), never (man), no
(man), none (+ of these things), not ({any}, at all, -thing),

any 3762 # oudeis {oo-dice'}; including feminine oudemia {oo-dem-
ee'-ah}; and neuter ouden {oo-den'}; from 3761 and 1520; not
even one (man, woman or thing), i.e. none, nobody, nothing: --
any (man), aught, man, neither {any} (thing), never (man), no
(man), none (+ of these things), not (any, at all, -thing),

any 3762 # oudeis {oo-dice'}; including feminine oudemia {oo-dem-
ee'-ah}; and neuter ouden {oo-den'}; from 3761 and 1520; not
even one (man, woman or thing), i.e. none, nobody, nothing: --
{any} (man), aught, man, neither any (thing), never (man), no
(man), none (+ of these things), not (any, at all, -thing),

any 3763 # oudepote {oo-dep'-ot-eh}; from 3761 and 4218; not
even at any time, i.e. never at all: -- neither at any time,
never, nothing at {any} time.[ql

any 3763 # oudepote {oo-dep'-ot-eh}; from 3761 and 4218; not
even at any time, i.e. never at all: -- neither at {any} time,
never, nothing at any time.[ql

any 3765 # ouketi {ook-et'-ee}; also (separately) ouk eti {ook
et'-ee); from 3756 and 2089; not yet, no longer: -- after that
(not), (not) {any} more, henceforth (hereafter) not, no longer
(more), not as yet (now), now no more (not), yet (not).[ql

any 3819 # palai {pal'-ahee}; probably another form for 3825
(through the idea of retrocession); (adverbially) formerly, or
(by relatively) sometime since; (elliptically as adjective)
ancient: -- {any} while, a great while ago, (of) old, in time

any 3956 # pas {pas}; including all the forms of declension;
apparently a primary word; all, any, every, the whole: -- all
(manner of, means), alway(-s), {any} (one), X daily, + ever,
every (one, way), as many as, + no(-thing), X thoroughly,
whatsoever, whole, whosoever.[ql

any 4160 # poieo {poy-eh'-o}; apparently a prolonged form of an
obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application,
more or less direct): -- abide, + agree, appoint, X avenge, +
band together, be, bear, + bewray, bring (forth), cast out,
cause, commit, + content, continue, deal, + without {any} delay,
(would) do(-ing), execute, exercise, fulfil, gain, give, have,
hold, X journeying, keep, + lay wait, + lighten the ship, make,
X mean, + none of these things move me, observe, ordain, perform,
provide, + have purged, purpose, put, + raising up, X secure,
shew, X shoot out, spend, take, tarry, + transgress the law,
work, yield. Compare 4238.[ql

any 4218 # pote {pot-eh'}; from the base of 4225 and 5037; indef.
adverb, at some time, ever: -- afore-({any}, some-)time(-s), at
length (the last), (+ n-)ever, in the old time, in time past,
once, when.[ql

any 4369 # prostithemi {pros-tith'-ay-mee}; from 4314 and 5087;
to place additionally, i.e. lay beside, annex, repeat: -- add,
again, give more, increase, lay unto, proceed further, speak to
{any} more.[ql

any 4455 # popote {po'-pot-e}; from 4452 and 4218; at any time,
i.e. (with negative particle) at no time: -- at any time, +
never ( {any} man), + yet, never man.[ql

any 4455 # popote {po'-pot-e}; from 4452 and 4218; at any time,
i.e. (with negative particle) at no time: -- at {any} time, +
never ( any man), + yet, never man.[ql

any 4458 # -pos {poce}; adverb from the base of 4225; an
enclitic particle of indefiniteness of manner; somehow or anyhow;
used only in composition: -- haply, by {any} (some) means,
perhaps. See 1513, 3381. Compare 4459.[ql

any 5100 # tis {tis}; an enclitic indefinite pronoun; some or
any person or object: -- a (kind of), {any} (man, thing, thing
at all), certain (thing), divers, he (every) man, one (X thing),
ought, + partly, some (man, -body, -thing, -what), (+ that no-
)thing, what(-soever), X wherewith, whom[-soever], whose([-

any 5158 # tropos {trop'-os}; from the same as 5157; a turn, i.e.
(by implication) mode or style (especially with preposition or
relative prefix as adverb, like); figuratively, deportment or
character: -- (even) as, conversation, [+ like] manner, (+ by
{any}) means, way.[ql
