Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0241 + stranger +/ . allogenes {al-log-en-ace'}; from 0243 + One + one + Some + more + other + others + Others + Another + another + but some + But some + And some + The other + the other + But other + to others + otherwise + For other + And other + them other + to another + of another + did others + And others + that other + and others + man others + To another + unto other + out another + and another + you another + And another + unto others + is he others + day . Others + There is one + as the other + and the other + yet of others + and of others + And the other + after another + out that other + thing and some + we for another + and to another + and that other + one thing some + is not another + is and the other + and to the other + but there is one + There is another + to him the other + and of the other + unto them another + and let the other + and so did another + Is it I and another + For I mean not that other + And there were also with him other +/ and 1085 + born + kind + kinds + kindred + by nation + generation + own nation + diversities + of the stock + divers kinds + his offspring + with our kindred + and the offspring + and of the country + as were of the kindred + by mine own countrymen + as we are the offspring +/ ; foreign, i .e . not a Jew: --stranger .

0244 + in other + as a busybody +/ . allotriepiskopos {al-lot-ree-ep-is'-kop-os}; from 0245 + man s + another + of other + of others + in another + upon another + in a strange + of strangers + of the aliens + And a stranger + as in a strange + that is of other + unto him Of strangers + in that which is another +/ and 1985 + A bishop + and Bishop + For a bishop + with the bishops +/ ; overseeing others' affairs, i .e . a meddler (specially, in Gentile customs): --busybody in other men's matters .

0245 + man s + another + of other + of others + in another + upon another + in a strange + of strangers + of the aliens + And a stranger + as in a strange + that is of other + unto him Of strangers + in that which is another +/ . allotrios {al-lot'-ree-os}; from 0243 + One + one + Some + more + other + others + Others + Another + another + but some + But some + And some + The other + the other + But other + to others + otherwise + For other + And other + them other + to another + of another + did others + And others + that other + and others + man others + To another + unto other + out another + and another + you another + And another + unto others + is he others + day . Others + There is one + as the other + and the other + yet of others + and of others + And the other + after another + out that other + thing and some + we for another + and to another + and that other + one thing some + is not another + is and the other + and to the other + but there is one + There is another + to him the other + and of the other + unto them another + and let the other + and so did another + Is it I and another + For I mean not that other + And there were also with him other +/ ; another's, i .e . not one's own; by extension foreign, not akin, hostile: --alien, (an-)other (man's, men's), strange(-r) .

0526 + alienated + being aliens +/ . apallotrioo {ap-al-lot-ree-o'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and a derivative of 0245 + man s + another + of other + of others + in another + upon another + in a strange + of strangers + of the aliens + And a stranger + as in a strange + that is of other + unto him Of strangers + in that which is another +/ ; to estrange away, i .e . (passively and figuratively) to be non-participant: --alienate, be alien .

1508 + save + except + Except + saving + in save + him save + you save + me except + And except + thing save + with them more +/ . ei me {i may}; from 1487 + If 1487- If 1487- If + if + If + I if + as if + he if + and if + man if + But if + but if + And if + for if + For if + him If + him if + you if + that if + Whether + that if + whether + What if + is it if + it me if + you ; if + thing if + Forasmuch + of you if + things If + me whether + us whether + For though + himself if + unto him If + well and if + you that if + him whether + not whether + with him if + unto her If + him whether + For if there + unto them If + of you whether + they are . For if + unto him Although + unto them Whether + again unto you . If + unto you There shall no + out from us but they were not of us ; for if +/ and 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ ; if not: --but, except (that), if not, more than, save (only) that, saving, till .

1777 + subject + He is guilty + shall be guilty + but is in danger + him to be guilty + shall be in danger + point he is guilty +/ . enochos {en'-okh-os}; from 1758 + to urge + had a quarrel + and be not entangled +/ ; liable to (a condition, penalty or imputation): --in danger of, guilty of, subject to .

2793 + is in danger + For we are in danger + stand we in jeopardy + with water and were in jeopardy +/ . kinduneuo {kin-doon-yoo'-o}; from 2794 + peril + in perils +/ ; to undergo peril: --be in danger, be (stand) in jeopardy .

2855 + out the changers + of the moneychangers +/ . kollubistes {kol-loo-bis-tace'}; from a presumed derivative of kollubos (a small coin; probably akin to 2854 + religion + with eyesalve +/ ); a coin-dealer: --(money-)changer .

3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ . me {may}; a primary particle of qualified negation (whereas 3756 + No + no + Nay + nay + nor + When + none + never + be no + us no + me no + of no + is no + as no + we no + and no + And no + cannot + And no + him No + had no + I none + him no + thee no + neither + that no + and nay + Neither + nothing + hath no + have no + it is no + him none + and is no + that never + men cannot + he is none + There is no + For nothing + had nothing + and have no + they cannot + there is no + there be no + and neither + he had never + there was no + than they No + There hath no + there is none + shall have no + There is none + then should no + and ye laid no + it and that no + for there is no + For there is no + and there is no + that they be no + There is neither + unto him neither + and in him is no + there is neither + for they neither + thou hast had no + Thou shalt do no + from them neither + and there is none + there shall be no + and there shall no + that there was none + yet found they none + And there shall be no + for there shall be no + in yourselves neither + and there shall be no + away ; and there was no +/ expresses an absolute denial); (adverbially) not, (conjunctionally) lest; also (as an interrogative implying a negative answer [whereas 3756 + No + no + Nay + nay + nor + When + none + never + be no + us no + me no + of no + is no + as no + we no + and no + And no + cannot + And no + him No + had no + I none + him no + thee no + neither + that no + and nay + Neither + nothing + hath no + have no + it is no + him none + and is no + that never + men cannot + he is none + There is no + For nothing + had nothing + and have no + they cannot + there is no + there be no + and neither + he had never + there was no + than they No + There hath no + there is none + shall have no + There is none + then should no + and ye laid no + it and that no + for there is no + For there is no + and there is no + that they be no + There is neither + unto him neither + and in him is no + there is neither + for they neither + thou hast had no + Thou shalt do no + from them neither + and there is none + there shall be no + and there shall no + that there was none + yet found they none + And there shall be no + for there shall be no + in yourselves neither + and there shall be no + away ; and there was no +/ expects an affirmative one]) whether: --any but (that), X forbear, + God forbid, + lack, lest, neither, never, no (X wise in), none, nor, [can-]not, nothing, that not, un[-taken], without . Often used in compounds in substantially the same relations . See also 3362 + any + except + Except + I except + ye except + but except + to me except + can ye except + from me except + unto me except + and said Except + unto him Except + unto you Except + unto them Except + unto thee Except + unto you That except +/ , 3363, 3364 + no + nor + ever + case + means + at all + thee nor + thee in any + shall in no + I will never + shall by any + with thee yet + ye shall in no + in thee ; and no + not after them nor + to me I will in no + which ye shall in no + And there shall in no + unto thee Thou shalt by no +/ , 3372 + and length + The length + and the length +/ , 3373 + and grow +/ , 3375, 3378 .

3362 + any + except + Except + I except + ye except + but except + to me except + can ye except + from me except + unto me except + and said Except + unto him Except + unto you Except + unto them Except + unto thee Except + unto you That except +/ . ean me {eh-an' may}; i .e . 1437 + if + If + so + when + ye if + be if + but If + For if + for if + and if + you if + but if + But if + soever + though + him if + Though + And if + but if + him If + thee if + that if + that if + That if + And I if + him ; if + by me if + by you if + me not if + are ye if + that when + Whosoever + on him If + you as if + are we if + and though + Whensoever + whomsoever + whatsoever + And though + But though + And yet if + him and if + For though + But and if + unto us If + unto you if + What and if + you that if + for them if + unto you If + with you if + unto him If + unto them If + him ; and if + not . And if + And whosoever + things soever + and whosoever + And Whosoever + is unto me if + by whatsoever + and whatsoever + but whatsoever + upon it but if + for whatsoever + in him that if + And whatsoever + her whatsoever + For wheresoever + is he whosoever + And wheresoever + unto you That if + unto you that if + me and whosoever + of me whatsoever + for us whatsoever + unto you ; but if + thee whithersoever + unto you Whosoever + it ; and whosoever + the poor and though + unto you Whatsoever + unto her Whatsoever + unto them Whosoever + unto you Wheresoever + and he to whomsoever + I not unto thee that if + And blessed is he whosoever + unto me ; and to whomsoever + me on my journey whithersoever +/ and 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ ; if not, i .e . unless: --X before, but, except, if, no, (if, + whosoever) not .

3363 . hina me {hin'-ah may}; i .e . 2443 + so + must + it albeit + them because + to the intent + To the intent +/ and 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ ; in order (or so) that not: --albeit not, lest, that, no(-t, [-thing]) .

3364 + no + nor + ever + case + means + at all + thee nor + thee in any + shall in no + I will never + shall by any + with thee yet + ye shall in no + in thee ; and no + not after them nor + to me I will in no + which ye shall in no + And there shall in no + unto thee Thou shalt by no +/ . ou me {oo may}; i .e . 3756 + No + no + Nay + nay + nor + When + none + never + be no + us no + me no + of no + is no + as no + we no + and no + And no + cannot + And no + him No + had no + I none + him no + thee no + neither + that no + and nay + Neither + nothing + hath no + have no + it is no + him none + and is no + that never + men cannot + he is none + There is no + For nothing + had nothing + and have no + they cannot + there is no + there be no + and neither + he had never + there was no + than they No + There hath no + there is none + shall have no + There is none + then should no + and ye laid no + it and that no + for there is no + For there is no + and there is no + that they be no + There is neither + unto him neither + and in him is no + there is neither + for they neither + thou hast had no + Thou shalt do no + from them neither + and there is none + there shall be no + and there shall no + that there was none + yet found they none + And there shall be no + for there shall be no + in yourselves neither + and there shall be no + away ; and there was no +/ and 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ ; a double negative strengthening the denial; not at all: --any more, at all, by any (no) means, neither, never, no (at all), in no case (wise), nor ever, not (at all, in any wise) . Compare 3378 .

3365 + Not so +/ . medamos {may-dam-oce'}; adverb from a compound of 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ and amos (somebody); by no means: --not so .

3366 + neither 3366- neither 3366- nor + much + Neither + neither + you nor + not neither + them no not so + let it not be once + not himself neither +/ . mede {may-deh'}; from 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ and 1161 + or + ow + So + Or + et + Yea + now + yet + Now + Yet + yea + some + then + also + Even + Then + even + Also + other + So then + We then + He also + He then + was now + but yet + Moreover + in me or + and some + moreover + away then + Wherefore + thou then + Being then + things yet + and partly + him not yet + Furthermore + in you . Now + Nevertheless + nevertheless + of thee then + of them also + upon me ; yea + And they also + it and them . Now + with us and truly +/ ; but not, not even; in a continued negation, nor: --neither, nor (yet), (no) not (once, so much as) .

3367 + no + any + all + man + none + in no + of no + to no + let no + Let no + in any + to any + not at + that no + That no + to none + nothing + unto it No + you by any + of nothing + upon you no + Let nothing + for nothing + there was no + that nothing + upon you none + And in nothing + and was nothing + for me that none + by us in nothing + I was not a whit + Have thou nothing + with them nothing + when he is nothing +/ . medeis {may-dice'}; including the irregular feminine medemia {may-dem-ee'-ah}; and the neuter meden {may-den'}; from 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ and 1520 + One + one + any + man + only + some + thing + as one + is one + by one + in one + up one + of one + all one + the one + was one + another + are one + for one + several + but one + But one + and one + And one + not one + out one + you one + not one + whether + thou one + with one + than one + that one + and some + as by one + a certain + me as one + let every + it is one + the other + is by one + one by one + of you one + For by one + was of one + to the one + was by one + is not one + no not one + up for one + may be one + you to one + And the one + fast in one + unto me one + and not one + it unto one + and let one + of that one + unto you one + him to never + unto him one + There is one + that the one + with him one + unto him One + unto you One + but this one + but as of one + and the other + For as by one + And a certain + it not to one + as we are one + with thee one + unto them one + him was not any + for us that one + for there is one + hand and another + For there is one + for thee that one + unto you that one + that there is one + hand and the other + he was in a certain + unto them It is one + me that they may be one + And not as it was by one + one of you in particular + is not a mediator of one + But to us there is but one + them ; that they may be one + things and we in him ; and one +/ ; not even one (man, woman, thing): --any (man, thing), no (man), none, not (at all, any man, a whit), nothing, + without delay .

3371 + no + any + more + be no + longer + now no + That he no + henceforth + that henceforth + when I could no + when we could no + of thee hereafter + that there was no + thee henceforward + that ye henceforth + should not henceforth +/ . meketi {may-ket'-ee}; from 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ and 2089 + yea + Yet + any + yet + even + more + I yet + still + longer + we any + is yet + further + and yet + further + For yet + was yet + word Yet + do I yet + moreover + there yet + And after + Hereafter + henceforth + ye are yet + doth he yet + to them any + and further + shall I more + while he yet + unto him Yet + While he yet + And it is yet + unto them Yet + For he was yet + For ye are yet + when it was yet + And while he yet + that he will yet + while he was yet + And as he was yet + it is thenceforth + of all was not yet + And while they yet + But when he was yet + For when we were yet + not ye There are yet + unto you when he was yet + unto you while I was yet + ye not that when I was yet + neither shall there be any + us in that while we were yet +/ ; no further: --any longer, (not) henceforth, hereafter, no henceforward (longer, more, soon), not any more .

3378 . me ouk {may ook}; i .e . 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ and 3756 + No + no + Nay + nay + nor + When + none + never + be no + us no + me no + of no + is no + as no + we no + and no + And no + cannot + And no + him No + had no + I none + him no + thee no + neither + that no + and nay + Neither + nothing + hath no + have no + it is no + him none + and is no + that never + men cannot + he is none + There is no + For nothing + had nothing + and have no + they cannot + there is no + there be no + and neither + he had never + there was no + than they No + There hath no + there is none + shall have no + There is none + then should no + and ye laid no + it and that no + for there is no + For there is no + and there is no + that they be no + There is neither + unto him neither + and in him is no + there is neither + for they neither + thou hast had no + Thou shalt do no + from them neither + and there is none + there shall be no + and there shall no + that there was none + yet found they none + And there shall be no + for there shall be no + in yourselves neither + and there shall be no + away ; and there was no +/ ; as interrogative and negative, is it not that?: --neither (followed by no), + never, not . Compare 3364 + no + nor + ever + case + means + at all + thee nor + thee in any + shall in no + I will never + shall by any + with thee yet + ye shall in no + in thee ; and no + not after them nor + to me I will in no + which ye shall in no + And there shall in no + unto thee Thou shalt by no +/ .

3379 + at + any + lest + time + haply + whether + day lest + it ; lest + thee up lest + peradventure + Not so ; lest + with him ; lest + themselves ; if + from him ; lest +/ . mepote {may'-pot-eh}; or me pote {may pot'-eh}; from 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ and 4218 + at + any + time + ever + when + once + some + When + he at + length + us when + in time + And when + not when + the last + but when + in times + sometimes + not in old + in the old + us in times + not and when + were sometimes + Which sometime + For as ye in times + him that aforetime + For ye were sometimes + that ye being in time + And you that were sometime +/ ; not ever; also if (or lest) ever (or perhaps): --if peradventure, lest (at any time, haply), not at all, whether or not .

3380 + For the children being not yet +/ . mepo {may'-po}; from 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ and 4452; not yet: --not yet .

3381 + lest + Lest + haply + by any + by some + perhaps + him lest + not lest + of you lest + that by any + take heed lest +/ . mepos {may'-pos}; or me pos {may poce}; from 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ and 4458 + means 4458- means 4458- by any 4458- manner 4458- by any 4458- manner 4458- means + -pos- by any 4458-pos- / ; lest somehow: --lest (by any means, by some means, haply, perhaps) .

3383 + or + nor + Nor + much + not so + Neither + neither + not neither + And when neither + that they will neither + that they would neither +/ . mete {may'-teh}; from 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ and 5037 + or + also + both + Then + and so + whether + as both + men both + for even + For both + For whether + and whether + things both + with me both + unto me both + were offered both +/ ; not too, i .e . (in continued negation) neither or nor; also, not even: --neither, (n-)or, so as much .

3385 + nothing +/ . meti {may'-tee}; from 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ and the neuter of 5100 + no + One + any + one + Who + man + who + man + some + Some + every + whose + ought + Whose + a man + man s + ye any + divers + of one + of any + is any + to any + in one + by any + Is any + nothing + and one + And one + by some + as some + was any + But one + to some + certain + a man s + of some + you one + And some + with one + and some + are some + with any + Somebody + upon one + but what + but some + for some + unto any + that one + But some + somewhat + For some + for what + that any + man some + was some + that none + were some + something + with some + a certain + that some + A certain + shall any + it to any + there any + while some + whomsoever + we as some + thee ought + that a man + ye as some + for divers + do nothing + as certain + not in any + up certain + and of one + whatsoever + for a man s + and certain + And as some + And of some + and as some + And certain + man will one + men as every + in a certain + as were some + unto certain + there up one + of a certain + say that one + not that any + that nothing + And when one + Not that any + that certain + of you by any + there be some + For a certain + with them one + was there any + and a certain + unto you some + to that a man + And a certain + But a certain + him a certain + And whatsoever + to be somebody + to him certain + not ; for some + him . And some + unto a certain + upon a certain + down a certain + to be somewhat + for what a man + there be in any + Howbeit certain + that whatsoever + things a certain + I have taken any + unto him certain + Lest there be any + but there be some + unto them certain + Who for a certain + and with a certain + But there are some + There is a certain + of them that ought + that there are some + there was a certain + There was a certain + And there were some + or there are certain + For there is nothing + For there are certain + he unto him A certain + unto them ; and whose + with them and certain + unto you There be some + And there were certain + But there were certain + himself to be something + But there was a certain + And there was a certain + that we should be a kind + unto you That there be some +/ ; whether at all: --not [the particle usually not expressed, except by the form of the question] .

3387 + any + ye any + Hath any + Have any + But let none +/ . metis {may'-tis}; or me tis {may tis}; from 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ and 5100 + no + One + any + one + Who + man + who + man + some + Some + every + whose + ought + Whose + a man + man s + ye any + divers + of one + of any + is any + to any + in one + by any + Is any + nothing + and one + And one + by some + as some + was any + But one + to some + certain + a man s + of some + you one + And some + with one + and some + are some + with any + Somebody + upon one + but what + but some + for some + unto any + that one + But some + somewhat + For some + for what + that any + man some + was some + that none + were some + something + with some + a certain + that some + A certain + shall any + it to any + there any + while some + whomsoever + we as some + thee ought + that a man + ye as some + for divers + do nothing + as certain + not in any + up certain + and of one + whatsoever + for a man s + and certain + And as some + And of some + and as some + And certain + man will one + men as every + in a certain + as were some + unto certain + there up one + of a certain + say that one + not that any + that nothing + And when one + Not that any + that certain + of you by any + there be some + For a certain + with them one + was there any + and a certain + unto you some + to that a man + And a certain + But a certain + him a certain + And whatsoever + to be somebody + to him certain + not ; for some + him . And some + unto a certain + upon a certain + down a certain + to be somewhat + for what a man + there be in any + Howbeit certain + that whatsoever + things a certain + I have taken any + unto him certain + Lest there be any + but there be some + unto them certain + Who for a certain + and with a certain + But there are some + There is a certain + of them that ought + that there are some + there was a certain + There was a certain + And there were some + or there are certain + For there is nothing + For there are certain + he unto him A certain + unto them ; and whose + with them and certain + unto you There be some + And there were certain + But there were certain + himself to be something + But there was a certain + And there was a certain + that we should be a kind + unto you That there be some +/ ; whether any: --any [sometimes unexpressed except by the simple interrogative form of the sentence] .

3578 + a lodging + his lodging +/ . xenia {xen-ee'-ah}; from 3581 + host + strangers + of strange + a stranger + and strange + and strangers + I was a stranger + and to strangers + we thee a stranger + that they were strangers +/ ; hospitality, i .e . (by implication) a place of entertainment: --lodging .

3579 + strange + He lodgeth + were lodged + he is lodged + us and lodged + we should lodge + have entertained + think it not strange + they think it strange + he them in and lodged +/ . xenizo {xen-id'-zo}; from 3581 + host + strangers + of strange + a stranger + and strange + and strangers + I was a stranger + and to strangers + we thee a stranger + that they were strangers +/ ; to be a host (passively, a guest); by implication be (make, appear) strange: --entertain, lodge, (think it) strange .

3580 + strangers + she have lodged +/ . xenodocheo {xen-od-okh-eh'-o}; from a compound of 3581 + host + strangers + of strange + a stranger + and strange + and strangers + I was a stranger + and to strangers + we thee a stranger + that they were strangers +/ and 1209 + took + receive + received + And take + receiveth + I received + ye received + And he took + he accepted + and receive + me receiveth + but received + me receiveth + had received + unto him Take + they received + shall receive + that ye receive + having received + unto you receive + and they receive + they may receive + will not receive + of us ye received + shall not receive + him and he received + that we would receive + in that they received + And they did not receive + not when she had received + which ye have not accepted +/ ; to be hospitable: --lodge strangers .

3581 + host + strangers + of strange + a stranger + and strange + and strangers + I was a stranger + and to strangers + we thee a stranger + that they were strangers +/ . xenos {xen'-os}; apparently a primary word; foreign (literally, alien, or figuratively, novel); by implication a guest or (vice-versa) entertainer: --host, strange(-r) .

3709 + anger + wrath + to wrath + of wrath + vengeance + and anger + and wrath + the wrath + for wrath + his wrath + from wrath + unto wrath + in my wrath + us to wrath + of his wrath + and thy wrath + for the wrath + For the wrath + but the wrath + from the wrath + to execute wrath + us from the wrath + and from the wrath + of his indignation + on them with anger + things sake the wrath +/ . orge {or-gay'}; from 3713 + desire + coveted + they desire +/ ; properly, desire (as a reaching forth or excitement of the mind), i .e . (by analogy,) violent passion (ire, or [justifiable] abhorrence); by implication punishment: --anger, indignation, vengeance, wrath .

3710 + is angry + was wroth + were angry + Be ye angry + being angry + And he was angry + thereof he was wroth +/ . orgizo {or-gid'-zo}; from 3709 + anger + wrath + to wrath + of wrath + vengeance + and anger + and wrath + the wrath + for wrath + his wrath + from wrath + unto wrath + in my wrath + us to wrath + of his wrath + and thy wrath + for the wrath + For the wrath + but the wrath + from the wrath + to execute wrath + us from the wrath + and from the wrath + of his indignation + on them with anger + things sake the wrath +/ ; to provoke or enrage, i .e . (passively) become exasperated: --be angry (wroth) .

3711 + angry + not soon +/ . orgilos {org-ee'-los}; from 3709 + anger + wrath + to wrath + of wrath + vengeance + and anger + and wrath + the wrath + for wrath + his wrath + from wrath + unto wrath + in my wrath + us to wrath + of his wrath + and thy wrath + for the wrath + For the wrath + but the wrath + from the wrath + to execute wrath + us from the wrath + and from the wrath + of his indignation + on them with anger + things sake the wrath +/ ; irascible: --soon angry .

3756 + No + no + Nay + nay + nor + When + none + never + be no + us no + me no + of no + is no + as no + we no + and no + And no + cannot + And no + him No + had no + I none + him no + thee no + neither + that no + and nay + Neither + nothing + hath no + have no + it is no + him none + and is no + that never + men cannot + he is none + There is no + For nothing + had nothing + and have no + they cannot + there is no + there be no + and neither + he had never + there was no + than they No + There hath no + there is none + shall have no + There is none + then should no + and ye laid no + it and that no + for there is no + For there is no + and there is no + that they be no + There is neither + unto him neither + and in him is no + there is neither + for they neither + thou hast had no + Thou shalt do no + from them neither + and there is none + there shall be no + and there shall no + that there was none + yet found they none + And there shall be no + for there shall be no + in yourselves neither + and there shall be no + away ; and there was no +/ . ou {oo}; also (before a vowel) ouk {ook}; and (before an aspirate) ouch {ookh}; a primary word; the absolute negative [compare 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ ] adverb; no or not: --+ long, nay, neither, never, no (X man), none, [can-]not, + nothing, + special, un([-worthy]), when, + without, + yet but . See also 3364 + no + nor + ever + case + means + at all + thee nor + thee in any + shall in no + I will never + shall by any + with thee yet + ye shall in no + in thee ; and no + not after them nor + to me I will in no + which ye shall in no + And there shall in no + unto thee Thou shalt by no +/ , 3372 + and length + The length + and the length +/ .

3939 + in whom + a stranger + he sojourned +/ . paroikeo {par-oy-keh'-o}; from 3844 + at + more + nigh + side + than + above + among + it at + before + down at + against + contrary + them before + that she had + them down at + stripes save + in the sight + unto you than + of himself more + when she was past + And when his friends + that which is against + unto him and he was nigh + such things as they give +/ and 3611 + dwell + dwelling + dwelleth + to dwell + that dwelleth +/ ; to dwell near, i .e . reside as a foreigner: --sojourn in, be a stranger .

3940 + sojourning + they dwelt + as strangers +/ . paroikia {par-oy-kee'-ah}; from 3941 + should sojourn + and foreigners + and was a stranger +/ ; foreign residence: --sojourning, X as strangers .

3941 + should sojourn + and foreigners + and was a stranger +/ . paroikos {par'-oy-kos}; from 3844 + at + more + nigh + side + than + above + among + it at + before + down at + against + contrary + them before + that she had + them down at + stripes save + in the sight + unto you than + of himself more + when she was past + And when his friends + that which is against + unto him and he was nigh + such things as they give +/ and 3624 + home + house + houses + a house + My house + an house + to house + my house + thy house + own house + his house + her house + the house + O ye house + from house + in my house + and a house + their houses + is the house + of the house + to the house + to his house + him an house + to her house + in thy house + in his house + of his house + the household + unto my house + and thy house + with the house + unto the house + than the house + and the temple + and from house + in that my house + to her own house + to his own house + and her household + and the household + out of that house + still in the house + and with the house + unto his own house + for us in the house + to their own houses + thyself in the house + which is in his house + that is in their house + that he was in the house + because he was of the house +/ ; having a home near, i .e . (as noun) a by-dweller (alien resident): --foreigner, sojourn, stranger .

3949 + provoke + to wrath + I will anger +/ . parorgizo {par-org-id'-zo}; from 3844 + at + more + nigh + side + than + above + among + it at + before + down at + against + contrary + them before + that she had + them down at + stripes save + in the sight + unto you than + of himself more + when she was past + And when his friends + that which is against + unto him and he was nigh + such things as they give +/ and 3710 + is angry + was wroth + were angry + Be ye angry + being angry + And he was angry + thereof he was wroth +/ ; to anger alongside, i .e . enrage: --anger, provoke to wrath .

3950 + wrath +/ . parorgismos {par-org-is-mos'}; from 3949 + provoke + to wrath + I will anger +/ ; rage: --wrath .

5133 + to the exchangers +/ . trapezites {trap-ed-zee'-tace}; from 5132 + meat + table + tables + my table + the bank + the table + the tables + man s table + and the table + Let their table + and of the table +/ ; a money-broker or banker: --exchanger .

5336 + in a manger + from the stall + him in a manger +/ . phatne {fat'-nay}; from pateomai (to eat); a crib (for fodder): --manager, stall .

5382 + Use + But a lover + hospitality + of hospitality + given to hospitality +/ . philoxenos {fil-ox'-en-os}; from 5384 + friend + friends + a friend + the Friend + her friends + you friends + and friends + his friends + the friends + be a friend + For a friend + but the friend + unto him Friend + for his friends + not thy friends + with my friends + unto his friends + he is his friend + unto thee Friend + Ye are my friends + unto you my friends + unto them Our friend + which were his friends + be to thee . Our friends +/ and 3581 + host + strangers + of strange + a stranger + and strange + and strangers + I was a stranger + and to strangers + we thee a stranger + that they were strangers +/ ; fond of guests, i .e . hospitable: --given to (lover of, use) hospitality .