Amariah 1Ch_06_07 /^{Amariah /and Amariah begat
Ahitub ,

Amariah 1Ch_06_11 /^{Amariah /and Amariah begat
Ahitub ,

Amariah Ezr_10_42 /^{Amariah /and Joseph .

Amariah 2Ch_31_15 /^{Amariah /and Shecaniah , in
the cities of the priests , in their set office , to give to
their brethren by courses , as well to the great as to the small

Amariah 1Ch_06_07 /^{Amariah /begat Ahitub ,

Amariah 1Ch_06_11 /^{Amariah /begat Ahitub ,

Amariah 1Ch_06_52 /^{Amariah /his son , Ahitub
his son ,

Amariah Neh_12_13 /^{Amariah /Jehohanan ;

Amariah Neh_10_03 /^{Amariah /Malchijah ,

Amariah Neh_12_02 /^{Amariah /Malluch , Hattush ,

Amariah 2Ch_19_11 /^{Amariah /the chief priest is
over you in all matters of the LORD ; and Zebadiah the son of
Ishmael , the ruler of the house of Judah , for all the king's
matters : also the Levites shall be officers before you. Deal
courageously , and the LORD shall be with the good .

Amariah 1Ch_23_19 /^{Amariah /the second ,
Jahaziel the third , and Jekameam the fourth .

Amariah 1Ch_24_23 /^{Amariah /the second ,
Jahaziel the third , Jekameam the fourth .

Amariah Ezr_07_03 /^{Amariah /the son of Azariah
, the son of Meraioth ,

Amariah Zep_01_01 /^{Amariah /the son of Hizkiah
, in the days of Josiah the son of Amon , king of Judah .

Amariah Neh_11_04 /^{Amariah /the son of
Shephatiah , the son of Mahalaleel , of the children of Perez ;

Shamariah 011 009 WIICh /^{Shamariah /and Zaham .
