aloud 1Ki_18_28 /^{aloud /and cut themselves
after their manner with knives and lancets , till the blood
gushed out upon them.

aloud Psa_55_17 /^{aloud /and he shall hear my
voice .

aloud Dan_04_14 /^{aloud /and said thus , Hew
down the tree , and cut off his branches , shake off his leaves ,
and scatter his fruit : let the beasts get away from under it ,
and the fowls from his branches :

aloud Gen_45_02 /^{aloud /and the Egyptians
and the house of Pharaoh heard .

aloud Hos_05_08 /^{aloud /at Bethaven , after
thee, O Benjamin .

aloud Mar_15_08 /${aloud /began to desire him
to do as he had ever done unto them .

aloud Job_19_07 /^{aloud /but there is no
judgment .

aloud 1Ki_18_27 /^{aloud /for he is a god ;
either he is talking , or he is pursuing , or he is in a journey
, or peradventure he sleepeth , and must be awaked .

aloud Psa_132_16 /^{aloud /for joy .

aloud Ezr_03_12 /^{aloud /for joy :

aloud Isa_24_14 /^{aloud /from the sea .

aloud Mic_04_09 /^{aloud /is there no king in
thee? is thy counsellor perished ? for pangs have taken thee as
a woman in travail .

aloud Psa_59_16 /^{aloud /of thy mercy in the
morning : for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of
my trouble .

aloud Psa_51_14 /^{aloud /of thy righteousness

aloud Isa_58_01 /^{aloud /spare not, lift up
thy voice like a trumpet , and shew my people their
transgression , and the house of Jacob their sins .

aloud Isa_54_01 /^{aloud /thou that didst not
travail with child : for more are the children of the desolate
than the children of the married wife , saith the LORD .

aloud Dan_05_07 /^{aloud /to bring in the
astrologers , the Chaldeans , and the soothsayers . And the king
spake , and said to the wise men of Babylon , Whosoever shall
read this writing , and shew me the interpretation thereof,
shall be clothed with scarlet , and have a chain of gold about
his neck , and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom .

aloud Dan_03_04 /^{aloud /To you it is
commanded , O people , nations , and languages ,

aloud Psa_81_01 /^{aloud /unto God our
strength : make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob .

aloud Psa_149_05 /^{aloud /upon their beds .
