alienated And the Babylonians came to her into the

of love, and they defiled her with their whoredom, and she was

polluted with them, and her mind was {alienated} from them.

alienated So she discovered her whoredoms, and

discovered her nakedness: then my mind was alienated from her,

as my mind was {alienated} from her sister.

alienated So she discovered her whoredoms, and

discovered her nakedness: then my mind was {alienated} from her,

like as my mind was alienated from her sister.

alienated Therefore, O Aholibah, thus saith the Lord

GOD; Behold, I will raise up thy lovers against thee, from whom

mind is {alienated}, and I will bring them against thee on every


alienated For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will

deliver thee into the hand [of them] whom thou hatest, into the

[of them] from whom thy mind is {alienated}:

alienated Having the understanding darkened, being

{alienated} from the life of God through the ignorance that is in

them, because of the blindness of their heart:

alienated And you, that were sometime {alienated} and

enemies in your] mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled
