afflict Exo_22_22 /^{afflict /any widow , or
fatherless child .

afflict Num_24_24 /^{afflict /Asshur , and shall
afflict Eber , and he also shall perish for ever .

afflict Num_24_24 /^{afflict /Eber , and he also
shall perish for ever .

afflict Isa_09_01 /^{afflict /her by the way of
the sea , beyond Jordan , in Galilee of the nations .

afflict Jud_16_19 /^{afflict /him, and his
strength went from him.

afflict Psa_89_22 /^{afflict /him.

afflict Jud_16_05 /^{afflict /him: and we will
give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver .

afflict Isa_58_05 /^{afflict /his soul ? is it
to bow down his head as a bulrush , and to spread sackcloth and
ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast , and an acceptable
day to the LORD ?

afflict Gen_31_50 /^{afflict /my daughters , or
if thou shalt take other wives beside my daughters , no man is
with us; see , God is witness betwixt me and thee.

afflict Psa_143_12 /^{afflict /my soul : for I
am thy servant .

afflict Ezr_08_21 /^{afflict /ourselves before
our God , to seek of him a right way for us, and for our little
ones , and for all our substance .

afflict Jer_31_28 /^{afflict /so will I watch
over them, to build , and to plant , saith the LORD .

afflict Amo_05_12 /^{afflict /the just , they
take a bribe , and they turn aside the poor in the gate from
their right.

afflict Psa_44_02 /^{afflict /the people , and
cast them out .

afflict 1Ki_11_39 /^{afflict /the seed of David ,
but not for ever .

afflict Num_30_13 /^{afflict /the soul , her
husband may establish it, or her husband may make it void .

afflict Nah_01_12 /^{afflict /thee no more.

afflict Jud_16_06 /^{afflict /thee.

afflict Zep_03_19 /^{afflict /thee: and I will
save her that halteth , and gather her that was driven out ; and
I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have
been put to shame .

afflict Isa_51_23 /^{afflict /thee; which have
said to thy soul , Bow down , that we may go over : and thou
hast laid thy body as the ground , and as the street , to them
that went over .

afflict 2Sa_07_10 /^{afflict /them any more , as
beforetime ,

afflict Gen_15_13 /^{afflict /them four hundred
years ;

afflict Exo_22_23 /^{afflict /them in any wise ,
and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry ;

afflict Exo_01_11 /^{afflict /them with their
burdens . And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities , Pithom
and Raamses .

afflict Psa_55_19 /^{afflict /them, even he that
abideth of old . Selah . Because they have no changes ,
therefore they fear not God .

afflict 2Ch_06_26 /^{afflict /them;

afflict Psa_94_05 /^{afflict /thine heritage .

afflict Isa_64_12 /^{afflict /us very sore ?

afflict Lam_03_33 /^{afflict /willingly nor
grieve the children of men .

afflict Amo_06_14 /^{afflict /you from the
entering in of Hemath unto the river of the wilderness .

afflict Lev_16_29 /^{afflict /your souls , and
do no work at all, whether it be one of your own country , or a
stranger that sojourneth among you:

afflict Lev_23_27 /^{afflict /your souls , and
offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD .

afflict Lev_16_31 /^{afflict /your souls , by a
statute for ever .

afflict Lev_23_32 /^{afflict /your souls : in
the ninth day of the month at even , from even unto even , shall
ye celebrate your sabbath .

afflict Num_29_07 /^{afflict /your souls : ye
shall not do any work therein:

afflicted Isa_51_21 /^{afflicted /and drunken ,
but not with wine :

afflicted Jam_04_09 /${afflicted /and mourn , and
weep : let your laughter be turned to mourning , and your joy to
heaviness .

afflicted Psa_82_03 /^{afflicted /and needy .

afflicted Zep_03_12 /^{afflicted /and poor people ,
and they shall trust in the name of the LORD .

afflicted Psa_88_15 /^{afflicted /and ready to die
from my youth up: while I suffer thy terrors I am distracted .

afflicted Mat_24_09 /${afflicted /and shall kill
you : and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake .

afflicted Lam_01_04 /^{afflicted /and she is in
bitterness .

afflicted Isa_63_09 /^{afflicted /and the angel of
his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed
them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old .

afflicted Psa_140_12 /^{afflicted /and the right
of the poor .

afflicted Pro_15_15 /^{afflicted /are evil : but
he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast .

afflicted Pro_26_28 /^{afflicted /by it; and a
flattering mouth worketh ruin .

afflicted Lam_01_05 /^{afflicted /her for the
multitude of her transgressions : her children are gone into
captivity before the enemy .

afflicted Psa_119_006 /^{afflicted /I went astray :
but now have I kept thy word .

afflicted 1Ti_05_10 /${afflicted /if she have
diligently followed every good work .

afflicted 1Ki_02_26 /^{afflicted /in all wherein
my father was afflicted .

afflicted Lev_23_29 /^{afflicted /in that same day
, he shall be cut off from among his people .

afflicted Pro_22_22 /^{afflicted /in the gate :

afflicted 2Co_01_06 /${afflicted /it is for your
consolation and salvation , which is effectual in the enduring
of the same sufferings which we also suffer : or whether we be
comforted , it is for your consolation and salvation .

afflicted Jam_05_13 /${afflicted /let him pray .
Is any merry ? let him sing psalms .

afflicted Psa_129_01 /^{afflicted /me from my
youth , may Israel now say :

afflicted Psa_129_02 /^{afflicted /me from my
youth : yet they have not prevailed against me.

afflicted Lam_01_12 /^{afflicted /me in the day of
his fierce anger .

afflicted Psa_88_07 /^{afflicted /me with all thy
waves . Selah .

afflicted Job_30_11 /^{afflicted /me, they have
also let loose the bridle before me.

afflicted Psa_119_007 /^{afflicted /me.

afflicted Rut_01_21 /^{afflicted /me?

afflicted Psa_22_24 /^{afflicted /neither hath he
hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard .

afflicted Isa_58_03 /^{afflicted /our soul , and
thou takest no knowledge ? Behold, in the day of your fast ye
find pleasure , and exact all your labours .

afflicted Psa_18_27 /^{afflicted /people ; but
wilt bring down high looks .

afflicted 2Sa_22_28 /^{afflicted /people thou wilt
save : but thine eyes are upon the haughty , that thou mayest
bring them down .

afflicted Job_06_14 /^{afflicted /pity should be
shewed from his friend ; but he forsaketh the fear of the
Almighty .

afflicted Isa_58_10 /^{afflicted /soul ; then
shall thy light rise in obscurity , and thy darkness be as the
noonday :

afflicted Psa_119_007 /^{afflicted /that I might
learn thy statutes .

afflicted Isa_09_01 /^{afflicted /the land of
Zebulun and the land of Naphtali , and afterward did more
grievously afflict her by the way of the sea , beyond Jordan ,
in Galilee of the nations .

afflicted Isa_60_14 /^{afflicted /thee shall come
bending unto thee; and all they that despised thee shall bow
themselves down at the soles of thy feet ; and they shall call
thee, The city of the LORD , The Zion of the Holy One of Israel .

afflicted Nah_01_12 /^{afflicted /thee, I will
afflict thee no more.

afflicted 2Ki_17_20 /^{afflicted /them, and
delivered them into the hand of spoilers , until he had cast
them out of his sight .

afflicted Exo_01_12 /^{afflicted /them, the more
they multiplied and grew . And they were grieved because of the
children of Israel .

afflicted Num_11_11 /^{afflicted /thy servant ?
and wherefore have I not found favour in thy sight , that thou
layest the burden of all this people upon me?

afflicted Heb_11_37 /${afflicted /tormented ;

afflicted Isa_54_11 /^{afflicted /tossed with
tempest , and not comforted , behold, I will lay thy stones with
fair colours , and lay thy foundations with sapphires .

afflicted Deu_26_06 /^{afflicted /us, and laid
upon us hard bondage :

afflicted Psa_90_15 /^{afflicted /us, and the
years wherein we have seen evil .

afflicted Psa_119_010 /^{afflicted /very much :
quicken me, O LORD , according unto thy word .

afflicted Psa_102_01 /^{afflicted /when he is
overwhelmed , and poureth out his complaint before the LORD .>>
Hear my prayer , O LORD , and let my cry come unto thee.

afflicted Isa_53_07 /^{afflicted /yet he opened
not his mouth : he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter , and
as a sheep before her shearers is dumb , so he openeth not his
mouth .

afflictest 1Ki_08_35 /^{afflictest /them:

affliction 2Co_02_04 /${affliction /and anguish of
heart I wrote unto you with many tears ; not that ye should be
grieved , but that ye might know the love which I have more
abundantly unto you .

affliction Lam_01_03 /^{affliction /and because of
great servitude : she dwelleth among the heathen , she findeth
no rest : all her persecutors overtook her between the straits .

affliction Psa_119_015 /^{affliction /and deliver
me: for I do not forget thy law .

affliction 1Th_03_07 /${affliction /and distress by
your faith :

affliction Psa_107_10 /^{affliction /and iron ;

affliction Psa_107_41 /^{affliction /and maketh him
families like a flock .

affliction Lam_03_19 /^{affliction /and my misery ,
the wormwood and the gall .

affliction Psa_25_18 /^{affliction /and my pain ;
and forgive all my sins .

affliction Lam_01_07 /^{affliction /and of her
miseries all her pleasant things that she had in the days of old
, when her people fell into the hand of the enemy , and none did
help her: the adversaries saw her, and did mock at her sabbaths .

affliction Jam_05_10 /${affliction /and of patience

affliction Job_36_15 /^{affliction /and openeth
their ears in oppression .

affliction Act_07_11 /${affliction /and our fathers
found no sustenance .

affliction Deu_26_07 /^{affliction /and our labour ,
and our oppression :

affliction Psa_44_24 /^{affliction /and our
oppression ?

affliction Neh_01_03 /^{affliction /and reproach :
the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down , and the gates
thereof are burned with fire .

affliction Zec_10_11 /^{affliction /and shall smite
the waves in the sea , and all the deeps of the river shall dry
up : and the pride of Assyria shall be brought down , and the
sceptre of Egypt shall depart away .

affliction Psa_107_39 /^{affliction /and sorrow .

affliction 2Sa_16_12 /^{affliction /and that the
LORD will requite me good for his cursing this day .

affliction Hab_03_07 /^{affliction /and the
curtains of the land of Midian did tremble .

affliction Gen_31_42 /^{affliction /and the labour
of my hands , and rebuked thee yesternight .

affliction Jam_01_27 /${affliction /and to keep
himself unspotted from the world .

affliction 1Ki_22_27 /^{affliction /and with water
of affliction , until I come in peace .

affliction 2Ch_18_26 /^{affliction /and with water
of affliction , until I return in peace .

affliction Lam_03_01 /^{affliction /by the rod of
his wrath .

affliction Job_05_06 /^{affliction /cometh not
forth of the dust , neither doth trouble spring out of the
ground ;

affliction Zec_08_10 /^{affliction /for I set all
men every one against his neighbour .

affliction Lam_01_09 /^{affliction /for the enemy
hath magnified himself.

affliction Deu_16_03 /^{affliction /for thou camest
forth out of the land of Egypt in haste : that thou mayest
remember the day when thou camest forth out of the land of Egypt
all the days of thy life .

affliction Psa_119_005 /^{affliction /for thy word
hath quickened me.

affliction Jer_04_15 /^{affliction /from mount
Ephraim .

affliction Jer_48_16 /^{affliction /hasteth fast .

affliction Job_30_16 /^{affliction /have taken hold
upon me.

affliction 2Ch_33_12 /^{affliction /he besought the
LORD his God , and humbled himself greatly before the God of his
fathers ,

affliction Isa_63_09 /^{affliction /he was
afflicted , and the angel of his presence saved them: in his
love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and
carried them all the days of old .

affliction Oba_01_13 /^{affliction /in the day of
their calamity , nor have laid hands on their substance in the
day of their calamity ;

affliction Psa_88_09 /^{affliction /LORD , I have
called daily upon thee, I have stretched out my hands unto thee.

affliction Gen_29_32 /^{affliction /now therefore
my husband will love me.

affliction Exo_03_17 /^{affliction /of Egypt unto
the land of the Canaanites , and the Hittites , and the Amorites
, and the Perizzites , and the Hivites , and the Jebusites ,
unto a land flowing with milk and honey .

affliction 2Ki_14_26 /^{affliction /of Israel , that
it was very bitter : for there was not any shut up , nor any
left , nor any helper for Israel .

affliction Amo_06_06 /^{affliction /of Joseph .

affliction Exo_03_07 /^{affliction /of my people
which are in Egypt , and have heard their cry by reason of their
taskmasters ; for I know their sorrows ;

affliction Act_07_34 /${affliction /of my people
which is in Egypt , and I have heard their groaning , and am
come down to deliver them . And now come , I will send thee into
Egypt .

affliction Neh_09_09 /^{affliction /of our fathers
in Egypt , and heardest their cry by the Red sea ;

affliction Psa_22_24 /^{affliction /of the
afflicted ; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he
cried unto him, he heard .

affliction 1Sa_01_11 /^{affliction /of thine
handmaid , and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid , but
wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child , then I will give him
unto the LORD all the days of his life , and there shall no
razor come upon his head .

affliction Mar_04_17 /${affliction /or persecution
ariseth for the word's sake , immediately they are offended .

affliction Job_30_27 /^{affliction /prevented me.

affliction Nah_01_09 /^{affliction /shall not rise
up the second time .

affliction Mar_13_19 /${affliction /such as was not
from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this
time , neither shall be .

affliction 2Co_08_02 /${affliction /the abundance of
their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of
their liberality .

affliction Jer_16_19 /^{affliction /the Gentiles
shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth , and shall say ,
Surely our fathers have inherited lies , vanity , and things
wherein there is no profit .

affliction Exo_04_31 /^{affliction /then they bowed
their heads and worshipped .

affliction 2Ch_20_09 /^{affliction /then thou wilt
hear and help .

affliction Hos_05_15 /^{affliction /they will seek
me early .

affliction Jer_30_15 /^{affliction /thy sorrow is
incurable for the multitude of thine iniquity : because thy sins
were increased , I have done these things unto thee.

affliction Php_01_16 /${affliction /to my bonds :

affliction 1Ki_22_27 /^{affliction /until I come in
peace .

affliction 2Ch_18_26 /^{affliction /until I return
in peace .

affliction Jon_02_02 /^{affliction /unto the LORD ,
and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou
heardest my voice .

affliction Psa_66_11 /^{affliction /upon our loins .

affliction Psa_106_44 /^{affliction /when he heard
their cry :

affliction 2Co_04_17 /${affliction /which is but for
a moment , worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal
weight of glory ;

affliction 1Th_01_06 /${affliction /with joy of the
Holy Ghost :

affliction Heb_11_25 /${affliction /with the people
of God , than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season ;

affliction Isa_30_20 /^{affliction /yet shall not
thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes
shall see thy teachers :

afflictions Act_20_23 /${afflictions /abide me .

afflictions Act_07_10 /${afflictions /and gave him
favour and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh king of Egypt ; and he
made him governor over Egypt and all his house .

afflictions Heb_10_33 /${afflictions /and partly ,
whilst ye became companions of them that were so used .

afflictions 1Pe_05_09 /${afflictions /are
accomplished in your brethren that are in the world .

afflictions 2Ti_04_05 /${afflictions /do the work of
an evangelist , make full proof of thy ministry .

afflictions 1Th_03_03 /${afflictions /for yourselves
know that we are appointed thereunto .

afflictions 2Co_06_04 /${afflictions /in necessities ,
in distresses ,

afflictions Col_01_24 /${afflictions /of Christ in
my flesh for his body's sake , which is the church :

afflictions 2Ti_01_08 /${afflictions /of the gospel
according to the power of God ;

afflictions Psa_34_19 /^{afflictions /of the
righteous : but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.

afflictions 2Ti_03_11 /${afflictions /which came unto
me at Antioch , at Iconium , at Lystra ; what persecutions I
endured : but out of them all the Lord delivered me .
