0424   Interlinear Index Study

0424  JOH 006 003 And Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> went <{0424} -anerchomai -> up into <1519 -eis -> a mountain <3735 -oros -> ,  and there <1563 -ekei -> he sat <2521 -kathemai -> with his disciples <3101 -mathetes -> .

0424  GAL 001 017 Neither <3761 -oude -> went <{0424} -anerchomai -> I up to Jerusalem <2414 -Hierosoluma -> to them which were apostles <0652 -apostolos -> before <4253 -pro -> me ;  but I went <0565 -aperchomai -> into <1519 -eis -> Arabia <0688 -Arabia -> ,  and returned <5290 -hupostrepho -> again <3825 -palin -> unto Damascus <1154 -Damaskos -> .

0424  GAL 001 018 Then <1899 -epeita -> after <2596 -kata -> three <5140 -treis -> years <2094 -etos -> I went <{0424} -anerchomai -> up to Jerusalem <2414 -Hierosoluma -> to see <2477 -historeo -> Peter <4074 -Petros -> ,  and abode <1961 -epimeno -> with him fifteen <1178 -dekapente -> days <2250 -hemera -> .

